Illinois ladies facing bc



  • NancyLa
    NancyLa Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2008

    Hi Laura,

    Thank you for your response.  I would appreciate your Dr's name. 

  • NancyLa
    NancyLa Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2008

    Hi Laura,

    Thank you for your response. I would appreciate your Dr's name.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,652
    edited January 2008

    Good afternoon all,

    Well deja vue time.  Got send home around 4 p.m.  For the second time in two years our building started filling up with smoke---turned me a mite green.  There is nothing quite like the smell of hot melting rubber coated wires.  Since there was only an hour left my boss told me to just take off. 

    Did I argue---heck no.  I jumped in my scarf, coat and gloves so fast I think I was just a blur.   Anyhow, it was more than likely closing time before the fire dept left.

    This is a wonderful place to be and I am thrilled I found it just as I started my journey.  It's been my Godsend and probably the reason that I've done so well so far...............and the food was good.  Lasagna, the fattening kind.  Yum, Yum.  Salad, green beans, Parmesan bread stick, and Oreo pie.  Double yum.  It can't hold a candle to being here though as a support group I think it seems to make those who were there and done with txs feel good.  They had the same 'problem' I've heard here............the your fine now that your done with treatment which we all know has very little to do with anything.  I think it's great for them.......and I'm not trying to be smart-Alecky or anything but I feel for me this group is where I really belong..........if not, I would have found them first.  As well, those people had Ins. and were able to be treated right here and I had to leave town and be with strangers....all men too.  So I don't feel that we have all the common threads.  I just would like to think their tone level was as high as the tone level we have here.  It's amazing.

    Well, I need to go across town to an adult family member birthday party.  My brain ( all smoked up I guess ) is not functioning well and maybe a little pizza and b-day cake will help clear it up.

    I love ya all.   Talk to ya later.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2008

    Hi Jackie - Hope you have a good time at your party tonight!

    Nancy - I sent you a private message with Dr info.

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2008

    NancyLa, Welcome to this group but sorry to hear about your journey. I have a friend of my who is getting chemo txs at NWCH . She likes her onc group very much. Were in Barrington are you.?

    I live in Schaumburg. I have friends that live in Barrington. Let me know who you are seeing. You can pm me if you like.

    You have come to the best tread. The ladies here are wonderful and are here to support each other. They are a great group to rally around you when you need it most.

    Keep posting and sending you a hug..

    Take care


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2008


    OMG - I had the "peel" done on Wednesday. it is really "working". My skin is peeling like crazy and it's bright red! Sad, sad, sight I am! But the good news is that the skin underneath, looks really healthy! My face is a little tender and sore, but we shall see....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2008

    Good Morning Everyone:  I dont know why it is that I drift away from here.  So I thought I would try it again.  I do miss talking to all of you and hearing how things are going.  We are having some awful weather here in Illinois arnt we?  Anyways, I know I will never be able to catch up so I thought I would just read a little and start from here.

    Laura:  Hello my friend.  I dont know if I had a chance to tell you but my ONC's main hospital now is Good Shephard.  He loves the care there.  Of course that is a gazillion miles away from Glendale Hts.  Glad he still comes to Elk Grove Village one time a week!  Hoping all is going well with you.

    NancyLA:  Its nice to meet you, although I wish it wasnt because of bc.  I think this is the hardest part of your journey.  First getting diagnosed, tests, second opinions - all are good.  I really felt overwhelmed until I finially knew what I was dealing with and got a treatment plan.  Hope you keep coming back here, cause many of us are here to support you.  In the beginning I thought I was a goner - that was 3 years ago and Im doing pretty good now.

    Blackjack:  I agree about the Monte Carlo.  It was one of my favorite casinos to visit when Im in Las Vegas.  For one moment, it reminded me of when MGM burnt down.  Although many years ago now, it still sticks in my mind.

    Susan:  I love spa days.  I went and had my hair colored, trimmed, and styled yesterday.  It felt so good.  When they wash your hair it feels like they are giving you a head massage.  Anyways I came home and it looked great.  I feel pretty today.

    Michele:  I didnt realize you are in Las Vegas now and Im hoping you are safe, having fun, and winning of course.

    Wendy:  Hello my friend.  When I was getting ready for work yesterday I heard on the news about Randy Salerno.  It is sad.  I heard last night that was the first time he went snowmobiling.  Its a reminder that life is precious and to enjoy everyday of it.

