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Starting chemo July 2014



  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Member Posts: 662

    kmntwins - thank you so much for the tip - I wiil be picking up nipple cream on the way to work tomorrow. Right now I can barely walk, my feet are so red in some areas they look purple. Tonight I have some aloe sunburn lotion and tylenol 3 

  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    Oh, remember GERMS - squirt it onto something clean and use it.  I just tear off a corner of a paper towel.  Don't want to contaminate by putting your finger on it.  BTW, I just did the look good feel better class from ACS, and they talked about germs and products bunches.  If you haven't done one, sign up.  Free make up (Lancomb, , cleanser, lotions, hats, scarves, wigs.  They even gave us disposable mascara brushes, but that was from the beauty school that did the class not the LGFB bag.  I was disappointed, no false eyelashes.  But the ladies said come back with some and they will show us how to do it for free.  They also said they would trim / cut our hair for free.  We have 2 in the area, 1 at the cancer center one at the beauty school.  Although there was that 'salon' smell, we were in a classroom where my dog nose almost didn't notice it.  I think being there helped, gave us tons of free application products, as they NEVER want us to reuse a puff, eye shadow applicator, etc.  BTW, they said don't do the push pull push pull with the mascara applicator.  It puts air in the tube allowing more space for germs to grow.   

  • pinkninja9560
    pinkninja9560 Member Posts: 178


    I tried the Protonix and carafate, Prilosec, Zantac and a bunch of others. I've never suffered from acid reflux and it burns my throat. It did get a little better when I ate very small amounts of food and basically the brat diet ( bananas, rice, applesauce and toast)

    At your lgfg  class, did they not want you to reuse a puff or eye shadow applicator because of possible infection? I never thought about it since my cell counts have been great.

  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    OMG - you were doing carafate 8 times a day with protonix and still had horrible reflux?  Maybe that is why he wrote me for such a large amount.  BTW what is carafate like?  I haven't even opened it to smell yet.  Might part of the reflux be gas in your tummy?  Are you doing anything for that?  Is this all the time or just at night?  Are you sleeping sitting up?  Like in a recliner, wedge pillow???  Is it all days or just days X-Z?

    The LGFG class said never reuse anything or put anything into the makeup that had already touched your skin, lashes, etc.  It was because of possible infection.  My counts have been good too, but, I did think about it.  Mind you, just used my big brush for bronzer, and it was in old makeup and hasn't been washed in years.  

  • mommymel
    mommymel Member Posts: 77

    Jennliza, I'm so sorry that you have togo throught these. Hope everything goes fine and you can replace your port. 

    Mumford hope you feel better..,

    Pink ninja  glad that your head clear up mine is better too  I'm using cetaphil.

    Coyote NV hope you feel better I was going to tell that I have seeing the same thing that you describe my hair is growing also, and I'm not bald like first time my hair didn't fall totally ..,, I'm almost regretting have shaved ..,,,

    Anyway I'll let it grow to see if will last the not good part is that itches ...

    Here is a pic with my wig the only one I'll get.

    I was just trying it one to see the ones that I liked when my baby girl looked at me and said: Mommy mommy mommy and hug me and kissed me( almost like I was back from a trip).Than I took it off and she wouldn't stop crying and grab the wig and put in my lap saing : It's for you mommy it's for you. I just put it back and bought it . 

    I tought she didn't understand the hair thing (only2,5 years old ) or she wouldn't mind but it's clear that I was wrong ...... BTW she broke my 💔 and I cryed  that day!


  • maidentiredofwaiting
    maidentiredofwaiting Member Posts: 143

    Mommymel you look beautiful.  My 7 year-old doesn't like my bald head but it's been so hot I can't stand to wear a wig.  I go au natural at home but wear a scarf when out and about.  I'm hoping he'll just get used to it.

  • dancingdiva
    dancingdiva Member Posts: 317

    jenn, sorry for your situation, but u seem to be handling it amazingly.

    I have round 3 of AC on Thursday and it will be using the port for the 1st time. I still have steri strips on it and this other hard thing on actual cut. I have no idea how they will access it.  I don't feel the 3 bumps in port through skin.  Kinda starting to get nervous, everybody says it is so much easier and I really insisted son getting it so I hope it eases things. Can't see it now, where the needle will go, with cut still visible. Is needle much bigger than normal, since they always refer to puncturing the port. The puncturing word I don't like!!

  • dancingdiva
    dancingdiva Member Posts: 317

    mommy mel, hugs! My kids told to put the wigs back on too!! 

