Warm & fuzzy owls, goats, kitties, dogs, birds ETC. PICS &LINKS
I heard about that Maggie Smith/Dowager Countess cake on the radio yesterday morning!! Thanks for posting, the radio didn't do it justice!! The gloss on the eyes....wonder what the ingredient is.
Guessing the cat pill warning picture is true and not a photoshop job. Lots of vet meds are also human meds and the warning may then be a legal requirement. AND yes, absolutely hilarious when it's for a cat.
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Love the block also!
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Ah yes Exercise
hang on
then there's this thought..
and of course we all get a lot of exercise anyway...
A certain amount of exercise can be very slimming.....
but if that's a bit much I can start out small
and work up to the more ambitious stuff later...
(hopefully no animals were harmed in the making of those two pictures)
Final thought......
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More stuck kitties
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I am sure that all the folks who have kitties have experienced them getting their heads stuck in the handle of a plastic bag? The the cat goes crazy because the bag "follows them" while they spazz wildly trying to get the bag off. There are no photos of these episodes because the owners are laughing to hard to get the camera. Our cats have done this a number of times. Now we cut the handles before offering the bag. Boxes are safer.
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In all the years I had Charcoal i never gave him a plastic bag to play with. He got only brown paper bags to play with. Even now with Princess I give her brown paper bags to play with. Of course she loves not only to play with them, but to tear them apart as well.
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My cat loves the paper bags!
We are having a dark dreary January day here in Wicklow, but not as bad as that cartoon - good reminder to be thankful!
Love the panda Chevy
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I'd be afraid of suffocation with plastic bags. It's printed on some to keep away from babies and pets
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Love the cat and exercise posts. One of our furbabies is a bit obese...actually, really obese. She's 8 kg. So she would make for good exercise/weightlifting!
The winking collie is great - love it! Piece of mind is really good too.
When I was growing up in South Dakota, the winter one is exactly how I felt about winter. I still feel that way about winter, but live in a somewhat better climate now!
Thanks for the great posts!
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Love that Home is where your cat is
Look at this poor (continually) frustrated animal
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Need a bit of music to go with this one...