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Starting chemo July 2014



  • JoeysMommy
    JoeysMommy Member Posts: 64

    Mags... I have 3 sister's and 2 brothers.. we are all very close although 2 sisters and 1 brother live out of NY we do get to spend time together a few times a year.. The are all very supportive, I am blessed to have a huge amazing family with Aunts, uncles, cousins all there for me in addition to my Incredible best friends who I have known for over 30 years in the picture above... It is hard not having my Mom with me through this physically but I know she is watching and guiding from above ♡♡

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Magdalene: do you know which Mayflower ancestor is yours? Mine is John and Priscilla Alden

    JoeysMommy: glad your sister is there for you, family support certainly makes a difference

    Waiting for Lew to come home for lunch, we're going out to a new restaurant with a gift card from my cousin, tucked a scarf in my purse in case my hair decides to fall in my plate.

  • oceanbreeze1818
    oceanbreeze1818 Member Posts: 43

    Mumford - LOVED your blog!  Happy

  • Mumford
    Mumford Member Posts: 88

    Joey's mom...great to see your sister there for you. I have one sister and one narcissister (yes...made that word up just for her). I haven't spoken to her in a couple of years after she did some pretty nasty business following my mom and aunt's deaths...sometimes you gotta let go...I also have a brother (and one deceased brother -- prostate cancer). I'm the youngest...I always tell my siblings that mom and dad stopped once they got it right. This is usually followed by collective eye-rolls.

    I am married to Maureen and we have 2 sons (21 and 18). The 21 year old lives away at university and the 18 year old lives with his dad, but the four of us tramp around together as much as we can. You've all seen the furry son, Mumford...I'm a high school teacher with aspirations to move into administration soon. In Ontario, you have to take a two-part Principal's training program (I've completed this). Although Ontario is a province, we are ranked #2 in education worldwide (after Finland), so I'm really proud of the work I do. All of my career has been devoted to Special Education, but within that, I have had various stints as a teacher of English, Geography, Cooperative Education, and Guidance.

    My brother's prostate cancer, combined with my bc and a previous run in with thyroid cancer in 1996 prompted my MO to refer me for genetic testing for BRCA2 (a paternal aunt also had bc). I don't have an appointment until late Oct., but at least it will be covered financially...will be interesting to  find out if this gene is the culprit.  If I'm positive for the gene, the ovaries are next on the chopping block, for sure!

    Does anyone else have any experience with the genetic testing?

    Puffin, thanks for sharing a bit about yourself. All of that nursing experience is going to come in very handy on this site!

    Happy Thursday, girls.

  • oceanbreeze1818
    oceanbreeze1818 Member Posts: 43

    Mumford - I literally just did genetic testing yesterday.  I was information overload but maybe can help you with any questions you may have or provide you with the information that was provided to me.  After an lengthy informational/question convo they took blood and told me I would have results in one month and would be brought back to go over them. 

  • JoeysMommy
    JoeysMommy Member Posts: 64

    Mumford - I had the genetic test called MY Risk which includes all types of cancer( ovarian,  colon, pancriatic, corectol, prostate, etc)  being cancer has run rampant throughout my family .. Grandparents, parents and aunts and uncles...  Thank God my test came back NEGATIVE .. I myself have already had pre cervical cancer in 1998 clear paps ever since after having a conization procedure..Thank God and vulva dysplasia which I had surgery for in 2002.... Hoping this is the end of my cancer run at least for the next 20 years :) 

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    JoeysMommy, going through this without Mom is one of the hardest things. Mine died ten years ago on Ash Wednesday. She was 85. She was an incredible person who accomplished an amazing list of triumphs, both personal and professional.

    Puffin, we are descended from Francis Cooke.

    My cousin just brought me fresh figs. If your sisters fall away, a cousin makes a good stand in.

  • kebab
    kebab Member Posts: 98

    Mumford -- I did the BRCA testing done when I lived in Ontario in 2009. I'm not sure what type of information you're looking for, but if you have questions, feel free to ask. :)

    I had the testing repeated here in the US just a couple of weeks ago as a requirement of my clinical trial. Two HUGE differences -- in Ontario, I had intensive interviewing with a counselor before being allowed to do the testing, and huge amounts of research into the family tree. Here, not even a single question was asked. In Ontario, it took 6 months to even get the test done and another 6 months to hear the results. Here, I'm told that the average wait time for results is 3 weeks (for the clinical trial, they are fast-tracked and get done in 4 days). The mind boggles.

