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Illinois ladies facing bc



  • myers421
    myers421 Member Posts: 145
    edited February 2014

    Lago, The nurse at my ps's office said there is nothing we can do but wait till he gets back, so I am trying to determine a different PS by googling LOL.. not the best plan. I just don't know who to go call, I don't want to go into the City so somewhere in the suberbs would be perferred. 

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited February 2014

    Might be a weird way to handle it  but you could just go to the er at Sherman. Its not far and its least you know someone would look at you.

  • myers421
    myers421 Member Posts: 145
    edited February 2014

    I just talked to Jeannie, she made it sound like not a big deal to wait until Monday, she also said I could go in and have her look at it but I don't think it will make a difference.  She was going to talk to the DR today and she was going to give me a call back.  LOL.. I am very confused, I want to trust my surgeon but then hearing others on here makes you second guess everything. I am so undecided on what to do. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2014

    OK Amy, you called. She is going to touch base with the doctor. Great. If you don't get a call back by tomorrow noon then I would call back. You just want to be sure that the PS is OK with you waiting till Monday. If it does get worse though don't be afraid to call again. Chances of getting to see a new PS in such a short time is almost nill. The emergency room is an option but it does sound like it may not be necessary. I know several who have had trouble with things closing/healing. But if it changes color, gets red, black or gets really warm you need to call again and maybe consider an emergency visit.

    But I'm betting you will be OK by Monday.

  • myers421
    myers421 Member Posts: 145
    edited February 2014

    I just called a dr. at Northwestern and whom I spoke to referred to a dr. and they felt comfortable that waiting till Monday would be fine.  I am on on antibiotic, it is open which is good they said so any bacteria can drain.  Phew.. I feel better thanks for all the help ladies!

  • BoatinGirl
    BoatinGirl Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2014

    If you do want to see someone before I would recommend Dr. Fine at NW. He's got a great rep as well and was listed as a top ps in Chicago mag. If you explain the situation to Barb she'll get you in. But you would need to call first thing in the a.m. Good luck!

  • myers421
    myers421 Member Posts: 145
    edited February 2014

    Boatingirl, Funny I did called Dr. Fine's office yesterday and they were comfortable in saying it can wait till Monday.  I went back and saw the nurse at my PS's office, my surgeon will be back in town late Fri and is going to see me Sat. morning.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Myers I'm glad it's before Monday Good.

  • BoatinGirl
    BoatinGirl Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2014

    I am glad you are going to see someone sooner as well.  Amy - I am curious though, did you talk to Barb (receptionist) or Michelle (PA)?

  • myers421
    myers421 Member Posts: 145
    edited February 2014

    I am not sure who I talked to, someone who answered the phone.  She has extremly helpful and talked to a Dr. about my situatuion immediately.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,881
    edited February 2014

    It may be when we no longer know what to do,
    we have come to our real work,
    and that when
    we no longer know which way to go,
    we have begun our real
    journey.     Wendell

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,881
    edited February 2014

    Always interesting what turns up when I choose the quote before reading here.



  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited February 2014

    that's great Amy... Did she say any more that she thinks it's a problem?

  • myers421
    myers421 Member Posts: 145
    edited February 2014

    I have begun my real part of this journey for sure. 

    Aviva It is infected redness around the open wound, my skin is so thin right where it broke open.  My BS had to get so close to the skin (per my husband) which left me with extremly thin skin no lie I mean paper thin.  My 1st PS knew this and I am not sure if he took that in consideration during fills.  

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited February 2014

    that sucks.... she still thought it OK to wait till Sat? Kind of discouraging no one else to see. But at least he will see you Sat. I dunno

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Myers I'm sorry I didn't get involved in this conversation cuz I know nothing about this, I mean absolutely nothing. So I just hope Sat. is soon enough for u.

