Warm & fuzzy owls, goats, kitties, dogs, birds ETC. PICS &LINKS
That's like this one--------sorry forget who was the original poster
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about assholes
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I do screen shots too. Don't know about this copy paste thing
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Repost from page 1 just for some fun
Feb 21, 2014 05:52PM , edited Mar 27, 2014 06:18PM by sas-schatzi
would love to see this a a storage area--------but lordy, understand we love to talk and share
RING TONE---I'm about to whip somebodies ass
HeyNunnyNunny---listen to twice to catch all the words
Nature--hawk chasing squirrel, Squirrel survives
Four Goats balancing on steel funny and amazing their balancing ability
doggie daycare---snow romp after Polar Vortex in Feb 2014 Jan.2015 Regretfully, no longer available.
From Chevy 3/27/2014
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Hi Aurora
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Sass, that one about the Women saying "I love you" is so cute! After 57 years married, and 2 more before that, we have reached the point where we always know we will love each other... come hell or high-water.
We are like an old pair of shoes... Comfortable with each other, always together, and couldn't walk without the other...
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So much hilarity in one lifetime....Sas I am going to have the a-hole song stuck in my brain for the rest of today. I am teaching 11-12 year olds this afternoon, better not start singing out loud.
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Love The IRS cartoon.
Chevy - lovely post about your hubby.,
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The cats at the bathroom door are so Princess. I can't go anywhere in the house without being followed and neither can hubby!
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I have a boyfriend but this is funny
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Ah, tis Rabbie Burns birthday! Time for good Scotch, and HAGGIS!!! Not
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love the hugging cats
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Onco warrior- your post made me chuckle - "normally I just laugh all by myself and go away! Yep.. me too. We went to the Scottish games one year and had to admit that was fun. We have a crazed Border Collie who would most likely chase sheep... like she chases frizbees!
Spookie- haggis...yukko.. My DFIL was from Scotland.. eweee kidney pie.. and other icky things. Heck scrapple makes me gag. It looks like boiled card board. After reading the NY Times report on unspeakable animal cruelty at our national labs for livestock and breeding I may join my middle kid (strict vegetarian) and never eat meat again. It's a heart breaking article. They should go to jail. I mean it's sick and cruel.
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2nd time around: I hope you don't mind I stole your giraffe's National hug day and I never make the same mistake twice and posted them in my personal fb. I have a friend who just loves giraffes and gives great hugs, we've been friends for 23 years. And the adorable kid from the Never make the same mistake twice could be a twin of a friend's son.Everybody you all make me laugh, too bad I am not too creative and don't find/look for a lot of memes/jokes but please keep posting I love it.
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My town has a strong Scottish heritage. My DD is a piper. I'm sure the local Scottish society is doing the usual on Burns bday.
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My DH makes his Grandma's Scottish shortbread and is it yummy. Wow. Some things I love but the organ meats..nope. Of course I can eat all kinds of unusual fish things courtesy the Swedes in my family. My DH makes a face! All things relative I guess. It is hard to play the bag pipes how did your DD learn? Not easy to even find a teacher, or the instrument to practice with. What a neat skill!