Why am I feeling like this?

Yesterday I had my follow up onco visit after my first CT after surgery and treatment. I am in remission.

I am very grateful especially because I am a single mom to an 8 year old boy.

It feels like I should be super excited and jumping over the moon, but I just feel nothing.

Is this normal after this ordeal?


  • rah2464
    rah2464 Posts: 1,192
    edited April 2022

    Annake it is normal to feel a whole range of emotions even exhaustion. You have been through an extremely stressful, terrifying ordeal so you are understandably tired of having to entertain any emotion. Your body and your psyche need rest. If you find you continue to feel flat or uninterested in other facets of your life, please talk to your MO. Certainly a lot of the treatment meds can cause some level of depression, in particular Tamoxifen.

    I will be excited for you - very very thankful you had a clean CT.

  • kbl
    kbl Posts: 3,055
    edited April 2022

    I’m sorry for what you’re going through. I wanted to say my brother is onTamoxifen and was having some depression. His doctor told him to take the B vitamins. He said he’s feeling much better. As was said, you’ve been through so much. Give yourself time to be able to enjoy things again.