Considering TH regimen for HER2+ microinvasive (very early stage) BC
Anyone have feedback who has done Taxol plus Herceptin? I just met with a medical oncologist to discuss possible chemo as I was thought to have DCIS but in fact, at mastectomy, was found to have about 8 foci of microinvasion (defined as < 1mm each). I was wondering what your experience has been with the TH regimen. The…
Kadcyla for residual disease after neo adjuvant chemo
Hi All, Starting a new Kadcyla thread as there wasn't one before. I will be starting Kadcyla soon as there was residual disease from surgery pathology report. Kadcyla for 14 cycles is what is recommended. Any of you who have already been on Kadcyla please share how it is going for you.
Eye Issues on Herceptin or Kadcyla?
Hello All, I was originally on Herceptin/Perjeta for HER2 positive cancer, but switched to Kadcyla after lumpectomy revealed some residual disease left. I now have Retinal pigment epithelial detachment (PED) which is a common manifestation in macular degeneration. While I am 61, I've never had any issues with my eyes and…
Beginning Targeted Therapy? Start here.
Please start a new post/discussion for a targeted therapy that you'd like to discuss, if you don't see it here already, so others can join in with their experiences. Note: If you are Stage IV (metastatic), there are many threads addressing these medications for Stage IV patients in the Stage IV forum you may find helpful.…
Kadcyla Continues to Improve Survival in HER2-Positive Early-Stage Breast Cancer
Kadcyla Continues to Improve Survival in HER2-Positive Early-Stage Breast Cancer Dec 17, 2023 More than eight years of follow-up from the KATHERINE trial showed the continued survival benefits of Kadcyla over Herceptin for HER2-positive breast cancer with a high risk of recurrence. Read more…
Tukysa Plus Kadcyla Better Than Kadcyla Alone for Metastatic Breast Cancer
Tukysa Plus Kadcyla Better Than Kadcyla Alone for Metastatic Breast Cancer Dec 7, 2023 Adding Tukysa to Kadcyla improved outcomes for metastatic HER2-positive disease. Read more…