New Lumpectomy pain 8 months in
Am trying not to panic but am having some serious pain in the area of my lumpectomy. It has been 8 months since surgery and all has been well. Lumpectomy site is basically at one o'clock when looking at me and is quite deep. I unfortunately had a sarcoma after the surgery which has meshed my tissue to the chest wall. This has left me with a rather deep indentation.
Apparently I have roughly a dozen surgical clips in the area to help hold things together. Was curious if anyone has had these clips left in and had any issues. Up until today healing went very well, other than sarcoma and no other swelling or limitations.
Hi @hangingon2, I'm sorry you have developed pain in the area of your lumpectomy. The surgical clips are probably not the problem (they are often left in to mark margins for radiation planning) but the scar tissue formed by the seroma could be pressing against nerves and causing pain. Did you have radiation? That caused nerve damage in my case.
If your surgeon doesn't have any suggestions on how to improve things it might be worth getting a second opinion from an oncoplastic or plastic surgeon about the possibility of a revision surgery to deal with the deep indentation and the scar tissue. I hope you can find something that works.