    Rita:  I missed saying good-bye to you by one day.  I am sooo jealous as I would love to be in Florida right now!

    Well you all must forgive me.  I know there are many I havent said hello to -- but being away for so long, I will try to just get involved and catch up from here.  Have a wonderful Saturday morning.  I may be going out for a manicure and pedicure today.  Feel like treating myself to nice things all week-end.

    Nicki (aka chemosabi) 

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2008

    Morning!  It's a whopping 21 degrees!  Get out the grill!

    Hey Nutty glad you are back...we miss you!  And your mini-spa day sounds wonderful and you absolutely should go for the mani/pedi.  I plan on it as soon as my Herceptin-challenged nails grow out a bit.

    Mich101...hope you are OK. Thought of you too when I heard about the fire.  But you are a tough IL gal...I am sure you would have just tied a bunch of sheets together and "wooohoooed" down 20 flights. know I am only kidding.  Just want you safe and sound.

    Jackie...personally I think pizza is a cure-all for just about anything.  Hmmm...maybe should have put a little of that in my chemo cocktail.

    Nancy....glad you found us!  We are tough!  What can we do to help?

    Laura...I can't imagine that anything you do could make you any prettier but I have to admit, I am anxious to see how this all turns out.  I am VERY serious about that botox between the eyebrows.  I have had that oh-so-deep line since my early 30's and if I could make that better, I think I could stop right there.

    Blackjack...sorry I didn't get your message.  Of course if I had half a brain, when you said "vm" I should have realized that you left a message on the cell phone, which dawned on me last night!  You were soooo sweet to give me a call!  As far as I surgeon's schedule is filled on Tues and Thurs (his days) but he told his nurse that I am such a nice old girl, he will do the port yanking on Wed if he can...they will call me on Tues. afternoon and give me a time. "nice old girl"????  Just wait til I see him...he's a WHOLE 2 years younger.  "nice old girl" my a**!

    JanClare, Kats....where are you?  Hope you are just too busy having a life and having fun!!!

    Calypso....haven't heard back from you after your lumpectomy.  Hope you are OK!

    Hey Donna...just off 31 hmmmm!  Connie...just off 31 hmmmmm!  I am just off 31 as well, in South Elgin.  Seems like all the pretty girls live just off 31!  Or is it that there is something in the water of the Fox River??????  Maybe it's time to move West!

    Anybody a Stephen King fan?  Just finished his latest "Duma Key" was GREAT!  His writing has definitely been off since his horrible accident but HE'S BACK and in rare scared the cr*p outta me and I LOVED it!!!!

    Susan...can't wait to see the "new" you!'s hungry!  Anybody I missed....have a wonderful day!  Hugs to you all my so make a difference in my life.

    Oops...forgot you!  How are you doing Julie?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2008

    Hiya Wendy:  It feels good to be back.  I am a big Stephen King fan.  Have read almost all of his books and I agree there was a change after his accident.  I didnt even know a new book was out.  That would be a fun thing to do this week-end.  I might just go out and buy it.

    Nicki (aka chemosabi)

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2008

    Good morning ladies. Nicki..welcome back. I hope all is well with you. I love the smile starts the day off right. are you doing? I do hope you get your port out next week and then a big celebration for you. Maybe lunch sounds good !!

    Laura.. how is your face doing???? I am sure you will be hot looking once your face to totally healed. tanning your face now that you had this done. Lots of sun don't want wrinkles. is the weather by you? I hope it is getting warmer for you.. I think we are on our way to a heat wave next week. yeah!! are you this am? Hang in there we are here for you .

    Susan ..have a great spa day. I love having a pedi done . Your feet feel so soft  and your toes look were are my cute sandals!

    Rita.. hope you are having fun in Florida..My dh called this am and told me the weather is 80 degrees and he spent the evening in the hot tub drinking cosmos with the boys...wish I was there..oh well 

    Good morning to JanClare, Kats, Mich, and everyone else. Hope you have a great weekend. 

    Off to the gym...check in later


  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited January 2008

    Thanks for the info on the King book, Wendy.  I used to be a HUGE fan, but his latest books just didn't do it for me.  I never related it to the accident.  I may have to try this one.

