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Starting chemo July 2014



  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Coyote: walker is better than falling, and only a temporary thing till legs recover from chemo.

    a video of beautiful photos and an awesome message, An Interview with God.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Oh Puffin, that was so beautiful! I'm going to share it around. Thank you for posting it.

  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Member Posts: 662

    pinkninja - I don't know how you're able to walk around at all with your counts so low.  Mine only went down to the lower 10's and my leg muscles would burn when I walked any distance at all.  You must be very strong.  I was supposed to do 6 TCH infusions, but the onco I saw before the 5th (filling in for my usual onco who wasn't there that day) decided to stop TCH after 4 infusions to keep my RBC's from going lower and avoiding a possible transfusion.  But, I was only stage 1 (.6 cm) and the fill in doc doesn't seem to be nearly as conservative as my regular doc.  I was worried he would check my chart and make me do 2 more anyway but so far, I haven't heard from him and have already started rads.  I am wishing you well and no side effects.

  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Member Posts: 662

    Mags - I turn my back for a very short time and you fall apart on us.  Please get well soon and back on track.  I've sort of moved over to the Fall Rads discussion board & have not been paying close attention. 

    All - hurry up and get through, we're all waiting for you!!!!!!

  • elainetherese
    elainetherese Member Posts: 1,636

    Blownaway -- You'll be waiting too long for me! Think I'll end up in the Winter Rads discussion board, because I won't get rads until after my operation (which hasn't even been scheduled yet). But, glad to see you all moving along. We'll all get there someday......

  • nancy2581
    nancy2581 Member Posts: 408

    me too Elaine .  Rads won't start until winter for me.  I still have 12 weeks of taxol to go ugh


  • dancingdiva
    dancingdiva Member Posts: 317

    me too. I'm supposed to stop chemo mid dec. My surgery won't be before feb. I finally got an appt with Plastic surgeon in January .yikes! And then rads. What I long time. 

  • mommymel
    mommymel Member Posts: 77

    Because of the gallbladder surgery I had to postponed my chemo  for 2 weeks ..

    My counts of hemoglobin were so low in the hospital that they didn't want to release me . My onco said was ok but I came home with 7.5 

    Now I'm with 8.0 and my next chemo is schedule for next wendnsday . 

    I don't know if it's too low to do my chemo ... What I know is that my MO won't give me transfusion unless my counts go to 5 .

    I'm frustrated because of the delay since I'm waiting for the end if the treatment to do my back surgery .i have had a lot if pain..

    Praying for everyone here 


  • jennliza
    jennliza Member Posts: 176

    pinkninja- surprised they are doing a blood transfusion if still above a 7. My dropped below 7 when in hospital so had to have one...was told if it goes below 7. I am happy to report mine was. 10.4 today! 

    I thought today was going to be my last chemo....but I decided to do 3 more weekly taxol. I was on TCH....did 3 of those. So today I finished my 3rd weekly taxol (and Herceptin) which is supposed to equal 1 taxotere....and would bring me to an equivalent 4 treatments. Like Blownaway, I was prescribed 6tx, but always felt it was too much for my .6cm of IDC...and was going to stop at 5. So now I'm going to do 3 more weekly taxols to bring me to an equivalent 5 tx. Hey it's not like I'm missing work now!!! I'll be done on Halloween!!!! And I scheduled my TE/Implant swap for Tues 11/25!! I so want to move past this...and get on with a my previous healthy happy life!

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Mommymel: 5 is really low before a transfusion. My MO told me I'd get a transfusion if my hemoglobin dropped to 7 or less

  • elainetherese
    elainetherese Member Posts: 1,636

    Mommymel -- my hemoglobin was a little low yesterday (10.8 when the standard range begins at 11.7), and MO was unconcerned. She said that after we've had so much chemo, we're expected to be a bit anemic. But, the only treatment she really mentioned was a transfusion, and I'm far from low enough for that. Hoping you get your treatment done ASAP so you can get your back surgery! I'm far from the healthiest person, but I do feel lucky to have avoided back problems (so far).

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239

    Puffin, loved the video it was beautiful and thought provoking.

    Mommymel, ditto to what the other's said about the numbers and transfusion.  Glad you are on the mend.

    Mags, get well soon!

    I had my last AC, Woot, Woot! On to 12 weekly Taxol.  I won't be on the rad boards until Feburary timeframe so I while to go for me.

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286

    Puffin - that is a beautiful video. thank you.  The walker would be interesting.  Our house is not really set up for one.  It's a smaller 2 story with the ground floor is set up in a circle around the kitchen. Plus I'm not going out at all - except I did go sit on the couch at my studio and pet my cats for a while today. 

    A couple months ago I broke the nose piece on my transition lens glasses. They are metal wire framed, so I didn't think I could put them back together.  Because of all the eye issues during chemo, I couldn't get new glasses (which I needed to do prior to all of this fun).  I've been switching between various reading glasses to read (not very successfully), watch TV, and use the computer, and see distance - as in drive.  I pretty much stopped driving, because I didn't think I was safe!  The gorilla glue TV ad gave me the idea that I should at least try to fix them.  I make jewelry... I have lots of wire.  Between hollow jewelry wire, fine copper wire, and super glue, I managed to put them back together - and they don't look too bad. (No tape between my eyebrows!)  I am so happy.  Happy 

    I talked to the RO on Monday to ask him if we can consider the 3 week/twice a day radiation schedule.  He said he will look into it and we can talk about it.  With my final chemo on the 21st, I'll have an appointment the first week in November.




