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Anyone starting Chemo in Feb?



  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited October 2007

    {{{{Carynn}}}} So sorry to hear of your challenges.  Geeze, can't we get a break here.  I hope they get your DH all fixed up with IV antibiotics.  I am sure  they will and then send him home on oral antibiotics. 

    I didn't realize that Lupus and RA occurred together.  What ugly "bedfellows".  I hope and pray your tests are negative.

    Be sure and get plenty of rest.  I know that isn't in most of our natures.  As soon as we finished with BC treatment, it was full steam ahead.  But, I have heard it takes a year to fully recover from all the stress our bodies endured for treatment of BC.  Do take care of your sweet self.

    I am feeling better.  I slept last night without waking up and feeling pain when I tried to reposition myself in the bed.  That is progress with the SI joint problems.

    Hope everyone is having a beautiful Sunday.  The weather is glorius here, highs in 70's  and lows in 50's. 

    Twyla, how are you?  I have been a little worried about you lately.  Haven't heard much from you.  Hope you are well and just busy with fun stuff.  Don't work too hard.

    Marsha, hope you are feeling more chipper.  Miss your cheery side.

    Don't let all of this get you down.  How is the recovery from the mastectomy going?  Remember, we are all  here for you.  Share your problems and concerns and we will carry them with you.  Miss hearing from you

    Thinking of all of you, Twyla,Catherine,MelanieW,Phyl,Pat,Carynn,Hillary,Marsha,Alyson,Jan,Jel,

    Diann,Leah,Terry,Karen and all the other FCC's.

    Love to all, Sammie Kay

  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited October 2007

    Hi all,

     So sorry I haven't posted in a while.  Have been busy as usual, but have been reading.  Just no time to write. 

    DD's Volleyball team has gone undefeated in their conference, so they start playoffs for districts next week.  They have a buy on Monday and play Thursday.  Wish them luck. 

    Phyl...I know you will get used to the monovision.   I didn't have Lasik, but wear the monvision contacts.  It took me just a few days to get used to it.  Have been wearing hard or gas permeable lenses for about 33 years....since I was 15.  I am chicken though about the Lasik.  Hope you are doing well.

    Marsha....where are you?  Hope you are well also.

    Carynn....I know who my Secret Pal is, but won't divulge until you give the go ahead. 

    Sammie Kaye....hope you are feeling better and the ice and therapy are working.  Sounds like you need some chocolate!   Are you going to be off work with this for a while?  Bummer...with a new job.

    Alyson.....sounds like you are having a great vacation.  I would love to see the castles and go to of my ancestors.  Maybe someday.

    Just an update...went to see the plastic surgeon this week.  The plan is for me to finish my Herceptin on Jan 31, go off the coumadin to keep the infamous port open.  Then he can do the breast reduction and remove my port at the same time....Hooray....I won't have to go back to the local surgeon and hospital, where I had such a wonderful port insertion experience (not!)   He said it would be a pretty significant reduction and I would be in the hospital one night will have a drain, which he will remove before I go home... will be at UPMC Shadyside in Pittsburgh.  Only a week or two off work.  I am looking forward to being a matching set....I never was, but now it is worse.  Of course, the smaller one got "sick".   I have always wanted a smaller set anyway.    He did say he could not match exactly, because of where the cancerous tissue was removed.  But as long aas I can get a bra to fit and my shirts don't twist I will be happy. 

    Well....I need to finish up some laundry and get supper ready....

    Catherine....hope the Rockies win tonite!

    Hillary, wasn't it a fabulous day today in PA!   Princess and I took a nice long walk.   Hubby & son cut firewood. 

    Hope everyone is well....

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2007

    Good evening dearest all.  I am litterally crashing in my chair in front of the "puter" after a very physical day: first cooked a "real" bkfst with eggs, bacon and pancakes... Foot in mouth  DH loves those and we really do not indulge in big bkfsts very often... this way we skipped lunch, so I vacuumed, took Toby (the white one) for a long walk in the park where the colors are even more gorgeous after the snow+freeze of last Sunday... I always meet a lot of familiar "dog owners" and their pets, so it is a fairly social things for dogs and humans owned by them... Came back the eyes filled of golds and reds and not wanting to go inside so I raked the leaves (we have a huge cottonwood, all yellow now, and "raining" gold on the lawn... garanteed exercise for weeks to come)... and then I felt like going for a bike ride, so I did, and here I am, back from 9 miles in the park again and the streets around here, in mild sunny weather, just glorious... I need a good shower, but I wanted to stop here and say hi first...

