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Enhertu shows Kadcyla Who’s Boss in HER2+ MBC / DESTINY 03

“Enhertu slashed the risk of disease progression or death by a massive 71.6% over Kadcyla in second-line HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer patients previously treated with Roche's Herceptin and chemo, AstraZeneca and Daiichi reported at the European Society for Medical Oncology 2021 virtual meeting.

“The showing is so impressive that the study authors concluded that the study, dubbed Destiny-Breast03, will lead to a paradigm shift in the treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer."

They're so excited that they're saying the C-Word after seeing the results of this trial -

“In Destiny-Breast03, Enhertu also more than doubled the number of patients who responded to treatment, as the AZ-Daiichi med shrunk tumors in about 8 of 10 its patients, while the rate for Kadcyla was just a little over one third.

"The investigators that we talked to start talking about maybe we're opening up the possibility for some women that a cure could be possible in advance disease," Fredrickson said.