Question for Triple Positves
Was your Her2 positive from IHC or upgraded to positive from FISH? I am asking because my biopsy showed Her2 negative. But, I had a SMX on 7/27 and IHC came back as equivocal so has been reflexed to FISH test. I am awaiting results. I was reading some medical journals and articles mentioning that they are currently rethinking those that are HER2 equivocal as Her2 low. Does anyone have any more information on that?
Hi bluegirl27:
Both tests were done on my tumor sample. I believe IHC was done first and then FISH was used to confirm the results.
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Often IHC is the test done first because it is less expensive. If you have an IHC result that is equivocal (2+) then there is reflex (automatic) testing by FISH to examine further. Some hospitals and centers only use FISH because it is the more sensitive test - or may be able to choose between IHC and FISH at the physician's discretion. My Her2+ status was determined by IHC, and there was no question, it was 3+ using that testing platform. My strongly Her2+ status was further confirmed by Mammaprint because one of my biopsy samples was sent for that testing as my oncological breast surgeon was participating in a study with Agendia, so I had a gratis confirmatory test done.