    From what I can see it doesn't look like the Monte Carlo burnt down.  It looks like just the penthouse suites and a few floors below that.  I don't think it got near the casino so I 'm sure it will be rebuilt and back in business.

    Have a great Saturday, ladies!

  • NancyLa
    NancyLa Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2008

    Thank you all for being here.  I am sorry we have had to meet this way.   I also posted this on the ILC thread, but I was not sure who reads what so I decided to post again.   

    I know I might be jumping the gun, but being type" a" I am trying to feel like I have some control in this situation.  Before another "possible tumor" showed up on the MRI, the next step was a lumpectomy and a sentinel node biopsy.  Now that there might be two in different locations, do you think this is the same plan, or do you think a mastectomy would be done in place of the lumpectomy?  I know I will find out on Monday, but I am trying to prepare myself.

    Thank you

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,652
    edited January 2008

    Good Morning everyone,

    Blackjack---this is going to be one fantastic Saturday cuz' it's going to be so much warmer than yesterday.  I don't mind the colder weather normally....but lately it's been the kind that just heads straight for your bones and it seems like you have to be indoors for at least an hour before you start feeling really comfortable.

    This a.m. my lungs feel much better than yesterday when our furnace malfunctioned and filled the building with smoke.  My boss left word on my answer machine that one of the fan speeds on the motor burned out and that is what is was.  My chest is still a tiny bit sore feeling, but otherwise I'm raring to go. 

    Nicki....glad to see you back again.  Don't see your name for a bit and we all get a little concerned. 

    Wendy---what's for lunch on the grill today--just want to know if I need to come.

    Laura....your going to be stunning when you get past this first few days--heck, you were anyway.

    Well, it may be long, but I heard something very interesting a couple days ago. 

    I email a gal from up Chicago way--don't recall the 'burb', but she had her txts in Naperville--Edwards there, and she is through now with chemo and rads etc.  Her oncologist ( a lady ) told her since she and I were having ongoing discussions about same, that her cancer was less likely to return since it seemed to have originated at the site of a bruise she got to the breast.  This was exciting to me since my large cancer, the one that was not found til' the lumpectomy, had a bruise over the top of it. 

    My concern in the beginning was that my IDC was a Stage 3 and though I didn't worry about the Papillary cancer which was also there a couple centimeters away, I had concerns about the IDC having more ability to return.  Of course, I have from day one refused to even consider allowing this stuff to come back on me---but like many I didn't have any sort of evidence as to why I shouldfeel that way, other than a deeply strong desire to never face this challenge again.  Makes you wonder if your knowingness ( is that a word ) is planted somewhere inside and in moments of panic or crisis you can actually reach that place. 

    Ok, nuf' of the ole' philosopher---I do get on a roll at times but it sort of blew my mind to hear my friend answer a question I never directly asked her---through her oncologist. 

    Ok, we are going to have wonderful weaterer.  I'm not going to freeze my tush off feeding the feral cats today--may even stay a minute or two and talk to them as I sometimes do, and I'm going to get my closet or something useful done today here at home. 

    Hope all you who have not chimed in lately will get back here to say hi.

    Major hugs,


  • zkacmom
    zkacmom Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Well...nothing much going on over in my neck of the woods or should I say cornfields???????  It's been cold but we will be warming up here soon.  It's supposed to be 50 by Wednesday.  We will see.

    I hope to go back to work on Monday.  I see the surgeon on Monday morning.  I probably will have to have some fluid drained.  It's been swelling where my mastectomies are. It's all healing well but I can't lift my right arm very high and it's still numb there.  Oh well, it all takes time.  It's only been 4 weeks.

    I really need to lose weight.   Now that I don't have any boobs and my stomach is big, it looks like I am pregnant.  So we have all decided we are going to the gym 5 or 6 days a week.  I will just be walking for the time being.  My kids will be playing basketball and one day/week they will go swimming.  We also are changing our eating habits.  It's going to be hard but will be worth it.  My husband just has about 10 more lbs to lose.  I want to lose at least 40 lbs and my older son needs to loss about 30.  My youngest is skinny but needs to work on his eating habits.

    Welcome to all the new people.  This is a great group of women. 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2008

    Hi Girls...geesh...I have been busy all day! I've been painting my sitting room, all week. When it came to the part where the wall meets the ceiling...I had a melt down. I kept trying to make it look like a perfect transision and it didn't! SO...little brother to the rescue...he's a painter for a living! LOL I called him, and he drove here from Chi-town and is not only painting the area all the way around the top of the room, but he's finishing all the walls for me! I think he felt sorry for me! Cry I JUST LOVE MY LITTLE BROTHER! He's really good! so if any of you need some painting...let me know.