    So sorry to read about all your worries Carynn... I sure hope the tests will come back neg (what symptoms triggered the need to do the tests?). As for your DH, from what I know, diverticulitis is a very painful thing. The house we are in had belonged to a couple who lives a few blocks away now, and he just underwent surgery for that condition, he is doing fine, and pain should be a thing of the past, at least that's what the surgeon said (his condition is complicated by diabetes). Hope your DH will feel better soon. Does he need to avoid anything with seeds? (strawberries, eggplants, tomatoes, etc?). I am sending big hugs your way, for both of youSmile.

    Sammie Kay, I enjoyed reading your nice posts.  Hopefully pain will leave you alone for a while (I am not sure I know what SI stands for...??).  I can understand your comments on the weather... I remember in Houston, the nicest months were from October-November through March, mild and not too humid... Enjoy... this may be nice sailing conditions, too...

    @##! in baseball... It seems to me they can never hit, and they spit a lot... The Rockies do not seem in a winning streak anymore... Denver is all purple and agitated, this brings people together, which is nice... Good luck with your surgery, still a bit far away, but time has sure flown by quickly this year... so you'll be like new before you know it.  I feel jealous when I read about cutting fire wood... I miss having a fire place and fussing around the fire...  Good luck to your DD for her upcoming competitions...

    Marsha, how are you doing.  I have the feeling I am the only one who does not even think about reconstruction... I won't tell you that I like my "new look", but I am comfortable with it, and find it very convenient... a few aches and pains still, but much less and I believe that when I am through with the avastin IV (#16 out of 18 coming up this wed.), I will have final healing speeding up.  I am just too chicken to even consider undergoing surgery again...

    Leah, busy writing a blog with pictures? Trying to replicate the nice recipies for friends and relatives? Hope you are busy with only pleasant activities.

    Melanie, so nice to read your posts, too... Wishing you to slow down a bit... you seem a very busy business woman.  Hope you can enjoy time with your adorable GD.

    Hillary, I have been cooking, but did not have much time to write... Very busy with fixing good hearty soups (with kale, leaks, turnips, carrots, black beans, dill, chicken broth, whatever is available... small pieces of sausage do not hurt either).  It is time consuming because of all the stuff to wash and cut small... but good for us, so I do it with pleasure (listening to the radio). We also had some craving for the classic "pommes de terre sautees" (garlic potatoes, cut very small, rinsed, dried, and sauteed in olive oil with a pat of butter... they brown nicely, then I cover for a short time, always making sure nothing burns... always delicious... with a nice steak cooked in green pepper cream sauce, with a dash of Cognac and a few mushrooms... one of my DH's favorites... and of mine... not to be repeated to often, though... rich...)

    I do not sound like it, but I do work sometimes, too... and the coming week is going to be very busy on radiotherapy accelerators (manuals to edit and proof).  So I will probably not cook much (thank you Whole Foods) and not play outside as much...

    We took a short ride to a park not far from here (Mt Falcon), and had a great walk on very easy hiking trails with DH and the dogs last Friday... As we were going back to the van, we saw a beautiful doe, in a breathtakingly beautiful setting (high up, with incredible vistas down below).  DH is doing OK, got flu and pneumonia shots (he is more exposed now, with teaching and riding public transport), his appointment with the neurologist is on the 13th... for now he is on blood-pressure medicine, and seems fine... He bikes more, too, goes to his train 5 times a week (30 min round trip each time) and we got a flat bottom cart to pull behind his or my bike to do the shopping: works great!  We are reducing our "carbon footprint" as much as we can while exercizing usefully...Innocent

    Well, I need to get dinner started... Wishing you all a nice week... I I'll come chat again when I find the time... considering how talkative I am... I need time, you will have figured out...

    Twink, Marsha, Leah, lets us know how you are doing, OK?  Tink, do you still read this thread, thinking of you, young mom...

    Big hugs to all,



  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited October 2007

    Just a quick note to answer a couple of questions.

    Terry, thanks for asking, I am feeling much better.  I am scheduled for trigger point injections and physical therapy tomorrow.  I don't really want the injections, as they hurt and I am feeling so much better, don't think I need them.

    Good luck to your daughter and her volleyball team.  It is so exciting.  One of my GD played and I went to some of her games.

