What are your “Mantras” to get you through a test, treatment, a bad day?
We all need tools to get us through our most difficult moments. If you have a mantra, or strategy, please share here!
my favorite strategy for the tests and scans is meditation. I focus all of my attention on the fullness of my in breath and then the full release of my out breath. It’s very calming. To deepen my focus, I like to do a counting Breathe, which is counting the exhales one at a time until I reach a count of ten. And then repeat. It takes 8 -12 counting breath repetitions to get through the breast MRI and or PET lol…
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I went from a lumpexctomy to a bilateral mastectomy within weeks, this was my mantra, it still hangs on my wall today 18months on.
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For tests, I tell myself it's better to know than not know. How can I fight if I don't know what I'm fighting? I go to war with breast cancer on all fronts traditional medicine, alternative treatments, and on a spiritual level. It's okay not to be okay! Take time for myself wherever it is to get me through the bad day. Today is not tomorrow. One day doesn't determine every day.
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I keep a journal. I track my hydration to help me keep up my liquids, and check off when I’ve taken my vitamins, or chemo pills. And mostly I write how I feel each day which is so helpful. Each page starts with the affirmations: “Never Give up and Dare to recover.
Some days I add keeping fighting and every day in every way I’m getting better and better. My newest one is I am learning to live harmoniously with constant change.Affirmations help so much. Daily reminders to welcome everything , not pushing anything away but opening to what is with love.
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"Today is a New Day…" Even my Daily Alarm speaks that sentence to me with uplifting music. It's just hopeful. Today is a New Day, and I am Grateful. I am grateful for… insert even the smallest/simplest thing I can think of; even if it's just the fact that it IS indeed a new day, that I woke up, that I'm still alive, that I've been blessed with the gift of another day... To correct a previous mistake, to do something right, to express my love, to enjoy life… I am Grateful.
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Jesus, walk with me! I cannot do this! God wrestled with me to keep me on operating table to have surgeries.
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In the earlier days of my treatment, I had kind of a long drive to the cancer center and I would have pop music on the radio. “Just Breathe” by Ariana Grande would play frequently so I adapted that as my mantra.
Just keep breathing and breathing and breathing….you know you gotta keep, keep on breathing.
Also “I’m Still Standing “ by Elton John.
And to get through the unpleasantness of being trapped in an MRI machine - I would just count to 500 and focus on that and then start over again at one.
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Thank you God