  • myers421
    myers421 Member Posts: 145
    edited February 2014

    Don't be sorry!! I posted my problem to get feed back and opinions each and every one of them are appreciated.  I am still doing well the redness looks like it has improved.  I am excited to meet with my dr. tomorrow and I will let you all know what he says. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,881
    edited February 2014

    Love is not just another attitude. . . . Love is actually what we are.
    It is
    a step beyond attitude.  It is a shift in consciousness.

  • barb1319
    barb1319 Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2014

    My last day in Florida today, glad i missed the mess in Chi.  A few general thoughts, as I caught up with all the posts:

    1.  As an RN and as an IRRADIATED BABY (more on that some other time) I have been avoiding the airport scanners and also annoying TSA agents ever since 2008 when they kept trying to herd us through them.  I ncourage you all to do the same. Whether they call them radio waves or xrays, the only person who should scan you should have MD after their names, NOT TSA!!! 

    2.  When my highly regarded MO at my highly regarded Chgo teaching hospital suggested a bone scan, chest, abdomen and pelvis scans, I asked why?  I was told "for a baseline".  I told her I felt the equivalent of 1000 chest xrays in one afternoon was excessive just to satisfy our curiosity.I told her I would report any new signs, symptoms, or worries and we could do a few xrays THEN. She never broached it again, and I have saved myself much radiation. Which is harmful shit, for sure.  Remember, scans are NOT therapeutic.  They diagnose, so I say let there be a reason to diagnose something.  IMHO, anyway.

    3.  For those of us on Herceptin, do opt for the ECHO, not the MUGA scan, which eponymously is a SCAN!!!!  Avoid those babaies unless there is a real need.

    4. It is not estrogens in our cosmetics, it is chemicals that can mimic estrogen in the body. We need to also avoid petroleum-based ingredients and paraffins and parabens also.

    5. All corn AND soy are GMO in America.  Not Europe or Mexico or Canada, where the governments care about citizens. Write your congressmen about this!!!

    6.  We need to be our own advocates about these things.  I am on generic Arimidex.  Is it true really that it is not as effective?  My cousin the pharmacist says all generics are equivalent to the proprietary drug?  If it is not, I want the real thing.  Please advise!

    7.  Anyone else finding insomnia to be a problem on Arimidex?  Two nurse [practitioners at two MOs tell me it's not true.  I know differently! What are you all doing to counteract?  I'm in my 4th month.  My feet hurt and are tight and my right ankle burns/hurts.

    Thanks for all your support!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2014


    6. Yes generics have the same active ingredient and are just as effective. It's just the binders that are different. A drug company only has an exclusive patent for a certain amount of time. 

    7. My NP told me to take my Anastrozole in the morning to avoid sleep issues. It does appear that many of the sleep issues are related to hot flashes but not all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,881
    edited February 2014

    Barb - I'm answering now ( something I don't always do ) so that I can follow the points you have made and contribute what scant info I might have....on a couple of them.

    First, I really don't travel enough to warrant worrying about airport scanning.  Have only used air travel once since 1972 and that was to go see my daughter who sent the ticket.  My life is such that going away from home far enough to fly is almost out of the question. 

    As far as # 2.....much of that information was almost too overwhelming for me to contemplate ( had I even known to do so much ) when I found myself without insurance and with a major issue ( Breast Cancer )  and spent the first 3 months having a multitude of tests, then lumpectomy, then extended program ( chemo and rads ) to get me to NED afterwards.

    On # 3 I did have a MUGA since they needed to know what condition I was in to do my chemo.  But, as in the above....I was still pretty close to being in a shocked state and almost unable to question any rightness or possible wrongness.

    I put this down not to indicate in any way that I'm not with you on everything you have said.....I truly am, and have thought often  -- wow, I was so terrified I never questioned much of anything....just get this monster away from me.  So that is mainly the reason for most of my above answers.  Some of us just needed to get well or perhaps like me felt so ill-equipped, that we may not have always understood what we possibly should have questioned.   That said, I do get my medical care from the V.A. and feel for the most part that they actually do try to only go so far as to get answers needed for your treatment.  They are more inclined to err on the side of caution and not do un-necessary procedures as there is no profit angle much for them. 