  • mommymel
    mommymel Member Posts: 77

    Chaosrains , I hear u wen you say that everything change but my girl just don't accepts no. She throw herself on my lap hugs me and another  day she was  playing ruff and kicks me on the port I tought I was going to  die  kkkkk In my mind I would bleed like in a movie kkkk

    But nothing happen just a little pain she is quite something my girl.

    than I told her that she hurt me and I was saad she came and kiss me and said: All better now mommy :) 

    Hoppe every one is doing ok today

    Joys mommy you family is beautiful I wish I had a sister ....  Just amazing the love and support be brave you are a winner !     

  • KiLin
    KiLin Member Posts: 42

    Hi, from a new member!  I had my first CT session on 7/23.  SE haven't been too bad, except for having major stomach cramps & the runs, even living on toast, applesauce and Immodium as I am at the moment!  Yuck.  Need to check back in with oncology office tomorrow for more suggestions.

    I did have genetic testing done - both BRCA and BART - and both came back negative.  I had BC 9 years ago, and my mom and maternal grandmother have both had it, and I had a lot of family history of other cancers (including pancreatic, which is apparently related - news to me!).  Insurance covered a portion of the BRCA testing, but they regarded the BART follow-on testing as experimental.  Luckily, the testing company offered a program which would perform the testing at no cost for people with enough family history, and I ended up qualifying for it.

    My oncologist is still suspicious that I have a genetic factor that is just not covered by current available tests, based on my personal and family history, so I guess we'll just have to keep an eye on new advances in genetic testing to see what's available.  I have a daughter to be concerned about, after all!

    I'm not sure whether there are other questions I can answer about the testing, but am happy to give it a try.

    Best wishes to everyone!

  • RainDew
    RainDew Member Posts: 228

    hi ladies,

    Quite a lot to catch up on!

    Good news is I am being released today - with multiple rx for ongoing antibiotics. Fingers crossed, but looks like we saved the TE (hope I am not speaking too soon here...)

    Bad news is I am going home with a drain again :-( can't do my next chemo till the drain comes out - 1-2 weeks. Ugh. 

    Never thought I would be KEEN to do chemo, but all the delays and waiting...

    Anyhow, that's the update. Limboland.

    Hope all well w everyone else - I'll try to catch up all the posts today (so many!!)

  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Member Posts: 662

    Wizard50 - Being HER2+ we are both on the same TCH regimen.  You might want to check out another discussion board on this site where I have learned a lot about what to expect from our particular chemo drugs. The ladies there are all on TCH and have been very helpful.  Since I started in July, I post here also but I find my side effects are not the same as most of the ladies here.

  • ChaosRains
    ChaosRains Member Posts: 90

    Strange genetic testing has come up as a topic today... was having an excellent day then got a phone call from a genetic counselor at the cancer center... she is going to try to meet with me next Tuesday while I am having my chemo to go over the genetic report... immediately I'm thinking this is not good... if the report came back negative there would be nothing to go over- right?!?... worried what this might mean for my kids... has anyone in our little group came back positive on their genetic testing?

    Did manage to take a selfie this morning before my day was thrown into chaos and worry about things I cannot change anyway... 


  • slappy-squirrel
    slappy-squirrel Member Posts: 200


    Mine came back positive for the CHEK 2 gene. This doubles my risk for breast cancer and increases my risk for colon cancer by about 30%.


  • oceanbreeze1818
    oceanbreeze1818 Member Posts: 43


    My  counselor advised me yesterday that whether or not my results are negative or positive they do all result feedback in person and to expect a call and would even try to work talking to me about my result during a chemo session so I wouldn't have to make an extra trip.  Maybe this is the case for your results.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Welcome, KiLin, and glad you're doing ok, except for the gut issues. I definitely feel your pain, as I am waiting to hear back from MO on stronger meds. 

    RainDew, big hugs! Keep the acidophilus and probiotics going to ward off thrush and other bacterial imbalance issues. Try to rest now that you're out of the hospital madness.

    ChaosRains, may I just say, you are beautiful with or without hair. You have a perfect head to go bald. And I love the makeup job. Very becoming. Certainly no need for a cover on that head.

    By the way, as far as I know, I never had the genetic testing. I suppose there was no need since I was going to have the whole panoply of tx thrown at mine to even get me down to a 40% chance of recurrence, probably also my age was a factor. I lost a maternal aunt to BC, and her daughter also had it, though she is still a survivor after 16 years.

  • Mumford
    Mumford Member Posts: 88

    Chaos, you look awesome!

    Thanks, everyone, for your remarks on the genetic testing. I'm just going to wait and see what they have to say.

    Kebab, funny about the wait's the one downside to free medical care...the good thing is that I didn't have to wait when it really counted -- my diagnosis, surgery, and associated treatment. Everything on that end happened really quickly. I guess there's no urgency to know if the DNA is a mess.

