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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • Unknown
    edited September 2009

    For the mouth sores, my onc prescribed "Magic Mouthwash". This is something the pharmacist has to mix up, but it worked for me. I understand it is an "old time" remedy and there are several recipes for it, but your onco can write the prescription she prefers. My prescription contained Lidocaine, Nystatin, and Mylanta (for a binder).

  • AmyIsStrong
    AmyIsStrong Member Posts: 426
    edited September 2009

    Mine was Lidocaine, Benadryl and Mylanta.  I only had one sore on my tongue after tx#4 but it really did help it feel better AND get better quickly.  The first time I used it, I swooshed it through my mouth and my entire mouth and lips went numb. I didn't like that AT ALL.   So after that, I just applied a tiny amount on a q-tip to the area that needed it. MUCH BETTER!

    My dentist said the best way to avoid mouth sores is 'impeccable oral hygiene' so I made that a goal. I floss EVERY DAY and use a Sonicare twice daily.  So far so good.  I can't wait for my next check up with him - I'll be so proud of my healthy teeth and gums!   Sealed  See?

  • trishK_
    trishK_ Member Posts: 68
    edited September 2009

    MOUTH SORES AND CARE- i am naturally prone to cancur sores so this was a big issue for me during chemo. My onc nurses gave me samples of "prevention" mouth wash and it worked wonders! i would start rinsing with it 3X  a day each of the days after my chemo (my mouth sores tended to come the second week after tx). I was also using Floridex toothpaste to keep my enamal strong sicne chemo tends to break down enamal.

    Once i got on this routine my sores were minimal and with each treatment were less. I would only get a few cancur sores that would only last a couple days and much less irritation on my tounge. PREVENTION is made especially for mouth sores caused by chemo. I found it really did the trick!

  • enjoylife
    enjoylife Member Posts: 187
    edited September 2009

    If none of these work on mouth sores you can numb them with Closrestptic Spray its used for sore throats usaully but it helped me alot

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited September 2009


    Popsicles are great!  For some reason they seem to taste almost normal.  Yes, restroom time can get uncomfortable.  Yes to the headaches too.  I was never one to get headaches, but I did during TCH.  The biotene toothpaste is gross, but necessary.  Thanks for the compilment on the photo.  I love my boy.  For more pics, go to my website  Keep us posted.  The ladies on this site care.


    Happy birthday!!!!

    Trish, enjoy that wine!!!

    Ellen, your mom may need a transfusion.  I was 44 when I had TCH and by my 4th tc, i needed blood.

    Swampy!  How the heck are you!!!  We need to meet up for lunch!


  • enjoylife
    enjoylife Member Posts: 187
    edited September 2009

     I almost forgot Popsicles do work but I read on the site when I was under chemo to suck on a red Popsicle the entire time they give you the chemo not the meds before the chemo and it has to be RED I did it and I didn't have as many problems with my sores but I couldn't do it next time if I even saw a red pop I wanted to throw up but it did work... Also I was told never eat anything you love I love my spaghetti sauce so do my kids but I never made it because I was told that I would end up getting a bad taste for it and after chemo and my taste buds came back which was a while I made the sauce. I really wish you allot of luck and this too will pass we are all thinking of you that have been through it ...


  • cakelady
    cakelady Member Posts: 176
    edited September 2009

    Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes.  It's been quite a rough year since my December diagnosis, and I have other things going on in my life that only add to the stress, so maybe life will be better this next year.. Among other things,  my dad has had Parkinsons disease for years and now is in need of 24 hour care and is fading fast...

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited September 2009

    Wendy, I went thru the Parkinson's with my father in law.  That is not fun.  You are in my prayers.


  • Unknown
    edited September 2009

    Well, what can I say. My Significant Other of 21 years walked out at 8:00 this morning. I've got double mastectomy surgery scheduled in 2 week. Says he can't deal with it and a bunch of other mid-life crisis B.S. He even took the dog (which he gave me as a birthday present 4 years ago).

    I will survive all this too damn it!!!

  • Luddy
    Luddy Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2009

    Hi all,

    It has been awile since my last posting and I'm trying to catch up.  I go for tx#2 on Tuesday and so far I have been feeling really great.  I began losing my hair this week (day 16). I had it shaved off and wearing my wigs to work.  They do take some time to get used to.  Can't wait to get them off after 8-9 hours. 

