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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • traci1970
    traci1970 Member Posts: 104
    edited November 2008

    bluedasher I know how you feel.  I felt really good after my first treatment but the second one was really tough.  They said my reaction to the second treatment was the way most people react to their first.  I can say that all of the other treatments have not been as bad.  I am on day ten after my fourth tx and I am just now getting my energy back.  Listen to your body.  If you feel  Carolyn is right fluids fluids  fluids.  I have noticed that my nausea is much better when I have had atleast a small nap on my bad days.  Hang in there.  It will get better.  :)

  • HensonChi
    HensonChi Member Posts: 68
    edited November 2008

    I finished my last chemo on the 28th so  I am about 6 days out.  My blood counts are low, and I had to take off work the last 5 days.  For me the chemo seemed tougher every time.  I never really got my energy back after chemo number 5.  I have had diaharrea throughout the whole experience, neuropathy, achiness.  I was lucky and did not have any nausea.  I am just trying to get through this before I start Radiation on Nov. 18.  Good luck everyone who is still on chemo.

  • cali4
    cali4 Member Posts: 29
    edited November 2008

    Hi Everyone -

    I'm new here. 

    Beginning Chemo on 11/5/08 with Taxotere, Carboplatin & Herceptin for six cycles.  Will also have a weekly infusion of Herceptin.  The Her2 test was borderline, so they've decided to treat it aggressively by including Herceptin in my treatment.

    Have only had surgery for centinel node biopsy and surgical biopsy.  The tumors in one breast are 2.5cm and 4.5cm, and seem to always be causing pain.  They think that the chemo will shrink the tumors so the surgeon will have better margins for the mastectomy after I complete chemo.  Then after surgery will be radiation and hormone therapy.  Since diagnosis in September this whole ordeal has been a "process".  I guess just trying to take it one day at a time is the only way to keep my sanity, when I think of the long road ahead it's overwhelming. 

    Has anyone else had chemo prior to surgery and did you notice any change in the size of the lumps?  The Dr's say that due to the size of the tumors and the fact that I'm very small, they are pressing on nerve endings which is causing the pain. 

    Any words of wisdom for the first chemo session?  I'm scared but on the other hand want to get started on some sort of forward progress in treatment.  I'm a single Mom and trying to keep it together for my kids sake, glad I found this board and can at least vent a little.  Thanks for any advice you can offer.

  • suemed8749
    suemed8749 Member Posts: 210
    edited November 2008

    Shelby: Did you do the Race for the Cure yesterday, or is it coming up? You'll feel like quite the rock star in your commando do and pink t-shirt and hat! I don't think I've ever had people high-fiving me and shouting encouragement like that before. I'm really glad I did it and recommend it to everybody.

    No, I'm not going commando to school yet - I haven't even discussed the situation with this year's crop, although last year's kids drop by to see how I'm doing.

    Jo Anne, I've had 4(?) Herceptin-only treatments and I have had no side effects. Some people do feel flu-like symptoms, but I don't even notice. I take off the last hour or two of work and drive down, get the tx, and am home by 5 or 6 (even in rush hour traffic!) I hope you have it as easy.


  • MemePat
    MemePat Member Posts: 8
    edited November 2008

    Cali4, sorry you have to be here but welcome. You will find a lot of good advice and caring people on this web site and thread. My first words of wisdom for your first treatment is to just relax and not worry about it. The thought of it is way worse than the actual treatment. Make sure you take something to do as it will seem like a long session to you. And a snack also. There is a shopping list on what you will need in one of these threads that is very helpful. Be sure to keep posting so we know how you are doing. Good luck and a big hug. Pat

  • suemed8749
    suemed8749 Member Posts: 210
    edited November 2008

    Cali4: Just went back and read your post, and like Pat said, welcome. It sounds like you have a very proactive treatment plan. Many women on this site have had chemo before surgery, and many of them report having their tumors shrink or even virtually disappear - I wish the very best for you! It must be hard to be in pain from the tumors pressing on your nerves. I hope the chemo quickly shrinks them and gives you relief.

    Pat gave you lots of good recommendations for your first chemo. It is a long first session, so be prepared.

    Let us know how it goes - we're here any time you have questions or just need to vent, whine, or complain.

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited November 2008

    JoAnn I never get any side effects of Herceptin.  The week after TCH I am weakened and it seems to bother more, but outside of that I have no problems with the H by itself.

