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Illinois ladies facing bc



  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited March 2008


    Yay!  Pictures are GREAT!!!!

    Blackjack....what day will you be up in Algonquin?  I have some stuff going on this week, including my BIG HIGHLIGHT DAY on Wednesday.  It is so nice to be looking forward to an appointment, rather than dreading one.

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008

    Happy Weekend Ladies!!!

    Wendy I just had my hair highlited I LOVE it It's just enough to hide the gray and "brighten" my dishwater blond.

    Theresa & Sabrina we haven't heard fron you in awhile hope you are both well

    Can't wait a little over a week till lunch!

    I'm going to start moving the clocks forward.....It drives my DH & GD crazy!!! I love it LOL

  • Mich101
    Mich101 Member Posts: 489
    edited March 2008

    Rita-Yup your pictures worked-they looked great. Keep them coming! Yes, Rita, let us know where you end up after 73.5 miles -lol!!!

    Wendy-be sure we get an update on the highlights-am going to make my appt this week. I really need something done!


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2008


    I can see the pics really square with a red X inside lol.

    Your grandsons are sooo cute!! and you look cute too on that golf cart !! Thanks for sharing.

    Laura..ok I wouldn't be a party planner just a plain old reservation girl and I can even be a coat check girl too. lol

    Have a fun to the opening of boating season party!!!!!

    Take care,


  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited March 2008

    Just popping in to say hi!

    Thanks for the great pictures, Rita.  And thanks for the nice card - I really appreciate it!

    Spent the day cleaning the house.  Wanted it spic and span so that I don't have to look at a dirty house after my surgery.

    Sharon - thanks for sharing details on where you live.  Bless you for helping so many people while putting yourself in danger.

    Blackjack - did you get Laura new Vegas digs yet??

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2008

    Karin, when are you leaving Oregon?  Remember to bring the spring sunshine and warmth with you.  I do wish that I could meet you when you are here but I guess that will have to wait until the next time you come back this way! 

    Wendy..thanks so much for the picture uploading hints.  I've been determined to figure this out.  Now I need to get some more of the latest pictures uploaded onto photobucket.

    If I wasn't stuck tearing tiles off the bathroom walls today, I would have headed north and seen what possibilities we have at the 73.5 mark!  LOL  We'll have to think about this one. 

    Jackie, this bathroom project is quite a project.  We are completely gutting the bathroom and starting from scratch.  I will probably be a basketcase before it is completed, especially since we're heading east for Easter and won't have that weekend to work on it.  If you hear me screaming way down south, you'll know why.  I hope you are feeling better now.

    Well, my break is over and I need to get back to work.  Everyone have a good weekend!  Oh Blackjack...the boating season sounds so good.  Hope you have a good time tonight.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited March 2008

    Hi all......oops, can't go back now and enjoy those posts again that I have already forgotten.  Like Wendy....I think I'm going to have to over-use my printer for awhile so I know what's going on. 

    Interesting moments.......

    There is no mirror in my late this afternoon in my car outside of Wal-Marts when I decided to re-apply my lipstick what did I discover---someone stole my eyebrows.  Of all the nerve !!!!  I got to looking and I'm highly suspicious that some more of my precious body fur has been snatched.  I'm almost sure no one here did it...........all of them already had plenty.  I wasn't napping anywhere along the way to Wal-Marts.....and I definitely wasn't mugged.  I thought about calling the police or perchance even the FBI........but I'm afraid since I've been awake the whole day, and none of those other things---like mugging etc. actually took place,  they won't believe me.  Or worse yet, instead of really looking and arresting the real culprit.....they will find some ratty stuff lying somewhere and try to palm it off on me as though it were really mine.   The End.

    Rita....I am feeling ever so much better.  I'm back to regular ( Dr. suggested puree'---not since I was a baby thank you ) food which has gone down and stayed down quite well. I have about 10 more days of the heavy duty antibiotic as well as a large supply of the Magic Mouthwash.  This tasted pretty gnarly at first.....specially with the flavor that was already there, but that became a very small hurdle very quickly. 

