Surgery cancelled

The doctor called me this morning, and my surgery is cancelled for tomorrow. She spoke to another radiologist and they want to check on the calcifications before they do the surgery. Some of the radiologists didn't seem worried and some were. My report from the biopsies, mammograms and ultrasound said:

"There are suspicious microcalcifications in the upper inner and upper outer breast in the anterior, mid and posterior third. These were evaluated on the magnification views and demonstrate amorphous morphology as well as slightly pleomorphic appearance. At least three groupings are identified with the largest grouping demonstrating an extent of 13 mm"

Now I have an MRI on Friday and a stereotactic biopsy on the 10th if needed and my surgery is now on the 18th of August. She said she'd rather check them out now before she does surgery as she was doing a lumpectomy and SLNB tomorrow and doesn't want to do a mastectomy for a could be.

Now I wait again, but glad they are checking them out.


  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2022

    I know all this is difficult for you, but I agree that it's best to have all the scans done before surgery so that hopefully it's a one-and-done. I hope the MRI goes well. Hang in there.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275
    edited July 2022

    Hi bohartois, looks like we are having some similar issues at the same time. I am having a biopsy this week for calcifications on my mammogram. This is my third time for breast biopsy, the first in 2003 was stereotactic and positive for IDC. The second in 2018 was US guided and positive for ILC. Now I will have another stereotactic biopsy for pleomorphic calcifications in a cluster. I have zero fear of cancer this time, been there, done that. I know it is most likely benign, but could also likely be DCIS, in which I would have surgery. Super small chance it could be invasive.

    Have you read the article on breast calcifications on this website? Very helpful and actually a copy was in the packet they gave me at the hospital where I had my mammogram!

    I am not sure why they are ordering an MRI for you as calcifications won't show up. I am sure there is a reason though! Waiting IS the hardest part! I don't expect to get results until the 9th as both other times I had my biopsy on a Tuesday and only got results the following Tuesday. So, we can be waiting partners!

    Feel free to PM me if you want to. I wish you the best of luck. I NEVER thought I would be in this position again, but here I am. I just want to get the biopsy over with! The wait for results will not be super stressful, more annoying. I am a list maker, another BIRADS 4 mammogram was definitely NOT on my list!