Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.

Please do Prayers only



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Heavenly Father, Please be with Kayla and bless her 

    with Your peacefulness and love. Thank You for her

     caring prayers, as You know and love her so. In Jesus name, Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Heavenly Father, Please be with bcincolorado and fill her

    with Your caring love. Help her with any pain or trials, as 

    You carry her in Your arms of love. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Heavenly Father, Please be with all those that are new

    and need Your arms of peacefulness around them. Be

    with all those that are not feeling well from treatments

    or hurting from surgery. Please guide those that are

    lost and looking for other help and doctors, may they 

    find the right one. Please bless those that are in need

    of courage and strength, knowing with You, Lord, all

    things are will work out. And we love You sooooo much!

    In Jesus name. Amen

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Dear Lord,

    Please be with all the Stage IV people and all they are going through.

    Please be with all the newly diagnosed who are terrified right now.


  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Dear Lord,

    Please be with all who are mourning the loss of a loved one.

    Please comfort them with the knowledge that they are not in pain any longer.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Dear Lord,Please bless these ladies and the way they continually pray for others. Please let them know they are loved and appreciated in all that they do everyday. Please also bring them peace as they would ask for us sisters as well.

    Please allow my father to continue to fight. Spending this time with him is very special to me. Seeing him laugh and smile at me. Walking him. I am feeling so blessed and lucky to have this time I wasn’t expecting.

    Please watch over my sweet DH who is always helping me and others. He is a wonderful loving honest man and father. I have been given the most beautiful gift of love and devotion from this beautiful human being. I would love him till the last breath I should ever take. Please allow me to keep loving this wonderful man, I am not ready to leave his beautiful side ...


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657


    Heavenly Father, Please walk beside those that are going

    through tests or new. May they feel Your loving arms around

    them. Bless and give Your caring love Lord, to those that are

    feeling scare and alone, knowing You are always beside us.

    Please be with all those that need help with pain or fear, knowing

    You, Lord are every so near. Carry those that are weary and 

    weak, in Your arms of peaceful rest. Please be with those that

    are going through treatment or surgery, as You guide the hands

     that are doing it. Please be with all the wonderful people stage

    4 people that are facing any challenges or just need Your loving

    arms around them. In Jesus name. Amen

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Dear Lord,

    Please be with all who are suffering tonight.

    Please wrap loving arms around them and comfort them in all their trials.

    Please give them the strength to carry on.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Heavenly Father, As we get close to Easter and the

     love we share. May we remember others here, that

    need our prayers and love. Bless all those that need

    Your comforting love, Lord. As You know everyone here

    and every challenge they are facing. Please bless those that

    are in the hospital or are alone and need Your loving care.

    As You know each name and every tear, Thank You Lord,

    and we all love You. In Jesus name. Amen

  • Kayla250
    Kayla250 Member Posts: 125


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your kindness and love,

    through a very special time of the year. When some need

    alittle more of Your loving touch and peacefulness. But we

    know You Lord loved us so much and then arose Our Jesus, 

    Savior, and Eternal Friend. Please give us strength and Your 

    guiding love, as You walk beside us. Bless those that are going

    through a lot, as You, Lord wipe away their tears. Give faith

    to those that are in need and Your loving touch to those that

    are hurting. Even if we feel all alone, we should remember all

    You are doing and have done for us. So much love and caring,

    to show us the way. So may we remember Your kindness and

    love from here til Easter day. (and on) In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Heavenly Father, Please be with all the wonderful stage4

    people and give them comfort and peace. As You walk beside 

    them with Your loving hand giving them peacefulness. AMEN

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Dear Lord God,

    As the medical appointments, tests, surgeries are underway this week please be with all who are worried.

    Please be with the medical staff and give them knowledge and compassion.

    Please be with insurance companies as they look at claims and may they approve and pay claims quickly.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Heavenly Father, Please fill with Your strength and peace,

    Those that are new and afraid. May they find comfort and

    love in Your arms  of peacefulness. May we all feel Your 

    love, as we work to stay strong in a very mixed up medical

    coverage. May those that need help, we pray they find it.

