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Mepitel Thoughts and Tips

Lexicoe Member Posts: 20

I've learned so much on these boards that I wanted to give back a little and share some things I learned for anyone thinking about trying Mepitel fIlm for radiation.

I only ended up using the film for half of my radiation treatment because I was allergic to it. But at my one month follow-up appointment, my RO was surprised by how good my skin like looked and my MO was surprised too--telling me two weeks later that he couldn't even tell that I'd had radiation.

I'd been so disappointed when I turned out to be allergic to it, but I had been telling myself that every day I keep it on, would help --and it looks like I was right!

Several people have posted the links to the two studies about Mepitel Film use for radiation that you can find by searching the boards. But I learned a couple of lessons about using it that might be helpful to others:

1. Get the right Mepitel! Why a company would have 3 products for different uses with such similar names is beyond me. I originally bought and used Mepitel One from Amazon. This is the wrong one! It has different properties and has not been made for radiation!

The radiation product is simply called Mepitel Film. The only place I could find it online in US was a site operated by CVS Pharmacy. You can also find the two sizes they offer (2.4 x 2.8 in, 4 x 4.8 in) in the wound care section of CVS stores--though I had to go to several to get enough boxes of the larger size. You'll want both.

2. Putting it on. If you want to wear it during the radiation treatment, the radiation techs need to put it on you, to ensure markings still line up right and edges don't overlap. There's a good video about applying it on the manufacturer's website that they watched, since this was the first time they were using it.

You can just put it on yourself and remove it for the treatments. If I had to do it again, I would strongly consider doing this. One of the studies was actually done this way, so it seems the benefit is more in helping the skin stay intact and heal itself than actually protecting you during the radiation.

Someone else in this board who went this route said they were able to reuse the same film for a couple days. So yes, you do end up using more film, but I would have worried less about keeping it on exactly as the techs placed it -- and feeling bad when they had to take time to mess with it (like mine did, because I didn't want to stop working out, since it was helping fend off some of the fatigue).

3. The armpit. The film piece at the top of your armpit may need to be replaced every day or two-- that's the hardest one to keep on. DON'T use anything else along the edges to try to keep it on. I stupidly tried kinesiology tape along one edge over a weekend and the skin underneath was quite inflamed and tender when I took it off Sunday night--and it stayed that way for a week.

4. Keeping the film on. How hard this is will depend on a lot of things. We were having a hot and humid spring when I did radiation, plus I was doing modified cross-fit workouts several times a week. So we were going to redo the film once a week, and touch up whatever needed it during the week. Someone in cooler temps and doing less sweaty exercise would probably have an easier time.

Wearing a tight Spanx like tank top over the film when I was out, and a more breathable tank at home, helped a lot. Your clothes are less likely to pull on the film and it helped minimize the effect of gravity.

5. Allergic reactions. Supposedly, these are rare but I have always had sensitive skin, and I wonder if having the wrong Mepitel on the first week played a role. But, I became badly broken out and itchy the second week of radiation and we pulled the plug on the film that Friday. The rash cleared up quickly and the skin effects were pretty mild when I wrapped up radiation 12 days later.

Hope this helps!



  • domzie30218
    domzie30218 Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2018

    Hello, Lexi! Thanks for the tip! Would you recommend taking it off during treatment and then putting it back on after? Would the skin get irritated from this process. Also, I've literally just heard about this today so wondering if this takes the place of creams?

  • Misstic
    Misstic Member Posts: 50
    edited October 2018

    Thank you so much Lexi.

    I tried to figure out what do you mean by "You can just put it on yourself and remove it for the treatments." Did you put on the Mepitel after each session of radiation and pull it off just before the next session, meaning every day, 5 days a week? Did you reuse the same film several times a week.

    Living in France, I cannot access to the video you mentioned because I am redirected on the french website. Could you give us the direct link to the video?

    Thank you so much for your help.

  • Sidalee
    Sidalee Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2018

    Glad to see this topic come up, I too am trying Mepitel Film though this is only my first week. I am experiencing some peeling already near my shoulder and in the center of my chest, but mostly it's staying on pretty good. I will ask my techs to redo it on Monday, they kind of act like it's a waste of time, but I'm not going to let them deter me from trying this. The study I saw was too positive to ignore.

