So confused don’t know what to decide pT1A HER2+++

i was newly diagnosed with DCIS and mastectomy was done 3 weeks ago. After the surgery my diagnosis changed to IDC 3 foci largest is 3mm grade 3 with extensive high grade DCIS of 8cm grade 3 also and comedo type
Lymph nodes negative
I am ER- PR- Her2+++ ki-67 is 35%
i am 30 years old now and i had 2 different opinions from doctors
one doctor said based on international guidelines you don’t need treatment
On the other hand another doctor said taking into consideration the aggressiveness of your tumor and your age it better to take the treatment to reduce recurrence rate since your cancer type is so aggressive
I’m convinced to take the treatment but I hear a lot comments from everyone around me that if there is no need don’t take it and i am feeling so depressed i not sure if i made the right decision
Have anyone have similar situation and have or didn’t have the treatment and why ?
Forgot to mention my treatment plan was adjuvant 12 weeks of chemotherapy paclitaxel with trastuzomab for 1 year
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Hi @linashowail, I'm sorry that your diagnosis changed after surgical pathology but it is not uncommon; it happened to me. If you are given two different treatment options insurance will usually pay for a third opinion to help you decide. In general ask yourself which option you would regret least if you had a recurrence later on, remembering that a recurrence could be local or metastatic. Would you regret that you didn't do the chemo, disruptive as it is to your life right now? Would you be glad that you skipped chemo and didn't have to put up with the side effects at a younger age? There is no way of predicting the future so choose the option that you (not your family and friends) would regret the least. All the best while making this difficult decision.
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thank you so much for your words it really gave strength in my decision
I will definitely go for it
Hope for the best
Thank you