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  • mandy23
    mandy23 Member Posts: 140

    Hi @flattie_baddie_72

    Welcome to the forum. Everyone's body reacts differently to surgery, so it's hard to compare. i didn't have a BMX, but due to 2 bc dxs, have had 2 mastectomies. I will say that 16 days is not a very long time to recover from any type of surgery, so odds are really good that things will improve. It does take a lot of patience when all you want to do is get on with your life. It's hard for me to remember, but I would think that you should be able to do gentle stretches and 'wall walks'. Didn't they give you any exercises post surgery? You really do need to take the advice of your docs, so good that you will be seeing them next week. Even just going for a walk (if you are in a place where the weather is decent), might be good for your mental health. I have often also done walks around my house post surgery just to help me get moving again.

    Good for you being proactive since you have the gene and family history.

    Take it easy.

  • Hi @mandy23

    Thank you so much for the reply. Yes, I need to give myself a little grace and not rush the process. I guess I am just in my head about the extreme tightness thinking something was done wrong or I am healing wrong. I will focus on small victories and relax my mind a bit. This forum is so helpful. Hope you are doing well and cheers to a new year! Thanks again for your kind reply.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758

    Your body has been through a big trauma and it is going to take a long time to heal up as well. I had a specialist that worked with breast cancer patients in physical therapy that insurance paid for and it helped since she also not only did the exercise stuff but also did about 30 minutes of a good massage of those tissues for me. Helped me a lot after my mx.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,789

    Welcome to our community, @flattie_baddie_72! At just a little over 2 weeks post-surgery, the tightness that you're experiencing is normal and very common post-mastectomy. At this stage it is important for you to take it easy so as not to disrupt your healing process. Please mention your concerns at your follow-up appointment. Your medical team may recommend some light stretches or activities after they've given you clearance (typically a minimum of 10 days or a few weeks of rest is needed, depending on how extensive your surgery was), and they may include a referral to a physical therapist if needed.

    Please keep us posted on how you're doing. We wish you a speedy and easy recovery!