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Anyone starting Chemo in Feb?



  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited December 2007

    MARSHA>wow you are dealing with alot, I can't say much as I still have my breasts and have never been in your shoes.But I think I too would be a bit sensative too.  How about some good news for a change? I just got my genetic testing results this evening with the help of my family doc...I DO NOT have to have a masectomy and my cousins can breath easy again! He said I am in the low risk 7% group of having a reaccurance...Merry Christmas to me!

      Here's pics from the ice storm...  I used my new digital camera I bought with my mom's xmas money. We faired pretty well compared to our neighbors, have to replace the hdtv antenna as the ice broke that, lots of broken limbs, had help from James's friend getting the electric tape fence back up as the trees knocked it down in a couple of spots. 60 hours without power but had propane fireplace, propane stove and propane water heater going.

  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited December 2007

    Good evening, all.

    This is the first night I got back to my hotel by 8:30, and am actually awake. I leave for home tomorrow- my 3 weeks of hell are over. I will be back in the home office training for next week, but at least I will be sleeping in my own bed!

    Marsha, I can only imagine how it feels to deal with such changes to your body. Getting the "outer" self to match the inner self is a life long process in most cases, and you get to start all over again. What a bitch.

    I don't find this board all about BC at all. I find it the only place I can be where the shared experience makes me feel understood. And where I can just express how I feel, and people don't overreact, or not react at all. So I can't imagine not being here, and checking in as often as I can. I hope you check in with us from time to time.

     By the way, the director sounds like a jerk. Is there an alternative theater group?

    Hope all are safe and warm... my DH is in the middle of a bad snowstorm, but it should all be gone when I head home tomorrow.


  • lightphoto
    lightphoto Member Posts: 60
    edited December 2007

    Greetings from Upper Michigan. We have received a special Christmas gift here. Theresa met with both her surgeon and oncologist on Monday. Their message was "have a great life, fully participate in any physical activity or excercise without restriction. Merry Christmas"  It was 51 weeks ago (Dec 19, 2006)when we had gotten the dreaded call. We have been greatly blessed. Now we shall resume a new normal and things are going well.

    Merry Christmas to you all, too.

     Scott and Theresa

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2007

    Eh... Leah, Theresa+Scott... so glad to hear from you.

    Leah, I am with you with the anticipation of getting your own bed back... Drive carefully tomorrow... and stay warm... When were you supposed to go to the Haendel concert?

    Theresa, wishing you smooth sailing from now on... the dreadful dx call was Dec. 19th for me too last year... and, unfortunately, we probably were not the only 2 at the time, not only in the US but worldwide...  Scott, still taking great pictures?

    The best of holiday season to you all... looks like it's going to be a white one... The Boston area got its share today, I saw that on TV... 

    Stay warm, stay safe...


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2007

    Hi All

    Theresa and Catherine, my dx was the 19th as well. What a year.

    Marsha, great to hear from you. I certainly know exactly what you mean and I know what I would tell that director and its not lady-like.

    I felt really bad the other day when I was with one of DDs underwear shopping for her. I used to have such lovely sets of underwear but now feel that my bras resemble my grandmother's because of having the prothesis. Now that it is summer I am falso feeling selfconscious if I wear anything that is low in the neck. Anyway as I said to a friend the other day at least I am alive.

    It is very humid here at present which I find a real killer. Must take DH shopping tomorrow to get a canvas sail for our patio, we had the posts put in while we were away, I don't really enjoy being out in the real heat as I am very fair skinned that burns so easily- I was a red- head until my hair fell out!!

    Have almost finished my Christmas shopping thank-goodness. I sure it is much pleasanter in cooler conditions, Later tonight we might just go and look at the lights but of course we have to wait intil 9.30-10 until it is dark enough. And we cook a traditional Christmas dinner as well, we are quite silly. I have to do the turkey this year but at least I have lots of canberry relish.

    I went to school today as it was the last day of the year and joined in the farewell and celebrations whcih was fun but feel a bit sad that some of my good friends are leaving or moving to other schools. Think I am looking forward to going back.

    I have just been trying to convince DH that he mustnot have icecream - he has been warned that he is at risk of developing diabetes but he doesn't want to believe it. Sometimes I am not sure what to do with him!!!