    Last night for the first time, I experienced some pins & needles feeling in my right pinky finger for about 2-3 hours.  Has anyone else had problems with their hands & feets?  Would be interested in any suggestions.

    I am off next week for my treatment, so I will try to post more often.  Everyone have a great weekend.   

  • enjoylife
    enjoylife Member Posts: 187
    edited September 2009

    I also had that feeling just to prepare you mine got worst then better in my feet I found if I wore a sandal something that was not confining it helped and I also put it in a tub of water just some hints for you ask your ong. also there is vitiam that will help you I think its B but I cannot remember I know sometimes its scarey to hear all this stuff but its better to know than to have it sneak up on you and they can help with most things and this site will help you more than you can imagine if I didn t use this site I would of felt like I was alone and it has been wonderful for me.


  • enjoylife
    enjoylife Member Posts: 187
    edited September 2009

    I am so sorry Swampy men can be scum that is why we go through all the pain in life and child birth I wish I lived near you I would give you a big hug maybe we can all hug you through emails you will survie you must be a strong lady or god wouldnt have trusted you with all this so the best thing you can do is come through this and he will be coming riunning back and you can blow him away when is your surgery in 2 weeks and we can all pray for you. Look on this site to see if there is a special thread or better yet create one I am alone divorced and I was with him 32 years and he would be back in my life if I allowed it in a second but I outgrow him just like you will. Lean on your sister or best friend child anyone you will need them and you will come out fine I can tell by your wonderful smille.


  • Unknown
    edited September 2009

    Thank you Maura. I'd wash him out of my hair, if I had any.

  • AmyIsStrong
    AmyIsStrong Member Posts: 426
    edited September 2009

    SWAMPY - I am so terribly sorry that this is added to all you are facing already. Yes, of course you will come through it and be stronger for it, and all that. But that doesn't mean it doesn't still SUCK! I hope you have others in your life to support you - PLEASE don't be shy about asking for their help right now. Your X-SO broke under pressure which reveals weakness that was there underneath but never tested like this.  It is very sad and tragic and he must be filled with shame about his actions. I don't think you will get any type of help/support from him now because he will be dealing with his own terrible shortcoming which is so glaring.  So come here for support, lean on others in your life and tap into the wellspring of strength that is deep inside you.

    If you need an ear, PM me and we can talk on the phone if you think it would help. I am always glad to listen.

    Again, I am so sorry. But you ARE going to make it!!!

  • enjoylife
    enjoylife Member Posts: 187
    edited September 2009

    You will have hair and lots of it and you will have boobs back and your energy and feeling better than you have for a long time but its hard to get through it and he will be on the other side saying what a screw up he was and you can walk on by I always like to wiggle the ars as we say in boston a little too I am still waiting for my wiggle days ..try and have a nice weekend do nothing if that feels good to...


  • Unknown
    edited September 2009

    Thank you so much, gals. I can't tell you how much it means to be able to vent here and find friends that care. I do have wonderful brothers and sisters who have rallied with me from the start. What really pisses me off is that my X-SO knew they would so he can waltz out the door and not feel any responsibility or obligation.

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited September 2009

    Swampy!  I am so sorry!  But it sounds like you are better off without the "person".  I really want to meet up for lunch.  Lake Placid is not too far to drive for me.  You just tell me the day.

    Email me:


  • CaliforniaCloud
    CaliforniaCloud Member Posts: 105
    edited September 2009

    Swampy,  Oh my stars!  I am so sorry about this.  Just focus on yourself, gather your support, and let your SO deal with his own issues.  Should he ever get himself back on track for the pair of you, you will know it; until then, it is all about you, your health, and moving forward with life.

    Sending you prayers of healing and serenity.


  • CaliforniaCloud
    CaliforniaCloud Member Posts: 105
    edited September 2009

    Wendy, here's wishing you a year of easier times, continued strength, extraordinary healing, and more joy.

    Gramma23,  Thank you for reminding me the importance of posting to support the ladies who are still in chemotherapy. 