    Catherine, the SI joint is the sacral iliac joint.  It is in the hip area.  I think it articulates the leg joint into the pelvis.  It is not a ball and socket joint and it moves up and down not around.  Anyway, it is much better.  I hardly had any pain today.  I am so anxious to get out and ride my bike and start exercising.  This was quite a setback and very disappointing to me.  I registered at the health center and was planning to take water aerobic classes.  Hopefully that happens soon.

    Sounds like you are having great weather and fun outside.  Keep up the wonderful cooking.

    I was reading back on this thread.  Just revisiting last year when we were first diagnosed and starting chemo.  There are so many that dropped out.  I was wondering if anyone knows what became of Linnie?

    Take care all, Sammie Kay

  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited October 2007

    Oh, Carynn. I am so sorry about DH. Sounds painful...

    Let us know about the test. Sounds like you are ok with the diagnosis if you do have it?  What strength.


  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited October 2007

    Hi girls - just time for a quick check in. DH is doing beter, still pretty uncomfortable.

    No word yet from the Rheumy's office, but that's par for the course...

    As for the secret pal stuff, let the guessing begin!

    Thank you all for your good wishes. I will check back in soon!


  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited October 2007

    Catherine....I know what you mean about baseball...too much spitting.  They start young too...spitting the sunflower seed hulls out.  

    I did some cooking over the weekend too.  Not quite as gourmet as yours, but more rustic.   Stuffed cabbage rolls and homemade vegetable soup.   Also made some zucchini bread and pumpkin spice cookies.   Don't know what got into me.  Must be feeling better finally.

    Carynn, My mother in law suffers from diverticulitis.  Has to watch the tiny seeds...raspberries, strawberries and even leaf lettuce.   Hopefully DH is feeling better soon.   I pray you don't have Lupus too,  Way too much for you to deal with.   I have a friend who has had lupus since her early 20's.  She is doing well.   Praying for you. 

    Hi, Leah,  are you back in the swing of things since your vacation?  Hopefully you are well rested. 

    I guess I can be the 1st to divulge my secret pal....Catherine.  I am still sleeping with your homegrown lavender under my pillow and think of you every nite!  Smells heavenly.

    Got to get to work....have a great day!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited October 2007

    Carynn, man oh man so sorry to hear about your Jim! How is he doing? Has he come home from the hospital? Also let us know about the Lupus test. Keeping everthing crossed that I have to cross that it is negative.

    Leah, I missed your call the other day. You know I love you, just haven't been in much of a mood to chat or post for that matter. I seem to have misplaced my sense of humor again. I'm looking all over for it, I know it is out there somewhere and I think it is holding my self confidence hostage also. LOL

    Catherine, I loved your photos! And how busy you are keeping yourself. My girlfriend is trying to get me to start riding bikes with her, I think I might just start doing that.

    Hillary, how are you on the hair front? My eyelashes have fallen out again. Well not all of them, I have about 10 on each side. Geez... it's like a gift that keeps on giving.

    Speaking of gifts: THANK YOU Secret Pal for my package yesterday! I loved everything. Gonna use my "Marsha" bag in Jamaica and I hid the chocolates from my hubby. LOL Hummmmmmm ARK???????? who do I know that lives there? You are a sweetie!

    Sammie Kay, the water aerobics sounds like just the thing for you. MUCH better than a bunch of injections! eeeewwww I was wondering the same thing, there are several people we haven't heard from, hope they are doing OK. Has anyone heard from Karen lately?

    Phyl, so the two of us were lurking and keeping up with everyone. Glad to see a post from you. Hy hubby had the lasik surgery about 4 years ago. I remember him saying "WOW, I can see the individual leaves on that tree" LOL He hated wearing glasses, they always bothered his ears. The eye doc said as he ages he might still need reading glasses later on.

    Terry, I had my port removed with the uniboob a few weeks ago. I was so glad to get rid of that golf ball sitting on my chest. The surgeon removed it under the skin instead of making another incision. I felt a little "bruised" for a few days and then that's it. My scar is not big at all and you really have to look to see where it was. The rad burns on the other hand is a different story. My right side looks like dark brown leather! It's actually a great summer tan color, too bad it's just that one area!

    Twilah, I got the same talk from my med onc that you got. No scans unless symptomatic. My last visit a couple of weeks ago were just a tumor marker and CBC, liver etc. He said I was normal. HAHAHA Of course that is debatable but I was happy to hear it. I understand about feeling like we have been just let loose. I do NOT miss active treatment but will say it at least kept me from THINKING too much. I just put each date on my calander and concentrated on getting to that date. End of chemo. End of rads. Surgery date, etc. Now it is all done and I finally have to just look back at the year and say WTF was that? Did I actually go thru all that? It's like waking up from a nightmare only I have scars to show it was real. Does that make sense?  When do you start Rads?