     Hope you all have a good weekend and that the snow is not too troublesome


  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited December 2007


    The Handel concert was 12/1... it was wonderful. I was transported back over 30 years to when I sang it in the chorus in college. Symphony Hall in Boston is such an impressive venue, and we had fabulous seats, which I splurged for!  The friends with whom we shared the event then treated us for dinner in Boston's North End (the Italian section) and that too was fun.  I think it was the gift also of time spent with my friends that was so nice.  I have totally changed the gift ideas this year- spending time is what we are giving each other. After all, we have more stuff to last 2 lifetimes, so no more is needed.  I am enjoying this a lot more, which is why the travel is irritating me so much. I just want to be with my friends.

    WInging home this afternoon. Can't wait!


  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited December 2007

    HAHA I went back and read the past months worth and now realize all of us have had the blues at one time or another.  I was thinking it was just me, and not that I want you guys to have the blues, but I feel better knowing the anniversary time is hard for everyone.  I think of my date as Dec 29 which is the day of my surgery.  Got a big ole party planned for that day, luckily it falls on a Saturday!

    I cannot get into the Christmas spirit this year at all.  Instead of a joyous time it just seems depressing to me.  Since when did the birth of Christ turn into retail??  All of a sudden, I am finding that tacky.  It feels like an obligation to purchase THINGS.   Family, friends, my sisters here, that is what the holidays should be all about.  In case I haven't said it lately, I love you all and I am sooooo very lucky to have found you guys when I needed you most.  To have lasting friendships to come out such a horrible experience is a treasure. 

    The boards here have been very upsetting the last several months.  So many it seems have lost the fight.  It scared me to read of it so much.  But what a horrible thing it would be to have nowhere to go where others would understand. 

    OK, my break from BCO is over.  I do need you guys and I do need to know how you are doing.   I think though I will take a break from reading other threads.  Right now I can't support 100's of others but I can support all of you!!  Love, Marsha

    PS  I dropped out of the theatre show yesterday.  Cried all day long because it is just a reminder of all that is different but doing that particular show would not have been good for me.  It's just hard cause I am use to doing so much stage work and it has been two years.  Oh well.  Maybe I should find a new hobby.  hahaha

  • twink
    twink Member Posts: 550
    edited December 2007
    Love you too Marsha...welcome back sweetie.  We missed you.  You're anything but a wallflower in this group!  You're our party girl.
    Seriously though, I agree, I am going to stop reading other threads to the extent that I have been.  It's too depressing and all consuming.  It's not good for me.
    Leah, safe travels home.  February is approaching quickly.  I may have to shorten my trip with all the 'stuff' going on at work but I'm still playing that by ear.
    Hugs to everybody else. 
  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2007


    After I posted last night NZ time I had a real dose of the blues. I felt really cheated when I was at school yesterday, I had missed so much. Haven't had a good cry for ages, DH was really perplexed. I decided that it wasn't The Grinch who stole Christmas, it was The Grinch who stole our year. I was angry that something could take out a whole year of my life and change things so drastically but through the tears I did keep thinking that I have got to the anniversary and I am going to get to the next one as well. I still hate what has happened but have gained so much on the way. I have been surrounded by friends on this list and through prayer groups right round the world through other friends which has been wonderful.

    Marsha, the next important date for me is going to be a great day. My surgery was Jan 19 which is the day of my DD's wedding, what a way to celebrate!!!

    Most get moving as I have the Church flowers to do today. I really enjoy this task as I get time to sit in the quiet and reflect once I have finished.

    Thinking of you all


  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited December 2007

    Wow, great to hear from everyone.  Yes, Marsha, we have all had our meltdowns in the past few weeks.  I, too, was reading some threads where things weren't going well.  I quit, but if anyone on this thread takes a step backward I want to be here for them.  I hope if it is me that you will all be here for me.  We know not where our journey will take us.  I have been very much living in the moment, the present.  It is a gift you know, that's why they call it the present.

    No one, even people without cancer, know how long they will live or how their health will hold up.  I am thankful for the days that I feel like doing things, because there are days when  I don't.  As we traveled to see a grandchild in the Nutcracker last week, I was telling that to my DH.  I was just cherishing the whole trip for  that reason.   Even if I did have to miss the Dallas Cowboys football game.LOL.

    My tatoos are itching, itching.  The nurse says that is normal.  I am taking Benadryl.  Otherwise, I am feeling fine.  Not much fever lately.  Just 99.1 and I don't feel that.  When it gets to 100.5 I begin to feel it. Still going on the assumption it is the expanders.

