Oncotype Score for ER+/PR-

If you were highly ER+ but PR-, HER-....could you please post your Oncotype Score?
My mom was recently diagnosed with this and I'm curious about the range of scores.
I had a low score of 10, but I was highly positive for both. Thank you!
Hi Kathabus, I was highly ER+ and PR- and had an Oncotype of 52. But as you'll see on some of the threads with this topic, there can be quite the range in scores. I wish you and your mom well...
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I’m not sure how high or low my ER+/PR- status was; but my oncotype score was 13 in 8/6/2010. I had BM w/tram flap reconstruction. I opted no chemo. Clean margins and negative sentinel node. Treated with Tamoxifen which was intolerable. Fast forward to 11/1/2017 when I was diagnosed with Mets lymph & lung. Immediately started tIbrance/Femara combo therapy. See Ibrance
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Hi. I was was highly ER positive and PR negative in 2014. My recurrence score was 18-no chemo. I was on Arimidix for 7 years and was diagnosed with DCIS in 2020. I have since had bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. Wishing you and your mom well.
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Hi—I was highly ER positive and PR negative. OncoType score was 17, no chemo. Hope that helps, and sending good thoughts for you and your mom
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Thank you for all your responses. Even though it's all a crapshoot, it gives me an idea of where this is going. Bailey, I'm sorry to hear about the mets, but glad to see you are going on five years this year! Love to all...
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Wishing your Mom a strong journey.
Received mine today ER 95> positive, PR <1% negative, HER2 +1 negative. Oncotype received today 15
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Thanks for all the responses...it's hard to wait sometimes. She got a 14. I found it interesting that the PR on the Oncotype was a "5.5" which is right on the border of being PR+. I wondered if that helped with getting a lower score. Thank you for all the good thoughts! Having gone through this (and let's face it....we are always going through this....) I realize that my survivor sisters are the only people who REALLY get the struggles. Hugs to all.
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This thread caught my interest as I am awaiting oncotype score too. I've read some studies about ER+ PR- having a poorer diagnosis than if both were positive, so I've been a bit of a worry wart about it. It's been almost 3 weeks since they sent sample away to be tested. Still waiting.