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Starting chemo July 2014



  • wizard50
    wizard50 Member Posts: 89

    Puffin - I had my first round of chemo today and I also had a reaction to Taxotere.  Shortly after med started I began feeling my heartbeat pulsing in my chest and back.  Then I started having back spasms that radiated down to my hips.  The nurse stopped the meds and started a bag of saline.  Once all spasms stopped she restarted the Taxotere at a slower drip and I was ok after that.  It took 2.5 hours to infuse the Taxotere.  

    Pinkninja - I love the wigs.  I agree that the brunette is you but gotta love the blue and wasn't there a pink one too?  

    Hoping everyone is feeling well and dealing with only minimal SE.  Hugs to all.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Kebab, you could get lucky. I'm at Day 17 and though I got it buzzed, I still have a lot of it left.

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286

    Chaos, You bring attention to a very good point.  I'm going to check the "refill" status of all my rx.  I don't want that to happen.  As a matter of fact, the MO office message machine says to call 48 hours ahead to guarantee a refill (that would be office hours I'm sure.)

    Pink: a natural brunette to be sure. Beautiful wigs. 

    I do Pepcid every morning and night to control heart burn.  Heart burn can set off nausea, so I pay attention. 

    G'nite all.


  • Mumford
    Mumford Member Posts: 88

    Hiya, girls

    I was away for a few days for a little R & R (like I'm not getting enough of that...). But this was at a friend's cottage, so a little change of scenery with a lake and evening fires...

    I missed out on the many meltdowns, crochet talk, and lots of hair loss. As always, it sounds like everyone is coping even when it feels like the opposite. It is lovely that there is always someone in this group willing and available to step up with some words of wisdom and encouragement at any given time.

    I visited my MO today to have him look at an IV burn on my hand (this has occurred for both rounds, but this second one is quite the sight on my hand). His reaction: "Oh, shit." The decision was to either switch away from the Taxotere (which also caused an allergic reaction with back spasms, etc) to the Adriamycin. I told him to forget that idea right away (I have heard that the Taxotere is better-tolerated). Or to insert a PICC line in my arm. That's what we're doing. I guess it does the same as a port, but it hangs out of the arm. I just have two infusions left, so it will be with me from sometime next week until Sept. 4. Does anyone else have this? I don't think I've heard too much about it. While I'm not too excited about having an addition to my arm for 3 or 4 weeks, I suppose it's better than the skin damage my hand/wrist is suffering from the tissue damage.

    I'm off to wipe my drippy nose....night night.

  • JenKay2001
    JenKay2001 Member Posts: 117

    Mags, speaking of hair, mine just started falling out like crazy after my shower tonight. There's bare scalp in the back and I'm wearing a turban to keep from shedding everywhere until my BF and I can buzz it the rest of the way down tomorrow. This'd be day... 22 for me. 

  • Mainlady
    Mainlady Member Posts: 12

    I was supposed to have a rx for Diflucan waiting at the pharmacy over the weekend because they thought I would probably get thrush.  Well of course, I did but when we went to get it, the pharmacy didn't have it in stock.  It took until Monday evening for me to get it.  Of course, by then the thrush was going pretty good and I started having stomach indigestion and the big D.  Don't know if it was the Diflucan or just the chemo but not good.   So lesson learned, get your prescription before you need them and watch the refills too!

    Praying for minimal SE's for everyone.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Morning Ladies

    Surprised I was able to sleep till 5 after all those steroids yesterday.

    was very reassuring to see how well the nurses worked as a team
    yesterday when I had my reaction, everyone knew what to do and within a
    minute everything was taken care of and I was feeling better. Since they
    had to slow the taxotere down and run it over 3 hrs, no way could I
    chew ice chips that long, and after the additional benadryl I had to
    take a nap. So being extra careful today to do my mouth rinses. Legs are
    swollen up again so keeping them elevated.

    Had a good talk with
    the dietician, goal is 70 gm protein during chemo and radiation, do 15
    gm lower soluble fiber foods 1st 4-5 days after chemo and then increase
    by 1 higher insoluble fiber food a day after that and I've gotten the OK
    to start probiotics. So at least there's a plan in place to try and
    avoid the diverticulosis attack again. Probably wouldn't hurt to do some
    tai-chi and gentle yoga too!

