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Starting radiation March 2022



  • jo-jo2018
    jo-jo2018 Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2022

    Twice now my post have not uploaded, very irritating.

    Too lazy and tired to retype.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 407
    edited March 2022

    4/34 done. Calendula makes me itch for a few minutes after I apply it. Today, my schedule was different, so for the first time I applied it after I showered. I got a rash! It was gone in a few hours. I'm guessing my skin was warm? I'll mention it at my weekly w RO on Tues.

    hummingbirdaz i keep trying to figure out when to get all the extra vaccines! My GP keeps mentioning shingrix (no live for us), pneumococcal, and another covid. But all the other doctors keep doing treatments so I can't. I hope to get them all after radiation before I go back on Ibrance. I suppose I need to go to the dentist and have my overdue endoscopy that same week🤪🤪.

    Jojo, I saw your post in Rants. I'm glad you found support. Hug those boys!!!

    Quietgirl, 65 min including round trip and treatment?!!! If that's correct, WOW.

    Gracestella, no info here sorry. But wishing you an easy treatment

  • quietgirl
    quietgirl Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2022

    well it’s Friday Eve again glad the boards are back. Hope all is well. Waiting for my 12 appointment so I’m more than half way there keeping this short in hopes that it actually posts

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679
    edited March 2022

    I had to call into Rad Onc this week due to itchy, bumpy skin on the L4 area (its right on the pant line! course its going to be irritated!) and radiated breast is all red and splotchy, but a non-underwire bra dug in under the boob and oh yeah, thats sore. She explained that because I had bolus for three treatments it really targets in the skin and hence the blotchy, but keep moisteurizing etc. I had some armpit skin (and I guess some hair?) slough off today too. I found some sort of whipped avocado oil thing I bought last summer when I was in the US, so Ive been applying that as its less of a mess than the E45!

    I had partner take a photo of my back so I could see exactly what it looked like and its AMAZING how targeted the radiation is. Like you can tell exactly where they were aiming (its a square shape but not a complete square as they didn't target some places). Even the breast you can tell with little pin prick dots in an even half circle.

    I did get my fourth shot yesterday (2nd Pfizer) and it laid me out good with fatigue and barfy feeling for the same 30 hours as before. At least no fever and chills this time! They said thats the last one until fall, thank god.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 407
    edited March 2022

    sodraf, they ok'd the shot while in radiation? I'm going to ask again. Kids are suddenly all maskless here. 11th grade at my son's school had jr prom 1.5 weeks ago and now there are over 40 REPORTED cases in that grade alone. It's starting to spread to other grades too now. I teach mostly preschooler, who will be maskelss starting on April, I'm terrified.

    Its cool to hear how targeted it is. I'm sorry for the skin problems, that doesn't sound nice.

    No more natural treatments for me! Calendula cream gave me a rash. Dr asked if I have any allergies then she looked at my chart and laughed (I have MANY, and also hyper sensitive skin). "The cream is supposed to prevent issues, not cause them!" I've been given a prescription gel called Radiaplex and a steroid cream "to keep on hand".

    Board is back! Hi all.

    8/34 done.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679
    edited March 2022

    dancemom, I finished rads almost 3 weeks ago, but just started lynparza last week and that doesn't have an off week like ibrance and it wasn't a problem for the onc. There is still more fear of covid I think than anything else even though I'm pretty sure partner had it last week!

  • jullyn
    jullyn Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2022

    How's everyone doing? I am 3 weeks into my 5 weeks. Just a little redness showed up Thursday. My worst spot is the scar form my lymph node removal. Hoping it clears up with a few days off.

  • odyssey305
    odyssey305 Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2022

    Hi Everyone! Glad to be able to log on again!

    Hummingbirdaz, sosorry to hear you’ve been in pain and hope you find relief soon! I’ve never had a problem with my BP, but the last few times they’ve checked it’s been high. I wonder if that’s a side effect of radiation or just the perma-stress from cancer.

    Dancemom, my skin doesn’t like Calendula cream either. I switched to Dr. Bronner’s Magic Balm and it seems to be ok, even though it has this weird Vaseline consistency.

    So yesterday I finished my 8th rads session and was feeling good about not having any side effects so far. Then today I woke up with a pink swollen boob and NO energy. I forced myself to go on a short hike but felt like crap the whole way. To be honest, I’m just feeling all kinds of tired -mentally, physically, emotionally. I know I’m preaching to the choir, but this treatment fatigue is hard to shake. I know radiation will be behind me soon enough but then a week after my last session I’m getting my ovaries removed and possibly a hysterectomy (which is 100% my choice, but damn!). I’m meeting with my RO on Monday so hopefully she’ll help my poor pink boob. That’s the bright spot in all this, my RO is probably the best provider that I’ve ever had and I actuality look forward to our appointments.