    Did I mention how beautiful Chaos looks...

  • kebab
    kebab Member Posts: 98

    Chaos - you look great. Wow, you can really rock that look. Color me jealous. :)

    I'm BRCA2 positive.

  • ChaosRains
    ChaosRains Member Posts: 90

    oceanbreeze, hopefully that will be the case as well... guess I've gotten use to automatically thinking the worst when it comes to doctors and appointments to go over results lol I am trying to put it out of my mind.

    Shirley, thanks for answering... I quite honestly put the fact that they did genetic testing completely out of my mind and forgot all about it until the phone call, so knowing you are genetically inclined to get something do they do preventative measures like medications? I guess I will have to research...

    Mags, thanks so much for the compliments... I do feel very self concious about not having hair... vanity is terrible! So, I usually do have it covered, but feel comfortable enough with our group to share 

    Mumford, thank you for the compliments as well. :)

    With the big hits our health takes to fight cancer and get well, it's sad that most of the time our self confidence takes a hit as well.  

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    RainDew: sorry your next chemo will be delayed, but good news that the TE saved

    ChaosRains: you could be a model for a bald is beautiful campaign, gorgeous looking

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    I put it on for DH since it's our anniversary.


  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Mags: Very nice, so natural looking. Hope my hairdresser can get mine to look that good.

  • WalleGator
    WalleGator Member Posts: 80

    KiLin - what type of cancer DX you have? We're taking the same chemo and started the same day. 

    Mumford - It's ironic you bring up the testing. I just tested positive for the BRCA gene yesterday. Don't know yet if it's 1 or 2 since I couldn't stop crying. I'll get the full report tomorrow. So upset for my 10 year old daughter, that she might have to go through this one day. Disheartening. But I'm moving on and we'll cross that bridge if we come to it. 

    ChaosRain you look gorgeous! Great job with the makeup too. I can only hope to look so good. I think it'll be scarves for me! Too hot in FL for wigs.

    Anyone's white blood count drop a week or so after their chemo? I read this was normal but I don't hear anyone else talking about it. I dropped to a 1.2

  • fallen22
    fallen22 Member Posts: 15

    HI mommymel,

    You can get the simple sugar products in Pittsburgh supermarkets or online..

    It makes sense that our excema gets better during treatment since excema is an allergic reaction to all those things, hence I can't use soap or touch chemicals. Makes it flare up.

  • boxofrockstar
    boxofrockstar Member Posts: 54

    Hi everyone, jumping in on the last day of the month. I started treatments on the 17th (Adriamycin and Cytoxan) for stage 2 IDC. My hair is just starting to fall out, and I'm tired, but other than that I've been mostly ok. 2 days of bad heartburn, but Pepcid worked great. I'm also 27 weeks pregnant, so it's hard to tell chemo side effects from regular pregnancy symptoms sometimes.

    I still need to catch up and read all the posts, but just wanted to introduce myself and say I'm glad to have found this place. 

  • WalleGator
    WalleGator Member Posts: 80

    Glad you're here boxofrockstar. Sorry you have to go through this when you're pregnant - I can't imagine! I also had the heartburn. Got the Prilosec and the Mylanta. You'll enjoy it on here - lot of good information - stuff i didn't find out from my oncologist, too. Very helpful! Take care.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Welcome boxofrockstar, we're glad you've joined us. You will certainly find a lot of warmth and encouragement here. If you've read any of the thread you already know we share everything here, from the best ways of dealing with our SEs to pics of ourselves with and without hair; kids, pets, and hats.

  • WendyWinslet
    WendyWinslet Member Posts: 6


  • JenKay2001
    JenKay2001 Member Posts: 117

    OK, my turn!




    Wallegator, I ended up in the hospital with neutropenic fever last weekend when my WBCs crashed. They were at 1, and my neutrophils were at 200. 5 bags of antibiotics and a take-home prescription for cipro later and I'm still trying to get rid of the oral thrush that resulted. That's why my jaw is all puffy in this pic. Long story short, be careful :)

    Raindew, glad you're home and on the mend. Sorry about the delay in your treatment, though!

    Chaosrains, you're lovely! I need to learn to use make-up. I've always been a bit of a tomboy but I feel like it might help me feel a little bit more feminine with a buzz cut. :)

  • dancingdiva
    dancingdiva Member Posts: 317

    ACT chemo warriors.....question.....

    Have any of you out your hands in ice during chemo to prevent nail damage? I asked my nurse and she said although it wasn't proven to help, some people do this?