    Melanie, wowser you are staying busy! How are the new "girls" doing? haha You've been back to Disney? Dang, next time let me know. I'm gonna PM you and Leah a website for vacation rentals. Maybe we can finally get something booked.

    Alyson, hope your vacation was wonderful. Sounds like a lot of places I would love to visit. How are you feeling?

    Jan, hey girlfriend.

    Vegas, good to see you posting. You need to stay in touch since you are in one of the places many of us will eventually come visit! I've been to Vegas 3 times and loved it. Not a huge gambler but can make $40 last awhile at the roulette wheel to keep getting the free drinks. LOL Are you still in the wig? I actually had someone say to me the other day "Nice hair cut". It is still very short but VERY thick and soft like you wouldn't believe. Everyone keeps "petting" me. haha

    Who said something about chili? I'm making a big pot of it today. The weather finally broke some, it's actually cool here at night. We've had a lot of rain though.

    Jel, let us know about the test for metabolizing the tamoxifen. I sure would hate to be taking that crap and it not being doing a darn thing for me.

    Who did I leave out? I hope no one! I love you all, what would we have done without each other through all this? OH Halloween falls on BNO this year! We are all dressing up at my friends house. She has a turn of the century Victorian house in the historic district with a big wrap around porch. They get a lot of trick or treaters so the kids have to climb those steps up to the porch with all the "ghouls" up there to get their candy. We leave the door open and all the lights out with spooky music playing. Too funnny. You can see the look on some of their faces "I AM NOT going up there, candy or no candy" haha

    Happy Halloween everyone! Love, Marsha

  • hockeymomfl
    hockeymomfl Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2007

    Hi ladies,

    Carynn, Sorry to hear that DH was unwell and that you are waiting for the Lupus test results. It is always a stressful time when tests are looming. I wish you both the best.

    Marsha, glad to see your comments. Keep that great, postiive attitude that helped all of us so much in the beginning of this journey. We all go through the ups and downs. This is just your down right now. But keep in mind every day how blessed we are to be here with great family and friends. There is always someone in worse shape out there than us:) I know you will live it up on Halloween:)

    Sammiekay, glad to hear you are feeling a little better.

    Leah, Hope all is well with you and you are still on a high from that great trip?

    I just got back from a 5 day trip to Boston with family and friends. What a great city! People were so friendly and it was so easy to get around. Actually got to walk everywhere, I say that because here in Florida it is usually too hot and sticky to go for extended walks.

    The weather was great there for being out and about. My boys loved the Boston Common park, the trains rides and our trip out to see Harvard Univ. Loved the beautiful Autumn leaves.

    I would definitely go there again.

    No results yet from the Tamoxifen test. Will let you know.

    Keep on sailing......


  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Member Posts: 382
    edited October 2007

    OK, I'll take a guess on my SP ... Recent postmarks from Gainesville, FL ... Margarittaville soap ... Could it be our sweet Marsha????

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited October 2007

    Hi everyone!

    Terry - Home grown lavender- I'm jealous! Tell me, does your MIL have to avoid those foods all the time, or is it ok to indulge once in a while? DH was told all about that too, but we havent had the follow up yet, so I wasnt sure. That man puts nuts on everything! I dont know how he'll give them up. :(

    Marsha - So good to hear from you! I miss our chats! Yes, DH is home. They  really wanted to keep him another day, and truth be told, he should have stayed; but he was only sleeping 30 minutes at a time with all of the checks they do all nite. So, we got them to buy off on switching him to oral antibiotics at home. His first night in his own bed he slept 14 hours AND took a nap! I hope that YOU are doing well. Oh! I think I saw your sense of humor in Phoenix, maybe you better come get it!

    Jel - Good to hear from you. One of the girls who works for me flew to Boston for the day today to go to the Red Sox parade. She's from here, lived there a bit, and just loves going back! :)

    Hillary! How have you been? Well, I hope.

    Leah, SammieKay, Alyson, Catherine, hi and hugs to you all. I'm so glad we're all so busy, but I sure miss seeing you all everyday!

    Still no word from the Rhuemy. Now I expect it to be Wednesday. He's only in the office where I'm seen on Mondays and Wednesdays, so I really doubt he'll call tonite. I will keep you all posted.

    One of the Circle Girls is coming to Phoenix this week. She will be the first person from the board I'll get to meet face to face. I'm SO excited! 

