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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • Denali
    Denali Member Posts: 113
    edited April 2009

    I finally emerged from chemo week.  3 down, 3 to go.

    I went in for my Herceptin Thursday and told the nurse, that I had either come up with a brilliant idea, or I was still on chemo brain and it was a really, really bad idea.  I suggested that on my bad days after chemo, why don't I just take an Ambian in the morning and one at night and just sleep through it!  She said you shouldn't be feeling that badly and you need to be reporting the side effects to me so we can treat it.  The Aleve and Claritan help with the Neulasta achiness a bit, but I still feel flu-like achiness for a few days and fatigued to the max.  Maybe I'll start taking 2 Aleve (bottle says you can).  Also, this time I had more queasiness than in the past, so she gave me a different type of nausea pill to try.   

    It's 1-1/2 wks after chemo day and I still have to really think about what I can eat.  The good part of that is I've lost more weight!  Hurrah!  One of the other chemo patients said she doesn't feel that badly after chemo and continues to eat whatever she wants.  sigh.  I started thinking maybe it's just me-maybe I'm just a chemo wuss. 

    Doesn't it kind of sound good to spend chemo week in la-la land??? 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2009

    Linda~ It sounds like a wonderful idea to me.  I keep saying just wake me up once I am done :).  I sound about the same as you so you are not being a wuss.  Heck if you are than you are not alone.  Whooo on getting thru #3. 

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited April 2009

    Denali  You are normal, the other lady is either very lucky, or not truthful.  I think the Ambien is a great idea..  How dare the nurse try to dictate how you feel.  Duh!  No you should not feel that bad and it is their job to fix it!  As for food, sorry.... At the half way point you will start to find some tricks that you like, but all in all, food tastes yucky for that first 10 days out from tx.  You are HALF WAY THERE!  Go Girl Go!

    JaimieH -  I did not sleep thru chemo, but I dang sure "lazed" thru chemo!  Whatever works!

  • pamela405
    pamela405 Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2009
    I am sure as time goes on I will understand  and be able to control my side effects.  I have had only 1 chemo and it is kicking my butt!   I am not afraid of the cancer as much as I am afraid of the treatment and trying to stay positive is difficult for me right now.  Thank you all for being here and helping me get through this.  I know after a couple of treatments I will be better emotionally.  Just gotta get used to it.Sealed   
  • Smile2006
    Smile2006 Member Posts: 132
    edited April 2009

    I made it to the gym today Smile!  Started slow....light weights and 15 minutes on treadmill.  I'm going to try to get to the gym at least three times a week my two good weeks and take my chemo week off.

    Denali:  so far I have tried three different naseau medications...keep asking until you find one that works for you!  Never be afraid to ask questions and demand something that will help!  I find foods high in salt or spicy taste better the first 10 days and I have never been one to eat with alot of salt.  But if I dont eat, I feel bad!  So try to munch on saltine crackers.....that might help with the naseau....hope this helps..I know how bad that feels!  I really dread my tx 4, from what I have read on prior pages is that seams to be a bad one! 

    Lisa; Dont feel guilty..sometimes it is nice to stop and enjoy the day!  All that other stuff can's not going anywhere ....unfortunately.

    Wishing everyone a great evening!!!

  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited April 2009

    Lisa, I think laziness was the worse side effects I got and has continued with me. I am getting some stuff done but just to go after it and work hard has not been for me. I used to work all day long and sure I was tired but it takes a lot less to get me tired now and also I tend to find more fun stuff to do.

    I have been so sleepy all week and yesterday I got a stomach ache and it reminded me of the tx but I guess I got a virus. It still hurts some but not as bad as it did. I had to work yesterday but I tried to stay away from the other girl because we don't need her taking off. She will get the sniffles and take off a week. I saw my rad onc but I don't like him so I don't discuss anything with him. He did schedule me for a mammogram in May and I am thinking I am still so sore I don't know if I can stand the mashing. I wish they could do some other test instead. He said I would need a mammogram on the one that had a lumpectomy every 6 months and then both every year as normal. I hate those things anyway but I guess it needs to be done. I will go see the chemo onc on the 15th and I will ask some questions about how I have been feeling unless I am better by then.

