First mammo. Focal asymmetry. I'm frightened.

Hi, 51 with first mammo last week.
Call today, scattered fibro glandular densities. Left breast no suspicious findings. Right breast focal asymmetry. No calcifications or architectural distortion in either breast. Benign appearing lymph nodes in both axillae. Grade B density.
I go for diagnostic mammo and possible us in two weeks.
Someone please explain what my finding means in real terms? I'm so scared. Thank you.
Hi @grapeful, It’s scary to be told you need a diagnostic mammogram and possible ultrasound but it doesn’t mean you have breast cancer. Focal asymmetry means that a small area of one breast is different in density from the corresponding area of your other breast. The density describes the ratio of fibrous to fatty tissue in the breast. The grade just describes the general tissue makeup of the breast. Grade B means mostly fatty with scattered ares of fibrous tissue. Focal asymmetry is very often benign but sometimes indicates a problem so it is checked out. Calcifications and architectural distortion are two other findings which sometimes indicate malignancy but you don’t have them. Normal appearing lymph nodes in your armpits are a good sign. Most likely the further imaging won’t find a problem but it is wise to have it checked just in case. All the best.