    How is everybody's eyebrows holding up?? 

  • Mumford
    Mumford Member Posts: 88

    When getting Taxotere: keep your fingers and toes in bags of ice! I wear a thin pair of socks on both hands and feet and the hospital provides the ice bags. It's not the most pleasant after a while, but my nails are fine. 

    It was a rough weekend for me...the 'hit by a truck', 'bad hangover' feeling, but I think I'm out of the woods. If I'm not, I'm going to pretend I am and see how that goes.

    Hope everyone had a happy Monday.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Dancingdiva: if you haven't already, get a script for numbing cream to put on your port before they access it. It has lidocaine in it, you put a large GLOB on the port 1 to 1-1/2 hrs before you expect them to poke you, tape a small square of plastic wrap over it to keep it from rubbing off on your clothes. Keep the square of plastic wrap about the size of the port. I didn't feel a thing when she poked the needle in, I've heard others say it can really smart without the cream.

  • verukany
    verukany Member Posts: 55

    Oh MommyMel-  big ((hugs)) to you and your little one!  I know it's so hard- my almost 4 yr old asks me to put on the wig sometimes- I just haven't gotten comfortable wearing it yet- luckily a friend gave me a fun wig too and then sometimes I put on false eyelashes too so she thinks it's about playing dressup.  I also still have a fair amount of fuzz, so she and the baby both think it's so fun to pet mommy's head because it's sooo soft....hoping they won't be too traumatized if it does end up all coming out....

  • elainetherese
    elainetherese Member Posts: 1,636

    Mommymel: you look great in your wig!

    dancingdiva: eyebrows still here; I pencil them darker to match my wig every day. Still have my eyelashes, too. 

    It's hot here, as Mags can attest. I wear my wig when I'm at the office, teaching, or out in public. But, I just go bald or wear a hat in the house. 

  • slappy-squirrel
    slappy-squirrel Member Posts: 200

    Mommymel, your little girl has great taste! that wig looks wonderful on you!


  • jennliza
    jennliza Member Posts: 176

    DancingDiva -  Ditto on what Puffin said. cant see where the needle goes...but the nurses can. Get the EMLA cream....put it on an hour before your premeds....and you wont feel a thing...promise. No need to stress....the port is more finger or arm pricking. I so hope my port will be replaced and not removed.  I have a feeling it will be the latter, because they all look at my veins and say you have great veins. I had to fight to get the have a feeling the wont give me another one. 

    kmntwins - I tried IVF 2x...back to back cycles before a ton of eggs...but only 6 embryo's made it to day 5 to biopsy.....and none were viable. I had to start no more chances to do IVF. I can do a natural cycle (no stimulation) in a yr when my Herceptin is over before I start Tamoxifen....but that is very costly to try to get one egg. I would love to have a biological child....but it looks like adoption for us if we decide to have kids. If I had more money than I do, I would do an egg donor and surrogate....but there is no certainty in that either. My gay friends did that and they have 2 beautiful kids....but it cost @$150,000. Out of the country it can be done for @ $50,000-60,000K.....still too much for me with no guarantee of a baby. I am going to start conversations with 2 attorneys that do private adoptions shortly. My fiance wants to wait till we get through chemo. I am also planning my wedding for next a lot on my plate....but I have that 60% planned already!!! 

    JenKay - the wig looks great! 

    And to all my fellow 3rd treatments this week....good luck...I hope we all sail through it!!!

  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    Jennliza, so sorry, but my twins were IVF, then my singelton (my 42nd B-day present) was the mucus method, whatever that is called.  Sounds yucky, but it worked.  Also, I have a friend who adopted from Louisiana.  Seems it is a good state for that, they live in VA and got the call the mom was in labor before the state of VA finished all the paperwork.  They had to REALLY fast track it, as the baby was born, but it all worked out.  They got a call about a year later saying the mom was pregnant again, and asking if they wanted that one too.  As they were both in their 40's they decided to stop at 1, so they could spoil the heck out of her. I'm adopted and my parents were just that, my parents, but I do know how you feel, with the exception of adding cancer on top of it.  OK, I have no clue how you feel.  I'll  send you happy thoughts.  

    ELMA cream, I have it, but haven't used it.  They have some can of freezy stuff that they spray then do the 'hook up'.  

