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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    I didn't have keloids but my port surgeon recommended scar away. It worked rather well. You can buy it at major drug stores or online. Here's the website:

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Thank you my friend! ♥

  • Marcie47
    Marcie47 Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2013

    I am using kelocote and it is too soon to tell if it works or not but so far I am happy with results :)

    I used mederma (sp) on previous scars and they are invisible :))

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    Mederma didn't do a thing for me.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Thanks Marcie and Lago.... Mederma didn't help with my hysto scar so I thought I try different approach in case I start poll dancing!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    Cocobutter was also recommended.

  • Marcie47
    Marcie47 Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2013

    Hmmm, pole dancing... I love the thought, but don't have the moves, I look like Jamie Leigh Curtis in true lies 😳

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    I think I posted this back in late 2010 or early 2011 when I kept complaining my expanders looked like stripper boobs. I don't remember which thread though. Thought you might get a kick out of it. Funny how I never grew my hair back.

  • mckatherine
    mckatherine Member Posts: 180
    edited May 2013

    My nails are pulling up. :(

    They've all been discolored for a while, and several of them are flatter than they used to be, but when I got out of the shower tonight, my left pointer has a big white space that covers one side of it. (Which surprised me since I'm right handed). Other than not touching anything, any other tips for protecting them?

    (I trimmed them all again tonight).

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    OMG...Lago & Marcie...too funny....

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    McKatherine nail lifting is an uncommon SE but can happen with taxotere… and I was one of the unfortunate few that got it, and got it pretty badly.  It started with my toenails but also got it on my fingernails. I did lose a few toenails and had to get one big one removed. (It was so lifted that it was difficult to walk with shoes on).

    I didn't lose any fingernails. I found the lifting can be painful at times. Mine also oozed for a while (gross I know). You must try to keep them clean. I would recommend telling your onc and possibly seeing a dermatologist that is familiar with this. I believe there is some kinds of solution with vinegar that you can soak them with to keep out infection.

    But if you can, try not to cause any additional trauma to your nails. This includes clipping them. I will admit I found it difficult not to press down on my fingers with my current keyboard. I posted quite a bit the first year or so on these forums. I think that might have contributed to my condition getting so bad. I hope your issue isn't as bad as it was for me.

  • rockermom66
    rockermom66 Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2013

    Hi Ladies, I just really need to vent. Having a really hard time.

    I had my 1st treatment on 4-24. Everything went fine other than feeling weird from the steroids. I was a bit tired but nothing terrible at all. I had made sure I was away from working just in case. I did feel a bit woozy that Sunday and went to pick up my kid from his rehearsal. We had lunch and walked around the mall and went home, it was ok. I probably shouldn't have done that because I caught a virus.. It started with a nosebleed, not a gusher but the kind if you stick a kleenex up your nose it will come out bloody. Then the hard snot came, then I had some sinus issue (I've never had any before), then was all stopped up, dripping, infected irritated nostril, bloody, flu symptoms, could NOT get out of bed. I wanted to die, I have never felt that sick in my life! My poor son had to see me cry and I've been trying so hard to stay strong for him. I think it really freaked him out to see me so sick. We have no one else around.

    I talked to my oncology nurse a few times and she was blaming the chemo but I think it's the virus and the low wbc. In any case they couldn't do anything for me unless my temp hit 101. 
    It almost hit 101 a few times :/

    So being so sick I didn't shower for two days (gross I know!) and when I showered yesterday one of my incisions just completely opened up into a wet open sore! I was having problems with my other side healing but before this they were both almost fully done healing and looking great, now this!

    I will call in tomorrow and get over to have it looked at. I have gauze on it now, not sure what else to do. It's pretty scary for that to have happened. This whole sickness and the lack of support and help from the hospital has been pretty bad. I can usually take it and I'm not the type to call and ask for help or complain about things but I was really hurting, I still am. I hate this.. my chemo is preventative and now  I'm considering stopping it. I need to work 3 1/2 days this week. 
    I figured if I take a week off after my treatments I will be ok to work. I did that this past treatment and I did great but if I get unknown viruses... not so great! I think I will wear a mask everywhere I go or just stay the hell home.

    edit: I am using a Neti Pot to flush out my sinuses, it's great!

    Ok, thanks for listening/reading :)

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Hi ladies...FYI.....changed my screen name to ChickaD......affectionately given to me on other boards......♥ Same photo for now!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    rockermom66 if you arent getting nuelasta I would stay away from crowds and other people's small children. Even though I was gettining Nuelasta I wouldn't go on public transportation during rush hour. I did go to the gym but then I got scared that it was too risky. Too many germs. Powerwalked through the park instead.