    I hate to admit in my rush to leave the house this morning somehow I tripped on something and went down like a stone on my left side...but nothing damaged but my ego.  I would imagine my side will be sore arm and leg are giving a little indication now.....but it's minor.  We go to Shiloh,---- near O'Fallon, tomorrow which I'm looking forward too, then back home to the grind.  A grind I might add that I can enjoy in my present condition. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic Saturday night........I think we all should have gone with Blackjack.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited March 2008

    Rita - I LOVE the photos! Good job girl! Your CubCart is awesome and your g-sons are adorable and so are you! That kitty is just precious! I am so bummed you can't meet w/us...won't be the same w/out you! But I do wish you the very best Easter weekend!

    blackjack - LOL - actually...a reservationist is higher up on the list than party planner! LOL

    Connie - Ridding the house of dust bunnies pre-surgery is a good idea! When do you "check in"?

    GIRLZ - The absolute most incredible thing happened to me today. dh's car died last week. We had it towed to an automotive place. Rented a car all week. dh was gone today at an outing w/friends. Our car was ready to be picked up. I drove the rental to the Avis place and a sweetheart guy drove me to and dropped me off at the automotive place. The automotive place was closed but they said they'd leave my keys in the car. I immediately saw our car and I got into to our car, gave the thumbs up to the Avis dude and he left. I proceeded to put my key into the ignition and it didn't fit. I looked thru my keys to check to make sure it was the rite one. Sure enough it was. I took off my sunglasses, looked around at the interior of the car and realized it wasn't our car! There were items in it that weren't ours. OMG. I got out, walked around the was the same color as ours, same make as ours, same model as ours. But IT WASN'T OURS! I FREAKED! I didn't have my cell phone. The auto place was in the middle of fricken an industrial park that's like a ghost town on the weekend! They were closed and there wasn't a living frickin soul in sight. I stood there trying to figure out what to do. I thought maybe I should call the police and ask for a ride home...but I didn't have a fricken cell phone! I started to have an anxiety attack. I thought that I could walk home, but it would be about 5 miles, and there aren't any sidewalks, so I'd have to walk on the roads and I had on high heeled boots. I FREAKED! About a half an hour went by...finally a car pulled into the p-lot. I ran after it, screaming "STOP, STOP"! The guy stopped...I asked him if he worked for the auto shop, THANK GOD, he said yes. I told him the car left outside, was not mine. He said he would look inside the garage and pull my car outside for me. He came back out and said that my car was NOT inside either.! OMG - I almost had a heart attack again. He said "Maam...are you sure that car isn't yours?" I said that I'd take another look at it. At that point, I thought that maybe I had brain mets, and possibly it really was my car, but my brain/eyes were playing tricks on me. And I instantly told myself that if it was my car...I would be demanding a brain MRI first thing Monday morning. I was literally sick to my stomach at that point. I took another look at it, inside and out, and told him NO - it was definately NOT my car! There was a hat in the back seat that was definately not ours, a pile of library books that were definately not ours and other weird things. Thanks god he had a cell phone...he called the owner of the auto place, and told him the situation. As it turned out...there was another car just like ours left outside to be picked up (car key was left in the viser of each car). The person who picked up the other car, took our car by mistake! OMG lol...I am not frickin kidding...they called the other person and he said...the car was his secretary's car, he was doing her a favor and he thought he had picked up the right car. He said he would drive our car back right away. He pulled up and I could not STOP laughing! He was really embarassed! I could not frickin believe the whole thing! OMG - He said he thought it was weird, because he couldn't figure out why his secy's car ALL OF A SUDDEN had 150,000 miles on it - but when he dropped it off for her a few days ago it only had 80,000 miles on it! LOL OMG....he and I laughed for at least 30 minutes. He went on to say that he also didn't think she had a spoiler on the back of her car, but thought that maybe she'd put one on and he didn't know about it. Help I deserve a drink tonight or what?

  • Mich101
    Mich101 Member Posts: 489
    edited March 2008

    Laura-OMG, I would have freaked too - no cell phone in the middle of nowhere????

    That guy had to have been sooo embarrassed.

    Yes, you do deserve a drink, many actually! What a funny story.

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008

    Laura How funny NOW! But I'm sure it was very freaky then!

    Jackie  SO nice to see you are feeling better! I think I found your eyebrows....think they moved to above my upper lip!!