    Jan, the pictures are incredible.  I was so worried about you, your family and your animals.  Glad to hear from you.

    Leah, how lovely to spend time with friends.  That is so much more the spirit of the season.  We quit doing adult gifts some time ago for that reason.  We just love to get together and enjoy each others company.  Like someone said, we have enough stuff to last 2 lifetimes.

    Catherine, glad you finished chemo.  Does look like a white Christmas in your area.  Glad you and your DH are doing well.

    Alyson, how exciting about your daughter's wedding.  It is such a special time.  I am sorry you were blue, but we are entitled to an occasional meltdown.  Our lives have drastically changed.  I hope one day I can look back and see the good things gained by this experience.

    I have received your Christmas cards and pictures.  So appreciate them and enjoy seeing everyone's family.

    Love and hugs to all, Sammie Kay

  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited December 2007

    Just sitting here enjoying the sun...haven't seen it for 11 days! Oooooh the snow is sparkly in the sunlight!

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited December 2007

    Hello Everyone!

    It is so good to have Marsha back...I hate to hear that you have been down.  This road we have traveled sure has it's bumps.  What a jerk director.  I know you love theater.  The right part will come along soon and you will make it your own.  I will call you soon.  I need to get your okay on this Florida rental.  It's at Ponce Inlet.  Will that be okay?

    So nice to hear from Scott and Theresa.  It has been a really long time and I am happy to know that you both are doing well.

    I am sitting in the waiting room right now so I have a few minutes.  DH is getting a chemical stress test.  Nothing really bad wrong, we just think the side effects from the medication are doing a number on him.  I swear, some of these drugs are more evil than the diseases.

    Tomorrow I head for New York again.  I decided last Wednesday that I wanted to get the nipples done before the New Year.  I can be a bit impulsive at times Embarassed  Two of my girlfriends are going with me.  We will see "Wicked" and the Radio City Christmas show.  We are all excited to be in NY at Christmastime!  I will be in outpatient surgery on Wednesday and we fly home on Friday.  Saturday about a dozen of us are going to a basketball game and a night on the town, so the NY trip had to be a short one.

    Don't want to lose my post....will finish up on the next page!

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited December 2007

    I have lost my post twice now....grrrrr

    I am going to shorten it this time and try to write more later.

    Catherine;  I as love reading your posts.  They always have a poetic feel.  You make even the humdrum seem romantic.

    Sammie;  I bet you would miss a dozen games to see your grandchild in the Nutcracker.

    I am gonna stop this short this 3rd time and try to finish later.

    Hello to Alyson, Twink, Leah, Karen, Phyl and Carryn.  Talk to you soon.

    Love you all...

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited December 2007

    Good morning all. Just checking in quickly to say hi. I am literally home sick in bed today. :(

    Wild/Jan - Glad to hear you're doing well and having fun with the new camera.

    Leah - Are you still on the road, or back in your own bed?

    Scott & Theresa - Nice to hear from you. So glad to hear all is well.

    Catherine - Shoveling snow for fun???

    Alyson - Loved the card and newsletter! Things still moving along with the wedding?

    Marsha - Welcome back. We are all glad to hear all in all that you are well, you were missed.

    Twink - Still house hunting, or leaving that for after the holidays?

    SammieKay - Is it legal in Texas to miss a Cowboy's game? ;)

    Melanie - I'm having racing withdrawls! Have a safe trip to NY. Thinking of you with the final recon steps.

    Well, not feeling to well upright, I'm going back to bed; TTUL.


  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2007


    Wishing you all the best for your birthday



  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2007

    Carynn, this is no way to celebrate your birthday... not under the weather...  Wishing you to get back on your feet soon to enjoy "your" day... Big, big hugs to you,


  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2007

    Twink... lovely twinkling avatar...


  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited December 2007

    Thank you all so much! And Peter, what a nice surprise! How nice to see you!

  • twink
    twink Member Posts: 550
    edited December 2007

    OH....I feel a song comin' on...

    Happy Birthday to you

    Happy Birthday to you

    Happy Birthday dear Carynn

    Happy Birthday to youououououououououououo!

    Phew, I feel much better.  Hope you do too Carynnn (and, no, I'm not looking yet). 

    Thanks Catherine...I decided I should go twinkly and hide my face from the world. 