    Good guesses so far on the Secret Pals! I'll confirm or deny at the end of the week.

    Take care all. See you soon!


  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited October 2007

    Hello, All!

    Jel- you were here! I work 20 minutes from Boston! I have to admit that October is the best time to visit. It is breathtakingly lovely with all the autumn colors. They lasted way longer than usual due to the warm weather (they are usually gone by October 12th or so). Glad you enjoyed yourself. I went to undergrad school here, and only left for 3 years in California... came back and never left again.

    Marsha- so happy to hear from you. Feeling lost is normal, I think. Also feeling a little angry might be normal too. I know I put a lot of emotions on hold while we got through everything, and some of them sneak out every now and then. I started crying in the airport in Munich, wondering if I would be ok (or even here) a year from now. I know I get overwhelmed when I look at what I have been through in LESS THAN 10 months. How could this be? So I imagine feeling a little rudderless is pretty normal right now. 

    I always thought your sense of humor helped you maintain some perspective, but maybe it was the other way around? In any case, we love you just as you are.

    The Florida vacation needs to get going- I don't want to be alone in Orlando! Let me know what I can do, or Melanie and I can take over if you have lost your appetite for the planning.

    For all who have inquired about the job: it is really hectic right now. Unfortunately, Italy feels far away, and the here and now is really pushing on me. I am the only one who is in my role here at this company- they are trying to hire two more- but the competition is fierce in this geographic area for people who do what I do. I envy Carynn right now with 3 others to share the load. I am developing training manuals like crazy, but I unfortunately don't know their business as well as I would if I had been here 6 months or more, so I personally feel at a disadvantage. But I will do my best. I go on the road (Minnesota, Ohio and CT) for most of December, and then the system "goes live" in those 3 manufacturing plants on Jan.2.  Not sure where I will be for the go live, but January will be hectic also. Hence, I am lookinf forward to the end of February break with my buds here.

    Issues which continue to consume me are BALANCE in my life. I feel a little self-protective, and am not throwing myself into this work the way I would have a year ago. I feel myself holding a little piece back. Does that make sense? I so do not want to do anything that will cause the cancer to come back. And can I really help to control that?

    Seems like we are all resuming a life, but it doesn't feel like the same life I had at all. Need to reflect some more. Where are those Tuscan vistas to help me????  ;)

    Love to you all.

  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited October 2007

    Sorry I haven't checked in here for a few days...just caught up on reading.

    MARSHA>I'm not surprised you may be feeling lost, after months of seeing docs and having all kinda tests and procedures all of a sudden you feel like you lost your medical support team after everything was pushed at you at break neck speed. Heck I'm sure alot of us have lost some support from family and friends too at the same time. I am having a hard time dealing with my kids problems, I sometimes think that my cancer made them realize life is short so theyare making or dealing with major changes in their lives in this past year.

    I'm guessing that swimmingmom (Karen) is my secret pal!

  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited October 2007

    Hello everyone! Just dropping in to say while I've been reading and keeping up with the happenings, I haven't had much time to post but I haven't forgotten about you all. I have been training in my new position in the PACU unit (recovery room) and LOVING it! It seems like 2007 has been full of challenges, surprises, highs and really big lows but all for the better I'm sure.

      My daughter will be graduating from surgical tech school in December and one of the presents she's getting is her car payment and insurance that I've been carrying for the past year (ha ha!). But really, she is looking forward to taking on her responsibilities and getting on with her life and I am SO proud of her.

      I have my 3 month onco. check up mid-November and looking forward to hearing "everything is normal"---like we all do. By the way, I know there were postings about abnormal cholesterol levels post chemo and mine was way up there as well with trigs in the 250's!  Well I lost 10 pounds and now all my readings are in the normal ranges and that's after 3 years of being on statins with just so-so improvements. So I'm making a conscious effort to eat right and loose more weight.

    Well take care everyone!


  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited October 2007

    Wow! Good guesses girls, keep 'em comming!


  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited November 2007


    I thnk Hillary (NarbethMom) might be my SP.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited November 2007

    I think my secret pal is the ever beautiful Melanie.  Thank you sweet lady for all you've done!!

    Now for some fun Halloween pics.  My friends house gets about 300 people and there were about a dozen of us all dressed up.  We SCARED some kiddies last night!!!!  hahahahah

    Me and Mary AKA Miss Billy Bob

    Me and my friend Mary AKA Billy Bob.  Those teeth are sooo funny.