    I get my neulasta shot this afternoon so I'm drinking my Carnation Instant Brk drink and taking my Claritin.

    you can get to a Look Good Feel Better class definitely take advantage
    of it. There were 5 of us ladies in the class and we had a ball. When
    you register they ask you your skin coloring (lt, med, dark) and your
    makeup bag is chosen accordingly. Glad I got light. You each have a
    little mirror and your makeup bag has about $200 worth of free make up
    in it from various name brand companies. They walk you through
    foundation and concealer & powder, drawing on eyebrows, eye shadow,
    eyeliner, mascara (I was having trouble till I realized there weren't
    any lower lashes left to color), lip liner and lipstick. Once we were
    all glammed up she demonstrated different ways of using the scarves and
    combining them with hats, and sent home pamphlets and booklets with
    diagrams to follow so we could tie them at home. Even had a scarf that's
    made by cutting an old t-shirt off under the sleeves and using the
    remaining tube part as a scarf by rolling it a certain way. I'd brought
    my wig along and thought it needed the bangs trimmed until she showed me
    how I was wearing it wrong. She said most people wear their wigs too
    far down on their foreheads, that they should be positioned way back
    along the edge of the forehead, and how to push in the built in metal
    tabs to help make it stay put.

    Looks like Lew is up, time to eat some breakfast, sort clothes and get washing done while I still feel pretty good.

    Hope everyone has a decent Friday.

  • mommymel
    mommymel Member Posts: 77

    Good  morning  ladies 

    Jannkay thanks for the tip I did take the milk magnesia and the Sean and colace so it's being 4 days now and I'm feeling awful ... I'll try magnesium today ...

    Pink ninja I love the wigs but the last brunet one  I think looks very nice for you:)

    Jannkay and puffins the reaction during infusion must be scary I'm glad you guys did ok.

    Shirley the cap is beautiful 

    Coyote thanks for the tips on TE  I need some help with that ! 

    Well hope everyone go smooth throughout  the weekend ! 


  • ChaosRains
    ChaosRains Member Posts: 90

    So, I had to call my onco sounding like a crazy person this morning.

    Tuesday when I went for my chemo it was scheduled at 9am, but they were having computer problems and my chemo didnt start until about 1pm.  At the end of the infusion when they flush your port there was an extra vial.  I asked the nurse what it was and she told me it was herceptin.  I didn't really think to question it at the time.

    Fast forward to yesterday, I kept having a pounding heart beat that would go away just a thump thump thump really hard then back to normal.  

    I started thinking about the new edition to my chemo and how they didnt tell me I'd be getting anything different so I decided to get out my discharge papers and read up on this new medicine... BUT it was not listed on my discharge papers with all the other meds I got.

    Chemo does make me feel a little spacey, so I wasnt going to take my own word for it.  So, yesterday evening when hubby got home I asked him if he remembered what medicine they gave from a vial after my chemo and he said it was something that sounded like herpes... herceptin- herpes hmm

    So looking up herceptin its for her2+ BC which I dont have... waiting on answers from onco now

  • pinkninja9560
    pinkninja9560 Member Posts: 178


    Where did you get the pattern for the cap? It's beautiful! I need it!! 


    I haven't seen any zombie caps yet! Have you slappy?

    It''s day 2 after my second chemo and the acid indigestion is back and so gross! I'm taking so many meds for this, I hope it's get under control. I'm trying to drink soups and foods that are easier on my tummy. My face is beet red from the steroids and I've woken up at 4 am the last 2 days! At least I got alot done around my house, lol.

    Hope everyone has a blessed day with minimum side effects!

  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Member Posts: 662

    Slappy squirrel  the prettiest hat I've e ever seen!

  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Member Posts: 662

    Mommymel - Usually magnesium 250 mg three times daily will give me the big D after taking it for about 3-4 days, but it doesnt seem to have the same results while doing chemo. Colace seemed to work the best for me.

  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Member Posts: 662

    pinkninja - Ive been taking Omeprazole every night and the heartburn has finally stopped

  • Melrosemelrose
    Melrosemelrose Member Posts: 607

    Chaosrain- I think you may have gotten a "Heparin" flush when you got your port flushed.  it is used to help prevent blood clots and is sometimes used as a port flush.  You probably did not get Herceptin because the Herceptin would have been in an IV bag.  Yes it is very good idea to check with your onco or the infusion nurses.  FYI:  I know that the infusion nurses used the Heparin when flushing my port.  It does come in a vial.  Keep breathing.... 

  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Member Posts: 662

    chaosrains - I know the flush my port with a syringe of saline, then a syringe of Heperin.

  • ChaosRains
    ChaosRains Member Posts: 90

    you guys are right it was heperin and not herceptin, but was not listed on my discharge papers as something I received.  My onco called me personally to explain what had happened and apologized for it not being listed, and that the nurse didn't go over the medication with me, and now they are investigating why it was not recorded in my record as every med is supposed to be scanned to match the barcode on my arm band.

    At least it was nothing major! And, I am not going crazy lol

  • Melrosemelrose
    Melrosemelrose Member Posts: 607

    ChaosRains- Glad everything is okay and now you can breathe again and calm down a little.  Hope you have a restful and relaxing weekend with minimal side effects.

  • dancingdiva
    dancingdiva Member Posts: 317

    SLappy, I LOVE LOVE my hat!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, can't wait it.

