Has your faith, spiritual, or religious beliefs changed since cancer?

cancer has putting me in touch with the true reality of G-d and how EVERYTHING depends on him
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Yes, I'm more spiritual
I went through the many varied stages of change that cancer requires. From the life-changing news, and the "why me?" and "what did I do to deserve this?", to the difficulty of acceptance, and denial, making bargains with myself, promises to my future self, to finish my educational goals, bargains with God, to improve myself, and find peace between He and I, to eventual acceptance when it was clear this would be something that would be life-changing.
I sat through the remembrance of my diagnosis, anniversary dates of diagnosis, the experiences that included dismissal of surgeons about my complications and side effects of treatment, to all of the post-surgery part ( which really I gloss right over) that stays with me, everyday.
The outcome is a story that is sometimes painful to think about, even though I have worked through stages of accepting this. And praying through this.
It's been a decade. Yet, a decade is a day after a cancer diagnosis. Although I'm very very grateful to be in remission and alive.
My faith in God has been strengthened. But I would be lying if I said I don't have a moment now and again where I feel overwhelmed, or unworthy, or question the why, once again, as if this time I'll discover the reason that makes sense. Cancer never made much sense.
Yeah. It's an unfair question– really– to an unfair misfortune, so I have learned to make the best of it by acknowledging grace in the moment. It's made me reach upward.
I live each day, one at a time. Grateful. Never getting too far ahead of myself that I can't keep up. That's the way I used to live. Not now. Now, I am realistic. I am pragmatic. I trust God, even on the days when I doubt everything.
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No change
No change for me. I’d like to say I found a deeper meaning to life, but I didn’t. Lots of people get cancer and certainly everyone knows someone who has / had cancer so I’m certainly not alone in the cancer world. Also, there are many, many serious and life threatening diseases other than cancer so I try to remain aware of that. Everyone is struggling with something at some point in life.
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No change
I think I felt what my father must have, during the Holocaust….if there is a god, why is he doing nothing with all this imagined power.
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Yes, I'm more spiritual
A year before BC, one of my sisters died in a traumatic auto accident. Death can come at any time.
Since BC, I have worked through some personal faith issues that had damaged my relationship with God.
So, yes, but I think the other factors are more important.
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Breast cancer hasn't made me spiritual, but it has made me fierce. After becoming a survivor:
- I organized a labor union at my workplace
- I filed for wrongful termination with the National Labor Relations Board after being fired for organizing a labor union - and I won
- I filed an unpaid wages complaints with our state Department of Labor
- I helped my coworkers file unpaid wages complaints with the DoL - we all won
- I advocate for unionization and employee rights and protections in my industry
My mantra now is, "I beat cancer, little man. Why should I be afraid of you?" There is a lot that we put up with in this world that we shouldn't have to. We need to stand up for ourselves and our communities with the time we have available to us.
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During my surgery my BS was a woman who actually said a prayer before surgery. It was comforting to know she asked for help to help get the cancer and for healing for me after my mx.
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Yes, I'm more spiritual
I have to give a little history. For the last 10 years or so, I struggled with my salvation. I've always believed in God, gone to church, been baptized etc. But I knew my prayer life, life in general just didn't show or reflect my faith in God. I worried that I may have become so fallen there was no return. No matter what anyone told me, showed me in the bible would help or make me feel secure. In Jan 2024, I had began praying again for assurance. On Feb 6, 2024, I had come back to my desk from lunch and began praying. I found myself crying and then such a comforting voice said "Why are you crying? Your sins are forgiven". I have never wept in such sadness, gladness and thankfulness as that day. Fast forward a week later, my husband and I were on vacation for our 25th anniversary. I happened to look in the mirror and noticed that my left breast seemed larger. Yep. HER2+ IDC with at least one node. I wish I could say my recent assurance of my salvation, renewed faith kept me from going through various emotions during the time of diagnosis. But, this cancer journey has increased my knowledge of my need of a Savior who is the only one who can save, heal and comfort. I'm still weepy every time I think about Feb 6th 2024. God knew my life was about to go into a whirlwind and I needed to hear that voice confirm that I am forgiven! Today I celebrate a complete response to chemo, completed surgery, radiation and will complete the last of my targeted therapy in April. Hugs all!
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No change
I think breast cancer put me a bit more in touch with my own mortality, and that impacted me in ways that I wouldn't necessarily use the word spiritual for, but it could potentially apply.