    Rita I leave for IL on the 18th and I've already packed ALL THE WARM SUNSHINE I CAN HOLD( added extra baggage even LOL)! I've been on the bathroom remodel road before....we only have 1 bath! Add a child or 2 in the mix....guess I'm not a "fast learner" we did it TWICE!!

    Connie your surgery set for the 20th? not to be to personal but are they taking extra "fat" from elsewhere or are you having an implant?

    Blackjack you start boating season now? isn't a little early? & COLD!!

    better get busy everyone have a great weekend!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited March 2008


    Laura....what a story!  I'm not sure I would have had enuf guts to go up to the strange guy in the middle of nowhere to get help. I would probably still be walking the 5 miles back home.  And this is why...for the most of few DH's jobs is the car thing.  But then, we don't live in the middle of nowhere either.  And this story does explain the e-mail I got from Kater, telling me how glad she was that it all had a happy ending and talking about stolen cars.  Now this will tell you all how much I mistrust my brain these days....I went and opened the door to the garage...nope, 2 cars.  And then I RAN to the front windows to look in the driveway...whew...SUV sitting right where we left it.  Is it too early for me to have a drink????  What a story...and it probably is funny now, but notsomuch yesterday.

    Jackie....YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!  We've missed your funny just haven't been "you"!  RE:  eyebrows....I never lost all of my brows or lashes at the same time but they did severely thin THREE times.  Lashes are good, but straight...the brows never really filled back in tho and I am certainly eyebrow pencil challenged, and I just can't seem to get the color right.  After my highlights on Wed., I am just going to take myself to one of those oh-so-scary make-up counters at Carson's (you know...where all the perfect ladies in white coats work....) and ask for some help.  Even if the stupid brow makeup costs me $30. or so I figure it will last for MONTHS.  And after I get the technique/color correct I can go back to buying my makeup at Target/Osco Innocent

    Blackjack...Boating Season Party?  Ah....doesn't that sound wonderful!  Hope you had a great time!

    Connie...when again is your surgery?  Karin mentioned the 20th but I don't think that's right....the 12th maybe???

    Rita....keep the pics coming!  NOW...when do we get to see the big bath reveal?

    Sabrina, Julie, Therese, are you guys?  Doing OK?

    Leesa, Calypso....Hello?  What's going on?

    Sharon....keep very safe!  Now when I watch the world news it has become a bit more personal to me.

    Jackie...forgot to are you after your fall?  A little sore, I bet.

    Well..nothing new around here.  But no snow so I consider it a great day.  I'm off for my 2nd cup, and to reset a few more clocks...and to put on my hunting gear.  I need to track down my paper!

    Hugs everybody!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2008

    Good Morning!  Even Italian girls can be Irish around St. Pattys Day.  Popping in to say hello.  Yes, I tricked myself this morning.  Despite all the talk about the time change, I forgot to push the clocks forward.  Im sitting here and cant believe it is already 8:20am!  I dont think I am gonna deal with this too well at first.  Im still tired and want to go back to take a nap.

    Blackjack:  This time I am really going to try and make it.  Not for lunch, but to stop by and share a glass of wine with ya all.  Looks like I have been missing out on too much fun.

    Rita:  I just loved the pictures. Your looking great!

    Jackie:  I remember well the day I lost my eyebrows and eyelashes.  They do grow back, and Im actually wearing mascara again.  Good luck to you during your treatment.

    Laura:  OMG!  What an ubelievable story.  Your decription was so good, I felt every minute of your anxiety.  I always carry my cell phone with me - but the one occasion I needed it - I had left it at home.  Too weird about the guy taking your car.  Glad when all was said and done you were able to laugh at it.  Cant imagine walking 5 miles in high heels.  That was an amazing round of events!  DH played at El Barios last night.  Or should I say was supposed to play there.  Came home early cause it was totally dead there last night.  So he is all bummed out and I say to him what do you expect.  You have an Italian name, playing Irish music, at a Mexican restaurant!!

    Next week is his biggest week-end of the year.  Playing at McCarthys Pub at Hawthorne shopping center.  Will be going there myself dressed in green.

