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A story of goodby not mine but...I miss my wife

silentbell Member Posts: 14
edited February 2016 in May Their Memory Live On

While my mother was pushing ninety she wasn't one to sit back and wait for "the news". So when her older sister was in failing health and fading, she had my sister drive her the 45 minutes to her house to visit. When they went to the door, an older cousin said my mom's not feeling well enough for visits.

My sister says "You are telling your mothers sister who came to visit to bug off because your mom's not feeling well." She wound up seeing her sister, but I would of put it like this, David, lets say you're eighty plus years old and someone drives you 45 miles to visit your dying brother and a nephew tells you at the door that your brother is not well enough for visits. What are you going to do or say about that to your nephew.....


Death and issues..............I miss my wife..........Get this, I finally planted a weeping willow down by the creek and 2 days later I find the deer chewed all the bark off the trunk. Not my first failure, the living Christmas tree we planted two years before was also munched to near death by hungry deer. Circle of life my ass.


  • silentbell
    silentbell Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2016


  • silentbell
    silentbell Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2016

    This is much closer to my story and it's like the two boys are big boy toddlers now and I say to my wife , "Should we try for a girl?'

    She says we just got rid of the diapers, are you crazy? So I say, mother, daughter, grandchild is a special bond.....

    image alt="">

  • silentbell
    silentbell Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2016
  • goodprognosis
    goodprognosis Member Posts: 195
    edited February 2016


    I am so sorry for the loss of your lovely wife.

    Life is so unfair and death so terribly final. I hope you can find your peace eventually.

    A long hard road for you I know.

    Is that your little girl?. She is just lovely.

    Bless you


  • littleblueflowers
    littleblueflowers Member Posts: 391
    edited February 2016

    Hey are you ok? Please do tell us about your wife. We will listen. I am so sorry for your suffering.