    THANKS for all the compliments. girls! You truly know how to make a girl feel good! You're all beautiful - inside and OUT! Today the peeling has stopped, some dead skin is still hanging on, but I'm really happy with the results so far. If you are considering any procedure, you may want to start with this one. It's about $100, and it's worth it! My skin already looks healthy.

    Wendy - Eliminating those frown lines, can make a big difference. Actually, I didn't notice them on you, but if it's something that would lift your spirits...I say go for it! But you really look great! And...the one thing this dreaded disease has taught me is that...if it feels good...DO IT!

    Ginny - Glad you checked in...I hope the swelling goes down. Wow...4 weeks have gone by. You've been through a lot. But you "sound" good! Let us know how your appt goes...

    Nancy - I hope you're weekend isn't too stressful. I know at the time of dx, everything is up in the air, and you probably feel numb! I'll answer you at the ILC thread.

    Jackie - That's incredible! Yes...the upcoming heat wave is awesome.

    blackjack - Thanks! But...I happen to be going to MX in three weeks! HELP! I refuse to hide under a wide rimmed straw hat and palm tree. I am a fun in the sun girl! I asked the MD about this and she said if I wear ample sun screen, I should be okay. You've been swamped at work...hope it slows down a bit...glad you made time for the healthy club today...good girl! Maybe we can meet for lunch sometime soon.

    Nicki - Hi there!

    kats - WHERE ARE YOU!


  • JulieK_11_30_07
    JulieK_11_30_07 Member Posts: 17
    edited January 2008

    Hello Illinois friends!

    I made it through tx #2 and so far, so good. I did have to take some Imitrex on Thursday night to ward off a bad migraine, but the good news is that it worked! I took yesterday and just relaxed and have been napping off and on today. I'm just praying that the "flu-like" symptoms stay away this time -- I'm hoping to go back to work on Tuesday.

    Well, we did the shaving party on Thursday night! I'll post some pics so you can all see - we had a great time and lots of laughs! I'm just thankful to not have to continually be sweeping up hair!!

    1st pic - me (left) and my sister (right) - two weeks after my bilat mastec - Christmas Eve

    One week after my "short cut."


    My sister takes the first swipe!

    My DH makes some final touches....

    Sportin' the Mohawk!!

    Me and my "little man" - 12-year old son, Tyler

    Me and my "support system" -- couldn't have done it without them!!

    I know many of you are way past this stage and are now growing back hair you've lost. Just thought I'd share where I'm at! I have one wig that's "okay" and another I ordered that I'm waiting on. I also have several head coverings, etc. Not sure which route I'll end up going with.

    Take care all of you Illinois gals! I'll catch up on all the posts when I feel up to it. It's time to crash at this point!

    Hugs to all!!


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2008


    You are gorgeous both with and without hair.  I had to look twice and now I see what is most beautiful about have a magnificent smile and your son inherited it!  You DH is pretty cool too!

    You have a great family!  Your son look so comfortable with all of it.   What a classy family!   Thanks for sharing those pictures.

    On a different note.  Laura what kind of paint do you buy?  Ask little brother what brands are the best.  We bought Sears a few years back and when we wash an area, the paint actually comes off.

    Had a date with DH tonight.  I went back to a restaurant I wanted represent on the show Check Please. Does anyone ever watch it.  Just found out that there is a two year waiting listing to get on the show, if you are asked at all.  Theplace will probably be closed by then.  We went to the theater and saw a great production.

    Glad to hear that most everyone has better news these days.  I feel optimistic!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,652
    edited January 2008


    Julie, how brave you are.  Of course I say that and I removed my turban and went a' la' bald for a few minutes last night.  It really wasn't that bad and I think to some extent it helped quell a little curosity.  I think if you have not been around anyone who has "lost" their crowing glory.......than the whole time I am around I feel a tense feeling full of question marks and exclamation points.  No one really says they want to see, but questions arise.  So, I just finally said......well, you know it's not nearly as bad as I, wait a sec and I'll just take off this hat. 