    Yuor car story reminded me of a smiliar thing that happened this past February.  Im training a new girl and we walk out of the hospital to my car.  It had snowed alot and I noticed there was so much snow it was touched my rear wheels.  So the both of us are standing there kicking it, trying to get the snow off.  I go to unlock the car door and it wasnt my car.  Thought to myself thank goodness the owner didnt come out and see these two crazy ladies kicking their car.

    Wendy:  Good morning to you.  Just sitting here drinking my morning coffee and certainly did enjoy reading your post.  It keeps me up with what is going on with everyone.

    I cant believe that we missed this big storm that hit this past week-end.  Have you seen any pictures.  Some people got 2 feet of snow.  I thought - dang - that could of been us, but we got lucky for a change.

    Gonna have a fun day today.  Actually getting out of my pajamas and going shopping at Woodfield.  SIL (Peggy) gave me a $100.00 gift certificate for the Mall - I do love to shop.

    Hope you all have a great day, I think Im catching up here, slowly but surely.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited March 2008

    Mornin all, 

    Sure is pretty out there--if on the coolish side.  I am a bit on the sore side today, but then truth is.....when I go down it's like's an ugly thing that bangs with a little bounce at the end for good measure. 

    pssst----girls..when you see tdbear later on this week...get my brows back for me will ya??? had me on the edge of my seat.  If you ever get tired of your job....I think you could go into writing mysteries or do know how to tell a story. 

    I have been up about an hour and yep---I'm yawning---but I am oh-so-thrilled that we are on early time again.  We have some rough stuff yet I'm sure but Spring really has to come now---all that sun and light for longer every day to encourage growth......just may get a wee bit of the deck furnishings out.

    Nicki....think I have forgotten to say nice to see you again---I was out looking for missing stuff.

    Well, since I ( ahem ) got up late I have to run along....get some meds in me and a shower and figure out how to set the world on its edge in less than, ah lets see--a little less then 40 minutes here. 

    This is going to be a good day for all. 


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited March 2008

    Hey....just found out that Nicki's BD was March 3rd!

    Happy Belated Birthday, Dear Buddy!  Hope it was a great one!

    (Laura....I cut and pasted her stats to you in a PM, but I forgot, of course, to ask for her e-mail address.  DUH)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited March 2008

    Hi Girlz!

    Jackie - Your eyebrow story was TOO FUNNY! LOL You "sound" good and that's good! Read my post to Wendy...

    Wendy - Too funny about your missing car! LOL As for the eyebrows...using a pencil is really tricky. I would suggest you try Maybeline's powder eybrow filler. It comes with a small angled brush and you put it on just like you would with eyeshadow. It looks more natural than pencil and it comes in many different shades.

    nicki - TOO funny...kicking the tires of someone else's car! OMG - I would have loved to have seen the owner's face if they saw you! LOL And OMG Terry...Italian dude, Irish music, Mexican bar! LOL LOL

    ONE MORE FUNNY CAR STORY...during chemo-time, I was at Walmart. I couldn't find my car in the parking lot. I'm not kidding...for almost an hour I walked around shaking my head. I started to panic thinking it had gotten stolen. Then all of a sudden I remembered that dh and I had switched cars that day. I was looking for my car instead of his! OMG

    Have a crazy but fun day! LOL

  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited March 2008

    Reading messages in email

    That is what happens when you read most of the messages sent via email, But I wanted to note to you all that if you are trying to remember to answer something, I use Eudora email reader...I dont delete the message in my email, i mark it with "to do" so i'll come back to it and answer and so forth.

    Maybe the website could someday have that option to mark something to read again or keep...looking at...I dont know if they have a feedback corner?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited March 2008
    I like "falling back" better than "springing ahead"!  Frown
  • zkacmom
    zkacmom Member Posts: 146
    edited March 2008

    Laura and Wendy..what funny stories. 

    Sorry...havn't posted in awhile but dh has been gone alot and have been busy trying to keep up with everything.  My dh went to Florida

    last Friday and came back Wednesday morning.  Then thursday night he went to Cursillo and won't be back til sometime tonite.  I think I need a little vacation when he gets back....Actually it hasn't been bad, we have eaten out too much but oh well..

    I go to the surgeon tomorrow for a checkup to make sure everything is healing alright, which it is.  I see the oncologist next month.