    Love you all


  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited December 2007

    Happy Birthday Carynn and many more!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well, I bit the bullet and decided to go out for a Mainstage production at our local theatre.  The next show is Love.....Always, Patsy Cline, a two person show.  Auditions were Monday and Tuesday and I got the call last night that I was cast in the role of Louise, Patsy Cline's biggest fan.  It is a huge role with tons of long monolgues where she talks to the audience, telling then how they met and became friends.  The show runs for 4 weeks, with 6 shows each week.  We open Jan. 31 and close on Feb 24.  I will be crazy busy and hope I haven't taken on too much.  AND hope I have the energy to pull this off.  The theatre has already added 2 extra shows since it is expected to sell out the first week tickets are available.  Our theatre seats 400 so that is alot!

    Melanie, my girlfriend saw Wicked on Broadway and said it was one of her favorite shows of all time.  I know you will enjoy it!  Have fun with your Broads!  LOL


  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited December 2007

    How exciting MARSHA! You will need to get one of your friends to take a pic of you in costume!

    CARYNN>hope you are feeling better

    I got my hair cut today and I too have to say its kinda "Hallie Berry" style, its a little different than when I had it cut before going to San Diego, curls are longer. Waiting to see how long it takes before DH realizes I had it cut...

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2007

    Eh, Marsha, wonderful news... I just sent a CD of Patsy Kline to my sister...  great lady, love her voice (I like country music a lot, I am not listening just to Mozart and Samuel Barber... although, great guys, too, mind you).

    Wishing you a lot of fun working hard for this... eat a lot of fish for phosphorus (helps your memory, they say...)...  Maybe you'll push the gathering to early March... I may have all my tests out of the way by then (everything is at the end of February: cardiac ultra-sound, chemobrain study MRI, etc. and they want things done exactly then...)...

    Thanks for the good news, sweetie... enjoy your holiday... and real-estate may look like a good investment again pretty soon... buyer's market??

    Janette (that's the way we spell it in French), post your new pics with this last hair cut... hope the ice has melted... Where are you in OK?  We will cross N-S from Salina to go to Denton, TX next Monday... but we have a long way to go, so stops are not planned other than letting the dogs walk a little... but if you are right on that path, let me know (and pm your phone number)... I'd love to give you a big hug.

    Well, we are preparing our 10-days of "vagabondage" in the van... so... I'd better get back to all the things I have to do.  We are getting pretty excited at the idea of seing the sea again pretty soon (29-30 in Galveston). Sammie Kay, I'll be thinking of you...

    Hugs to all of you,

    Thank you for the cards... they are lovely...



  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited December 2007

    Happy birthday, Carynn. I wish you nothing but sunshine days ahead!

    Marsha, you will finish just in time for a well-deserved rest with **us**! This sounds marvelous, and much better suited to you!

    Catherine, no moving of dates for our week! We have plane tix all booked! 

    How is everyone else?  20+ inches of snow here in MA, and more over the next two days- and it isn't even winter yet! haha

    I go back on the road 1/1, so I am enjoying being back on terra firma Massachusetts. Will be in Norwalk OH for a while. Anybody close enough to visit on the weekend of Jan. 6 cuz I am assuming we are NOT going to have any problems. (Yes, I hear all the IT gals ROTFL).

    Not much else is going on. Never got my Xmas cards done, so I am aiming for New Year's.. or maybe Valentine's day...

    A friend gave me an interesting idea for a "ritual" for next week's anniversary- he said he wanted me to bury a cell phone. (He happened to be with me when the surgeon called me on my cell). Then, at some very future date, I can be burying my 10th cell phone, etc.  I see what he is getting at. I do feel the need to create a ritual of some sort. Anybody secretly thinking of something like this to mark it that will still be meaningful when you get to 20?

    Love to you all. Stay warm and healthy as you can. And remember how beautiful you all are, inside and out.

  • Pepper1073
    Pepper1073 Member Posts: 49
    edited December 2007

    I have been reading the different posts here since I have not been on for a while.  I have not been able to get into the holiday spirit.  It is so bad I did not decorate or even put up a tree.  I have finished all my surgeries but my son was deployed on December 13th.  So he will not be home for Christmas.  This is the first time ever he will not be home.  Daughter is doing Christmas with the inlaws.  So my husband is taking me to New Orleans and we will spend Christmas with family and friends there.  Hopefully that will help.

    Wish I would be able to see everyone in FLA but not able to do it.

    Just have a cosmo on me.