    Denali, I hope you feel better soon. I always was sick for several days but the nausea only lasted a week but I just didn't feel good for 2 weeks. I did try to drink water or some kind of flavored water. Just as long as you get that down. I did try to drink Boost or Ensure but I got so tired of that. My doc said drink apricot or pear juice but that was just too sweet but maybe if I had diluted it with water I could have drank it. We still have a lot of that stuff. My husband was going to drink it but he only got a couple of them down. I guess he didn't like it either!

    Pamela I do hope you feel better as it goes along and be sure to let the nurses know so they can get you meds. they were the ones who were better at helping me. I was a trouble maker though. Not on purpose just had problems but they like to tease me about it. They were mostly sweet about it. One I had a problem with. You know there is always one in the crowd. hang in there and keep coming here for help even if it is moral support.

    Well, I have to get ready for church. Have a good day everyone.


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited April 2009

    gramma  I agree about the laziness.  Before BC, I was never one to sit around and now it has become a habit.  Wirless computers are a bad bad thing.  Makes it way too easy to loaf.

    Smile:  Good for you for going to the gym!!  But don't fee too guilty if you can't do it after tx 4. But just keep pushing.

    On the subject of what tastes good:  As for liquids, apple juice was god for me, not too sweet.  I also drank a lot of diet coke, normally I would not drink that stuff, I am still drinking itUndecided.  Things high in fat tasted the best and things with hidden sugar tasted the worst.  Once you get thru treatment, your taste buds come back to normal, you just have to get thru.

    Smile has me inspired, so I think the treadmill is calling my name.


  • Majanumba1
    Majanumba1 Member Posts: 66
    edited April 2009

    Paula, way back on the last page you asked how long my rads will be...6 weeks starting April 20.

    On taste issues. I am 2 wks from last tx :) and taste is still not back. Like Lisa anything with sugar tastes vile unless it is really cold like a milkshake. Even water tastes bad. Saltines and triscuits worked if I was really nauseous as did oatmeal even if they tasted really bad it was better to eat than not. Anything with tomato tasted really terrible too and I normally love tomatos. i am looking forward to my taste coming back as much as my hair! If the metallic taste is just awful I use plastic utensils and it helps a little.

    BTW has anyone experienced a really salty taste after herceptin tx? Also my face is really flushed. I had my first 3 wk tx last Monday and this has gone on since then. Usually I get the "chemo glow" for a couple of days after chemo tx but not after herceptin. I will have to talk to my onc and see if it is the higher dose of herceptin that is doing it.

    Smile, good for you for going to the gym. It isn't easy but I think exercise really helps if you can do it. Forget the first week after chemo! Every little bit helps. Yesterday I took a walk and came back up a big hill. Last night I was exhausted! I need to get back in shape.

    Lisa, it is not lazy its called taking time to smell the roses! it has taken me a week to get some seeds planted in my veggie garden. Should have taken me an hour...oh well it will get done eventually.


  • plakatakr
    plakatakr Member Posts: 45
    edited April 2009

    Gramma- I was also worried about the mammo. I told the rad tech and she put a foam pad on the plates. Easiest mammo ever. And they don't do this all the time because???

  • JaneCambria
    JaneCambria Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2009

    I went to the gym and walked regularly before the chemo.  I finished the Taxotere and Carbo 4 weeks ago.  10 days after the last treatment I developed severe muscle weakness.  It was an effort to walk. If I squatted down I have to hold on to something to get up,  I can feel the weakness in my legs, shoulders, arms abdomen but it is most bothersome in my legs.  My doctor said, after doing some tests, it must be from the nerve damage. He said this is very unusual for it to come on suddenly and he thinks it will go away.  It is better but I have had it now 3weeks. I bought some B viamins to help the nerves repair.  Anyone else have this problem?

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited April 2009

    For those having trouble getting their fluids - I found I could drink chicken soup or beef broth at times when other liquids were unappetizing.

    Jane, I had muscle weakness, especially in my legs. Going up even small steps was difficult. I thought that was just because of the lack of exercise and difficulty eating I had during my last couple of chemo cycles. My strength seemed to come back pretty rapidly and it is a lot better now.

  • Bold
    Bold Member Posts: 306
    edited April 2009

    Hello Sisters:

    I am so far behind on any responses I do not know where to start. I will have more time during the week. I feel for all those that are experiencing  weakness. I too have real weakness in my legs. Not to mention that they are ina a constant state of swollen. They feel like they weigh a 100 pounds a piece. I am so looking forward to getting back into shape.