    It  looks like it finally is going to warm up.  I can;t wait...

    Rita...those pictures look great....I'm coming over for a ride on the cubbie cart.  I won't golf but riding around is fun..Your grandsons are so cute... to fix dinner...


  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited March 2008

    Wow - great story Laura.  Next time, make sure you start the car before you give the thumbs up!  That would have been a long painful walk home.

    These car stories reminded me of when I was out with dh and his friend and girlfriend many years (20?) ago.  His friend decided to play a trick on his little brother and he moved his car in a restaurant parking lot.  Boy was he upset - almost called the police thinking his car was stolen.  Dumb things you do in your younger years.  

    Yes - my surgery is the 12th - as in 2 days!  I'm hoping nothing changes that as my son woke up with 101 fever this morning. Yell  Karin - I have a tissue expander so I am just having it exchange for an implant and he is going to work on lowering it as they are very uneven right now.  I was offered a lift, but have decided against it for now.  I don't need additional surgery if I look ok in a bra.  If he really can't get them even, then I can go with a lift as long as I agree to a nipple tattoo later. 

    Jackie - loved your story about the eyebrows.  Man, I hated when mine got stolen.  I am sure that someone will find them and return them as they did with me!

    Looks like a better weather week - I see a 58 degree day on the day I will be in the hospital.  Figures.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited March 2008

    connie - I AM CRACKING UP! That is too funny! We should do that to one of the girls when we meet at Maggianos! OMG - Too funny!

    Girlz - It's amazing how many funny car stories there are! I've told everyone my story and they all have one to share! My brother said he was with a couple of his friends one day. He had to run into the bank, so his friend pulled up in front of the bank and my bro got out  of the back seat and ran in. When he was done, he jumped back in the car. But he immediately noticed a baby seat with a baby in it next to him. All of a sudden, a woman in the front seat started screaming! HELP ME, HELP ME! She was pounding on the horn. He had jumped into the wrong car! He said he bolted...jumped into the right car, and said "get me the hell outta here"!

    My friend said that he left a bar one night - was trying to put his key into the car door. Two guys came running up to him. Tackled him to the ground. They thought he was trying to steal their car. He simply thought it was his car. LOL Good thing they didn't beat the crap outta him!

  • sparker38
    sparker38 Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2008

    Hey, ladies it's me sorry been away for a while.  Dealing with the se's of last chemo.  It's kickin my u know what.  The lymphedema in arm is bothering me also.  Trying not to lay on my hips but on my sides is putting pressure on my surgical side.  I tossed and turned the last two nights with hot flashes and leg pain, and numbness in hands and feet.  But hey I am making it through.  Having problems spelling too.  Been having bouts of headaches and white spots in eyes.  Trying to rest my body without over medicating myself.   But otherwise doing ok.  I check in daily to read to stay caught up you guys are a riot.  What a great group of women.  I am glad I am a part of this group even though I haven't met you all yet.  Well gonna get back to bed can't seem to think quite well these days.

    take care


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited March 2008
    Oh Sabrina!'re having a tough time, but don't forget...the next chapter will be better. You're a real trooper...even if you can't post often, know that we are thinking of you often. You will always be an essential piece here. Hang in often...drink lots of water. Be well soon...
  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited March 2008

    ignore if you dont want more quotes from other bc group, i thought this was interesting, i ALWAYS THOUGHT hot flashes were for a reason, like flushing toxins out of us (i hope so when i get around to using my 50th gift, my infared sauna, i got to use it a few minutes today. smile)

    quoted from others:  about hot flashes and recurrence


    >9.     They also found that moderate alcohol consumption reduced the
    >       risk of hot flashes, for reasons unknown since alcohol doesn't
    >       actually change hormone levels.
    >I learned the following from the recent BCList discussion thread
    >"Estrogen Levels and BC Recurrence":
    >             -- women in the study ["Reproductive Steroid Hormones and
    >             Recurrence-Free Survival . . .] who experienced hot flashes
    >             were also more likely to have a LOWER level of estradiol
    >             and less chance of a BC recurrence.
    >             -- Those women who didn't experience hot flashes were more
    >             likely to have a HIGHER level of estradiol and an increased
    >             chance of a BC recurrence.