    Now you on the other hand ( though I'm sure they were all close to you ) just did the deed with all your loved no silent questions etc.  Probably the best thing you could have ever done.  Still I think it's very brave.  I had my hair 'shaved' at the local beauty college.  Somehow I didn't think my family would want to 'share' with me.  The majority are men--the yuk-yuks might have been hard to hold back--who knows.  Anyway, good for you. You took charge and can now move forward.

    I will send good vibes that you get through the next few days very well and I'm sure all the other gals here will as well.  Just so you know......I have one A/C left of my 4 treatments of that.......then will start 4 more of Taxotere schelduled every 3 weeks apart.  So I too will remain hairless for some time to come.  I have not minded so much, but I have to admit it's not a whole lot of fun with the super cold weather. 

    Positive vibes, and best wishes and here is hoping the next few days are easy for you.  We are all beside you hoping for the best.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2008

    Morning!  Well...back to 6 degrees I see.  Great.

    Julie, Julie, Julie!  You are so pretty.  And that smile!  You, my dear, can and do light up a room.  DH's not half-bad either!  And your son did indeed inherit that smile of yours.  But I have to admit....I had some tears looking at your pictures.  I was bald by Valentine's Day last year and I so remember what that felt like.  I wasn't as brave as you and refused to let anybody see me without a wig, let alone take a picture.  But you know....I wish I had.  I sincerely hope that your chemos get more "doable" for you...if you think about it, time is going by quickly and soon this chapter of your journey will be done.  YOU GO GIRL!!!!

    Go Julie!  Go Julie!  Rah-rah-rah!!!!

    Ginny...sounds like you are doing really well for only 4 weeks post-op.  Don't overdo!  Mom says!!! was your spa day?

    Laura....I know exactly what you mean.  Trying to get that wall-ceiling line perfect is beyond me.  Your brother is such a sweetie.  I hope you played the "cancer-card" here!  This crappy disease has to be good for something!  Glad your face is healing well.  I don't THINK I need a peel but I am dead serious about that crater between my eyebrows.  BUT...I think the $300. is per unit of botox, not per crater.  The $300. I would do tomorrow but I have a feeling that we are talking about $300 x a few!  If you get this done, let me know how it comes out.  Rita too was interested in the between-the-eyebrows frowny line .

    Jackie....the more you post, the more I like you!  You are so sweet and nice and caring and....FUNNY!  I wish we lived closer to each other. to the gym on Saturday.  You are such a good girl.  You can eat more now in Maui!

    Nancy....I can't help you on the lump vs mast.  If  I had to guess, I would probably say it would first depend on what a biop. says of course and then the size of each tumor vs how much breast tissue would be left.  Not that that helped you much.  Sorry.  But you find out what's what tomorrow, correct?  Let us know, OK?  We'll be here with you, every step of the way if you want us to be.  Hugs!

    Oops...Susan...yes, we watch Check, Please! all the time.  Funny thing tho, I don't think it started before we moved all the way out here and most of the rest. seem to be back in the city!  Oh well...maybe I should pick one of my favs out this way and try to get on the waiting list for the show...I think there are only about 50,000 on it!

    Rita...hope you are having fun.  Mich101...winning are we?  Everybody else....have a great day.  And a warmer one!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2008

    Good Morning Everyone:  Early Sunday and just relaxing and enjoying a great start to the day.

    Blackjack:  Thanks for the welcome back.  It feels good to be around all my Illinois friends again.  When it comes to computer time, I just have to start making priorities and the Illinois thread is one of the top ones. 

    Connie:  I also read that the Monte Carlo didnt burn down, but they are closed for business now until further notice.  Can you imagine relocating all of their guests.  The news said Las Vegas was pretty packed with lots of visitors.  I was always lucky in Monte Carlos casino.

    NancyLA:  This must be a very hard week-end for you.  I have learned to hope for the best but expect the worst.  That way I am always prepared.  My breast cancer was multifocal - and the tumor was 3cm, so lumpectomy was not an option for me.  Make sure your writing down all of the things you are thinking about, bring them with to discuss with the doctor.  Bring someone with you too.  I found I didnt hear everything the doctor was saying to me.  DH had to remind me of a few things I couldnt remember.  I will be thinking about you and praying all goes well so you can get your treatment plan started. 