  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    ladyb: congrats on finishing AC! So nice to put those milestones behind you.

    Coyote: Great that your chemo brain was able to fix your glasses. Not having the strength to get out and do things makes it even more important to at least be able to see and do things from our recliners.

  • elainetherese
    elainetherese Member Posts: 1,636

    Coyote -- I wish you could fix my bifocals, but I'm afraid what the twins did to them is irreparable.

    ladyb -- congrats on finishing AC! I know I don't miss that drug mix. Taxol seems easier to me. I hope it is for you, too.

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286

    ElaineT- I'm quite pleased with myself about the glasses. When I get new ones when my eye doc says ok, I think I'm going to do something fun with these...bead 'em up.

    This seems to be a quiet day for us. I hope all is well. For me, I'm still at best a "damp" tissue. Big D has been a factor since # 4. Just won't go away.

  • elainetherese
    elainetherese Member Posts: 1,636

    Coyote -- Today's a D day for me, too. I decided I was going to foreswear the Immodium for the day, and just get cleaned out. I'll take the Immodium tomorrow when I plan to be out and about more. Immodium does the trick, but it gives me C.

    Yes, it's quiet around here. Lots of ladies finishing up, graduating to rads. That's good news.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    I'm still here lurking! Went to a Survivor Fashion Show today at the mall, all models were breast cancer survivors. Great bunch of ladies. I was in the audience, not a model. A couple of the 2 and 3 year granddaughters also modeled and stole the show - throwing kisses to the audience as they walked the runway. They were adorable. Had a free will donation bowl for the support group.

  • verukany
    verukany Member Posts: 55

    It was a cool rainy fall day here in NYC- kind of nice except that I've spent the last few days running around like a maniac getting things together for my daughter's cowgirl themed 4th birthday party whoch was today!  The post office lost my package full of her gifts (red cowboy boots) and various other necessary  items for her party (pony pinata) so mad rush rush to get things together.  Thankfully she had a great time, as did her little friends, and even their parents I think!  She's never had a real birthday party, and I was NOT going to let her remember this birthday as the one where momma was bald and tired!  Course, now I'm exhausted and am ready for bed, but it was worth it to see her shining happy face.  Hope everyone is resting and getting some peace this weekend.

  • KiLin
    KiLin Member Posts: 42

    I'm still here too!  I'm doing 6 TC - #5 is next week.  I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, though!

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286

    We seem to be slowing down with our posts.  That could mean that we are getting to the end of our "Starting in July" chemo sessions and moving to other aspects of our treatments.   You have all been important support to me over the last three + months and I hope I have been for you also.  If we lose connection, know that my thoughts, prayers and best wishes are with you.   I'll be around here for awhile yet!  My final chemo is scheduled for the 21st. 

  • slappy-squirrel
    slappy-squirrel Member Posts: 200


    I'm not posting much but I'm still checking in. 


    PS Still love wearing the bracelet you sent me. Thanks again!

  • nancy2581
    nancy2581 Member Posts: 408

    I'm still here and plan to be even when I finish chemo.  Still seems like an eternity away oy!


  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Today was my birthday, turned 63. Made the rounds getting my free birthday meals: had the Grand Slam breakfast at Denny's, took the pancakes home to eat for lunch, and then joined friends at a Mexican restaurant for supper (wore Coyote's bracelet). I am SOOOO full. But it was a fun day.

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286

    Happy Birthday Puffin! Glad it was a wonderful day in North Dakota. 

  • kitkatmo
    kitkatmo Member Posts: 15

    Leaving now for the first of 3 taxotere infusions. I'm feeling a little nervous, but MO tells me that if I have severe SE or end up in the hospital again, we're calling it quits and moving on to rads. Hoping to get them all in. I'm going back to work in a few weeks to avoid termination of my job, so hoping all goes well. 

    Thinking of all of you as always.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    kitkat: hoping your treatment goes well today!

  • pinkninja9560
    pinkninja9560 Member Posts: 178

    I had #5 last wednesday and  I'm still feeling like a Mack truck ran over me. I thought the blood transfusion would make me feel better but I don't feel any difference yet, maybe it's still too soon. 

    Happy Birthday Puffin, mine was yesterday but I spent most if it watching Netflix in bed. I was feeling a little sorry for myself and it has been cold and rainy so that doesn't help. 

    I can't wait to be done with chemo and to start feeling like myself again. I have never laid around so much in my entire life!

  • elainetherese
    elainetherese Member Posts: 1,636

    Happy Be-Lated Birthday to Puffin and pinkninja! Puffin, I can't believe you ate so much! So much food doesn't taste good to me these days that I end up 1) forcing myself to eat or 2) eating those things that taste sort-of good, even if they're not very healthy. Right now, there's some fried chicken in the fridge left over from a neighborhood potluck. Not very healthy, but I'm sure I'll nab a piece for lunch.

    kitkatmo -- good luck with taxotere! I hope you have minimal SEs and can get on with rads.

    pinkninja -- it's cold and rainy here, too. That just means that the twins get extra muddy which means 1) lots of dirt in the house and 2) more laundry for me.

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286

    Happy Birthday, Pink!   I also found #5 to be a bear! 

    I've spent a couple hours at the studio for the last couple days, so "normal" is sneaking in there a little bit at a time. I was exhausted last night.  Of course #6 is lurking.