    Hi Juanie and others,

    These are so interesting.

    I am wondering whether ANYTHING that cuts down on hot flashes increases the risk of recurrence.  I mean, we don't know whether there might be some protective value to hot flashes, annoying and icky as they are.  If so, it would be misguided to try to cut them out or diminish them.

    We know that alcohol consumption increases the risk of recurrence.  And it reduces the risk of hot flashes.  So could that be the connection, that anything that wipes out those hot flashes is wiping out that protection?

    If so, hurray for hot flashes and boo to anything that disturbs them! :)""""""""""""""""""""
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited March 2008

    Evening everyone,

    Sabrina.....I'm so sorry your having so many issues with your se's. 

    I can't recall.....was this your last treatment?????  I sure hope so. 

    Sending hugs.....lots of them.

    I'm wiped out tonight...nice party in Shiloh but so many people there.  Came home and rested but I'm still draggin.  Have been sleeping well at night so I should be ducky in the morning. 

    Too tired to notice ( I have almost every year ) the extra light/longer day today. 

    Kater---that was an interesting piece.  Maybe I'd better work on enjoying the hot flashes I started having since my Taxotere. 

    Hope you all had a great day.


  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited March 2008

    Hi Everyone,

    We are back from sunny California, and I don't want to see another airport for a long time! It was beautiful though, and I was so glad to be out of the snow for a few days.

    There are too many posts to catch up on tonight, but please do put me down for lunch on Good Friday. I'm so excited about seeing you all again, and meeting some I've missed. My dh is happy about it too, because he knows I'm always better after seeing you all.

    Blackjack....I did have my lumbar spine mri at RNS. I haven't had a breast mri as of yet, but the process is similar. I had watched my hubby having a couple in the past, so I knew what to expect. The techs are nice, and you get headphones {pick an fm station} and a buzzer in your hand so that you can get their attention if you need them right away.

    Have to get some zzzzzz, but I'm so relieved to hear that Jackie is feeling better. I was worried that you were being just too stoic about se's, but so glad you found the answer. Now it should be so much easier to stay hydrated, and that alone will help you feel better. Susan is so right about tooth brushes, and washing glasses in dishwasher, or very hot soapy water.  Same with dish cloths and or sponges used for doing dishes.

    Hope to catch up with y'all tomorrow. 'Night for now.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2008

    Good Morning!  This is a quick fly by.  Back to work and very little computer time.  Hope everyone has a great day - I need to go fly into the showers.  Gotta be to work early today.  Monday marketing meeting with corporate.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2008

    Good morning everyone!

    Laura...loved your car story as well as the others.

    Connie..I'll be thinking about you on Wednesday and hope that you son's fever is gone so you can concentrate on your surgery without worry, as we mothers seem to matter how old our children get.

    Hey Wendy...beuaty shop day is coming up pretty soon, isn't it?  There's nothing like a new "do" and some highlights to brighten up the day and the spirits.  I'll be anxious to see the luncheon pictures and your new style.  I'll take my laptop with me so I can check it out!  (Really, though, I thought it was cute last time, too.)

    Michele, Dave's been on a roll at the casinos.  We stopped at the Paradice yesterday for just a quick stop on our way back from Springfield and he won $1,500 on a Red, White, and Blue 7's machine.  He even got that nice little paper to save for income tax time next year.  And better yet, we left before he gave it all back!  It was a nice break from the bathroom remodeling project.

    Jackie, you're sounding more like yourself now.  Hopefully you'll get a little better each day and some of the fatigue will start to leave.

    Nicki, glad to see you back.  Wish I was able to go to lunch as I'd love to see you again but I can't wait to get my hands on those grandkids again.

    Pat..glad you're home and that you had a good time.  I bet you're tired!  At least now (hopefully) the weather here should start improving!

    It's always good to hear from you, Sabrina.  I'm so sorry that you've had a rough time after your last chemo...but doesn't it sound good to say THE LAST ONE???  Hang in there.  Brighter days are ahead for you!

    Well, the sun is out and the birds are chirping.  We've seen several robins around here in the past two days so maybe spring IS finally on its way to Illinois. 

