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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin

cinrae123 Member Posts: 211

Anyone out there on taxotere, carboplatin, and herceptin? I am starting this program in May, I will be doing it every week instead of every third week...and would like to know what sort of side effects anyone has had. Examples:hair loss, nausea, vomiting, etc. I chose the every week routine as I was encouraged by a woman in the drs. office that is halfway thru and has not had any hair loss. I was thinking that because each cycle is spread out every week instead of a big dose once,,,,,that maybe that has something to do with it. I am having a difficult time with the thought of losing my hair. Silly I know...everyone says it grows back...but it's just a personal thing for me. So anyone out here that did TCH every week? I would truly like to hear from you.

Thank you.



  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited April 2007
    Hi there...I started this regime on 1/26 but I am doing 6 rounds every 3 weeks with just the Herceptin sandwiched between. My hair did go but I refused to shave it so I still have fuzz. Lost some brows and lashes but only I can tell. No more shaving tho! I have had NO...repeat...NO..nausea or vomiting (thank you Kytril). Some tingling in fingertips/toes but no nail changes. Taste changes are not fun but start for me about day 5 after chemo and last 8-10 days then back to almost normal. I've kept up with my exercising so fatigue has not been an issue. The weekly deal I would have gone for in a heartbeat as hair loss made me cry for days. But once it was was gone and I moved on. But sitting there for 3-4 hours every week just as the weather here in the midwest gets that I would not have liked. I will be done 5/9 and I already lost my hair so I can't change my regime. But whatever works for you AND works against your cancer...then that is what you should do. Good luck!

  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited April 2007

    Thank you Wendy for the information. Good luck to you as well. This has all been very overwhelming for me. From going in for a routine mammo to having chemo. Sometimes it just feels so surreal to me. Yes,,,,,,,,,,the hair loss is very difficult for me. Not that my hair is all that,,,,but its my hair. It like identifies oneself,,,,,and the thought of losing my hair to me is part of losing who I am. I'm sure as time goes on,,,,,,,,it will get better,,,,, I know, the idea that I have to go every week is a bummer,,,,but kinda figured it was worth a shot. If I lose my hair anyways, then I will go on the every third week thing. No sense in continuing every week if I lose my hair anyways, huh?? Again, thank you for responding and take care of yourself. Glad you are almost done. It must be quite a relief.

  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited April 2007
    I am on Carboplatin, Taxotere & Herceptin biweekly. Am on #5 this week. I had very thick hair and have lost about half of it. It is not patchy so no one notices except me. I did lose my armpit hair...not a bad thing! Unless you have a very short haircut, you may be okay. I think I will eventually be wearing a wig, since I still have 6 more treatments, but it has been very slow.
    My nausea has been okay with Zofran and compazine. I am very tired. Have a metallic taste in my mouth. Even water tastes funny. But this is a very doable regimen....good luck to you
  • onlygirl4
    onlygirl4 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2007

    I started the Taxotere, Carboplatin, Herceptin regimen on March 30th. I had very few side effects. Days 5-8 were probably my worst but not bad really. I am getting it every 3 weeks with my next one being April 20th. This is day 15 and I have no signs at all yet of any hair loss on any part of my body. I have the wig bought and ready to go. My onc assured me that I will lose it but at least it hasn't happened yet. I'm sure that when I do it will be especially traumatic since I agree, it does identify who you are. Hair loss was the thing I worried about the most, even before nausea and fatigue. Funny, huh?

  • lwy
    lwy Member Posts: 116
    edited April 2007

    I haven't started it yet, but will start the regimen in about 3 weeks. Good luck to you. If you want someone to talk to as we go through this, feel free to pm me. We can be TCH buddies!

  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited April 2007
    I could use a TCH buddy............
  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls....I'm having my 5th and next to last TCH tomorrow. Still have never had nausea or vomiting. No fatigue. No nail changes. No "chemo-fog". For days 5 thru about 15 post-chemo, everything tastes funny even water, which tastes slimy, if that makes sense. But no big deal. Hair is still gone from everywhere but my eyebrows and lashes, of which I still have over 50% so that is good. Get little clots in my nose still but once again, no big deal. For me...I have felt normal but we will see after #'s 5 and 6. But I am so close to the end of at least the chemo portion I feel I can deal with a few side effects.