  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    Children who have mommy no hair issues - I checked this book out of our library.  It was quite helpful  talks about mommy used to kiss your bald head when you were a baby.  Doesn't work perfectly, for me or them, but it was good.  We also did Mom Goes to War; Aparicic Martin, Irene; Mom and the polka-dot boo-boo; Sutherland, Eileen; When mommy had a mastectomy, Freenfield, Nancy.  I recomend getting from library (if yours doesn't have it, do a search for the state's inter-library loaning system.  Read all first, as the content might not be right for your child, or how you feel about these thing.  I found the pre-k books worked great for my older kids, they would talk about thier feelings.  I had no clue my son thought he gave me cancer by the stress I have that he is bullied at school.  This made me call a therapist and make and appointment, as well as lots of explaining, talking, and love.  

    MOM GOES TO WAR Aparici Martín, Irene 06/29/2014
    FRE-10414638 WHEN MOMMY HAD A MASTECTOMY Greenfield, Nancy Reuben
  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Good morning July warriors! Pleased to report I got some sleep with no help from pain meds last night. The third week eye leakage has begun so y'all are looking a bit fuzzy.

    Mommymel, that wig is definitely you. Not surprised your baby loves it.

    Pinkninja, thanks for checking in, we missed you! Glad you had a chance to get to church.

    Jennliza, glad you got sprung, hope you get to keep a port, that was not an option for my old veins. dancingdiva, if you can get the Emla cream, it's actually painless when they access the port. I didn't have it the first round, so they used the freezing spray, which I found uncomfortable. A generous slather of Emla covered with plastic wrap works great.

    I still have a head full of stubble, though I know I'm still losing it, it probably looks like a lot because it's so short. Can't really tell with brows & lashes as they were already pretty sparse due to thyroid issues.

    Coyote, hope you're starting the upswing.

    Knmtwins, great resources for the young moms! Thanks for sharing!

    Don't you hate having to constantly wipe your drippy nose while you're eating?

  • pinkninja9560
    pinkninja9560 Member Posts: 178


    the carafate tastes and looks  like maalox, make sure you shake it up. I only use it twice a day not 8. 

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264

    "It was a rough weekend for me...the 'hit by a truck', 'bad hangover' feeling, but I think I'm out of the woods. If I'm not, I'm going to pretend I am and see how that goes.Mumford,"


    I had to come here and search through the posts to find your "pretend" one. I started in Aug. so am in the Aug. thread but read the July thread, too. I have been "pretending" not to have SE for about a week now and it seems to be working. It helps that I am in the third week since TCH combo but get H every week. I play lots of psychological games with myself to get through, including pretending I am as strong as everyone else here. I have also decided that when you feel sick, you think you will never get better and when you feel better, you think you will never get worse. Maybe that's just me. I hang onto my good times with all my strength to make them last. Second TCH tomorrow. Got my pretending juices flowing. I'm glad someone else said it so I don't seem crazy. 

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286

    MommyMel; That is a very poignant story.  I know that you think you will never forget it, but be sure to keep a written copy of it. Time can steal away important memories much quicker than we think.  It's very powerful.  

  • boxofrockstar
    boxofrockstar Member Posts: 54

    Hello, all, I was out of town for a while visiting my mom, and haven't been able to catch up - this board moves fast! Still blissfully SE-free, except that I randomly get so tired I feel like I could just shut my eyes and go to sleep wherever I'm standing. Baby is growing and healthy, so chemo doesn't seem to be messing with him at all. Next round for me is this Thursday, hopefully my second-to-last go. 

    knm, thanks for the book recs. I've been wondering how much, if at all, I should talk about this with my son. He's not even 3, and doesn't seem to notice that I'm sick, but maybe he does more than I know. Of course I'm also super pregnant so that's my go-to excuse for why I can't do a lot of things he wants me to do. I cut my hair gradually and I was afraid he'd be upset, but so far he just thinks all my new hairdos and scarves and stuff are funny. I got 2 wigs, one that I think I'll wear a lot, and one just for fun, that's half purple. He LOVES the purple one, of course. Mommymel, your story made me tear up a little, too. The wig looks great! It's too hot to wear one here right now, but soon. 

    jennliza, so sorry to read about your hospital stay! That sucks on so many levels, and it feels so unfair when there is just one. more. obstacle. throwing a monkey wrench into things that are already so complicated. Hope everyone else is feeling as good as can be. 

  • dancingdiva
    dancingdiva Member Posts: 317

    jenn, hope things work day at a time. Would a someone u know be able to be a surrogate without costing so much?

    Twins...thanks for all those books!

    Box, glad things r going well. 

