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Having a baby after 35 and BC risk

Anxietymama Member Posts: 10


My high risk doctor told me any pregnancy after 35 raises risk of BC. I have read that having yourFIRST pregnancy after 35 raises risk. These are conflicting and I'm wondering what everyone here has been told/knows.



  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited February 2022

    I had one child at age 18 and one at 39. I have never heard that having a baby after 35 years old increases the risk of breast cancer. Frankly I don’t believe that. What was his reasoning for that? Having babies later in life increases chances of miscarriage - I had 2 both after age 35.

    I was DX in 2011(family history) and I thought I had heard everything as it has to do with breast cancer - causes, treatments, etc and there varied opinions on the subject but never have I heard that.


  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857
    edited February 2022

    You can find a lot of information in the main site, and you can use the search function here in the forum to answer a lot of questions. Note, the search function isn't great.

    But to answer your question, you can see this item on the site

  • Anxietymama
    Anxietymama Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2022

    hi Diane,

    Here is an article talking about it. You can also find many others.

    as far as my doctor's statement on ANY pregnancy after 35 and BC risk, I'm not sure. I think it has something to do with hormones and cells in older breasts. Im discouraged because I have 2 kids and I really want another one. I'm almost 38, but I have a high lifetime risk due to family history.

    thanks for your response

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,263
    edited February 2022

    AnxietyMama - can you please go to My Profile and post your diagnosis & treatment to date? It's hard to follow all the different threads you've started and to know where you are with breast cancer.

    That said - this is definitely a question for your GYN, if not your MO.

  • Anxietymama
    Anxietymama Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2022

    sure, no problem

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,430
    edited February 2022

    Dear Anxietymama,

    Unfortunately there is currently not a place under diagnosis in your profile to list that you are at risk. Under personal information in your profile you can complete whether or not you carry genetic or family risk factors. Take a look there.

    The Mods

  • Anxietymama
    Anxietymama Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2022

    I fixed it. I have two sisters and one was diagnosed with BC four years ago at 36 and the other with DCIS at 40. My paternal grandmother was diagnosed twice in her 30s with two different types, not sure which.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,263
    edited February 2022

    Anxietymama - you have to elect to make the information public or it won't show in your posts.

    Am I correct in assuming that you do NOT have breast cancer? And have had clear mammograms, ultrasounds & maybe even an MRI? But you do have family members who have had BC. If this is correct, it's unlikely that you'll have an oncologist. But what is your GYN's bottom line? She/he can refer you to a doc to get the proper information if they don't already know.

    Everything is a risk. If you want another child badly enough, you'll have to make that decision while considering the family you already have. Difficult.

  • Anxietymama
    Anxietymama Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2022

    Thanks for your response.Don’t know why I’m having so much trouble with my profile. I added the information and thought it was public but I’m using this website on my phone and its not the easiest to navigate.

    yes, you are correct. I do not have breast cancer. I DO have a high risk doctor since my lifetime risk is 49%, she’s part of UCLA onc/hematology, and she’s the one who told me that any pregnancy after 35 increased the chances. From reading online. I see that they are talking about first pregnancy as opposed to any pregnancy in regards to being over 35. I just wanted to see what others have heard.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,430
    edited February 2022

    Dear Anxietymama,

    If you use the Settings tab in the tool bar and scroll down to signature you can place your risk information there and then preview how it will look in your signature line. Sorry for the confusion. Private message us if you need more help with this.

    The Mods