    Jackie:    I love thinking philosophically. Im almost a 3 year survivor now and I believe in my heart that the bc is a crap shoot.  Some later stages do great and some early stages dont.  Why?  That I dont know - but I enjoy life everyday now.  Try to find something wonderful in each day.  Sending big hugs your way.

    Ginny:  Sounds like you are doing well after your surgery.  I remember feeling puffy from water.  For me I was lucky, it eventually reabsorbed on its own.  Im trying to lose weight also.  I remember right after my surgery I called myself Buddha belly.  Keep doing the arm exercises.  The rom will come back.

    Laura:  A big hello to you and glad your little brother came to the rescue.  DH used to be a painter.  When I first met him he has salt and pepper hair and I thought it was paint!  Haha - not he colors it and his thick head has gotten much thinner. 

    Julie:  Your pictures are great.  I did the same thing you did.  Im glad treatment #2 is done.  At least your in the countdown.  When I was bald, I couldnt remember what I looked like with hair.  Now that my hair is growing back, I cant remember what I looked like bald.  I never did use a wig.  I got myself all kinds of cute hats and then went out and bought earrings to match.  DH couldnt say no to my shopping sprees.  Now I have all kinds of earrings and hats that I wear cause they are stylish.  Go figure that one.   You are beautiful!

    Susan:  sounds like you had fun on your date with DH. 

    Jackie:  When I was home, I went around bald all the time.  I got chemo in the summer and I had a jeep.  So I also remember driving about with my top down on the jeep.  Trying to tan my little bald head.  After one week - I decided that hey, Im getting chemo and Im gonna do what feels comfortable to me.  People got used to my hats and my bald head pretty quickly.  Good luck with your treatment.

    Wendy:  Good morning. Seems like we were posting at the same time.  Hoping you have a wonderful day.  

    Well I think its time for me to say TA TA.  Gotting go fit some exercise in before DH wakes up.  He makes me crazy when he is up and Im exercising.  Have a great Sunday.

    Nicki (aka chemosabi)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,652
    edited January 2008

    Good Chilly Morning,

    Wow !!!  Warmer last night when I took Baby Boss out to do his thing or things.  I'm hoping it doesn't take too long to get back to something more palatable.  And speaking about temps, that is why I put my hat back on as soon as I did a night before last.  Dh likes it at 72 here though I'd be fine at 70.......where we were the gal keeps it at 68.  A bit chilly for me. 

    So I hope you all have a lovely morning.  I'm off to have morning one cup.  Can't believe I've managed to write this much without it.  Talk to ya'll later.


    p.s.  Nicki and Wendy......what great graphics....on my list of things I need to learn how to do---walking better is first.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,652
    edited January 2008

    Wendy:  I sent email to your home addy.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2008

    Hey girls....just a quickie!  Jackie e-mailed 2 pics.  She is soooo cute!!!

    I asked if I could post them and I am all ready to do so, just waiting for the OK from Jackie.

    I think we should all "nudge" her into saying OK.  I'll start..


    PS to Laura....Gee, thanks alot, girlfriend.  Sure Laura...just go to the store and buy the product that says "Shine" on it.  Went to my little neighborhood Walgreens.  Good gracious....there must have been at least 25 brands of spray shine stuff!  But you were so right!  With the caramel highlites that Blackjack suggested and the shine spray idea from you....dare I say it...I LOVE my hair!  Who knew!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2008

    Julie - look great bald! I love the mohawk..wish I would have thought to do that while I was getting shaved...makes for a great photo! Your support group is awesome...

    Jackie - Glad you're feeling okay. I would think NOT, but do your ferels let you pet them? I trapped a ferel once and he bit me (I trapped him with a humane trap, because his hair was really matted and he had huge burrs stuck to him)! I went right to the ER...they cleaned it and updated my tetanus (sps?) shot. Animal control tested the cat for rabies, but thank goodness, it was negative. Cat bites can cause REALLY bad problems. I met a woman at the MRI place a few weeks ago. Her whole arm was solid purple and swollen about 4 times the normal size. She said her cat bit her. She was in the hospital for 5 days! I think in some cases, it can be fatal, if left untreated. Yikes...

    Susan - My bro and I both like Sherwin Williams paint. They have a mid priced one that's about $32.

    Wendy - I don't think you'd need more than one syringe for just that area. And...come on...if it really was a crater I think I would have noticed! LOL

    Nicki - Too funny about dh's salt & pepper hair! LOL

    Well girls...have agreat Sunday!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2008

    I'm baccccccck! the OK from Jackie so here are her pics.