    Blue sorry to hear, but glad you are learning.  It does help to know what to expect.  It did me anyway.  Next time you can look at your calendar (if you have kept record of your days) and know when you will come out of it.  Your almost out now.  Day 10 you will be the lowest of your immune count so be careful not to get around anyone sick.  Then day 11 your body will start to repair itself again and you will begin to feel normal.  Nothing you can do but ride it out.  You can try to eat more of a normal diet.  For me and Carolyn we found that a light diet worked best for us, but everyone is different.  As far as the next time it will be easier cause they will know how to adjust your dose.  Also they may change the nausea meds.  I first began with Zofran, that works for most people, to Emend that worked better for me.  I hated that feeling of slight nausea.  Now I have none at all.  Just the tiredness. As they tweek your dose and new meds you will feel better. Be sure to tell them all your S.E. so they can do that for you.  One thing I can say that the tiredness will not go away.  Your body is taking a big hit and that is a common S.E. for all of us.  I just ride it out til its done and keep saying to myself that I am tired but those cancer cells are worse cause they are getting zapped.

  • mason204
    mason204 Member Posts: 36
    edited November 2008

    How does everyone deal with the steriods?

    I've had chemo with them and without.  When I don't have steriods, my SEs are pretty much like everyone elses.  When I do get steriods, I basically do not have any good days and still feel awful 3 weeks later when I show up for my next treatment.  It goes through phases, severe stomach cramps with diarrhea, then really bad (migraine-like) headaches for days, sleep loss (I've gone 3 nights without sleep sometimes - I do get an hour here and there), shakiness and fainting spells and a weirdness (I hear people talking to me but I can't for the life of me string together anything coherant).  Days later I have little recollection of what happened after treatment.  I can laugh now but when I had my first round of chemo, I don't remember much from January through June of 2004.  It's like a black hole.  That's the short list of stuff...I'm already going on too long with this post.

    I'm sure it's the steriods because during my last cycle of Vinorelbine I had a port put in which no longer necessitated the use of them.  It was a totally different chemo experience.  My kids had their mom back.  I felt like crap for a few days but I got over it and even squeezed in a few good days before each treatment.  Even my last treatment with Abraxane was tolerable, although the pain was wicked at times.

    I do have a hypersensitivity to certain drugs and my guess is that's what's happening with the steriods.  Am I alone here or does anyone else experience this?  I guess I'll be back in the land of the foggy for another 4 months when I start carboplatin next Tuesday.


  • shelbaroni
    shelbaroni Member Posts: 350
    edited November 2008


    Yeah, I did the run yesterday. What fun...except at the very end we had a very long uphill run up a freeway interchange. I listened to Canned Heat on my iPod. I just checked the results online, and out of 31 women in my age category, I came in 5th: at 29:57. Not bad for someone three months from her last treatment. Testimony that your body will recover!


    A couple times I actually had RAGE reactions to the steroids. Good thing we don't have any guns in the house. I would have killed someone and then committed suicide. I'm not kidding. And then I would crash HARD. In fact, the nurse thought that some of my more extreme side effects were more attributable to withdrawal from the steroids than to the chemo itself. They considered just giving me a dose of dexamethasone in my IV with my infusion rather than premedicating me at home with it. That's an option you might want to consider with your doctor. 

  • bethanybeane
    bethanybeane Member Posts: 167
    edited November 2008

    Hi all,

    Today I had my first Herceptin by itself and I am looking forward to no side effects.Boy, I'm grateful to have this treatment -- I keep thinking about the woman in the Living Proof movie who was not able to receive "compassionate care".

    Cheryl, For your consideration and to ask your doctor: I learned today that the decadron can cause loss of muscle strength  which has been true for me -- my quads are wasted and it's going to take some work to get those muscles back. 

    Shelby -- I'm excited for you about your hair. Is your new hair curly? was your old hair the same color?

    Working on changing my avatar to me on our weekend getaway to Rockport, TX ---  photo with a very small redfish who got to go back home to his school after the photo op.


