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Summer/Fall 2024 Radiation Support thread



  • ebfitzy
    ebfitzy Member Posts: 86

    @teri_a thanks for letting me know! I had my first treatment this am. Do they make you put a nose plug on and a hose into your mouth to assist with holding breath? It’s awful lol

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    I was doing great until about two days ago. Now I’m completely fatigued. It’s awful. I’ve had eleven of twenty sessions so far, but I started over two weeks ago (they were closed one day and I only had three sessions the first week). I was told there is a two week latency period until you start to feel the effects of the first treatment. Therefore, each additional treatment will compound, and by the end, we’ll probably feel like shit for another couple weeks until it peaks.

    My friend mailed me a 1500mg CBD cream from a company in Michigan called Farm Sudz. The cancer crew from University of Michigan hospital actually visited the store because the cream was so beneficial to one of their patients who brought it to their attention. I use it twice a day and I don’t have any redness yet. My radiation oncologist was surprised my skin still looked so good at this point in treatment. And it smells heavenly!

  • ttatahealth
    ttatahealth Member Posts: 10

    @teri_a I had a similar strong emotional response to my first treatment. I think I cried 8 or 9 times that day, which I think was just a big adrenaline flush after all my fear (and that nuclear symbol/vault door is very triggering).

    I recently completed 15 daily whole breast radiation and a 5 day booster dose on the tumor site. I fared really well as far as my energy and not having fatigue, but I definitely had some skin issues despite the Aquaphor and Miaderm. When my armpit started peeling my RO prescribed Silver Sulfadiazene cream. That was very helpful — just be warned that it stains clothes, so you want to be careful about what you wear it with. As far as fatigue, my RO recommended a high protein diet and as much activity as I could tolerate. I think both of those things were really helpful. She also recommended taking 30g/day of L-Glutamine amino acid (you can buy in health section of grocery store) for tissue health.

    This is quite a journey, isn't it? Sending every one of you solidarity and healing wishes as you count down on that treatment.

  • teri_a
    teri_a Member Posts: 10

    @ebfitzy they don't make me do any of that at all. I don't even hold my breath. I just lay on the the table with my arms over my head. I have a wedge under my knees and a band around my feet. A nose plug and mouth piece sounds awful.

  • teri_a
    teri_a Member Posts: 10

    @baygrass it is going okay except the machine has broke down twice in 2 weeks. Both Mondays so far. I had my 9th treatment today. 21 to go. Starting to feel a little tired and my skin is beginning to get red and feel a little burnt. I keep putting on all the creams at least 3 times a day.

  • teri_a
    teri_a Member Posts: 10

    @Love4All I am so sorry you are feeling like crap. Today was treatment 9 and I am all of the sudden feeling tired. It makes sense that the effects are more of a time line instead of a number as I started treatment 2 weeks ago today. Thanks for explaining that.

  • teri_a
    teri_a Member Posts: 10
    edited September 26

    @ttatahealth I cried several times that day and my husband made an innocent joke about radiation that first day, not having a clue about what it was like, and I just fell apart. He felt so bad. I then told him about the machine and how I felt and he totally got it. He thought it was going to be like getting an x-ray. In fairness, that is what I had in my head too. It has gotten better, but I still pretty much hate it. Thank you for protein information. I have been tracking the protein I eat, I have been trying to get it up over 60 grams a day. That is not easy.

    Yes, this is a crazy ride to be on! We will all get through it. We can do it!

  • teri_a
    teri_a Member Posts: 10

    @ginger_stevens Yay!!!! Congratulations. Rest up and heal now. ❤️

  • ttatahealth
    ttatahealth Member Posts: 10

    @ginger_stevens Congratulations!!! What a joyful milestone.

  • baygrass
    baygrass Member Posts: 9

    Thank you all for the info. I'm definitely going to start now with the lotions.

    Congrats @ginger_stevens

    @Love4All - Thanks for posting the cream. I'm going to look into that. Hope the fatigue fades soon!

    @teri_a - I hope they get that machine fixed!

    @ttatahealth - Thanks for your post. I'll be sure to keep Silver Sulfadiazene in mind.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 210

    Hey all. Anyone on this thread that has had chemo? Reading your signatures it seems like most of you had surgery, then radiation but no chemo. I'm a HER2+ gal who had chemo first, then surgery and getting ready to meet the radiologist. I met with my chemo ONC today (3 weeks post surgery) to discuss the targeted therapy that I will get every three weeks until next April. I can get this during radiation. But she mentioned that in recent oncology meetings (chemo and radiology) there is discussion that radiation may not be necessary when complete response to chemo is received. But this will be a discussion with the radiologist and will be his call of course. Just curious if anyone is having a similar discussion with their health team. Thanks folks!

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111
    edited September 27

    @grammie2 Hi! I had a lumpectomy first, then chemo, then radiation. I was told they always do chemo before radiation because the chemo can cause the radiated skin to flare up again (the skin gets burned and may blister during radiation treatments). My oncotype DX score came back high, so I had to do chemo (gives me the best chance of avoiding a recurrence). Maybe with your type of cancer, they do it in a different order 🤷‍♀️

    Just fyi, a radiologist is the doctor that reads scans (x-rays, CT scans, etc) and a radiation oncologist is the doctor who manages your radiation 😘 I’ve noticed people on this forum use the abbreviations “MO” for medical oncologist (who manages chemo and meds) and “RO” for radiation oncologist.