    Thank You Lord, for being with all those going through a lot

    of tests, surgery, treatment and other challenges. We love You,

    and thank You Lord for loving us and helping us, to see the light

     even when we feel no light to be seen. Bless and guide those

    here that are alone and fighting. To remember Your right beside 

    them always. Easter time fill people with hope and Your love

    that You, Lord arose on that wonderful day. Thank You for You

    love.  Please bless those that are hurting or not feeling well, fill

    them with Your caring love please. Bless all those wonderful 

    stage4 people and bless them with Your glorious love. In Jesus name. Amen

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Dear Lord,

    Please be with all who have to travel to appointments and surgeries In the blizzard affecting so many in the US right now. Please keep all patients, family members, medical staff safe during this time so everyone can get the treatments they need.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Dear Lord~Please help me find the strength to continue to provide the help my father needs at this time. I am so tired and I am trying to push through the exhaustion and fatigue. Please allow me to find my inner strength and be able to be the best that I can be, even though I'm fighting this beast of a disease. Along with all the other sister and brothers. Please bless them as well and provide them with the strength they need to get through the day.

    Please bless my sisters here who are always praying for the best for everyone, always have the best intentions and make this horrible disease that much more tolerable, knowing we are not alone. Please let them Know they are loved and appreciated. They are wonderful sisters. Wonderful people. Protect them. Please

    Please bless my beautiful children and DH As they navigate this awful disease with me. The ups and downs, the fear we face through different eyes. Please find them peace somehow.. thank you Amen

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Dear Lord God,

    Please be with michmel and her family as they deal with the failing of her father and her own health struggles.

    Please comfort them and give them the strength they need to get through their days ahead.


  • Kayla250
    Kayla250 Member Posts: 125

    Father God,

    I pray for all those who are affected by breast cancer. May Your peace fall on all those awaiting results to their tests and scans; I pray there are far more benign results than malignant.

    May all those recovering from surgery and experiencing side effects from treatment find relief under Your grace.

    Father, I give You praise, that we have these amazing doctors, nurses and researchers who create and administer our treatments; that cure many and extend the lives of others. Thank You Lord. In Jesus' name I pray.


  • luvmyfam
    luvmyfam Member Posts: 53

    Dear Lord, please be with all those who are waiting on test results. Give all of us sisters peace from the scanxiety. Thank you for bringing us all together where we have support from others that know our situation and how we feel.

    Please also give those who are facing insurance problems and have financial issues. Please bring solutions to all of them.

    Thank you for your kind, loving patience with each of us going through this season in our lives. Help us all to remember that you are our ever-loving God and will not forget or forsake us, but you will carry us when needed most. In Jesus precious name, Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Heavenly Father, Please be with all the new and those

    that need Your  love, as they wait for tests to come back.

    Fill them with hope and faith to stay strong in You and Your

    guiding love.   Please help us remember roses have thorns

    but roses are beautiful, like we face thorns before roses.

    Please be with all those that are facing treatments or surgery,

    That You are the Master of all the work that is done. Help us 

    to see the light,  That You, Lord, are our help, and in the shadow

    of  Your wing we take comfort. Please give Your caring love to

    all those that are hurting, or need help with their medical needs.

    May they find the right help as they lean on Your loving touch.

    Guide the weary and tired, and help them to rest in Your love.

    May the thoughts of You, Lord and Easter, that is full of love.

    Remind us to try and  feel loving as the  Lord that rose and

    still helps us every day. We Love You Lord and thank You

    for all You are doing and have done to help us. In Jesus name. Amen

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Dear Lord,

    Please be with all who have doctor appointments coming up and tests.

    Please ease their fears and wrap loving arms around them.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Heavenly Father, Please bless and comfort those that

    are need Your loving care. To help them stay strong in

    all they are going through. Fill them with hope and Your

    comforting arms around them. Be with all those that are

    alone (Remembering You Lord are always with them) Give

    peace and Your caring  hands, as You guide through any 

    treatment, surgery or tests. Lord, You are the Father, God,

    Love of all and Best Doctor in the world. Someday we will

    meet You, Father until then please help all the wonderful

    people here, as You know their every challenge. Please be 

    with the wonderful stage4 people, so kind and caring, even

    as the treatments. God Bless them and everyone here. Thank

    You, God for sending Your Son to teach us love and then arose

    on Easter day.  In Jesus name. Amen

  • luvmyfam
    luvmyfam Member Posts: 53


    Lord, thank you for all the time You have given us. Thank you for all of Your healing (Physical & emotional). Thank you for all the research being done to find a cure for this terrible disease. Thank you for all the faith and hope You have bestowed upon all of us. Please be with everyone here, reading our prayer. You, and only You know exactly what we need. Amen.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Dear Lord,

    Please be with all facing tests coming up and are afraid.