    If I can help in any other way, just PM me...glad to chat if you need an "older" buddy who is ahead of you.

  • janet11
    janet11 Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2007
    Hi everyone. I finished 6 cycles of TCH in mid January 2007 and know what you're all going through. The taste changes were hard on me -- I ENJOY food (*smile*).

    And it does come back. I enjoy my coffee again, I can even eat chocolate. I no longer have reflux, and life is good (*smile*).

    So good luck getting through each cycle. I LOVED week 3 of each cycle -- I felt really good then. Hope you do too.

  • Neda517
    Neda517 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2007
    Hello, I am brand new to this too...met with the Chemo doc. yesterday...I don't understand any of it and am scared to death...had bilateral on march 29th and doing good with that part...they are saying chemo every 2 weeks with herceptin added in later and then radiation...I have a lot of nodes involved also...losing my hair is my big fear also...I have been coming to this site since the 2nd of has been such a comfort to me to read about what everyone goes through and how each of you handle it.
    must go for bone scan in a few minutes..thank you all.
  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited April 2007
    Ok girls,,,,,,,,one more question. What about weight gain? or oould I be so lucky and lose a few pounds? lol Hope you are all doing well,,,,,,,,and its so nice to see people responding who are doing the same program of chemo,,,,,,,,thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited April 2007
    o ooooooooooo That was supposed to say,,,,,,,,,or Could I be so lucky,,,,,,not or oould I be so lucky. Slight typo there.........dingy meeeeeeeeeeee
  • katymom
    katymom Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2007
    I was so glad to read your post! I am starting taxotere, carboplatin, and herceptin today unless my white counts are still elevated from an infection, but hopefully they are not. I am glad to find this group as I haven't found many people taking this regimen. Please continue to share your experiences. Good luck with everything.

    Thanks for being there. Having a place to talk to buddies in similar situations is so great!
  • katymom
    katymom Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2007

    I am starting this regimen today....every 3 weeks. I haven't been able to start because my white cells have been elevated, but hopefully they will be ok today. Thanks everyone for sharing all the information about your treatments. It helps so much to hear from people undergoing the same treatment. Good luck everyone.

  • lwy
    lwy Member Posts: 116
    edited April 2007
    i'm surprised there are not more of us. my oncologist said that she believes that this regimen is as effective as AC/TH and has less cardiac side effects. In fact, she said she views them as pepsi or Coke and told me to choose the one I felt best with. Her point was with my cancer, what she thinks makes the biggest difference will be the hormone therapy and the herceptin and she would hate to see my MUGA decrease due to the AC and not be able to get the herceptin. I know that at UCLA, this is the main regimen they are using now. If I"m not mistaken, herceptin was found at UCLA and the guy who discovered it is the one who did the big study to show that TCH was about the same in effectiveness as AC/T and had less side effects. Let's be happy that we are receiving the most up to date treatment.
    Just out of curiosity, how did everyone decide on getting TCH instead of AC/TH? did you get the option or did your oncologist just tell you that this is what you were going to get?
  • onlygirl4
    onlygirl4 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2007
    My oncologist didn't really give me the option. He said that he doesn't use the AC anymore. I suppose if I had insisted he may have let me but I don't need heart problems on top of this.

  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited April 2007
    I wasnt give an option either. My oncologist had come highly recommended by several people,,,,,,so i felt no need for another opinion. I trust her and trust that she is recommending the best option for me.
  • katymom
    katymom Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2007

    My oncologist and I sat down and went over a slide show on the study and he recommended the taxotere regimen because of the favorable outcomes on the heart.