    Also, Herceptin can cause nose bleeds. They were pretty intense when I was doing chemo because I believe on chemo your blood doesn't clot as well or thins it out.

    Your surgeon should have someone on call… it may even be him. I would call now about the incision. That would've freaked me out if it happened to me.

    We all had surprised bumps when we did chemo. My 2nd was easier than my 1st because I didn't know what SE I would get therefore treated too late. Many had the same experience.

    Really hope things settle down for your soon. Don't give up this early.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2013

    rockermom, don't worry about calling in for help.  This is serious stuff.  I agree with lago, please call your surgeon now. 

  • Heidi9256
    Heidi9256 Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2013

    RockerMom - I'm on TCH number 5 of 6. The first chemo was the worst for me, by far. Had several major nosebleeds. Severe flu-like symptoms: extreme fatigue, aches, sharp bone pain (not related to neulasta shot), nausea, vomiting, severe diarrhea, you name it. Like Lago said, you don't know what's coming so you can't pretreat. Plus I think your body just reacts more to the first one. It does get easier. It's by no means easy but you learn how to prevent some of the side effects and you just learn live with the rest and it goes by faster than you think it will. Doing the chemo as a preventative now makes it more likely that the cancer won't return and you and your son will never have to worry about this again. My son had to watch me throw up on the side of the road because I couldn't make it home. Totally freaked him out but now we joke about it. They're generally stronger than we give them credit for. Join the chemo group for your month (the month you started chemo). You'll find a lot of support there. We're all in the same boat.

  • rockermom66
    rockermom66 Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2013

    lago, GrandmaV and Heidi9256 thank you so much. 

    My oncology nurse said I didn't have Neulasta on the list of meds. I've read so much about the infamous shot that I asked if I was getting it and she said, No? I must say my nurses and drs are all impressed with my knowledge, they said I should work there. I wonder if they are being saracastic.

    I've kept the incisions clean and covered with gauze. I'm going to go in tomorrow first thing.
    I'd rather see the nurses who are familiar with my healing issues vs urgent care staff. I at least know to keep them clean and covered so I thought I'd be ok. 

    The nosebleed..I need to let it heal but it crusts up so bad that it's painful.
    I like the neti pot.. it's so nice.

    Heidi9256 you are right about doing it now so we don't have to worry. I can't lose sight of that. 
    I was just such a wreck and feeling like death.. when they first told me I need chemo as preventative I told them flat out NO WAY.
    Then did my research of course. Here I am. *sigh* Laughing

    I will look for the April chemo group, thanks!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Hey Rocker.....hang in there....I will probably start my chemo in next 2 feel free to stay hooked up with me to swap stories.......if no one on April chemo board....xoxo

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    rockermom66 not everyone gets nuelasta from the start. Some oncs wait to see if you need it. Some insurances won't even pay for it till you need it. Remember though when doing chemo, you onc wants to know about all your SE even if you think they are minor or get better by the time you see her/him again. And if they are really bad you need to call not wait. Sometimes waiting can land you in the hospital. They have people on call for a reason. It doesn't happen often but life threatening things can happen (like low blood counts) that can be easily repaired but also can kill you if ignored.

  • rockermom66
    rockermom66 Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2013

    lago, I called my oncology nurse twice and I was on the phone with the after hours nurse who called the oncologist over the weekend. I felt so horrible I thought they would want me to come in but just told me unless I was at 101 there was no need. I never wanted my temp to go up so bad before! I really do believe I had a low blood count which made all of this madness happen. why else would my incisions open up? It's so strange.
    I'm thinking that how I feel is how I'm supposed to feel because when I call in no one seems to be alarmed or feel that it's something unusual.

    I'm waiting for them to open now so I can get my butt in there and get my incisions checked out. Thank you so much :)

    edit: ChickaD I will keep an eye on that topic. They seem to be full on into the chemo I'm still sort of a beginner starting so late in the month.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    rockermom66 next time if on a weekend and you feel that badly and you're that close to 101 then lie. Seriously! Sometimes I think they just don't want to come in on the weekend.

    I mean it can go down by the time you get there right Wink

    So what's up with the incisions? I've been at work all day. Now off to pick up a chicken from COSTCO.

  • Waitingforthenextstep
    Waitingforthenextstep Member Posts: 124
    edited May 2013

    Is anyone getting SE's from the long term herceptin?  I am on the every three week regimen of herceptin.  I am still getting muscle aches and pains, especially in my legs and after walking or standing.  Is this normal for herceptin?

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2013

    Waiting, I didn't have any aches and pains from herceptin and I think it was because they infused it slowly (90 minutes).  Some have said they got the aches and pains when it was infused in 30 minutes, but that they didn't get them when they slowed down the infusion.