  • beauz
    beauz Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2018

    Hi all. I had my radiation therapy in May with total 33 sessions including 8 boosters on tumor bed, 25 sessions on whole right breast and collar bone area. my radiation place offers Mepitel Film for skin protection. My nurse put the film on me at the second week of radiation. I was asked to have a shower and not to use any skin care product or deodorant before putting on the film to ensure good adhesiveness. The film is supposed to stay on until a week after finishing radiation therapy, and is shower proof. In case the edge of the film rolls off , the nurse will cut off the loose film. If the film has to be replaced, the nurse said to wash or peel the old film off with soap water during shower. I had one film on my collar bone area, one on my scar line and one film on lower half of breast. The film on my scar line only partially covered the radiation field. Half way through the treatment, the skin under my arm pit felt burning. My nurse decided to put a bigger film that covered across the upper half of breast to the back , high up into arm pit. It was an instant relief of the burning sensation. The film stayed on well. Unfortunately I didn't realize that this large film only partially covered my nipple until I saw discharge on my clothes. My nipple oozed for several days and very sore. Apart from oozing nipple, my skin looked pretty good during the treatment. I am very happy with the film. I didn't have to use a lot of messy skin care lotion. I will try to post some photos of the film. All the best.

  • beauz
    beauz Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2018



  • beauz
    beauz Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2018

    this is the photo of the large film. The burt skin part looked horrible but was not sore after being covered up by the film. Apart from oozing nipple, I didn't have any other skin broken from the radiation treatment.


  • Frog-on-the-lilypad
    Frog-on-the-lilypad Member Posts: 159
    edited October 2018

    Thanks Sidalee for sharing the topic. I am glad that my clinic has chosen to use Mepitel.

    Beauz, thank you for sharing your experience. My whole breast is covered with Mepitel mostly, except the nipple area and I have been concerned about it since day 1. I have only had 2 radiations till now. I think I will have a chat with the nurse on Monday about it. When I asked on day 1 they just mentioned that some patients found it inconvenient so they dont use it over the nipples. However, if I have any soreness they will cover it

  • Misstic
    Misstic Member Posts: 50
    edited October 2018

    Thank you Beauz.

    Reading testimonies, I think I am going to use the Mepitel Film.

  • Lucyred
    Lucyred Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2018

    I am starting radiation soon, within the next 2 weeks. I am so glad I found out about this stuff. I am seeing good results from the silicon bandages on my scars from my DMX that I am really hopeful this stuff works.

    Just to be clear, for those that have used them, do you wear them during radiation? Of just between sessions? I understand they are waterproof and sweat proof correct?

    I am meeting with RO tomorrow to go over my plan and possible do my markings. So I want to have a good idea on what needs to be done to use these

  • Sidalee
    Sidalee Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2018

    Lucyred~ I am wearing the Mepitel 24/7. It stays on during radiation and for showers, but I try not to get super wet and I try not to really get sweaty. The film does start to peel away in places after a few days to a week and then my rad techs cut away the peeled parts and replace as necessary. I have complete 10/25 tx so far and no skin damage, but I'm told this is the week things usually show up. Fingers and toes crossed that the Mepitel works!

  • Lucyred
    Lucyred Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2018

    Sidalee thanks so much for your reply. I really really pray that the mepitel works for you.

  • beauz
    beauz Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2018

    Lucyred- mepitel film i used during rads is expensive and not reusable. It hurts a lot to peel it off. My nurse recommends to rub it off with soapy water during shower. My nurse only puts on the film in the second week of radiation treatments to save money and trouble of replacing it. I didn't use soap on the film, only around it and just let water run on the film during shower. The film worked well on my skin except my nipple. Good luck with your radiation treatment.

  • Lucyred
    Lucyred Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2018

    beauz where did you get your mepitel from? The only kinds I can find or have seen is from CVS.

  • beauz
    beauz Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2018

    Lucyred- my radiation center provides the film service. I saw the nurse there once a week or whenever needed for any skin issues caused by radiation during treatment. The nurse decides when, where to put on the film and monitors the condition of the film, trim the loose edge of the film. Sorry I can't be of any help.