  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited December 2007

    Hi all,

    Great to see so many posts.  First of all "Happy Birthday Carynn" and many, many more.  Hey, not sure about the Texas law concerning Cowboy football.  I vote to ban all "girlfriends" of Tony Romo from the games.  His worst games were last year when he was dating Carrie Underwood and she attended and then the fiasco last week with Jessica Simpson in attendance.  O.K. already, no more girlfriends, Tony. LOL

    I hope you are feeling better Carynn.  No fun being sick on one's birthday.

    Leah, glad you are back home.  Bet that feels wonderful, snow and all.

    Marsha, congratulations on your new  role.  Sounds great.  I am sure you will really enjoy the preparation and all that goes with performing.  I know you can do it. Let me know if you need me to wave by Fairy Godmother wand.

    Catherine, when are you going to be in Texas?  Are you going to be in Galveston only or are you going to Houston as well?  I would love to see you. I will be having surgery on the 27th of Dec., so may not be able to travel by the 30th.  But maybe.

    Jan, congrats on having enough hair to cut. LOL.  Mine is still very short and unruly.  I have so many cowlicks.  Stay warm.

    So good to hear from Scott and Theresa. 

    Hey Twink, hanging in there?

    Piper, I hope you are feeling more upbeat.  I didn't put up a tree this year either.  I bought two beautiful poinsettias and added red Christmas ornaments to my coffee table decoration.  Looks like Christmas to me.  We will be away at our children's houses during the holidays.

    I have made 9 batches of peanut brittle to give away for gifts.  I AM DONE!!!.  My DH did help quite a bit, so made it easier. 

    Well, love to everyone and have a wonderful holiday.  Thanks for all the cards I have received.  Love, Sammie Kay

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2007

    Eh, Sammie Kay, we will be in the Houston the 27-28, Galveston the 29, going back to Denver on Sunday 30th... this is right during your next surgery, unfortunately... but I am sure we will make that trip again, in better weather conditions, too... Peter's sons (2) and grand-children (2) are in San-Antonio and Houston.

    Where will you be exactly for this final procedure?


  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited December 2007

    CATHERINE>I sent a pm, but it looks like you are going to be too far away to see me since you are going to Denton.

    PIPER>I don't have any deco's up, not even my little fiber optic tree as I didn't know if any of the kids will be here this Christmas. DD just told me last night she will be here with GD but is on call. Not sure what James will be doing since he flies in this Saturday from San Diego. I may just run a cord to the fiber tree and plop it in the middle of the living room just before the kids come and set the presents around it.

      Here's a pic of my haircut, I had to take the pic myself. Its flat on the lower sides and lower back, the rest is curly. I went from looking like Richard Simmons curly hair to this cute short cut.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited December 2007

    Jan, you look great!  I love your new cut.

    Piper, I didn't do any decorating either.  Very hard to get into the holiday spirit.  We are leaving Friday night after rehersal for a quick trip to my parents house in Kentucky.  My moms house will be all dolled up for Christmas.

    Catherine, have fun on your trip and take lots of pics!

    Leah, yes, you bet I will be ready for some rest and relaxation by the time the Cruiser trip comes up.  Are you flying in on Sat the 23rd?  I like your cell phone burial idea.  Very symbolic.  Today is the 20th and it is the day I had my biopsy.  I already knew it was bc so this was just confirmation.  Have a wonderful holiday! (OUCH 20+ inches of snow!!)

    Sammie Kay, best to you on your surgery the 27th.  What a way to end the year!  I may need some fairy dust from my godmother for a little extra energy boost. LOL  I love homemade peanut brittle.  My mom has been baking and all for a couple of days. 

    Love to all!  Marsha

  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited December 2007

    LEAH>I have to tell you my DD wanted to go to an Italian restruant in town last night for her birthday. OMG the food was fabulous! The owners are from Italy so the food is genuine, not americanized and our waiter had the Italian accent as he's from there too.

    MARSHA>Have a great time on your trip to a family xmas! 

    CATHERINE>I love Galveston! 

  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited December 2007

    No decorations for this girl either. DH put the tree up, which is prelit. So it has lights, no ornaments. Definitely not my usual spirit, but I actually don't care.

    My hair looks a lot like Wild/Jan. But I cut the sides a lot shorter.

    Marsha, I will land at like 10 a.m. on the 23rd. How far is Ocala???? I actually don't understand the geography real well- we are near Daytona, but you are in central Florida???

    Ok, i am officially counting down till I can have four days off. About 21 more hours, then drive home...