  • Deb-in-LA
    Deb-in-LA Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2013

    Very interesting reading all your posts. I just finished four rounds of Adriamycin Cytoxan and this was my first round of Taxotere. I have been experiencing the hand foot syndrome for the first time. Very uncomfortable. Have already lost all my body hair except for a few eyelashes and eyebrows which are thinning, Having a hard time with Neulasta reaction. Very severe bone pain and aches traveling. 101.00 temp. Worst yet for four days after. Now they tell me I should take Claritin D not just Claritin. Would have tried the nail icing but was knocked out with Benedryl or something. Onc said it was necessary.

    Best to all,


  • AmyIsStrong
    AmyIsStrong Member Posts: 426
    edited May 2013

    Waiting - I did have some stiffness while on Herceptin.  I would notice if i sat still for a while (like watching tv for example) and then got up, I would hobble the first few steps.  I sort of got used to it, but when my kids were there once, they looked very shocked to see it. It totally went away when Herceptin was finished.

    PS - i got the Herceptin at the slow speed. So I guess in that case, it doesn't make a difference.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    Waitingforthenextstep I was very stiff by the time chemo ended. 5 weeks later I felt so much better. It wasn't till I stopped Herceptin that I realized I was stiff from that as well because I felt better once I stopped (and I had stiffness with Anastrozole but I still felt better when Herceptin ended). My infusions were 30 minutes.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,416
    edited May 2013

    Deb - I'm pretty sure it's plain Claritin - NOT "D".  Just saw my MO today.  I had a painful 10+ days after Neulasta.  He said take the Clairitin for the full 10 days after the shot.  I'll let you all know if it helps.  Chemo #2 Wednesday if the blood work is good.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited May 2013

    Deb - it is plain Claritin, not Claritin D.  It is the antihistamine and not the decongestant that has an effect on the Neulasta related bone pain.  The antihistamine is thought to reduce the edema (swelling) in the bone marrow that contributes to the pain.  The link below shows the clinical trials for this.

    There is now a trial underway also that compares Claritin (loratadine) and an NSAID (Naprosyn) to combat Neulasta related pain.

  • rockermom66
    rockermom66 Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2013

    lago I seriously should do that! I don't know why I didn't. I was feeling so awful I think I was delirious.
    I would have had to go to the ER anyway.. wasn't something I was looking forward to feeling so awful.

    Anyway, I do NOT plan on catching another virus for the next 3 treatments. I was proud marching around in my mask today. I tried to make nicies with an elderly couple at the hospital, but I think I scared them. People can't see my smile. My son was proud to march around Safeway with me and my mask talking about vegetables and whether to buy cookies or not. He isn't afraid.

    I got fired up big time today, I can handle chemo side effects. That's absolutely nothing compared to the sickness I went through those few days. I'm happy to feel my fuzzy tongue and feel achey and tired and maybe have the poo's.. I swear I won't even complain about why  I ate so much because of the stupid steroids.
    I won't ever miss feeling like I'm going to die. That was the worst I felt ever in my life. Never again! I'm jumpstarted to get done now :)

    I went in to see my surgeon and told him what happened. He saw how upset I was about it since I was almost healed. He took a look (I couldn't, it's so gross) and he's like "Oh! Well that's not so bad." I was like "Whaaaat? but it's so gross and oozy and apart!". He's like "Oh, you wouldn't believe what I see in here..." Then I had mental images of what he might see and I had to stop myself. I'm like "You're right."
    So, he cut away dead or almost dead or skin that was yucky (still numb, no pain) and then stuffed it with iodine soaked gauze. (I did not watch) He asked me if I am up for changing the dressing twice per day and I told him I'd have to be. I'll handle it. I'm afraid to look at it but I peeked. I'll get at it tomorrow morning Smile I go back Thursday afternoon for a look again.
    I have to regenerate "pink" skin so I'm back to upping my protein a bunch. He said it will not interfere with chemo but it might heal slowly. edit: He said that sometimes chemo does this. I wasn't 100% healed before I started so that could be it too. Or the sickness, or who knows.
    No delay! yay!


  • Jinkala
    Jinkala Member Posts: 133
    edited May 2013

    Waitingforthenextstep - I was very stiff and sore by the time I finished with the chemo.  I think it took me a good 2 or 3 months before it really seemed to go away.  I'm still on Herceptin but I'm not having any pain or stiffness in my legs.  I'm even back to wearing lace up shoes because I can actually bend down easily to tie them which I just couldn't do a few months ago. 

    I'm really not noticing any bad side effects from the Herceptin.  It's possible that my lingering neuropathy (or hand foot syndrome) from the chemo is also from the Herceptin but it's not a normal listed side effect so I'm still blaming the chemo for that.