ABC Game
camping, Caribbean, cabs, cafes, coffee (I put that in for you, badger )
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Thanks Ruth! I have an old coffee pot, blackened by campfires, that's been hauled up mountains in my backpack. Oh, and I bring the "good coffee" on our annual vacay.
destination, departure, drinks by the pool - daiquiris anyone?
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Yes please, I will take a frozen daiquiri with one of those little umbrellas in it....
European Vacation, early flights,
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one frozen daiquiri coming up!
flight, ferry, far-away places
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Hawaii, hours on a plane, holiday, Hollywood.
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itinerary, points of interest
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Jet lag
Jambalaya in New Orleans
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Kids games ,
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Leaving on a Lear jet plane for London, Lima, or Little Rock.
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Little Rock. -
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Love Reba!
Maui, Monterey, motel, margaritas, maid service
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new experiences
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ocean, Oahu, oasis, the (Grand Old) Opry
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packing, Peru, photos, planes
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quiet time
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reunions relatives
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San Fran, Seattle, Saratoga, San Antonio, San Diego, salt, sea, sand, sandles, salt water taffy
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trips, travel agents, tickets, trains, treks, trails, traffic
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umbrella drinks :-)
unpacking :-(
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Vacate home and visit Vina del Mar and Valparaíso, Chile.
vacation pay
vacation package
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the West Indies, the Western Slope of the Colorado Rockies, Waikiki
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X's, as you check off things on your 'what to do before you go' and 'what to bring with' lists
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You-------who deserved a break.
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ZZZZZ sleeping in and afternoon naps, ziplining for the adventurous, or maybe a zydeco band.
new topic: words related to school
alma mater, alumni, algebra, AV Club
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books, biology, band
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biology, bilingual education, baccaloriate
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computer ed, calculus, calisthenics
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Diagraming sentences, Dinosaur diarama, Dating, Drama Club
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English, engineering, elementary
topic is words related to school