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Still Itching 3 yrs after radiation

I had radiation in 2014. Everything went as well as it could. No complications. A year or two ago, I started having a lot of itching, esp when I perspire, under my fold of the radiated breast. Just a few little bumps. I apply baby powder a few times a day, to prevent a lot of sweat etc and it seems to help temporarily. Anyone have any ideas on something else I can do that might help? I wear sports bras when I am not out in public. TIA!


  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363
    edited April 2017

    I sometimes suffer with the itching but not due to radiation. I get relief from benadryl at night. Benadryl cream helps me also. Keep the affected area dry should help and wearing breathable shirts. You could consult a dermatologist.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363
    edited April 2017

    Also I just thought of something. My skin is very sensitive I use about 1/2 the laundry detergent recommended and I use perfume and dye free. I am careful to with soap I use cetaphil soap on my sensitive skin. It may help you with the radiated areas. Dry areas completely before getting dressed.