    Mary (Kats) I think of you often and hope all is going well for you.  It was about last year at this time that you posted pictures of your Granddaughter at Easter time in your back yard.  I miss you!

    I need to get busy.  I have lots of things to do around here today, mainly ironing and grocery shopping, and I want to get in a walk.  I'll be back later.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited March 2008

    WinkSun, beautiful sun.  I too am glad your home Pat.  I do have a dishwasher and try never to use anything that hasn't undergone a cycle in there---but who knows.  Thought about what you said  about being too stoic.......and you have squarely hit one of my personality traits.  I'm still feeling a bit washed out this a.m. but breakfast should give me a boost.

    Lots to do today.....I'll be staying out of the fast lane of course. 

    One things that cheers me---I've started to feel small inspirations to not only change my diet back to a healthier one ( I know it's not time at the moment ) but start planning exercises....wt. training and other good things.......can't tell you why that makes me feel so good, but it's something about just having that desire.....and something about the state I'm in at the moment and will remain in for some time that makes me feel it's more doable than it's ever been. future----hope this doesn't fade like a nice dream.  It sure seems to be lifting me up at the moment. 

    Wendy must be out doing fun stuff.

    Well, I need to get some good pills and breakfast.  And oh---along with the above....I'll be so thrilled to throw away a bunch of pills.  Always feel like a I need a pharmaceutical consultant to keep me straight on all of it.

    See ya'll later.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited March 2008

    Morning!  I am sorry to be late this am but I have been packing as I am moving to Florida AS IT IS FRICKEN' SNOWING AGAIN!!!!!! sound so much better!  You are heading toward the finish line of this'll make it.  Have you found your eyebrows yet?  I'll look under my bed...there's all sorts of interesting stuff under there.

    Sabrina....I am so sorry you are still getting whacked by chemo.  Do you think you might be up to lunch on the 21st?  We would love to meet you and give you a hug. I was right!!!!  It's   "New Boob Wednesday"!  I wonder if Hallmark makes a card for that......

    Rita....hey nice piece of change for Dave!  (Should have ordered those more expensive tiles!)

    Pat...glad you are home from your travels and so glad you are coming to lunch...I am so anxious to meet you. are things?  Hugs!  And don't drink milk out of the carton anymore....where your Mom is now, she can see you!!!!

    Hi Ginny!  Sounds like everthing is going pretty well for you these days.  Good for you! seeing you first thing again!  You have been sorely missed.

    Off to get started on the house-cleaning....have a good one, guys!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2008

    Good Morning Girls,

    Glad to see that everyone had a great weekend. Our boating party was soo much fun..a few of the boaters got a little sea sick many cosmo's..but had lots of fun.

    Rita.. I am soo happy your dh won you money for your remolding project..Way to go..time to go shopping lol. Some times those spur of the moment trips are the best and you get lucky..

    Jackie..glad to see that you are feeling better and you are almost done. Your eyebrow story was so funny..reminded me of when my girlfriend tried waxing her eyebrows for the first time and waxed them all off..then she painted them on with black paint. lol

    Pat.. how was your trip to California..did you have fun? Glad to see that you can make it to lunch next week.

    Wendy..Can I go to Florida too..I am so tired of the snow. Is your hair all done now w / highlights? Can't wait to see it.

    Laura..too funny about your all noc..I have some LV hotel pricing for you if you want.

    Nicki..hope you can come by for lunch..would like to meet you.

    Leesa and Clypso..Were are you???? How are you doing?? Hope all is well with you..lets us know.. thinking of you both.

    Nancyla.. How are your rad txs going..are you coming next week for lunch?? I forgot .

    Connie..good luck with your surgery this week. I will keep you in my prayers that all goes well for you. I hope your son is feeling better. My daughter called today and she is sick with a bad sore throat and fever and she has finals this week. Being away from home is hard for them when they are so sick..they need that TLC that only mom's can give and homemade chicken soup too.

    Kater..thanks for the articles.. I gave them to my md at my appt. and he is thinking about the ovary issue. He is afraid that I may have complications w/ surgery because of the lung issue. I had my hormone levels drawn... now waiting for the results.

    To everyone else I hope you all have a good Monday..have to run lots to do at work..will check back later.

    Think spring..bring on those snow be gone fairies.. we need them lol