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited November 2008

    Bluedasher, I feel your pain.  I am right there with you.  Today is the first day I have felt like a human being since my first TCH last Monday.  I was real good with the water until Wednesday afternoon, then it was downhill.  I have not thrown up - but I gagged and had a constant feeling like my stomach was going to come up 24/7 with a horrrible pain/ach in my upper stomach.  Nothing tastes good.  I still felt bad this morning and threw caution to the wind - I was starving.  I went thru a fast food drive thru and got a chicken sandwich!!  I figured I already felt bad, so what the hell.  It tasted funny, but I was able to eat over half (very slowly) and then I felt much better.  This evening my nausea is 95% gone.  As for liquids, ginger ale is my new friend.

    I hope your nurse is right when she says the first is the worst.

    Hang in there!  We made it thru one, we will  make it thru  the rest.


  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited November 2008

    Lisa, I had a blood count today and my whites were really low so they put me on Neupogen. Next time I'll get that without waiting for low counts which I'm told should help with this feeling lousy.

    My husband just brought home some ginger snaps. They aren't nearly as good as the ones I make but I don't have the strength right now.

  • shelbaroni
    shelbaroni Member Posts: 350
    edited November 2008


    My hair has never been curly and is not at present. As to color, I think it is about the same percentage of gray and ash brown as it was prior to its deforestation. Although I had been coloring it for so long that I lost track of what it really looked like, when I got my butch hair cut prior to chemo, I hadn't colored it in such a long time that the hair dresser cut it to where the roots were. I think it was pretty much the same as now. I was hoping it would be something DRAMATIC like all white or something or blue and curly. Or feathers. Or scales. But no such. Just average old lady hair. Sigh. But I have my 5 K back. That's worth a lot!


  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited November 2008

    Cali4, I have heard of several that had surgery after chemo. I am glad they are using the Herceptin because I think it can't hurt to and it can really help. I know how you feel about starting chemo. I was scared too and my blood pressure was high. they asked me if I was nervous and of course I was. It was not so bad as far as the infusion but just long. I had Herceptin first and then the next day I had Taxotere and Carboplatin. I was really sick after the TC so be sure and take your meds for nausea. I don't think I took them like I should have. I was trying to work and it is not always easy to take meds and work.Drink plenty of water or other liquids the day before and after for at least 3 days. My nurses said 2 to 3 quarts a day but that is so hard to get down but I try. I mostly drink water but the main thing is not to drink caffeine or alcohol since your body does not absorb that. I did drink root beer some when nothing else tasted good but that soon got nasty too.You will have to experiment with different things. I had trouble with acid in my stomach and have 2 different kinds of meds for that but the Protonix is the best and I still take that. I have 2 kinds of meds for nausea and they also give me some when I take my treatment. A couple of times I had severe stomach pains high up in my stomach and found that if I chewed gum for a little while it made the pain go away in a bout 10 minutes. One day I suffered all day and then I read someplace to chew gum and so next time I did that and what a relief. It might not work for you but it sure did for me. My biggest problem is diarrhea but I have learned not to be constipated before the treatment. Take a stool softener like Miralax several days before your treatment and then depending on your body you may have to switch to Imodium AD. My doc had me take 2 at a time when the diarrhea started. I have the instructions written down for me if you need them. I also had mouth sores and sores on my genital area. this happened after the first or second treatment. It is not unusual because others have had it too. Don't hesitate to call your onc office when something like this comes up. My onc gave me antiviral and anti fungal meds to get rid of the mouth sores and a mouth wash called Prevention. Brush your teeth after eating and rinse with the salt, soda and water solution they tell you to. It is 1 quart of water, 1 tsp salt and 1 tsp soda.Did you go to chemo school? If you did you probably have all this information but if you didn't or they don't have that just give us a shout and we can help with things. We are all different but some things will be the same. Just don't suffer like I did at first because I would not ask. Shelby is the first one to tell me to keep your bowels moving before treatment and it does make all the difference. don't let a day go by before treatment without a bowel movement. When the diarrhea starts, if it does, it will will be so miserable. If you are one that has constipation just keep taking the stool softeners or even a mild laxative. I know I am harping but this is important. I also ate some solid food too soon and boy was I sorry. I didn't think my throat would ever be the same so go easy on solids until you see how you react. I start with pudding and soft foods and lots of liquid the day of treatment and then it is about 4 days before I get the side effects. You may get them a different time than I did so like Cupcake says you might put it on the calender and see what days you feel bad so you will kind of know the next time. I did do better each time after I got through the first couple. #4 was my worse because that was the time I didn't do what I should have. I do my #6 and last I hope Nov 6. You will be the day before me and I think Cupcake will be the same day as you with it being her #6. If you feel like keeping in touch with us please do. I have had days I was so tired I didn't feel like turning on my computer and I understand.