    To the newest Chemo Campers: My memories of chemotherapy side effects have quickly faded, but I do remember mouth sores with an early infusion.  I used Biotene mouthwash and it helped with the mouth sores and the fuzzy tongue feeling.  However, for some reason I switched to brushing and rinsing with baking soda and I never had another issue with mouth sores or fuzzy tongue again.  Was it the baking soda, or was I simply done with those side effects?  I have no idea. 

    One side efffect that took me by surprise was the sensation of nausea when it was really indigestion.  By the time I told the oncologist about it, he said the chemicals had compromised the lining of the stomach and he put me on a daily course of Nexium until the first of 2010.  I wish I had understood about the benefits of probiotics during chemo.

    I suppose the side effects that surprised me most were water retention, losing my eyelashes/brows, and funky fingernails.  The water retention (8 - 10 pounds!)  started after chemo 4 and continued to ebb and flow well after chemo 6.  The eyelash/brow loss started right around chemo 5; the nails funked out after chemo 6.

    Thankfully, everything started straightening out after my second infusion: my hair, eyelashes/brows finally began to grow, the water weight is gone, and the nail damage has max'ed out.  As of this week, my white blood cells are just one-tenth from normal.

    As far as the Herceptin infusions go, I easily tolerate a 30 minute infusion without any side effects.  I have noticed an occasional aching in my hips during the night, but my 20 year-old mattress probably has more to do with the aches than Herceptin.

    Stay connected with the wonderful woman of Camp Chemo and you will be amazed how quickly you complete chemo!



  • cakelady
    cakelady Member Posts: 176
    edited September 2009

    Thank you Lisa and Cloud for your comments.  At a time when I should be concentrating on improving my body and easing my mind I have so much to deal with, I know the stress can't be good for me. Due to my husband's pay decrease last year we are now in such a hole....late on house payments and credit card companies suing us,sky high electric bills due to heat over 100* lately, and a Dad with a horrible disease, a sister separating from her husband, and we have to move out of state next year so hubby can make more money, but he has to go now..........thats a lot to deal with in itself.      Just wanted to vent ...........thanks.

    Oh and I used baking soda all the time and never had many mouth sore problems .

  • Denali
    Denali Member Posts: 113
    edited September 2009

    Swampy, I'm so sorry for you having to go through your creepy SO leaving now of all times.  But Amy is right--this was a test for him to show his love and commitment and he flunked.  Miserably.  I think this journey has shown each of us who we can really count on.

    And you can count on us!  We're always here for you!  But for heavens sakes, get another dog.  I live by myself and have two shepherds --- don't know what I'd do without them.   A dog will bring joy back in your life.

    I began rinsing with baking soda several times a day and brushing with baking soda toothpaste.  I never had a mouth sore during any of the 6 treatments.

  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2009

    Swampy, I am so sorry your SO could not cope with all this. I knew a man whose wife had breast cancer and she was so sweet but he just could not deal with it. He was a creep anyway but he was my boss and I had large breasts and he always made commits about it. Now days I could sue him but then it was not done you just had to quit or deal with it. I was so young and stupid. I am not sure how a person can talk themselves into leaving someone because of an illness but they must be so selfish. Even if it was not a great relationship you would think they could stay and see them through it. Oh well there is a lot I can not understand. You will make it but I do think you will go through the grief cycle and let yourself if you need too. Like the song goes " Be strong enough to bend and not straight and strong where you snap" I am not sure what the song is but a woman sings it and it is country. My point is let yourself grieve over loss whether it is loss of breasts. love (man or beast). You can do it but it hurts a lot.

    Wendy, I am so sorry for your problems. It seems a lot of people are having financial problems but it does not make it an easier knowing you are not alone. So sorry about your Dad. I lost my brother to cancer after I finished TC and was just starting radiation and my husband had triple bypass. I made it through with God's help. My husband has too. Read your Bible for strength. Everytime I read I find something new I have not read. Keep coming here for support because we are all sisters.

    I am not sure about the mouth sores and whats causes them but I always brushed my teeth at least 2 times a day a flossed and I started using the salt and soda mouth wash right away when I was having tx. I got the sores anyway, real bad sores. They wanted me to use Prevention and Walgreens was the only place I could buy it but I used it and the salt and soda mix all through chemo. Even during H only. I now have a sore on my gums and a lymph node swollen and I see the dentist on the 14th. Keep me in your prayers it is a simple fix.