    One week till last TX! GET THE BEHIND ME SATAN!!!!!! 

    I got spa treatments from almost everyone for birthday. Can't wait to use them. I am going to do the scalp treatment. Hoping that it will expedite hair growth. (always the dreamer)

    I am experiencing more pain at the lumpectomy site than since operation. I hope that it is just the nerves rejuvenating.

    I had a beer last night and it tasted good. what are the chances. We had a party for my bday with my family and it was so nice to get out  and eat sushi and laugh. I still do not have a voice. The bronchitis has lasted for 4 weeks. For God sakes. enough already. I am getting better though.

    I think that I look forward to no more chemo smell and taste and digestive and nerve and fatigue and queasy and emotional and bald and sore and fat and swollen the most. Bring on #6.

    So much to do this weekend. Looking forward to my good week and then EASTER! Spring is sooo beautiful. It will be 78 today in sunny California.

    I wish all a great Sunday.

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited April 2009

    Hi all:  On muscle weakness, I had it bad too. A big part of mine was the chemo had my blood chemistry very messed up and that was effecting everything - but especially the muscles.  Normal activities made my muscles ache like I had just competed in an iron man event.

    The bad taste:  I am here to report that the bad taste leaves much faster than the hair comes back!

    Bold:  I am so happy you got out for your Bday!  Save that scalp treatment until 4 weeks past your last tx!  1 more to go!!!  Yippee!

    Maja: I like that philosophy, better late than never.  As I sit here again...... Oops one of the 4 legged creatures is staring at me like his hay rack may be empty - can't have that.  Gotta go!



  • Smile2006
    Smile2006 Member Posts: 132
    edited April 2009

    My first 2 tx I noticed my legs being sore and sometimes even giving out on me.  But that went away before tx 3.  I will let you know how my leg work out goes in the am....I am going to take it easy and use light weight, just to test them out first.  But my arms are sore from yesterday.

    Being fatigued has its downsides!!  We spent the day cleaning house and getting the rest of my stuff out of glad it was just a 5 x 5, but it was full wall to wall and to the roof!  But, it is all out and now I just have to unpack everthing Tongue out 

     We watched the sunset, which was beautiful, but I could not wait to get back home and crawl into bed.  And just as I did, I received a text from a very close friend and her husband as they were heading our way to a local resturaunt and was wanting us to join them Frown, Im just TOO tired!  Hate this!  But I chose to stay home so that I can make it to the gym in the early AM.  Have to pick and choose my battles I guess.

    Good night everyone!

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited April 2009

    Shari - Tired is OK - you earned it.

  • CaliforniaCloud
    CaliforniaCloud Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2009

    Hello Ladies,

    Thank you all for your words of encouragement and sharing your experiences about low blood counts and transfusions.  BlueDasher was spot on when she said you can feel like you need a transfusion, but the levels don't confirm it.  My WBC was okay because of the Neupogen, but all the other levels were low, but not low enough.

    Turns out each chemo treatment is producing radiation recall and my radiation site is blistering because of it, and I have a viral ear infection.  Thankfully, I feel much better.  I returned to work on Thursday and even managed a trip to Loomis today to see my dad.

    On the topic of exercise: I try get at least one mile on the treadmill every day during my third week.  It's an easy pace with an incline.  A friend just gave me a recumbent bike and I am trying to use when watching TV.  It's really not much of a workout, but my intention is to maintain muscle mass in my legs and get a little cardio workout too. 

    Cancer treatment has sidelined many of the things that I love about being me and my life: my sense of health, my intimacy with my husband, my nicely shaped left breast, my hair, my taste for coffee, and my confidence that I can get through anything that comes my way; however, as long as am able, I refuse to let this cancer treatment rob me of the pleasure I feel when my muscles, heart, and lungs work in concert. 

    Here's wishing us all a good week where we easily find a little peace and happiness each day.



  • Bold
    Bold Member Posts: 306
    edited April 2009

    Cloud: Nice thoughts.

     I find that at night when I am trying to sleep. I have to fight my fears the most. During the day I have great strength and humor as well as a positive attitude. But when my mind wonders free there is a fear that is not really logical. I am changing my routine. I now meditate then pray then hopefully sleep. Having this cough that is sooo bad for soooo long has just worn me out. my ribs hurt. I should probably get a chest x-ray but I do not want any bad news. So I will wait and ask the onc on Monday when I go for final TX.