    This one is Jackie and Reggie.....

    This one shows how cute Jackie is!  And that is her buddy Ratley....

    Thanks Jacks!  Now I have a face to put with your lovely and endearing posts!

    And yes is a crater.  If you fell in, you would need an extension ladder to hoist yourself back out! think $300. might do it?  Now that is verrrrry interesting.  I just might do it!

    Did I really say "okey-dokey"?  Good gosh.  I hope that is just chemobrain again and not early onset dementia or something.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,652
    edited January 2008

    Hi again,

    Wow, Laura, do I feel bad.  All my loving talk about animals and I never mentioned that everyone needs to be very careful and very much so around the feral cats.  They often as I know you know have a difficult existence fraught with all sort of danger........and they can see you as danger too. 

    I have managed to pet feral cats from time to time but very cautiously and I have to closely watch their body language.  This cat that bit you felt trapped and was stressed way out due to that.  They do not at that point recognize either friend or foe.....their fright or fight mechanism is turned on and in high gear. 

    So anyone out be careful if you attempt to help any feral animal. 

    The feral cats I feed have seen/enjoyed my coming from the last three or so years and while many still won't get near me, a few have indicated by coming and standing right next to me that they might if I move slowly and talk gently let me touch them.  Usually you will have to have much interaction with a feral before they will trust and their trust is never casual...

    Ok, didn't mean to give a whole lesson here, nor scare anyone because when and if we can helping an animal is very worthwhile and rewarding, but their bite is painful and can be lethal too. 

     By the way......I told Wendy it was ok to post pics from me.


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2008

    Ohhhhh, I lvethe pictures.  Jackie, you are so sweet and Ratley is kinda adorable too.  

    Wendy, my spa day is not until the first week in March.  I don't want you think I am holding off on a picture because it was a disaster.  Actually, most anything would be an improvement.  Hmmmm, I wonder if I could lose 20 pound by March? 

    Laura, thanks for the paint suggestion. We are trying to update the house before May when baby gets baptized as we are hosting a party.  The house is suddenly looking so dated.  



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2008

    Jackie - IT'S GREAT TO "SEE" YOU! You look great...AND OMG - that little dog is ABSOLUTELY adorable. What kind and how old? Is the other doll a lab? Thanks for the ferel are so right! I saw a ferel about 3 months ago, so I have been putting food at the spot in the forest that I saw him at, everyday since then. I have NOT seen it since then, but the food is someone's eating it! Just not sure WHO!  

    Susan - A couple more bro was HORRIFIED at the supplies I had purchased for my painting project. LOL He suggests...invest in a thick and fluffy lamb's wool roller cover. They wash up very nicely and you can reuse it forever. I bought the scraggly crappy ones from Walmart. And, buy a good brush...not the cheap plasticy bristle ones. He showed me the difference between his and mine, and was obvious!  

    Wendy - Sorry! I should have been more specific...but for the's in a clear plastic spray bottle, about 5 inches tall and the writing is in black and yellow. I bet the highlights look great! Photo....pahleeeeeeease! OMG - okey-dokey...I say that all the time! LOL LOL But add this at the end: arti-chokee! LOL

    Julie - Well you're probably feeling a little chilly up top! That was the hardest part for me. I wore a fleece cap and usually a hooded sweatshirt with the hood on. I looked like a burglar. Had I been having hot flashes at that point, I probably wouldn't have been so cold!

    Nancy - Just checking on you...hope you're doing okay. Gawd...I know exactly what you're going through this weekend. The waiting is so hard. Not knowing what's going to take place, when and where is tough. Once you have a plan, you will feel lots better. Hope you're able to relax a bit this weekend.

  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited January 2008

    Great pics, Julie.  I agree, Julie, you are very brave.  I was very self conscious when I lost my hair - I could never have done the shaving party.  It was great to see everyone with a good attitude and smiling - what a great way to turn lemons into lemonade!  Your son is adorable - you better watch out for those girls. 

    Jackie - you and Ratley are so cute!  

    Nicki - I fully agree with you regarding bc being a crap shoot.  I think we have come a long way with treatments, but no one has any idea who is going to get it back and who won"t.  Frustrating!

    It's warming up out there!  Yeah!

    Have a great day ladies.