  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited November 2008

    Mason204, why does your doc make you take steroids when you react like that? Maybe there are milder ones you could use if it is necessary. I like steroids because I feel so much better. I have so much pain in my joints and I take them for arthritis but I do have a hard time sleeping a night or two. the doc can give you sleeping aids for that though. I sure hope you do not have to go through all that this time, what does the doc say about them?

    Lisa and Bluedasher, I hope things go well with you both. It is just learning what your body is going to do. I was a slow learner when I first started. I am at the end of it and I think I have it figured out as far as for me.the Neupogen did not help my WBC but the Neulasta did but it hurt me real bad. some take Claritin with Neulasta and it helps but nothing helps my bone pain when I have to take Neulasta. Some have never had a problem with it. See what I mean about the differences. Good luck to you both!

    Shelby, looks like the hair is coming in good. Mine is a little shorter than yours but I have not finished my #6. Mine didn't come out like some did. It was just in spots so I had it buzzed short and it is just a little longer than it was after the buzz. Bethany has yours came in? I want to see your little fish picture.I need to put one of me up too and I am just lazy I guess. I don't think to ask anyone to take one of me and I don't take good ones by myself. I am going to try again though.


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited November 2008

    I feel SOOOOO much better today!  Yes, on day 8, I live!!  My energy level is fine, but my doc insisted on a Nuelasta shot the day of the tx - so that was probably good in the long run.

    Yesterday I could not fathom doing this 5 more times, but today, I know I can.

    Have a great day ladies.


  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited November 2008

    Good morning campers from sunny California!  Its sun shiny today cause this is my good week before the hit again.  Like Carolyn said Lisa and Blue we are hoping you get grounded soon and it gets better.  I think learning what to expect was huge for me.  Then I could get through it better.  The first TX I thought I would never get to feeling good again.  The Newlasta shot never gave me any problems as well as the steroids.  With Tyenol AM/PM I went right to sleep.  It did mess with my diabetes numbers for a few days and some Neuropathy in the feet, but that was it.  My worst side effect was the awful fatigue.  On my worst day I barely could lift my head off the pillow.  I learned on that day just to give it up and lay there.  My first treatment I was in the hospital, but the second I was pretty nauseated, but the third they got the dose adjusted and changed the nausea meds and I was fine after that.  Just that fatigue.  That is what I will remember most about this experience.  No one, that hasn't gone through it, has a clue what fatigue really means.  Like I tell my husband the chemo fatigue if like having the flu, through in a hangover on top of it and then the chicken pox on top of that may come close to what chemo fatigue feels like.  It is miserable. 

    Shell I love your hair!  That is so cool.  I have a little bit starting to stick up on top.  Looks like it all is going to be grey.  I wanted that.  Before it was silver on the sides and front but darker in the back.  Can't wait to see what surprise I am going to get.  One more to go for us old timers.

    Cali4:  I have had my chemo before my surgery and yes the lump has went away totally.  They wanted mine to shrink prior to surgery.  Thank you Dr. Slamon!  Herceptin really does shrink the tumors!!!  Well off to Herceptin TX.  Chat later


  • shelbaroni
    shelbaroni Member Posts: 350
    edited November 2008


    I'm relieved you're feeling better today. It's just not automatic all-the-way better though. So just don't overcommit and overdo, or you're gonna hit the wall, OK?


    So yesterday I'm in the locker room at the spa after having my complimentary birthday massage, which was awesome, by the way. She really went after my surgical scar areas that get so tight. I haven't felt looser in that area since before the surgery, truly. Anyway, so I'm in the locker room kind of waiting for people to clear out of the locker area so I can take off my robe and put my bra on. I've always been the type that doesn't "bare all" in locker rooms. So this woman comes up behind me and says, "Are you a breast cancer survivor or do you just like to keep your hair that short?" I turned around, and she's buck naked with all the same scars I have (but with a completed reconstruction), no eyebrows, and a funny-looking mullet. I said "I'm a survivor", and she sticks out her arms and said "Me too". I don't think I've ever embraced a completely naked woman before...this is southern California, after all. So before long, I've got my robe off and we're standing there comparing plastic surgery stories, totally oblivious to what all the "normals" in the locker room are thinking. Later, coming home, I was thinking that if I ever in my life write a screenplay, that scene will be in it entitled "I'll Show You Mine if You Show Me Yours".

