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Just diagnosed - back/shoulder pain!

elicyz Member Posts: 5
edited April 2022 in Just Diagnosed

Hi all, I was diagnosed multifocal IDC on 3/3 with lymph node involvement. Ever since my diagnosis I have had persistent back/shoulder pain, nothing crazy or unbearable, but I am constantly thinking about it. I had a CT and bone scan and both came back clean but I can’t help thinking what if they missed something? It has been over a month now and the pain is still there. Anyone have a similar situation


  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,946

    Have you considered that it might be stress? Maybe talk to your PCP about a muscle relaxer to see if it helps.

  • elicyz
    elicyz Member Posts: 5

    that’s what people keep telling me! I was hoping with the clean scans the stress and pain would subside, but it hasn’t. I wish I knew a physiological reason for the pain because otherwise my mind goes straight to the worst

  • rain88
    rain88 Member Posts: 161

    Hi, elicyz. I just wanted to tell you that the CT and bone scan are good at finding areas that would need further investigation, they most likely wouldn't miss anythig. In my case, for example, after I reported a dull ache in the area where I had rads, my RO ordered a bone scan that showed multiple uptake. Later on they were determined to be degenerative. So your back and shoulder pain must have a different cause. I know it's hard not to think the worst and not to worry. Were your scans clear, or do you need to redo them? (In my case, I had to redo it at three months and then a year latter because of the inconclusive findings.)

    Wishing you to find answers for peace of mind ♥️

  • elicyz
    elicyz Member Posts: 5

    Thank you for the reassurance. Both my scans came back clean no evidence of metastatic disease. I know I should accept the results for what they are but I can’t help thinking something was missed since the pain is still lingering!

  • aram
    aram Member Posts: 320

    elicyz, I had the exact same experience after diagnosis and mine turned out to be stress related. It went away after a couple of weeks.

  • elicyz
    elicyz Member Posts: 5

    That’s great news!! Thanks for the reassurance. Hopefully mine goes away soon as well

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261


    I had chest pain and fatigue, which prompted the CT and Bone scans. Mine came back clean. The fatigue went away after the mastectomy surgery. The chest pain turned out to be non-obstructed kidney stones. I still have kidney stones, and the pain comes and goes in the same area. It doesn't phase me now.

    When you get a cancer dx, every new thing will trigger metastatic disease concerns. I'm not sure when or if those concerns will go away. It has become the "new normal" for me. I don't think it is unusual to wonder if something got "missed" in scans. I hope those concerns eventually fade away with more time. :-)

    Finding out you have cancer is traumatic. It is okay to rethink everything. Always tell your doctors any new concerns you find. Totally okay. :-)

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    elicyz, just checking in on you to see if you're pain is feeling a little better? Perhaps a call to your doctor to explain the tightness and pain might help, and they may be able to give you something to help you relax, if stress is indeed the cause of your issue.

    Sending hugs to you for some relief!

    --The Mods

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 749

    Yes, remember that stress pain is real pain and can cause downstream effects. It won't necessarily go away by itself or instantly - if your body has really tightened up or compensated for it in other ways. Relaxant or pain reliever or treatment can help your body ease up enough for stretching and recovery.

  • msphil
    msphil Member Posts: 185

    hello sweetie I took believe its stress of not knowing mind all over the place. But after my team put plan in place the pain did ease up after mastectomy gone. So we here understand and are here for you.. In here many yrs later for Inspiration this yrs a 28 yr Survivor. Praise God. Diagnosed while making plans for our 2nd marriages. msphil idc stage2 0/3 nodes 3 mo chemo before and after Lmast got married now our 28 yr Anniversary. Then 7 wks rads and 5yrs on tamoxifen. Hang in there sweetie.

  • elicyz
    elicyz Member Posts: 5

    Thank you for the kind response. Really needed it today.