  • lucy59
    lucy59 Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2007
    My onc said that he met with a group of docs from Australia working on Herceptin and they felt that TCH was the safest way to go as far as effects on the heart. So there was no choice for me. Glad of that. Two more to go. Then just Herceptin. Still confused whether or not to switch to every 3 weeks or stay with weekly since I have no problems at all with weekly Herceptin. Any input?? THanks.
  • lwy
    lwy Member Posts: 116
    edited April 2007
    Hi Lucy,
    As far as switching to every 3 weeks verses weekly herceptin, I think most of the recent studies done on herceptin involved every 3 weeks. Don't know if that is better or worse, but all of the data comes from every 3 weeks. hope that helps.
  • janet11
    janet11 Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2007
    Lucy, I had no problems with weekly Herceptin and I have no problems now with every-3-weeks Herceptin. And it's great NOT having to go in every single week. It really helps in getting your life back -- spending less time in treatment.

    All the best,
  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited April 2007
    which one of you gals are doing weekly tch?? And I was wondering how things have been going with weekly? Especially,,,,,,side effects,,,,,,,,like hair loss, nails, nausea, fatigue and weight gain. Those are my main issues I have. Especially the hair loss and weight gain. If anyone has some info they would like to share I would sooooooo truly appreciate it. I will be starting weekly tch on May 7th. Yuckyyyyyyyyyyyy
  • KarenO
    KarenO Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2007
    I'm having TCH every three weeks and will have my second treatment this Friday. My hair just started falling out today. How long before it is so far gone that I'll need to shave it off? Is it just a matter of days, or could it be a couple of weeks? I have really short thin hair to begin with.

    I'm so glad I found this board! It is very reassuring to know that this is doable.
  • Chelee
    Chelee Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2007
    Leslie, Good question! I was given NO choice or say so in my chemo treatment. I even asked if I had any say in it? He said "Absolutely not". (Being newly DX and scared to death I just did as I was told.) But later I found out they are SUPPOSE to by law give you your options no matter what. I have a highly aggressive bc with positive nodes so I should of been given a choice. But its too late now...and TCH is a good choice. But the standard is still AC followed by TH. Had my onc told me all about TCH and AC/TH...chances are I might of still with with the TCH. But it SHOULD of been MY choice...not his.

    The TCH just might in time be the standard since it reduces the cardio risks and seems to do just about as good as AC. And now with the just might be the best way to go. (I am still a bit upset that my onc which has barely a year practicing did NOT even mention AC to me?) When I had a 2nd opinion AFTER I finished chemo...I was told at the City of Hope they would of given me AC/TH. Then I switched onc at the same place I am at...and my new one there that had 24 years behind her said she would of given me AC/TH to with my bc history. To late now...whats done is done. It might of been a good choice since it is almost as good as AC.

  • Chelee
    Chelee Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2007
    cinrae123, I did TCH...but NOT weekly. I did it every 3 weeks. I did run into problems with my finger nails and toe nails. Only the big toe and the one next to it on each foot. (Strange?) Half the nail eventually lifted off towards the very END of trt. But no big deal. Most my finger nails were discolored...or should I say black. They were also very thin and cracked easily.

    As to nausea...I always felt like I would be sick...but with the pills I took like Zofran...I never did. Around my 3 trt I got brave and decided to go without any anti-nausea meds. I did great. The WORSE thing I think was either the Taxotere or Carbpotin RUINED my taste buds. Food was just GROSS!! Nothing tasted good to me. I had to actually force myself to eat. I would have what felt like a coating of yuck on my teeth all the time too even when I brushed them LIGHLY 3 or 4 times a day.

    For me it was a heck of a way to diet. lol I lost almost 40 pounds. I was always amazed when I read other women gained weight on their chemo? That blows my mind? (but we are all so different and our bodies react different.) One of the nurse prationers actually got onto me one week and said "Why have you LOST 10 POUNDS in ONE WEEK"! She seemed mad. I thought "Hey do taxotere and carbpotin and then you ask me that again"! hahaha

    The day of infusion I had no problems other then being a little tired. I could eat on day one and day two. But the third day was awful. That is when it hit me. I knew each time I went for chemo not to expect to feel good on that 3rd day. I planned nothing but to lay around.

    I found it very important to load up on liquids. Lots of water which is mainly all I drink other then tea. So you want to keep hydrated at all times. Towards the end of my trt the water got to tasting really bad so I started drinking some sports Power Aid. Now that tasted SO GOOD.