    I did read where you can eat ice during chemo to keep the sores form happening. I ate soft ice all during the time I was taking it after I got the sores. It may have helped I am not sure. I also read some stuff about keeping your hands cold and head cold during chemo but they have not been proven. It was freezing in the chemo room anyway.


  • Luddy
    Luddy Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2009

    Swampy... So sorry to hear about your SO.  Stay strong.  

    Cakelady...  Try to stay focused on yourself or you will be no good to Dad. Everyone else can take care of themselves. And... all the financial crap will work it one way or another. In the big picture, only your health is what is important.  

  • enjoylife
    enjoylife Member Posts: 187
    edited September 2009

    Girls the strangist thing during chemo my eyebrows were fine and months after I am still dealing with very light eyebrows and very thin ones eyelashes are bettter nails were fine and then they started up again last few weeks go figure so I am going back to the tree oil for them and still wiating for hair 12 months after last chemo its a very long process hair not very many other places either its the Taxotore it affects some peope this way but they dont tell you that at the doctors office..Hope all the emails from all of us is helping you Swampy


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited September 2009

    Maura, my eyelashes fell out for the second time about 3 weeks ago.  This time that are NOT coming back in fast.  Very short and very thin. I still have to Hervceptin only tx's to go.

  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2009

    My eyelashes and brows came out after TC but I was still taking H. they are coming in now but so light you can't see most of them. I think my hair is growing and seems to be doing better since I got it shaped up a little. The top seems to grow the slowest. It has almost been a year since I finished and I was hoping I would have much more hair by now but it is better at least. I am happy with what I have right now but this winter I hope it is thicker and longer.

    Lisa could it be the Tamoxifen? I have not read much about the side effects on that one. Herceptin is not supposed to cause hair loss and maybe not but it does not cause hair growth either!

    hang in there everyone. maybe we will all have hair soon and also be cancer free. I will take cancer free over hair.


  • Majanumba1
    Majanumba1 Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2009


    So sorry the formerly SO has behaved so badly! He is obviously very selfish, and scared. You really are better off without him as you could be spending a lot of unproductive time on him and a the relationship that would be much better spent on yourself! You will get through this and be stronger for it. The measure of the man is that he could do this to you at a time like this.

    I am so glad that you have a close, supportive family that you can lean on. Do it! They are there for you just like you would be there for them. Lean on us too as we have leaned on you when we needed it.

    My thoughts are with you.


  • enjoylife
    enjoylife Member Posts: 187
    edited September 2009

    Gramma 23 its the Toxetore we have a thread all about it and you are welcome to join some ladies had chemo in 2001 and 2002 and still dont have thier hair back I am getting some back after a year and got done with herceptain in April this year but its not enough to go with a covering like you and I want some for winter there isnt near enough hair.These ladies have researched it and its true about the hair loose. Perment hair loose is what I think the thread is I just email them through my yahoo if your interested and cant find the thread my yahoo is 

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited September 2009

    Carolyn, I don't know about the Tamox and the eyleashes, I was blaming the eyelashes on the TC still being in my system and on the herceptin that I still get 2 more of.

    However, I am certainly blaming the tamox for my weight gain!!!  This is incredible.  I just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger.  I am going to the gym and working with the trainer and I have not gone near a fast food restuarant.  I am active again too.  I just don't get it.  Another 4 and 1/2 years on this and I won't fit thru the barn door!

     Sorry, belly-aching session is over.

    And yes gramma, the sides of my hair are growing faster than the top.  Same with the lower back along the nexk, that is growing great.  I WANT BANGS! Oops, I promissed to stop bitching.

    Gotta go, hubby has me involved in a huge project to sell his coin collection on e-bay.  This is going to be a giant pain in the rear-end.

    Have a great evening!! Lisa

  • jkcrml
    jkcrml Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2009

    Two days in a row of feeling good!!! Rads are done! 25 of them, they were pretty easy compared to chemo! I don't know what to do with myself I feel so good! CoolHas any one started on Fermara, that is next on the list for me, I am hoping the SE will be small ( as if that ever happens!)

    Lisa, I have gained weight too, if fact, when I look at food I gain weight!  Makes me crazy! I also lost eyelashes and eyebrows a month after chemo, they still aren't coming back! but do have 1/4 of inch of hair on the sides not much on top. Looks really silly so still wearing hats.