    Hope you all have a good weekend!

  • jullyn
    jullyn Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2022

    So yesterday I started getting a rash and some blisters near my collar bone. I'm on week 4. I was surprised. Just wasn't expecting it.

  • quietgirl
    quietgirl Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2022

    I'm down to my last 4 treatments (my target treatments) Other than being tired and some discoloration nothing major to report. But of course I know it's the skin underneath the surface that might actually show the damage. Still it feels nice to be in the home stretch.

  • odyssey305
    odyssey305 Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2022

    Jullyn, sorry to hear about the rash and blisters. Hopefully you're almost done and things will improve soon.

    Quietgirl, Congrats! I can't wait to say the same!

    I had to laugh out loud yesterday when the nurse was examining me and commented on my "droopy nipple" from the surgery. She said I should think about physical therapy..for my nipple🤪 It does look terrible, but I seriously cannot imagine going to PT for my breast! But hey, I've come this far...

  • spades2525
    spades2525 Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2022

    hey everyone! I have been completely absent since the site went down and then I just forgot to come back to it. Today was my last radiation treatment!! They had a Ryan Reynolds cut out standing next to the bell. He was wearing a tux. I felt extremely under dressed. Lol. After 20 treatments with a bolus my skin is in pretty rough shape. Extremely red, rash-y , sore, hard to tolerate just about anything touching it. I am doing saline soaks, and Glaxal base cream like three or four times a day. Really hoping to ward off blisters. We’ll see how the next two weeks go. Hummingbird I’m sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. I have also had stabs of pain along my scar, but thankfully they are not too frequent. I wish everyone the very best with the rest of your treatments. I’m looking forward to some healing time before my ovary removal surgery. But then, that should be it and I will start trying to look forward…

  • quietgirl
    quietgirl Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2022

    glad to heareveryone is moving along even if we are hitting some bumps along the way. I was going to write a long vent/rant about today's visit but decided it wouldn't really make me feel better especially if I upped it all out and then it didn't post. Got some sad news today as my spouse's uncle died. Not completely unexpected but not really expected either

    Just 3 more treatments although if they are like today I will officially be a bit nutty. I did however decide I was going to request music every day. Today was The Clash Should I Go. Not sure about tomorrow, trying to decide between Blondie or Queen. Oh and my breast looks like a toddler art project green and purple lines all over the place thanks to the new marks for these last treatments.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679
    edited March 2022

    Spades - 20 treatments with bolus is intense. I had three with bolus and about two or three weeks final appointment is when the rash and redness REALLY ramped up. However, it was only a week when it was really bad and it seems like its settling now. The open skin under the breast has finally healed so wearing a bra is much less annoying!

    Is anyone else peeling skin like a lizard? I dont actively remove it, but if I am in the shower gently washing the areas and some comes off then ok.Or when moisteurizing. At least it looks like my failure to shave my armpit before surgery in November no longer matters as its almost completely new skin under there now - sweat and hair free :)

    I see Rad Onc next Wednesday for a check up but otherwise its all ok and moving in the right direction just.... slowly.

  • quietgirl
    quietgirl Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2022

    Sondraf—sorry about the peeling skin. So far I'm just really red and a bitten swollen under the arm

    I don't know I thought the 4 targeted sessions would be no longer than the whole breast sessions but they are at least 5 minutes longer and this week they seem to be running 5 to 10 minutes late each day. In the big picture of life it's not a big deal but since I'm trying to get through the next couple of months without running out of sick time, 15 minutes adds up and for whatever reason my left shoulder has hurt during the last two sessions I don't feel like I'm in a different position but I am on the table longer so that might be it

    2 more sessions that's it.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 407
    edited April 2022

    congrats spades

    Sondraf i hope the skin is healing well and quickly.

    Quietgirl good choice!

    I can't go look back at previous pages and remember what to write, so hi to all. I AM reading all of you!

    Treatment 13/34 done. Started getting a sharp stinging inside my breast (??? Its a tissue expander!) . Maybe nerves from surgery? Skin is pinkening. Under my armpit is getting rough- been doing Radiaplex cream after am treatment and at night, and aquaphor after lunch. Some little pimples are appearing. My neck cramps terribly by my 5th or 6th zap each day, I teared up yesterday. Today my range of motion also suddenly diminished - my whole chest and shoulder got really tight, and both my shoulders near my neck are sore. I have PT once a week that has helped so far. I wish I had it tomorrow! Can't wait for Saturday when I sleep all day! (Except I promised 11 an outing to see the cherry blossoms) None of this is unexpected and I know you all have your fair share! Just complaining!