    Have a wonderful day ladies. And happy voting! 

  • cali4
    cali4 Member Posts: 29
    edited November 2008


    Thank you all for your input and support.  It's such a relief to get info from people who are in the same boat, so to speak.  I no longer feel like I'm on a totally deserted island.

    Took my first dose of dexamethasone this am after arriving at work (taking as pre-med for day before, day of and then the day after chemo).  Now all I want to do is close my eyes and go to sleep.  Funny reading all the RX info I received on the drug, nowhere did it say I would be sleepy, it gave me the impression I'd have quite the opposite reaction and not be able to sleep.  Probably the dose I take tonight will want to keep me awake all night, that would be just my luck.

    Shelby congrats on your Race for the Cure results.  My daughter volunteered at the event and she was totally blown away with the positive upbeat attitude of everyone!  I think being at the event helped her in dealing with my dx a little better.  In times of crisis nobody pulls together better than a great group of women.

    Thanks again for your positive thoughts.  Just the input of knowing the tumors will start to decrease with the chemo, is making me look forward to getting on with the whole process.

  • traci1970
    traci1970 Member Posts: 104
    edited November 2008

    I am so glad you are feeling better lisa. You will get through this.

    I have a question that I really hope does not make anyone uncomfortable.  I have not had any problems with sores in my mouth or anywhere else but I cannot I repeat cannot have sex.  It is the most painful experience I have ever had. (even with the recommended lubrication) I have no sores or anything but it is so sensitive and sore in that area.  Is that normal and will it ever get better?  I only have two more tx to go and I am hoping this will get better.  I am already have self image issues and I have to deal with this too. I hope I did not make anyone uncomfortable but if anyone can tell me if this will get better, please let me know.  I am not exactly in the mood but I do atleast try and this is making it even more impossible.  sorry...

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited November 2008

    Love the locker room story Shelby - That was great!

    Sorry I can't help you Traci, but I can see where what you describing could be a real possibility.  Maybe some of the "oldtimers" will have some advice.

    Question: Food.  The "What tastes good now" game is getting old.  Do the taste buds ever come back in between treatments, or do I just need to stop whining and get used to this for the next 4 months?  What sounded good this morning, doesn't even sound good tonight.  And by "doesn't sound good", I mean the mere thought of some food makes me gag.

    I just wasted a $20 delivery pizza that sounded like a fabulous idea when I ordered it an hour ago.  When it got here, I swear they dredged it in a vat of salt - gag!  So I decided for a good old egg and toast - someone poured sugar in the bread, I swear they did - gag!  I give up for tonight.  I am just gonna turn on the TV and watch election results and hope THAT doesnt make me gag!


    P.S.  I will normally eat just about anything, I am not a picky eater at all.

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited November 2008

    Yep traci I have had that problem and my poor husband is being patient.  Try Astroglyde.  It helps better than KY jelly.  If you figure you get the problem in the tissues of the mouth why wouldn't it happen int he vagina area.  It is a SE.  I am hoping too that it will pass when the TX is finished.  Again it is not you it is the chemo.  Some people it doesn't bother and then some it does with you and me being in that group.

  • bethanybeane
    bethanybeane Member Posts: 167
    edited November 2008
    Hi all,

    I start radiation tomorrow. I'm to have 28 full breast and 5 boosts. I didn't get tatoos, only three red crosses that were covered with clear "skin" type circles that can get wet. I feel very fortunate. I'm going in everyday at 4:20 on my way home from work. Had Herceptin which took 2 hours on Monday and no side effects!!! My muscles are so wasted -- and it takes hardly any exertion to be out of breath....Onc said that the Decadron caused muscle atrophy and that it will take some dedicated effort to regain strength. This has been really hard and I'm hoping that the radiation will be much easier.


  • suemed8749
    suemed8749 Member Posts: 210
    edited November 2008

    Bethany: I have really noticed how weak my upper body is. Not much weight work for the last 9 months - the 5 surgeries have made it tough plus the chemo. For the first time ever I have crepey skin on my arms - no sleeveless or even cap sleeves for me. And I have to ask my husband to open the wine, etc. As soon as my plastic surgeon clears me, I have to get back in the gym and do something about these weenie arms. Good luck as you begin rads!