    As to your hair...since your doing weekly...I can't say what will happen? But for me it started slowly falling out in little clumps. Then around day 17 or 18 it all came out. Then I totally shaved it. Maybe doing it weekly will save your hair? All I know once you get this all behind you none of that really matters. (I know that sounds hard to believe right now...but in time you will see.) Your going to do ok. You hang in there and keep asking questions. Thats what were here for.

  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited April 2007
    Chelee? Thank you for all the great info. How far are you into your treatment or are you finished already? O wow 40 pounds? Thats a lot. Hope it isnt too much for ya? I could afford to lose 40 pounds,,,,,,,,,ok maybe not 40 but 20 is good. lol And where in So Cal are you? Im in so cal also. Take care and thanx again for all the info.
  • lwy
    lwy Member Posts: 116
    edited April 2007
    hi guys, just checking in. i love reading stuff from you guys because it gives me strength to get through this!
  • janet11
    janet11 Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2007
    Gad, wish *I* had lost 40 pounds when I was on TCH. I will admit that the taste bud changes were the worst thing about that chemo combination. Chocolate still doesn't taste good for me (*laugh*) and my last chemo was Dec 27th 2006.

    I think my problem was that I kept trying to find things that didn't taste disgusting. I usually found something (*smile*). The only time I had a real problem was in cycle 6 when I had about 3 days when NOTHING tasted even tolerable. Even water (my preferred drink) was disgusting, and it was hard to force myself to even take a sip. But that passed after 3 days and while things didn't taste good, they were edible.

    I just had a mental list of things that I couldn't (anything spicy, coffee, anything with vinegar, chocolate, anything that was hard (crunchy), anything with tomatoes, etc.) And then I worked around that. I'm sure everyone on TCH has their own list (*smile*).

    I CELEBRATED about a month after I was done with chemo and had a salad with vinagrette dressing. Paid for it (indigestion), but the TASTE was finally NOT YUCKY. Yippee.

    I still can't eat things that are too spicy (my spicy threshhold is way lower than it was before chemo), but it's improving. And things taste good again.

    Yes, things will taste good again! Good luck to all of you going through this now!

  • Chelee
    Chelee Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2007
    Cindy, You asked how far I was in trt? I started in 2-06 and finished in 6-06. So after June all I did was continue on my herceptin which I JUST finsihed my last one making it a full year. So techically I have been done with chemo (Taxotere & Carbpotin) since June of 06. Doing JUST the herceptin alone was a piece of cake.

    As to losing the 40 pounds...that actually was a GOOD thing. I needed to lose some. But that was one HECK of a way to do it. lol But it was sure easy to turn away any and all food. I can't even explain how BAD all food tasted to me. I seriously HAD to FORCE myself to eat. Nothing tasted good. At one point I was just drinking chocolate Ensure with protein, Omega 3's and Omega 6 in it. If I put it in the freezer and got it REALLY cold. It actually got to tasting good and was easy to get down. It was better then nothing. But it wasn't long after my last chemo trt that I was back to enjoying all my foods. Now its tasted buds are back and with a vengeance. But I have been behaving myself.

    I am in Orange County...not to far from Disneyland. Where are you in CA?

  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls...I do TCH biweekly and have been on it since 2/8/07...#6 treatment is tomorrow...I still have my hair, although it is extremely thin and brittle. I am thinking one more treatment should do it in.
    I have all the same side effects as you...nausea, tired, no taste buds. Even water tastes funny. I think the steriods (Decadron) in my premeds just makes me want to eat, even if there is no taste....I could lose 30 or 40 pounds. Steroids are just weird that way and the onc warned me to watch so I wouldn't gain weight. I have gained about 5 lbs...but it is fingers and ankles are swollen. He gave me a water pill and potassium to use when needed...

    best of luck to all of is nice to find you who are on the same treatment. My most frequented board is mostly those on AC or a related tx.

  • onlygirl4
    onlygirl4 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2007
    I had my second treatment on Friday, the 20th and my hair had already started coming out. I had cut it short in anticipation but it was pretty thick. By this Monday it had really thinned badly and today I had a friend buzz it. It seemed like once I got that second treatment it was all downhill. It really hurt so I'm glad I had it buzzed, I think. I don't really seem to be losing hair anywhere else like some others I have read.
