ABC Game
cover holes
Create purses ( I’ve seen one at a gift shop)
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duct tape stuff together , decorate your drum sticks
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Encourage kids to be creative. Give them several roles of tape, odd pieces of colored paper and cardboard, cardboard tubes, etc. and let them go...
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Fix almost anything: faucet, flagpole, flashlight, filter, folder
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Get lots of duct tape, great for Gates and Grills
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Hold a hair dryer together
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Improvise an impermeable ice bucket.
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I googled "jerry-rig" versus "jury-rig." A pic of duct-tape accompanied the definitions. ;-)
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K - Keep mailbox on post (someone hit my mail post knocking off the mailbox, I picked up the box from the ground and used duct tape to secure it so I could have mail delivered)
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Duct tape the bindings of school books that have fallen apart.
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L - Duct tape lists of very important things to do on your bathroom mirror.
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M- Mend broken wooden chair seats in cash strapped school districts.
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Notes taped to doors
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office repairs
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Patch pool leaks
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Quik fix for broken glasses frames,
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rain boot cracks can be covered with tape
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Seal cracked plastic lid.
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tape broken glass
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umbrella handle that's broken
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V - duct tape small holes in volleyballs.
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W- wrap duct tape around broken rake handle
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x - duct tape x-ray of clear scan to fridge
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yellow duct tape on the edges of steps to caution visually impaired people
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Z- Zebra patterned ducttape to accessorize a teen's locker and school supplies.
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We made it!
How about dog or cat registered pedigrees?
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Angora, Afgan
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Bernese Mountain Dog, Beagle
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Dalmatian, Doberman, Devon Rex