    I shaved an area on my head in order to put double sided tape for my wig on. It is so itchy now!! In comp to the rest of my head. We are in lake George for a couple days before chemo 3. Going to beaches is super stressful now. U wear a wig and sweat like crazy. I wore a short one to beach. I had to bring another one though for when I crossed the border so it looked like my passport. Short one is practically blond so I would look funny. Too many things to bring along!

  • Mainlady
    Mainlady Member Posts: 12

    Had my 2nd TAC last Tuesday and by last Thursday I was having the big "D", severe cramping, stomach issues, basically whole intestinal tract.  I had to go get fluids Friday which helped some but by Sunday the cramping was so bad all I could do was cry.  MO  got me some hydrcodone to help with the pain  until the "D"  got under control.  Weird thing is that I had none of this after the 1st round.  If anything, I was constipated.  I think I'm finally turning the corner.  Seems to be coming under control.

    Shirley--Thank you for the beautiful burgundy hat!  I've wanted to let you know but haven't been able to even get online.

    Praying for minimal SE's for everyone!

  • mommymel
    mommymel Member Posts: 77

    Hi ladies,

    Thanks for the support , and the complements😘

    Knmtwins thanks for the book tip.

    CoyoteNV your wisdom is very helpful I will definitely do a journal , so I'll be able to explain everything to her when she is old enough.

    Boxofrockstar good to hear that your baby is ok with the hair situation :)

    Dancingdiva and VerukaNY , it's good to know that I'm not alone one these... And maybe the kids do this because they are used to see us with hair .., but what can we do !!! Hope all of us can remember these days as a time in the past soon enough ...

    Elianetherese eyebrows and eyelashes  still here too.

    Tomorrow is my turn again3 rd one I'm half way to the end of CTH than only H for an year. Let Chemo do her magic ...

    Hopefully no Big Se's  

    Love to all


  • pinkninja9560
    pinkninja9560 Member Posts: 178


    I had horrible cramping too and my dr gave me a prescription for Bentyl, it stops the cramping.

    I'm running around today getting things done before tomorrow. after tomorrow I will halfway done with chemo!! 

  • Mumford
    Mumford Member Posts: 88

    Raise your hand if you've entertained the idea of 'quitting' chemo.

  • pinkninja9560
    pinkninja9560 Member Posts: 178

    ThumbsUpThumbsUp I definitely thought about it! but, the cool thing is I can feel my tumor shrunk to almost half the size!

  • JoeysMommy
    JoeysMommy Member Posts: 64


    Good Morning Ladies :)

    I hope everyone is feeling ok and I wish you all a beautiful day :)

    Slappy Squirrel, I love the hat... I would sooo love one in black if that is possible.. Please let me know how much, I will PM you my address :o)

    MommyMel , you look beautiful with the wig and I am sure without it as well..  I have about 7 different wigs,  My Mom was fighting Lung Cancer when I was diagnosed and she passed away.  I have her wigs as well as the ones I purchased so I switch all the time :o

    This pic is of me with one of my wigs but I like to add bling with the durags,  I bought these in 6 colors for 5.99 each in a beauty supply store by me, they all have rhinestones on the front.  I love them  :)

    I still have my eyelashes and eyebrows and believe it or not I did not lose all my hair,  I have stubble remaining ~ thin up top and thicker in the back..

    didn't get a chance to read back in the messages and I apologize if I
    ask this question if it has already been asked and answered... but I
    was wondering if anyone doing AC has experienced weight gain... I go
    for my final of 4 treatments of Dense Dose tomorrow and today I got on
    the scale and I am 7lbs heavier that last Wednesday when I saw the
    doctor. I have maintained the same weight through the first 3
    treatments... Is this something I should be concerned about or has
    anyone else experienced this as well. I do have alot of bloating in my
    stomach but just want to make sure this is normal although no one wants
    to gain weight...

  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    Pink, I keep hearing about Bentyl.  Do you use it along with Lomotil on the big D days???  I hate the days leading up to chemo, I get so freaked about what the next 10 days will be like and what symptoms...  Slept HORRIBLY last night.  Will remember to take a xanex tonight!

  • elainetherese
    elainetherese Member Posts: 1,636

    JoeysMommy -- I'm doing dense dose AC, but have actually lost a few pounds. Apparently, gaining weight on AC isn't unheard of, though, because they pump you full of steroids with the premeds, and they contribute to weight gain. Frankly, I think the doctors are more concerned about weight loss than weight gain so I wouldn't be worried if I were you.

    I also haven't lost all of my hair -- it sort-of looks like male-pattern baldness, with most of the hair gone on top and then stubble on the sides.