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It was my birthday and I did have a glass of wine with dinner . I still probably drink 3 or 4 glasses a week with my husband. I don’t think I want to give that up.


  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 447

    Okay. I don't think you have to. Life is short. If it's legal, doesn't hurt anyone, and you want to do it, do it.

  • maggiehopley
    maggiehopley Member Posts: 151

    Before cancer, my husband and I drank wine (just one glass usually, occasionally two) with dinner almost every night. Now I read that alcohol is associated with breast cancer and I wonder if that is what caused mine. I didn't drink at all for the fifteen months I was in active treatment.

    Now I drink a glass once or twice a week. I feel very conflicted about it. It feels like a vice now.

  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 447

    Alcohol is a class 1 carcinogen and by itself can cause seven different cancers, breast cancer being one of them. So that is true. But processed meat is a class 1 carcinogen, too, and I don't see people guilting us into getting rid of sandwiches. The way I look at is that everything it seems right now is a carcinogen so you can't possibly control being exposed to all. If a drink every once in a while is worth the risk to you, there is nothing wrong in that. I don't like alcohol all that much so getting rid of it was easy for me. However, I will have a sub occasionally and don't feel a bit guilty over it. I didn't go through chemo to be scared of living.