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Beginning Targeted Therapy? Start here.

Please start a new post/discussion for a targeted therapy that you'd like to discuss, if you don't see it here already, so others can join in with their experiences.

Note: If you are Stage IV (metastatic), there are many threads addressing these medications for Stage IV patients in the Stage IV forum you may find helpful. Please feel free to also post a new thread here, if you're looking from experiences from all stages. Thank you!

For more information, please see our pages on Targeted Therapy for detailed information on who each medication works for, what to expect, side effects, how to pay for your treatment:

What are CDK4/6 Inhibitors?

Research News on Targeted Therapy


  • rockdoc
    rockdoc Member Posts: 1

    I'm currently receiving both Herceptin and Perjeta as Adjuvant targeted chemo treatment post surgery. I also received it along with Taxotere (docetaxel) for Neoadjuvant treatment. After my Neoadjuvant treatment was finished I was off Herceptin and Perjeta for almost 2 months to recover for my lumpectomy surgery and to recover post surgery. During this time my hair began to regrow. Since Perjeta causes hair loss has anyone experienced loss of their hair a 2nd time while using it for Adjuvant treatment? I'll be on it for 6 months. Any other issues besides diarreah? Thanks.

  • clewispe
    clewispe Member Posts: 3

    Hi. I have IDC 1 cm, 2 nonmass DCIS of about 1.8 cm each, ER+, Her2+. I will complete weekly Taxol treatment soon (3 to go!) and will be doing Herceptin every 3 weeks until March 2025. I will have partial mastectomy, reduction in both breasts and radiation and the surgery is scheduled in July. I am excited to be nearly done with the chemo phase and looking forward to having 7 weeks of a break before my surgery (although that seems kind of a long time too). After surgery, I will have 3 weeks of radiation and will at some point also start Tamoxifen. I am hoping to feel more back to normal when I stop the weekly Taxol and only have the Herceptin once every three weeks. Any insight as to how Herceptin only compares to the combo with Taxol? I've been handling the chemo regime pretty well, but starting to get really tired (and tired of it too!). Thanks for any insight and grateful for the community!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,799

    Welcome, @rockdoc and @clewispe! We're sorry you find yourselves here, but we're so glad you've joined our community.

    We have a very active thread on Herceptin/Perjeta that we believe you will both find helpful in answering some of your questions! It's a great resource to find info on what others have experience, and ask questions for guidance and suggestions. You can find it here:

    The Mods