    Lisa: DUH about the hair treatment. Just kidding but of course I will wait. I sure do know what you mean about procrastinating. I have soooo many bills to organize and I just do not want to do it. Or clean or work in general. I just want to smell the roses and distract myself from cancer. I am happy for your that your are feeling better and better.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2009

    Lisa~ I love the lazing around.  I have almost mastered it since I have started Chemo. :)

    I am in the infusion room getting treatmen #4 WHOOO never thought I would be happy.  I lost 4 ponds since my last treatment so I was told to "cut it out"...loll....  I have been eating I am just not eating all of the snacks that I have in the past.  (I say this as I am eating cheese pretzels..loll...)  I am already tired and ready for bed but I have at least another 2 hours :(  Then we alays stop and feed my wonderful husband on the way home. 

  • duneoaks
    duneoaks Member Posts: 94
    edited April 2009

    I participated in the Look Good Feel Better class put on by the American Cancer Society, and it was good and lots of fun with makeup, scarves, wigs, etc.  If you can sign up for this class in your area, I would highly recommend it.  I hope everyone is having a good evening and GO TARHEELS!!

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited April 2009

    Cloud  Yes, chemo does "sideline" you life.  But just remember, it will be over!  Sooner than you think.  Just hang in there.  Get on the bike and walk when you feel like it, but don't feel guilty if you can't you just plain don't want too! It is all about you right now!

    Bold  Sorry about the continued cough.  I got a "bug" after my last tx and I coughed so hard and long, hubby went to the guest room so he could get some sleep.  It took me about 3 weeks to get thru it.  I kept myself awake most nights.  Hope yours runs it's course soon.

    DUH - not everyone is hair savvy, just trying to help the greater good.Wink

    JaimieH -  I too lost wieght during tx - it was great!  I also have "lazing" around down to a science!

     Gotta call it an night.  Took my horse to a diagnostic hospital in Wellington today and I am whipped. Horse got a good prognosis, but momma is tired!


  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited April 2009

    I guess I have caught my first cold since starting tx. I guess that is why they had me take antibiotics after every tx and said I could not work. I work with the public and so far I have had a stomach virus and now a sore throat and runny nose. It could be a allergy I guess since things are blooming but it gets cold then warm here. I am ready for some warm weather. We may get tornadoes on Easter Sunday. Boo! We don't have any little ones but I hate it for the others that do.

    My throat and chest hurt so bad when I bend over but it is not in the heart area or any place I can feel worried about and I had them do a thyroid test when it started. I talked to my chemo onc then and he said it was probably radiation and of course the radiation onc said no. I did not even bother to tell him the other day but on the 15th I am going to chemo onc and if I still have this I intend to talk to him about it. He has already said I need to have a stress test done after my Herceptin is finished. I dread that !

    Lisa I know how hard it is to take a sick child or pet to doc but what a relief that everything is good.You earned a rest for sure.

    Cancer changes a lot of your life. It is still causing me problems at work. I seem to have a hard time learning a new thing they started after I left. We are supposed to get something else new in May and I sure hope I can get that with out any problem. I do not know why I can't seem to learn how to scan the darn work. It does not look that hard. No one wants to show me but they said I had to learn. Since I am the shift leader I guess I am just supposed to know, but I don't. I get so frustrated. I can do what I knew how before though so can it be my brain?

    Just venting, sorry!

    I know you all will be just fine.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2009

    Lisa~ I hope you baby is okay.  You are such a great horse owner :)  and I know you baby appreciates it.

    I am dragging thru day 2 after treatment.  Laying around being lazy :)  I have mastered it these days.  I do have to put some things away because I am having the Red Devils come in and clean :)  Whooo!!!  The american Cancer society will pay for merry maids to come in 4x over the next 4 month.  Did I mention how happy I am about it ??  I hardly ever ask anyone in my family for help so not feeling well has been really hard because I need help almost daily.  So this will be once less thing for them to do or me to try and struggle thru. 

    41 days to go until treatment #6.  In other positive side my kidney function was fine yesterday :)  I hope it continues to do fine.

