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Warm & fuzzy owls, goats, kitties, dogs, birds ETC. PICS &LINKS



  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited March 2015


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Kitty on foot vibrator, what are you doing?! Lol

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited March 2015

    Surfdreams - that dog and cookie is so funny. Julie - hilarious joke!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited March 2015

    I have that shiatsu massager and use it on my neck - just like the kitty. Maybe I'll see what my cat thinks.

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited March 2015

    I loved

    "Ding! Using magic, I just turned this into MY hamburger"

    funny how a cat paw on the food can do that.

    My Beastie died age 18 Dec 2012. Her name was originally Lakme after an opera character but got changed to Beastie due to her incredible "food magicking". She was extremely partial to dairy foods and when she was young and in her prime she was nicknamed "the fastest paw in the west". As I would take a pizza out of the oven she would stick out claw and hook the entire topping off the pizza leaving only the bread. The other (awful) trick she had was dive bombing bowls of breakfast cereal from behind the breakfaster. You would be eating the cornflakes or whatever and suddenly from a high place like a kitchen cupboard or dresser she would launch herself onto your shoulder and face first into the bowl. (This was when she was young). I well remember literally running round the downstairs of the house bowl in hand trying to eat breakfast on the move without aerial bombardment. She calmed down when she got older



    This is Beastie when she was 17.

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited March 2015


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2015

    That is so funny Feline! I remember our guy Tiger, seeing a German Shephard outside our front window, and him taking a flying leap across the sofa, right on top of my Husbands bowl of popcorn in his lap! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Man, there was popcorn all OVER the place!

    I tried not to laugh, but it didn't work.... Scared my DH 1/2 to death.... but I had no mercy! Funniest thing I ever saw!


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited March 2015

    Oh my gosh, feelingfeline. I can totally picture your Beastie divebombing in your cereal. It isn't pretty. She looks like she was a big cat! My cat, Dusty, likes to spill people's drinks with his paw and stick his head in larger cups. You can't leave a drink just sitting there. He drives me crazy. Here is an example of him getting a cup stuck on his head.



  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited March 2015


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited March 2015


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited March 2015


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited March 2015


  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited March 2015

    Good one Julie!

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited March 2015

    Great stories about Tiger and Dusty ThumbsUpThumbsUp

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited March 2015

    Police dog - wow! Smile

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited March 2015

    We had a shepherd/lab mix with a very strong tail. She could clear off the coffee table by wagging. We noticed that frequent visitors automatically grabbed their coffee when she got near.

  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337
    edited March 2015

    Love the cat stories! Too funny. Can just picture Beastie and Tiger. Love the pic of Dusty with the up...and yes, at our house, the cat is an asshole. And Wren - I had a golden retriever who was the same.

    My mom had a dumb as himalayan, QT (pronounced cutie when she was good, "quit that" when not). This was in the 80s or early 90s...and mom had a very elegant dinner party at her house with Caesar salad made tableside then the huge wooden bowl placed in the centre of the table. Mom had the superintendent of schools, two school principals, a local politician, etc. and their spouses. QT somehow managed to climb up the back of the giant china cabinet and about 10 second after mom put the salad bowl in the centre of the table, QT did the death from above thing. Mom said it was horrifying but funny, especially as the superintendent of schools had an anchovie hanging off his nose and one of the more elegant women had a piece of lettuce perched on top of her head. :)

    Hugs to all,


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited March 2015

    GREAT LAUGHS----especially the taxi story. It had to be true who could make that up     :)

    OMD KIWI>>>>>.......what a visual on the Caesar salad. TOO funny

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2015



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015


    I'll just stay with doggies.

  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited March 2015

    LOL Happy

  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326
    edited March 2015

    Beautiful Beastie.


  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337
    edited March 2015

    Chevy - I think that's probably what QT looked like when flying into the salad! :) Great picture!

  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited March 2015


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited March 2015


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited March 2015


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited March 2015


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited March 2015