    Pink, u have totally inspired me. I'm getting a pink one for next infusion.and the bottom right brunette wig is my fav. It's gorgeous

    Chaos, glad everything is ok.

    I had my #2 infusion yesterday. I used a vein instead of port since I was still tender. All went well, but I think I'm getting really loopy. I lost my watch, one I really liked. I remember mentioning it as I was walking out of chemo but not on my night table. wtf happened to it I don't know. 

    Went shopping for back to school kids clothes today. Can't believe it begins again in 3 wks and al the homework.agh!!!!!

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239

    I believe I read in this thread that there were one or two that had blurry vision from AC? Any thoughts?   I am on day 3 after 1st infusion.  I have had minimal SEs except for vision and a mild headache if you want to call it that.  

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    ladyb1234, I have been having a lot of trouble with my vision, blurry, feels like my eyes are swollen and sore, and headaches also. And I'm on Day 18 of Round #2.

  • Mumford
    Mumford Member Posts: 88

    Vision problems for me, too. Everything looks really blurry. I especially notice it when I'm outside walking or driving because it's my distance vision that's affected.

    My picc line is being inserted Monday morning. The good news? They had to do some advance blood work and my WBC is normal, as are platelets and haemoglobin. One liver value is a bit below normal, but otherwise I'm obviously recovering somewhat between treatments.

    I wish a restful evening and sleep for everyone tonight.

  • pinkninja9560
    pinkninja9560 Member Posts: 178

    I'm definitely having blurred vision and I'm on TCHP. It's kind of bizarre

  • dancingdiva
    dancingdiva Member Posts: 317

    good news, I found my watch, at home, behind the elephant on the entrance piece. Yay.little pieces of happiness. 

    I haven't noticed any blurriness on my side.

    Did anybody get swollen lymph nodes after chemo, 1st wk? This seems to be happening to me again in wk 2.

    Also, how does ur Onc know that the chemo is working aside from having tumors shrunk? My 1st blood work had tumor markers..1 was 2 above normal. My 2nd bloodwork had no markers. I feel like they are shooting in the dark. 

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239

    Thanks all on the response to blurry vision.  I will bring it up with my MO next friday during my follow-up appointment.  I just hadn't read (or don't remember reading) about the blurry vision side effect.  Just headaches.  But all other SEs are very minimal...Hugs to All.

  • pinkninja9560
    pinkninja9560 Member Posts: 178

    I just saw my onc last week and my tumor shrunk a lot after just one treatment! I did get good news too as my genetic tests for getting other cancers came back negative! 

    Wish I could celebrate but se's are starting to kick in, bleh 😝. The indigestion and gross metal mouth are not fun.

    I'm really hoping and praying I can make it to church this weekend since I've missed the last couple of weeks. 

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    ninja: great news on the negative genetic tests and the tumor shrinkage, makes those SE's a little more tolerable when you know you're making progress.

  • kpmacmill
    kpmacmill Member Posts: 69

    Hi LadyB,

    Blurry vision for me too. It usually lasts as long as the fog lasts, about 5 days, so it seems like it must be connected to my brain not functioning properly :-)

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286

    Yes to the blurry vision.  It was time for new glasses before I started this, but I guess that will have to wait.  I can just imagine trying to see out of a pair of glasses that I would get right now. 

    I'm still fighting the big D on day 10.  It leaves me feeling generally yucky and not wanting to eat anything.  Along with finding nothing that tastes worthy, I actually have to force myself to eat.  At first I thought, "Okay, I'll lose a few pounds," but it was explained to me that getting into unintentional weight loss mode at this time might not be such a good thing.  Poor nutrition and "wasting" issues.  Sounds like anorexia. Aside from dill pickles and chicken broth, there's not much that seems appealing.

    It's Saturday. Yeah!

  • jennliza
    jennliza Member Posts: 176

    I would kill for the big D!!!! I have the big C!!! I'm taking miralax...and fiber, but nothing's happening. Going to take a 1/2 a suppository tmrw if nothing happens today. Five days is my limit!!!

    Plus I've gained 5lbs!!! Hoping I drop the weight over these few days of no appetite after treatment. I keep my weight within a range and I am knocking on the top #...not happy!

    And I also have blurry vision... The MO asked me about I guess it's a known side effect. I have to take tamoxifen after chemo...and they cause cataracts...which I already have at age 42. My mom had cataract surgery at 40...looks like I'll be having that too in the future.

  • elainetherese
    elainetherese Member Posts: 1,636

    Hope all of you suffering from the big D and the big C feel relief soon. I just seem to get the big H (heartburn).

    Chemo brain story of the day: I went to the store this morning with my sons and brought a list. Item #1? Toilet paper. So, what was the only item I forgot to buy? Toilet paper. Don't ask me why I bothered to write a list....