  • quietgirl
    quietgirl Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2022

    dancemom go ahead and complain after we can all relate on some level. My underarm is most certainly in terms of my skin at this point. I think it doesn’t help fabric rubbing against it all day as you move your arm even if you are wear soft clothing


    So I have one more session, I know I had a pretty small number of treatments although at times it felt like forever. Not saying I was ever comfortable on the table but these last 3 have been longer even if it’s only 5 minutes (well Wednesday was closer to 15 or 20 minutes longer). I swear the left arm rest is off somehow because there is no reason I know that my left shoulder should hurt more now (but again only one more to go).

    For my Friday listening pleasure I had them play blondie. Trying to decide between queen and the b-52s for Monday. Has to be something catchy enough to distract me from my shoulder

    wishing you all a fabulous restful weekend

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 407
    edited April 2022

    quietgirl now I've got 🎵What's that on your head? A WIG! 🎵 Stuck in my ear!!! 🤣

  • loverofjesus
    loverofjesus Member Posts: 174
    edited April 2022

    Hi guys!! So I have one week of rads left. Yay! But my underarm is peeling and hurts and my chest is itchy. They gave me lidocaine and aquaphor and I had been using 100% aloe and vanicream too. They said I’m doing everything right. That the peeling and burns are expected. I am using hydrocortisone that I just started yesterday for my itchy area. I will be glad when it is over. My peeling underarm hurts. If any of you have suggestions let me know.

    Hugs to all of you. And I hope you are all doing great. I’ve been on here thinking about you all just have not posted.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679
    edited April 2022

    Just checking in for an update - after spending early last week worried about how angry and red my breast looked and how long that was going to take to fade, it sees as though the last day or two the healing has sped up. Im now peeling quite a bit on the breast itself and things are calming down from tomato red to deep summer tan stage. Even over night it seems to have improved significantly.

    I ran out of Bio Oil and had a small amount of baby oil left in a bottle, so figured I would use that up - oil it all up as a base layer and then slap on the paraffin stuff on top. Only started that in the last few days as well so I am not sure if that is contributing or what.

    Moral of the story - dont panic at the super redness! Itll go down and go down quickly!

  • quietgirl
    quietgirl Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2022

    my signature keeps getting messed up (it disappeared for awhile then came back all wacky so I'm just deleting it for now)

    For whatever reason my stickers are really annoying me today. I think it's because I know that tomorrow afternoon they will be gone. Nothing peeling but my underarm itches. It is officially the worse looking part of my treatment area. Just a piece of advice if you do not give your underarm as much loving attention with whatever lotion cream etc you are applying make sure you start. I feel like I could have done a better in that area.

    I can't believe it's April. I know that for those who are in the middle of treatment it still might feel like it's going to last forever but it will end. Not as soon as you would like but it will. Until it’s over wishing everyone stress free travel as you go to and from appointments.

  • quietgirl
    quietgirl Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2022
    I just have to say that I find it ironic that because under my arm is so tender and swollen the most comfortable position is with my arm over my head so that my arm isn’t pressing against it.

    But I’m done so that’s what I’m trying to focus on that. Today was odd for multiple reasons too lengthy to go into but in the end I made a choice not to ring the bell (maybe it was the way I was asked by a tech I had never met before today).

    It feels strange not to be thinking about the next appointment I have a break for 6 months although I think I should be getting a calm in the next week to confirm my prescriptions for the next 5 year
  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 407
    edited April 2022

    congrats quietgirl 🔔

    I'm almost halfway. Armpit is pretty red- upped the creams to 2x radiaplex plus whenever I think about it when I'm home aquaphor.

    Botanical gardens sucked. Got rid of vax mandate, no masks inside, no timed entry, no crowd control....all at once. The conservatory was a crowd of naked tourists sprayng their thoughts all over one another and us shoulder to shoulder. I made security let us out the closest emergency exit. Complained to member services (10+years) and they"gave me some tips" on quiet times. 🤣🤣tue and thu am. Yeah, wonder why those are quiet times? Anyway, they ruined my happy place and my 11 was visibly upset.