    Best of luck as you move forward with your treatments ❤️🙏

  • baygrass
    baygrass Member Posts: 9

    Hope everyone is having a good day today!

    @grammie2 I also received chemo. T/C x4. I just finished last week! YAY. I had surgery, then chemo and will be starting rads next month. After that, Tamoxifen. Hoping that goes well.

  • baygrass
    baygrass Member Posts: 9

    Question for those of you who had chemo…

    How long after chemo did you start painting your nails? Mine have dark spots. I would love to paint them. I really don't like how they look.

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    @baygrass I don’t paint my nails, but I would assume you can do it whenever you want 🤷‍♀️

  • teri_a
    teri_a Member Posts: 10

    Has anyone else experienced nausea? I have been nauseous for the last 6 days. Not real bad, and not to where I throw up, but just a queasy stomach. I have only had 11 of 30 treatments. The nurse who took my vitals on Thursday said that it can be a SE from the radiation. I was thinking maybe it was just a bug, but it hasn't gone away yet.

  • ttatahealth
    ttatahealth Member Posts: 10

    @teri_a I am so sorry to hear you've been feeling nauseous. As if you needed to add another side effect to the list. That stinks.

    My RO had recommended that I take 30 grams/day of L-Glutamine powder. It is supposed to help reduce some of the side effects of radiation. I don't know if it would help with nausea but you might ask your nurse if that could be helpful at all.

    I hope it resolves quickly.

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    @teri_a Sorry you’re having nausea! That is probably my least favorite side effect ever!!! I am not having nausea with my radiation. Do you have any anti nausea meds to take? I took zofran and Phenergan during chemo and they help a lot!

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 210

    Thanks! I am not sure why I keep saying "radiologist" LOL.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 210

    @baygrass I never stopped painting mine. In fact, some recommended wearing dark polish during chemo. I had TCHP chemo. Not sure if that recommendation varies depending on chemo type though. Only time I was asked to remove polish was for surgery.

  • tigglewinkle
    tigglewinkle Member Posts: 32

    Hi all,

    I am two weeks out from finishing 3 weeks of radiation (lumpectomy with oncoplastic reduction in July) and am feeling more fatigue than I did even a week ago. Really hoping it will dissipate!

  • teri_a
    teri_a Member Posts: 10
  • teri_a
    teri_a Member Posts: 10

    I don't have any drugs for nausea yet. If it continues, I will ask for some at this weeks appointment. Thank you!

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    Sounds about right. Supposedly symptoms peak two weeks after the last radiation treatment. Hang in there! You’ll be feeling better before you know it 🥰

  • dmataraz1
    dmataraz1 Member Posts: 20
    edited October 5

    Hi Everyone,

    I just finished my first week of whole breast radiation in the prone (face down) position. Apparently face down is a new position ROs have started doing. I started using Miaderm cream 4 times a day a few days before starting treatment. My doctor prescribed mometasome cream and I am applying it 2 times a day as prescribed. I also have 3 tattoos and they still put on 3 stickers and marked me with ink pen at the dry run X-ray session. So far I don’t have any redness or irritation, just the stickers that itch sometimes.

    I have two more weeks of current treatment, then the final week of a boost treatment at the lumpectomy location.

    I hope everyone currently in treatment is doing well and pain free. Prayers to all 🙏. Big hug 🤗. You got this!!!!!

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    I had my last radiation treatment today! My skin is quite itchy and a little red in some places, but not bad. I have some aches in my shoulder and ribs, too, which interferes with my sleep. I’m also anticipating some fibrosis to develop in the next couple of years in the tissues that were hit with radiation, but I’m hoping it won’t be too bad. Keeping my head down and moving forward with life now. Big exhale 😮‍💨!!! I wish everyone still in the process of treatment or recovery all the best! You can do this!!

  • ismacurler
    ismacurler Member Posts: 4

    I finished my 5 accelerated radiation treatments 2 weeks ago. I have had breast pain since the first treatment. The cancer centre says this can happen but is far less common than skin reactions (of which I have had very minimal). Very depressed about this as it is really interfering with my sleep and desire to move forward. Going to call them again today. I feel like a cancer patient now. Never did before and it bugs the hell out of me

  • ttatahealth
    ttatahealth Member Posts: 10

    @ismacurler I hear you. I'm so sorry you're having that pain. It sounds like a real gut-punch, and especially tough to have it set in after you finished treatment and thought you were in the home stretch. I hope the cancer center can address this in your next visit.

    I know how tough it is when cancer becomes part of your identity. I'm 4 weeks post Rx now and I feel like I'm at a place where it has moved to being a thing that happened to me rather than who I am. But that was a journey.

    Wishing you speedy healing. ❤️

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 210

    Hi ladies! I have just met with my RO and have a game plan. I go Monday for the pre-radiation scan and marking. I will have 16 treatments to breast only. He said a change in protocol happened recently and that lessened the number of treatments and excludes the lymph node area. Being HER2+ it makes me a little nervous about the changes, but the studies show there is no difference in reoccurrence between the two. Reading all of the previous posts for tips and pointers :) Thanks ladies and have a great weekend!