    My "victim" Allison............. yummy

    My bitchy.... I mean witchy friend, Laura

    I had wayyyyyyyyyyyy to many Bloody Marys!

  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited November 2007

    Hi all,

    I believe my SP is sweet Terry.  Am I right?  Thanks for all the special attention. :)

    Carynn, glad you DH is home.  Oh Lord, hospitals are not the place to get any rest.

    I agree with all of you about the post-chemo "stress syndrome".

    Like Marsha so eloquently put it ..."WTF happened?"  We look down at chests that are to put it mildly, mutilated and what else can one say.  I have had several other physical thing to deal with, as have many of you, and it takes my mind off of BC.

    I am feeling much better (back pain wise).  I think now I have a light flu bug.  Ran a fever last night and light headache.  I am off today and came home from physical therapy and slept for about 3 hours.  I am resting up so I will be feeling well for work tomorrow.

    Pat, I worked PACU for 7 years and loved it.  But at 68, I was ready to get out of the call(we have to take call at my hospital, as it is not a Day Surgery only unit, but a full service hospital) and also, getting "stuck" and not ever knowing when I would get to go home.  I love the new job as 'liaison nurse'.  But yesterday I had about 40 people in the waiting room all day long.  Huge families in for "mom or dad's" heart cath or colon resection.  It was crazy.  It occurred to me that I will probably be exposed to many "bugs" in this new job. LOL.  Oh well, we will see.

    So nice to hear from everyone, just like the old days.  How would be have gotten through with all we went through without each other?  Thanks to everyone for being here.  What a comfort.

    Nice pics Marsha.  I loved the "too many Bloody Marys" one.  LOL

    Warm wishes to everyone.  Will be waiting to hear from each and everyone of you.  Love, Sammie Kay 

  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited November 2007

    Hi, all!

    We have started to get the pix from Italy up on a website.

    Here it is:

    The 3 directories so far are the cooking pix, Florence pix, and the Villa Bianca pix are the view from the window of the room we stayed in. Look at the vistas... you can see forever. I want to be back there so badly!

    More later.

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited November 2007

    Just checking in...

    I don't have much time to post as I am in Dallas getting ready for the big race weekend and lots of entertaining.

    Marsha;  Those Halloween pics are Great!  I pm'd Carynn and told her I thought it was too funny that you thought some of my items were from your SP on the other board!  I knew my last package would give me away...

    I don't have a clue who my SP is!  My stuff has come from Tulsa????

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited November 2007

    Good evening everybody! Hope everyone is well.  Thanks so much for all your good wishes and prayers. They worked! :) Dh is doing much better, his pain is almost gone and his appetite has returned. I FINALLY talked to the Rhuemy's office today. Looks like I'm still just borderline for Lupus, so nothing's changed and that's a good thing. My numbers are still elevated, but WAY down from the previous readings. It's yet another explaination for why I'm still having issues with fatigue. But, overall, I'm good! Wink


    So, I wont post the whole list, but so far everybody everybody guessed right, except, Melanie will need to take another guess ;)

    BTW Melanie - Have a great time at the race! I'm so jealous! I'm selling my tickets again. I think DH and I may have a small party at the house to watch Phoenix.


    I'm really beat, so gonna go be a couch potato and wait for Survivor to come on. 

    Take care all, talk to you soon!


  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited November 2007

    Carynn, I was so happy to see that twit Jamie voted off Survivor.  When she went snooping around in James' bag I couldn't believe it!  Now I have been rooting for James all along but the little gay flight attendant is starting to make me laugh.  Glad to hear your numbers are stable.  You'll be back at the races next year, I just know it.

    Melanie, the first things I got from you said Feb Cruiser Secret Pal.  I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have to tell you the other Broads are very jealous of my Beer and Broads t-shirt!  LOL  Have fun at the races girlfriend.

    Leah, GREAT GREAT pictures.  So beautiful and so are you!


  • ErinsGram
    ErinsGram Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2007

    Stopping by for a quick post - getting my system ready to do the time change tomorrow nite - taking the opportunity to sneak a few other things in also.

    Sammie Kay - good to hear you're feeling better.

    Terry - the monovision lasik has been great.  I had an appt this afternoon and she can't believe my eye has healed and my vision stabilized so quickly.  I'm so happy - haven't missed the toothbrush with the toothpaste for a week and a half Laughing

    Catherine - as usual, love to read your colorful posts.  Even the bacon, eggs and pancakes had me drooling.