    Please be with all medical personnel and may be they be compassionate and caring.

    Please give us all the strength to carry on and to remember we are never alone.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Heavenly Father, Bless all those here that are new or afraid

    of all they are facing. Help them to stay strong and remember

    (You)Our Father will never leave them nor forsake them. Bless

    those that are in the hospital or not feeling well, that Your arms

    or peacefulness and healing love they will comfort them. Bless

    all those that are in need of help at home or with bills, that they

    will find a rainbow of hope somewhere soon. Please be with all

    those that are going through alot of treatment or meds and need

    Your loving arms to comfort them and help them rest.  Thank You

    for being so wonderful and staying we us all the time. Please bless

    all the wonderful stage 4 people and fill them with faith to stay strong

    in You through and know You love them very much. And someday

    we all will be able to tell You in front of You, Lord, til then, We Love

    You and thank You for all You do for us each day. In Jesus name. Amen

  • HappyAnyway
    HappyAnyway Member Posts: 380

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Thank You! Thank You for the things that we take for granted every day. Thank You for Your love, strength and grace. Thank You for this community. Thank You for for our family, friends, doctors, everyone that touches us through this process. Thank you for prayer warriors.

    Please help us all to give You our worries, no matter how small or large.

    Please guide our thoughts, words and actions.

    Please heal us spiritually, mentally and physically.

    I think of the love that I have for my children. To know that you love each and every one of us even more! Wow!

    Please help those that have contact with us not feel sorry for us, but lift us up in prayer, positive energy and well wishes.

    You know our needs when we don't.

    May Your will be done.

    I pray all this in Jesus' name.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Dear Lord~Thank you for the time with my father today. Thank you for his smile. Thayou for hearing his laughter. Thank you for the strength I needed to be there for him today to take care of him. Thank you for my children. Please keep them safe and healthy, for I have taken enough of the pain and fears for them. Please let them live happy lives free from further pain or sickness. Watching their mother die from cancer should be enough.

    Please bless my fellow sisters and brothers here on this wonderful sight that brings us all together, disgusted with one thing in common... please help the researchers to save our lives. Good people, who do no harm, most people are good if given the chance to be good. Please allow us to have a chance to fight, if we can have the tools we need to battle.

    Please bless all scanning and testing or waiting for testing. Taking care of anyone, being a caretaker is hard work. Please give them the extra strength needed to do what has to be done, for work is never really ever over. Please let the human race learn to value life again. Value honor and honesty. Learn to help each other and lend a hand to those who only have their own two hands to work with. Let people know goodness is still around. I pray to you for these good things. Amen

  • Kayla250
    Kayla250 Member Posts: 125

    Father God, I humbly kneel before you and ask that Your loving grace fall on all those facing the end of this struggle (especially Kathy). May they find dignity in hospice care. Please bless them, their friends and families in knowing the resurrection of the body. In Jesus' name. God have mercy. Amen

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Heavenly Father, Please be with all those here and the needs

    they are facing. Fill them with strength and Your loving Spirit

    around them. Bless those that need comfort through surgery

    or other treatments. May they feel Your love around them to

    help them ( That You are indeed are my help, and in the shadow

    of Your wings I will shout for joy. Psalm63:8) And know You will

    always carry anyone here through, because You love them so.

    Please be with those that are not feeling well or just need Your

    help through hard times Lord. May they lean on Your armor of

    love. Thank You Lord for all the wonderful stage4 people and 

    bless them with Your loving care. Help those that need comfort

    or Your loving touch of comfort. We love You, Lord and thank 

    You for all You are doing and have done. In Jesus name. Amen