    I'm tired. 3 5 more weeks to get through

  • quietgirl
    quietgirl Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2022

    just popping in to say Happy Friday. Thinking of you all as you are one week closer to being done. As for me under my arm side of breast is a lovely painful shade of red. Nothing else is nearly as bad. Got a call on Tuesday reminding me to continue to moisturizer ( like I was going to stop🤷🏻) and that side effects could continue for 2 or 3 weeks (another thing I knew but I do understand that they might need to remind some people.). Got my prescription filled for the next phase of treatment. Starting that on Monday. MO phone appointment in May, Surgeon appointment in person in May. RO appointment in Oct. not sure what I'm going to do for 6 weeks not leaving work to drive to the doctors 😀😉

    Hope everyone has a restful weekend and keep moisturizing.

    And despite my dates being correct in my profile in my signature it now changes them to day then month.

  • HummingbirdAZ
    HummingbirdAZ Member Posts: 93
    edited April 2022

    I had kinda given up on this site but decided to check in and see that it's up again!

    I walked out of the radiation site today. It's been over 5 weeks and no one has ever asked me to put a mask on. I think it would be impossible to be wearing a mask while crying in pain as they are zapping me, or even trying to get a shirt on because it touches my skin. BUT they have a new receptionist who is apparently trying to be the mask nazi and wouldn't let me enter. So I left. My RO doesn't require me to put a mask on (saw her yesterday) and happens to be chief of staff of the entire hospital, so I have a feeling she ain't gonna be too happy about this.

    I got an epidural nerve block on Wednesday so now my back can touch things. Unfortunately, everything else is beet red and starting to blister, so one pain replaces the other. I still have 7 treatments to go and have a feeling it will just get worse, so grin and bear it. I cannot remember crying at all in the last 10 years but shingles/radiation sees me crying daily. Moral of the story: you can't cry with a mask your oncologist and screw the mask nazi.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!!

  • jullyn
    jullyn Member Posts: 40
    edited April 2022

    Hi all! How is everyone doing. I finished last Friday. My breast and underarm are sore. Under my breast got really sore but seems a bit better. My collar bone area is raw. Can't stand anything touching it. Even air on it stings. Ah well this too shall pass, right? Today I feel swollen. I also feel like I have a bra on but haven't worn one for weeks. Anyone e else have that feeling?

  • quietgirl
    quietgirl Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2022

    Jullyn. So happy for you that you are done. I will tell you that under my arm and my boob were the worse (they were the only place that peeled also). Sorry about the stinging but yes it should go away not as soon as you would like I’m sure. I’m starting to feel like my breast is going to stay this soft sunburn color (the skin is fine just discolored) but all things considered I can live with it.

    thinking of those of you who are still making the daily trips to treatment. Check in when you can. I know the boards have been a pain for most of us but if you are able let us know.

  • WiderChange
    WiderChange Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2022

    I'm so glad to see this thread. I have my first RO consult and mapping/simulation on 4/19. I don't yet know how many treatments I'll have, but was glad for the advice I found in other threads. I've got my calendula cream and loose cotton clothing ready.

    Those of you who are a few weeks ahead of me, how is your energy level? My infusion nurse said some patients tell her they have more fatigue from rads than chemo. I wanted to cry. I had 4 A/C followed by 12 taxol and figured I'd gotten through the worst of the fatigue.

  • quietgirl
    quietgirl Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2022

    widerchange—someone really needs to start an April thread because I’m sure there are others like you who are starting this month or who have started.

    I did not have chemo but yes some people I know have said the fatigue is worse and some not. I will say this I can’t tell you if I was tired during radiation because of the radiation is just because of the daily grind of it. I worked full time thru my 4 weeks and I rarely if ever felt tired at work but definitely had days when I would get home at the end of the day and was exhausted but I usually felt okay the next morning. My RO said that many of her clients who worked thru radiation did better than those who didn’t (but I wonder if part of that is knowing you have to keep going). They warned me I might still feel fatigue after treatment was over for a week or two but I haven’t but I think part of that is because the daily grind of traveling back and forth is gone. I think it helped my travel was short and easy (just lucky that my work place was close to the cancer center)

    I realize that this doesn’t help much because you really won’t know until you are in it. You’ve come this far and it sucks that you have to deal with another thing but seriously I think if you were able to get thru chemo you can get thru this. Be kind to yourself. And I’m hoping that that the fatigue doesn’t hit you hard.

  • 1982m
    1982m Member Posts: 224
    edited April 2022

    Hi widerchange- I’ve been browsing this thread and noticed your question. I started April 8th and am doing 15 days whole breast. I had my 6th treatment today. I was tired, but nothing like chemo tired so far. My breast is red and a wee bit sore at times….I’m working my day job and doing all the usuals with my kids. I attended multiple family gatherings over the weekend without any issue. I’m only 40% done though but it’s very manageable so far.

    Good luck on your treatment :)