    Pat - so good to hear you're enjoying your new position.  Sure makes it easier to head off to work in the morning.

    Marsha - please save me a bloody mary.  The pics were awesome.  Hope the chili came out well - I sure enjoyed mine.  As for the rads burns - I'm right there with ya - dark leathery tan.  It's frustrating when you hear someone say they're a few weeks out from rads and their color has returned.  I'm surely hoping the PS doesn't take one look and tell me he can't do the recontruction yet because it hasn't completely healed.  I've seen no difference in color in the past 2 months so I don't think it's going to get any better than this.

    As for hair - I'm disappointed at how slowly it's growing - I'm wondering if the Femara has stunted it's growth.  It's really thick but not much length.  Still have full sets of lashes and brows tho.  I think I'm gonna put some superglue on them so they don't fall out.  Yell

    Hugs to all and hope you all have a great weekend.


  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Member Posts: 382
    edited November 2007

    Does anyone else have hair woes? Don't get me wrong -- I'm thrilled to have hair. But, it takes a lot of hair gel to make it look at all decent. Today, I worked from home and didn't put in hair gel after my shower. Poof. My hair is sticking straight up all around. It's particularly unflattering around my face, where it seems to curl up from my forehead towards the back of my head. If I use a mirror to look at the back, it doesn't look too bad and almost looks like a *deliberate* style. But, the front - ugh!

    I seem to have lucked out in the eyelash front ... the new ones grew in before I lost all the old ones. I had the spidery look for a while (8 long lashes on either side), but now that the first set of lashes have fallen out, I'm back to even, albeit stubby lashes.



  • twink
    twink Member Posts: 550
    edited November 2007

    Hello my February Cruiser friends.  I've missed you.  I've been lurking  a little, peeking in to read your posts but little time to devote to a meaningful response on my part, so I deek out again.

    I'm doing well overall.  The effects of chemo have definitely abated.  I spent Saturday night in Montreal with my arms wrapped around the toilet bowl which is the absolute worst I've felt on chemo since the outset.  Not sure if it was the Chinese food or Carbo but ... blah!  Otherwise, we had a great time.  Picked up my SIL in Montreal then drove back here on Sunday.  She visited until last Tuesday AM then my Dad and Aunt (his sister) arrived for a visit.  They left this morning.  What a houseful!

    I start rads on Nov 19th; the setup is next week on the 8th.  I'll be taking off for the UK on Nov 12th for a week.  Work has been so darned busy I haven't really had time to dwell much on my own predicament.  I worry that I'm falling back into my same old routine of working too much, too long, not eating and exercising properly and such.  I guess, in some respects, I keep waiting for the milestone of treatment completion to take charge of my life...change it, you know.  Weird...

    I've booked my flight to Florida for Feb (just hope I have somewhere to stay...hehe...I picture Leah and I bunking in a car by the side of the  beach or, Marsha's couch).  I'm excited about this get together!

    Missing my lunches with Hillary...3 weeks would make next week our regular get together.  I think I'll drive into town anyway.  How about lunch at King of Prussia Hillary? I guess if you're working that may not be the best about dinner.  We can drive in for an early dinner (spouses included I mean).

    I speculate my Secret Pal is my fairy with the magic wand, Sammie Kay.  Am I right? 

    Love you all...really.  Wish I could wrap my arms around the whole crowd of you.  I'm a little blue this week and needy I guess.



  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited November 2007

    Hi all!!

    Marsha - I was glad to see her go too! I think it would be great next season if they figure out a "penalty" of some sort when someone goes digging in someone else's personal affects. :) BTW...did I tell you how great your costume was? Very cool!

    Hi Phyl! Nice to see you! We are good to go for DST also. Always seems ironic to me since AZ doesnt "play" with their clocks, but as long as the rest of the world does, we'll get the servers ready. Sending you wishes for a pager free weekend. ;)

    Hillary - yes, I had hair issues! I've always had 3 "crowns" or cowlicks. Even when I had short hair purposely, it was long enough for them to lay down. Well, when it starting coming in, I thought it looked ridiculous sticking straight up! I finally figured out a way to "style" it that way, and I actually get a lot of compliments on it now. (I need to update my avatar again!) Anyway, I use Redkin's Rewind very sparingly, and it helps me to look like I mean for my hair to look a certain way! ;)

    I'm absolutely beat tonite - jammie and couch time for me.

    Talk to you soon!


  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited November 2007

    Hair woes... yes, it seems funny to "complain" given where we were just a few short weeks ago!

