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Bone Mets to Arm

boobbuster Member Posts: 24
Has anyone here ever had bone mets to the arm? I've been having a intense pain in my right arm for over 4 months. The pain started in my elbow and now has progressed to the entire lower arm. I don't think that it's lyphmpathic because I only had two nodes removed. Don't have an appointment with the OC until September. Pain is so profound that I have to take sleep-aid to go to sleep and often wake up in the middle of the night. God is able, Stephanie


  • BearMan52
    BearMan52 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2007
    Hi Stephanie,
    My understanding is that arm mets is highly unlikely...and that lymphedema could still be very likely even with only 2 nodes removed...would still probably be good to touch base with your OC before Sept if put your mind at ease. So true, God is SO able.
  • Fitztwins
    Fitztwins Member Posts: 144
    edited August 2007
    Yes. Gretta had hers start there. But I am hopping it is something else.

  • AusAla
    AusAla Member Posts: 24
    edited August 2007

    I am so sorry you are experiencing this pain. It is my understanding that breast cancer is quite unlikely to spread past elbows and knees. Perhaps someone else has more information. If it is disturbing your sleep, maybe you should try to see your onc before your next appointment.

    I am praying for your healing. May God continue to comfort you. I think of you often.

  • jacqniel
    jacqniel Member Posts: 98
    edited August 2007
    So good to see you posting again - but not for this! It could be so many things - we are just so attuned to any aches or pains that we can convince ourselves it is cancer. My first scan showed mets in my humerous - but nothing lower. Please call your onc and have it checked out. There are so many things it could be - pinched nerve, tendonitis, etc. Hugs, Jacque
  • wallan
    wallan Member Posts: 192
    edited August 2007

    Are you on an AI? I too have arm pain in my right arm, my mastectomy side, right at the elbow that goes down my forearm. Some nights it keeps me up. Sometimes I cannot lift even a coffee cup.
    And sometimes, it is very stiff.

    I have convinced myself it is tendonitis from aromasin. And I have convinced myself if it gets worse, I will have it checked out.
    My pain is always there, but its intensity comes and goes. So does the stiffness.
    It may very well be lymphedema though nothing seems swollen.

    I still work out at the gym and lift weights when its not too sore.

    Wendy A
  • roseg
    roseg Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2007
    This is on your surgery side?

    The nerves to your arm go through kind of a tight spot around your shoulder. If you have any chest/shoulder swelling or scar issues maybe it's turning up in your arm.

    I think if it hurts that much that you should go see your PCP.
  • ravdeb
    ravdeb Member Posts: 277
    edited August 2007

    See your doctor. My arm hurts me too, on the surgery side. Lymphedema, from what I have read, can have pain that can shoot down the arm because of flow blockage. I don't have any swelling and am not sure what it is I have. Pain can be funny in that it can show up in places where there is nothing wrong but it comes from a place where this is something wrong. I have a herniated disk in my neck and one orthoped told me the pains I get in my arms are from this. I'm not convinced of that, either, and tend to think it's the start of lymphedema. I had only one node removed so no doctor will listen to me about this...

  • 73gr
    73gr Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2007

    my mother had a left mastectomy, but has mets in right arm for 2 years now but without symptoms. see your doctor before september, hope it's not something serious

  • joanne1428
    joanne1428 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2007
    Really rare, Steph, but of course we need to check out every little thing..... the odds are definitely in your favor - I hope you can remain calm (HAH, OK, somewhat calm) while you wait to get it checked out..... A little Ativan now and again might be in order too!

    Gentle Hugs to you - Joanne
  • RoxanneNJ31
    RoxanneNJ31 Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2007
    I had terrible arm pain, went to the onc and they sent me to a neurlogist. I had all types of mri's and no one could figure out why i couldn't move my arm. Finally i called teh orthopaedic doctor he took an exray didn't like what he saw and then they sent me for shoulder MRI. Came back that i had mets to my shoulder. did a pet scan then a bone biopsy to see if it was Breast cancer or new cancer and it was. I have four bone mets, one to each shoulder one rib and my thigh bone. Saw a different onc and started advastin, zometa, abraxene (chemo) and zoladex and the pain has since stopped. Scheduled for more scans in two months.

    I would definetly call your onc and tell them the seriousness or go to an orthopaedic doctor and explain you are a cancer paitent and think this might be bone mets. I wouldn't waste any time. Just in case its something which its probably not its better to be on teh safe side. I was going around in circles for two months and maybe one of the mets could have been avoided had i been dx'ed sooner.