  • RockstarmomPaula
    RockstarmomPaula Member Posts: 124
    edited April 2009

    CoolGood Morning to Everyone!! Just have to say...... 1 MORE TO GO!!!!!!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!! Yesterday 5 down feel great I am at work, Also I became a Grandma for the 1st time Greyson DeLand 8.1 lbs 19 1/2 inches long. He is so sweet I am in love BTY He has more hair than his Grandma LOL Bold We are on the home stretch now baby {{{{ Hugs }}}} & lots of love to you!!! How did you do after TX 5 Anything to expect to be different for me???? 

  • Bold
    Bold Member Posts: 306
    edited April 2009

    My Rock:Number 5 was just the same as all the other crappy tx's. I was battling bronchitis so if I take that out of the equation I found that my taste bud were worse than ever. I have more nausea. Which is weird because I am already 15 days post tx and still taking anti nausea meds. My fingertips are sore. And I get tired easily. Some pain in my hip. And my legs are a little swollen. But other than that I am on top of my game and ready to take on the final 6. I have more hair now it seems. I have stopped shaving it in anticipation of a rapid growth spurt. (dreaming)

    We sure have some wonder women of this site. I would like to say thanks for always making me make it. I got a PM from Cloud that knocked my socks off. She is so caring and intelligent.

     I am blessed by all of you. I hope that your day is filled with love and peace.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2009

    Why oh why can't the people in my house stay well just for another month and a half ???  Yup my DH is in bed with a cold and both of my kids have it.  I just had treatment #4 on Monday and I am already starting with the SE's (nausea) and now I am having to take care of the 3 of them. 

    My kids are supposed to spend the night tomorrow at my Aunt's house I hope she will still take them.....

    Sorry about the whine coming from the pits of TCH treatment....

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited April 2009

    Bold! Wow, I can't beleive you STILL have bronchitis?  Can they not give you anything?

    JaimieH  Sorry the "bug" has hit your house too, this see, to be the year for it

    Paula One more to go!!!!!!!  Yippee!!!!!!!

    Gramma: It is also a joy to hear from you.  I am sorry you got the bug too.  Stay home and take care of yourself.  Your immune system is still not back up to par.  And don't worry about having trouble learning new things at work, that will level out when all of your energy comes back.

    Well, I got my big baby scopped and scanned and he does NOT have stomach ulcers (that I have been treating for 16 months) he has large intestine ulcers!  Totally different meds are needed! But we are on the right track now and he should be perfect in 60 days.  Leave it to me to have a horse with colitis.

    Have a great evening ladies!

  • Sheila0319
    Sheila0319 Member Posts: 11
    edited April 2009

    I have been reading this thread for awhile and have only posted once.  I have completed 2 TX and weekly herceptin in between; I have a reoccurance of cancer.  Two days after the last herceptin and 9 days after treatment #2, I have developed a bad rash on my face.  Does anyone have the same thing, and if you do, what helps?  I have to go to work, I work in education in central office-I look terrible.  Thanks in advance for your help!  I have already talked to the oncologist's nurse and she suggested Benedryl, which I cannot take.  My internist (who I saw today) said that this is part of it.

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited April 2009

    Sheila, it is probably the steroids combined with the tx drugs.  If you have pustules, get a mild acne gel, but use it SPARINGLY!  Those preparations typically contain benzoyl peroxide and/or salicylic acid which are both very harsh and very drying.  If you can get to a good skin care salon/clinic ask for a vaso-constrictor for the the redness - get the pustule product there too if you can.

    Good luck.


  • REKoz
    REKoz Member Posts: 164
    edited April 2009

    Hi Sheila-

    So so sorry you have a reoccurence. I can imagine it to be an incredibly difficult time for you. Welcome to TCH camp. What protocol were you on the first time?  I experienced a face issue when I first began Herceptin. Mine was zits rather then a rash. I was thrust back into the horrors of adolescence! Surprisingly, it went away after a week or so and has not come back.

    SInce you've been reading awhile, you know this is a great group of warriors/campers.


  • Sheila0319
    Sheila0319 Member Posts: 11
    edited April 2009

    Thank you so much, Lisa and Ellen,

    I was on adriamycin, cytoxan and f-5 the first time.  This is certainly a great group!  I was wondering if the herceptin was the culprit-I read that 2/3 of people on herceptin have a rash.  Mine is raised and also red.  Before I started, I went and had a facial and bought a serum for redness and one called liquid gold for healing.  I just cleansed and used the liquid gold and a moisterizer, and am redder than ever!  I hope that this disappears soon!  Thank you both for your help!