    I am getting my first haircut since January later this morning. I sure hope myharidresser knows how to cut totally corkscrew curls. They are really really tight. I think it just needs a shaping, rather than a cut for length. I suppose if the curls were pulled out, it would be longer than I used to wear my hair, but now it is kind of close to the head.  It is weird.  Hilary: Can your hairdresser show you how to dress it? I remember paying for a few appointments where my daughter just wanted to be taught how to do certain things, like straighten her beautiful waves into oblivion!

    Ahh, hair... we should write a book about BC and hair.

    On another note, the local Boston TV station did an interview with Elizabeth Edwards- and the interviewer was a reporter who has "gone public" with her BC journey, and has chronicled a lot of it for TV/webpage.  Here is the interview if anyone is interested:

    Her biggest regret was not having regular mammograms! She is so real. Also talks about her definition of a life "well-lived".

    We are getting the tail end of the Nor'easter storm, so today is a book and fireplace day once I get my hair cut.

    Missing you all. Love.

  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited November 2007

    Happy Saturday.

    I too have the hair is about an inch and a half long and is perfectly straight.  To short to put any curl in.  So I have been gelling it and laying it down around my face and spiking the top up.  Have had some compliments, but definitely not how I would choose to wear it. 

    Just got back from the District 6 Volleyball championships.   Bellwood (us) took 2nd place.   Top 2 teams go to the state tournament.   First round of pool play begins Tuesday evening.  We will probably have about an hours drive.   If they would win, the actual state tournament is in York next Friday.   They are up against some stiff competition now, so we are not holding our breath.   But we are all very proud of our girls. look great and ghoulish in your costume.  We only had one trick or treater here in our little house in the woods.   Must have been fun.

    Twink...sounds like you are keeping yourself too busy.  I think you had a "bug"   Carbo never made me that sick....I remember getting a bug 3 days before my first carbo....The carbo was nothing compared to that, hugging the toilet and all.   Hope you are feeling 100% better by now. 

    I don't watch Survivor, so I can't participate in that conversation.  I don't watch much TV at all.   We only have one set hooked up to the satellite dish, and it is usually on a ballgame of some sort.   So I like to read or when I do sit down to watch, I fall asleep!   I am sooo much fun anymore.  

    This is my Herceptin week.  Had a blood test yesterday to check my potassium.  They had me taking 3 potassium pills a day for a week, then 2 a day for a week.  So I guess they will let me know if I need to continue them.   Not sure what is making my potassium low.  I haven't been taking the lasix now that the taxotere is over and seems to be out of my system.   Herceptin in Thursday.  My last one is scheduled for January 31st. 

    Well....haven't been home, so now I need to do some laundry.  Better get moving. 

    Have a great weekend....all of you!

  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited November 2007

    Carynn...I forgot to answer your mother in law is pretty careful about the seeds and leaf lettuce... I guess she has just figured out what bothers her.   But she will start getting a sore place in her abdomen and start a fever and she knows she needs to get to the doctors.   I know she occasionally eats strawberries and raspberries, but she avoids the leaf lettuce like the plague.  Tomato seeds don't seem to bother her though..

    Got to run.

  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited November 2007

    Hi, hope everyone is having a nice weekend. 

    Terry, congrats on DD volleyball victories.  Good luck in the playoffs.

    Melanie, sounds like you have a very busy weekend going on.  Have fun, I know you will.  Sounds like you really enjoy entertaining.

    Twyla, I hope you are feeling better.  I hope it was just a "bug".  I think that is what I have been suffering with.  I started running fever last Thurs.  It continues tonight.  It was 101 degrees tonight.  Seems to be higher at night.  I took a flu shot.  Maybe this is a "light" case of the flu.  I am taking Tylenol and Fiorinal for a headache.  I am just getting a lot of rest and drinking lots of fluids.

    I have watched football all afternoon, that is between naps.  Okla. (Jan) beat up on TX. today.  Although the UT Longhorns ended up beating Okla.State.  Not the same for Texas A&M versus OU.

    I am sweating now, guess my fever is breaking again.

    I too am having hair woes.  Mine is only about 1/2 inch long and salt and pepper.  I have been leaving the wigs off around the house.  I put a little headband so as to look a little more feminine.

    Leah, I loved the pics of Italy.  Thank you for sharing them.

    Well, guess I will change clothes, these are all sweaty.  Also, need to put new linens on the bed.  Love to all, Sammie Kay

    PS, yes Twyla, u guessed right.  :)  Did you get the soap?