    Good luck and youll be in my prayers.
  • DEAK95
    DEAK95 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2007
    I'm, sorry you are having pain!!! I had issues of arm pain that I couldn't predict when it would start or stop!!! It was like this for 6-12mos. This started 9yrs after my original BC. After complaining to the oncologist twice, once every 6mos, I went to a neurologist who diagnosed brachial-neuropathy from scar tissue on mastectomy side of the chest and pain into same arm!!! After chest/shoulder MRI, I was diagnosed with more positive lymph nodes and bone mets to spine, hip and scapula. I've been on Herceptin with great success for 20 mos now and arm pain is gone after more breast/lymph node surgery. The BC was typed as the same as the original Cancer. Not very happy about METS diagnosis but am dealing with it!!!Good luck !!!It could just very well be scar tissue form surgery, but, call the md for a faster appt!!!Pat
  • DEAK95
    DEAK95 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2007
    OOPS!!! Since the MRI was questionnable about Chest Wall METS, the Neurologist sent me back to the Oncologist for a PET Scan which made the METS diagnosis.
    Best wishes to be pain-free soon!!!.Pat
  • brenda69
    brenda69 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2007

    Stephanie, I have never posted but always read what you had to say, I love your strength that comes through, and GOD is truly able! I am trip neg, stage 1, grade 3, lump-4x AC, then rads. I would like to see you post!!! You have the strength in you, your father and brother both want you to continue the fight, DO NOT GIVE UP or let your spirits get you DOWN!!!!!!

  • LemonDrop
    LemonDrop Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2007
    I have a lot of pain on my mastectomy side from the shoulder to my elbow, and occasionally below the elbow. I was reading about frozen shoulder, and it sounds like that's what I have. I have been doing some gentle exercises I saw online and my pain has really improved on that side. It was like my arm was getting so stiff and painful and it was frozen in place. The exercises helped me. I hope your pain can be attributed to something easily treated.

    You are such an inspiration on this board, Stephanie. You have many admirers because the way you graciously handle things.


  • LaurieL
    LaurieL Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2007
    A BC survivor friend of mine went to her oncologist with terrible pain in her shoulder/arm that was going on for about a month. She thought for sure it was mets. He looked at her purse.... and said, don't carry that thing on your arm for a month and if you still have pain, come back and we'll do testing. No kidding... her pain went away. Um... how big is our purse?
    P.S. With everything you have been through and what you are going through right now, your posts have been so inspirational for me throughout the last year of my BC journey. ~THANKS.
  • Boop
    Boop Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2007

    I pray that the pain in your arm is not mets..But I think I would get it checked to make sure it isn't that..

    I was having pain in my left shoulder, onc did xray and I do have mets in my shoulder... I was carrying a big purse, so I got myself a smaller one and it helped with the pain alot..

    Sending hugs and prayers..

    Hugs and God Bless,
  • sharebear
    sharebear Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2007
    The purse thing is no joke. I no longer carry purses with shoulder straps. This keeps me from throwing that bag over my shoulder. That's a big no no!

  • wallan
    wallan Member Posts: 192
    edited August 2007
    Yeah... I agree with the purse thing. I had a sore shoulder for awhile... had it bonescanned and xrayed.... nothing showed.
    So I stopped carrying my suitcase size purse. Within a few days,... pain gone...

    Wendy A
  • mdoylespencer
    mdoylespencer Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2010

    Even though this is an old post, I'm writing a comment in case someone looks up this topic now. Once you have had pain for two weeks, your oncologist should see it. Nobody should be self-diagnosing or looking here for a diagnosis. Pain is the first symptom of bone mets. Again, give it the two-week wait and see rule, then contact the oncologist. And don't accept a one-month wait for an appointment!

    This is no time to be gracious to the front desk staff. Ask them to ask the doctor if s/he has earlier appointments. If you are concerned enough to be writing here, you should see your doctor.

    Yep, I have bone mets in my upper arm.


  • ead
    ead Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2010

    Please call your doc,please don't wait until September.


  • ElaineD
    ElaineD Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2010

    Liz-this thread is dated 2007, so her wait is by now long over!

  • Ojb
    Ojb Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2020

    I too have pain in the hand on the side I had lumpectomy. The joint between upper and lower arm upper side seems puffed. But I guess it is the spread of seroma because there is a tight burning sensation also. Besides due the anastrazol bone pains are now part of life though I dont know if this one is bone or softer tissue. But better check up.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,249
    edited February 2020


    This thread has been inactive for 10 years. If you don’t get responses, consider starting a fresh thread on this. All the best.

  • cowgal
    cowgal Member Posts: 625
    edited February 2020

    Ojb - It could be lymphedema. I have been living with lymphedema since my original bc diagnosis in 2010. I have noticed that my lymphedema has flared during chemo and radiation this time around and probably hid me getting diagnosed with stage IV for a little bit because the bone met did flare up my lymphedema. I would ask my MO if he can send you to get evaluated for lymphedema. My lymphedema developed right after finishing radiation but before reconstruction.