    Very, very good info on # 4 and # 5.

    As to #6.  I never found any info anywhere that generic versus  proprietary Arimidex was any different.  The difference that I always heard about was that you could get reactions from the carrier of the drug into your system.  Also, generic only means the original patent has expired ( I think it is a ten yr. period ) and that all drug companies now have a right to manufacture the drug.  Due to federal guidelines and regulations, no one could actually change the amt. of the actual drug itself, but could use any sort of carrier.  I do know some people have had to use the "real" thing because they had some strong reactions to the "carrier" used in the generic versions.  I had reactions ( not bad enough to switch ) but super aggravating making me think I would have to consider asking for Arimidex  after the switch-over to Anastrozole. After about 3 months my body adjusted and I was able to keep going.  I did find much, much later.....that I did have a se.  I would get irate over things very quickly and somewhat out of proportion and didn't realize up until about three months before I was allowed to go off the drug.  I'm a whole lot better with this already.

    Are you taking your pill at night or in the morning.  I'd check about switching the times around that you take it.  I did not have an issue there.  I've slept ( thankfully blessed ) through all of my maladies and have always felt it is why no matter how poor the start....I ultimately tend to seem to do really well.

    As well, I never completely got over foot neuropathy and to this day have foot issues.  I have been wearing Sketchers Go Walks and that has helped but I can get v lots of burning and very tired arches when I have to be on my feet for a long time.  I find myself sort of hobbling a bit when that happens.

    I think we are all going to find your information very useful and very welcome.



  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423
    edited February 2014

    Sloan does not do scans unless there are symptoms.  I agree with everything you say Barb.  Wouldn't you think there would be some standard of care for this disease?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2014

    My onc doesn't do regular scans unless there are symptoms. My BS ordered them before surgery because there was time. I don't think it's unusual for stage III to be scanned to make sure they aren't stage IV. My BS pretty much thought I would be a IIIA given the size of my tumor and I'm sure the HER2+ factored in. My onc did see a few things on my liver that she thought was probably cysts but she still wanted to scan for the next 2 years. So maybe I did get extra radiation but I also got a BMX. No more mammos for me so hopefully in the end  it evens out.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2014

    Barb, I had a terrible time with insomnia when I was on the Arimidex.  I had hoped that it would disappear when I finally got off of it but I still have sleep issues.  I have tried everything and was finally given a product called Cerenity by a homopathic naturalist.  It has helped me tremendously.  Like Jackie, I still have feet issues but not as bad as when I was on the pill.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2014

    You mean the sore feet isn't going to go away when I get off this stuff in 2 year? Scared

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423
    edited February 2014

    One thing...I know that there are chemicals, like those in plastics, that encourage the production of estrogen.  But it was an onco nurse on the American Cancer Society website that told me that shampoos actually had estrogen in them, since some use placentas from animals.  I just took her at her word.  Anyone know anything different?  There is so much misinformation out there, about everything, but I trusted her and that website.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Oh wow. like most of us I get so many scans and of course the usual MRI's and x=rays and other tube things don't even know what they are called. I know I got MUGAS during all the H time, but now I get echo, echo echo (u know I like to do that) from the card. Dr, and nuclear stuff, I really don't know what I get I just go--but I have thought of all the stuff being all thru our bodies and wondered aout it---but I always figured it was a needed. Well I don't know, I really never say no to anything, that's why I have kids.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014


  • myers421
    myers421 Member Posts: 145
    edited February 2014

    Whooo Hooo! finally the weekend! 

    My appt. is in an hour with my PS YAY!! he is back in town, I am a nervous about what he will say needs to be done but I prayed that I will be able to accept whatever is handed to me today. I'll let you guys know what happens Scared

  • barb1319
    barb1319 Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2014

    thanks for all the input.  I told my MO that I didnt want to be in this breast cancer club, but the club members are sure wonderful.  Thank you all for everything.  I fly home today and get back to my OWN computer, I really hate this laptop that my daughter brought.  You ladies are great!!