    Shel: Way to go on the 5K time! Very impressive. I'm glad the course was completely flat here in Phoenix!

    Lisa: Good luck finding some food that tastes semi-normal. I didn't really have the tastebud issue, although a few things did - literally - gag me.

    Good night all -


  • shelbaroni
    shelbaroni Member Posts: 350
    edited November 2008

    OK, so I'm revving on the election returns, so sue me. Hmm. So I'm thinking about what a couple of people have said about decadron wasting muscles. Maybe I deny that, having Arnold Schwartzeneger as my governor. LOL But seriously, I was telling my PS today at a follow-up that the only thing I don't have back physically that I had before is my "man" push-ups (from the toes). But I attributed that to my surgery, because I had the lat flap. I don't know. What do I know? I write fiction, raise kids, and paint a few pictures. I know bupkis. All I know is, whatever they tell you: FIGHT BACK. If they tell you you won't feel like doing something, DO A LITTLE MORE than they tell you you can do. Even if it's like they tell you that you will feel like shit and you can't get outa bed and you go brush your teeth. That's when I would feel VICTORIOUS on days 4-7 is if I could get out of bed and brush my teeth! If I could do that, I could go downstairs and help my kids get ready for school and pack lunches. And if I could do that, I could take them to school and start a load of wash. And if I wanted to go back to bed after that, sometimes I did. And that was OK. But I fought back. And I pushed harder the next day. But you're gonna win. It's just battle by battle, campaign by campaign.

  • susiered
    susiered Member Posts: 83
    edited November 2008

    Cali4 I also had chemo before surgery. I finished up on Oct 13 and will have surgery next Thursday the 13. My tumor also shrunk. I started with a 5cm. tumor and now it is down to 18mm. My dr.s seem very happy with that, although I am sure they would have been happier if it had totally gone away like cupcake7. Good for you cupcake. My onc. did say that at this point the mri cannot detect if the tumor is cancer or dead tissue, so I am hoping for the dead tissue. Good luck on the treatments. As I look back I had some difficult times, but overall it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. It's doable and you can get through it.

    Everyone have a blessed day! 

  • CaseyDoodle
    CaseyDoodle Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2008

    Good morning all!  I have not posted recently and am hoping that all of you are well.  As for me, I had my last TX of 6 (TCH) on 9/23/08.  I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful life is "post-chemo." 

    traci1970 - the problem did correct itself about 1 month after I finished chemo.  I have even been taking Arimidex for 3 weeks now and the dryness problem is one of the SE of that, but I have had no problem since I completed chemo. 

     lisa1964 - my tastebuds were totally out of whack the entire time I was on chemo - I got no relief between treatments - sorry to say.

     Good luck to all of you!  I can testify that your body does return to normal (or somewhat so) after you complete chemo.

  • traci1970
    traci1970 Member Posts: 104
    edited November 2008

    Thank goodness this sexual problem will get better.  It has been tough. 

     As far as my tastebuds everything taste horrible for about a week after chemo and then is is bearable for two weeks and then it is time for another tx.  The worst for me is the way everything I drink tastes.  I swear I get dehydrated after my tx because I cannot bear the taste of anything I drink.   They did tell me to eat some cheddar cheese before I eat and that helps.  I don't know what the cheese does but it makes everything taste a bit better.  

    I am having a little swelling in my hand (mastectomy side) for the past several days.  I hope I am not going to have a problem with lymphedema.  My entire arm hurts from my thumb to my shoulder when I lift it or stretch it.  

    On a happy note I FEEL GREAT today.  This is the best day I have had in two months.  I cleaned house and even cleaned out my closet.  I hope this feeling lasts until my tx next thursday.  I actually feel as close to normal and pre chemo as I have ever felt.  So to everyone in the trenches just hang in there because God blesses us when we least expect it!  I started out exhausted on Monday and now I am fab! 

  • CaseyDoodle
    CaseyDoodle Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2008


     We are at opposite ends of Georgia.  My husband and I lived in Tifton when we were first married.  Are you driving to Atlanta for treatment, or getting them closer to home?

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited November 2008

    Traci, thanks for the cheese tip.  My taster was slightly better today.  Water tastes terrible and gives me heartburn, but I can drink soda - I didn't used to drink soda. Strange.  Glad you are feeling so good today.

    Casey, thanks for the warning.
