Exercises For People Living With Bone Metastases
Studies show that exercise is safe for people with bone metastases. Research also shows that exercise can improve sexual health and offer many other benefits for women diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. In this video, Sami Mansfield, a certified cancer trainer and founder of Cancer Wellness for Life, demonstrates a…
Traveling with MBC - Inspire others with your vacation experiences and tips!
Hi everyone! We have a new content highlight on Traveling With Breast Cancer, and would love you to share your tips, experiences, memories, and advice for those with metastatic breast cancer who are considering traveling, but might not feel well enough, think they don't have the energy, are concerned about risks of travel,…
Important Stage IV Topics and Links for Stage IV Newbies
Here are some helpful resources if you've just been diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer, also known as metastatic or MBC. Join our free Virtual Support Groups for MBC! Do you have metastatic breast cancer (MBC; also called stage IV)? Register: Mondays at 2:00 PM EST, Tuesdays at 8:30 PM EST and Wednesdays at 4:00 PM EST…
Gamma Knife Surgery for Brain Mets: What to Expect
We asked our awesome member, @illimae, to share her first-hand experience with receiving Gamma Knife surgery for brain metastases in order to help others feel more at ease with this intimidating treatment. We are grateful for Illimae's willingness to share and we hope you find this helpful! Gamma Knife for Brain Metastasis…
MBC Virtual Support Groups: Register Here to Share Face-to-Face
Please join us for one of our Virtual Support Groups on Zoom -- register by clicking the links below: Do you have metastatic breast cancer (MBC; also called stage IV)? Register: Mondays at 2:00 PM EST, Tuesdays at 8:30 PM EST and Wednesdays at 4:00 PM EST Metastatic Lobular Breast Cancer Register: Third Thursday of every…
Ringing of the bell. A perspective from someone with MBC. Please share yours!
Thanks to Jaimee for sharing her perspective! Please share yours below! Does your treatment center do this? If so, how does it make you feel? Share your thoughts.
Partners of Those With MBC Virtual Support Group every other Tues at 4pm, ET
Hi All, Reminding you that we offer a free caregivers Virtual Support Group for partners of someone with MBC every other Tuesday. If you are a caregiver, or have a partner who you think could benefit, please share. We meet every other Tuesday at 4pm, ET. People need to register here to participate:…
The Losses We Feel After a Metastatic Breast Cancer Diagnosis
The Losses We Feel After a Metastatic Breast Cancer Diagnosis Dec 1, 2023 Grief counselor Kelly Grosklags helps Melissa Jenkins moderate a special Virtual Community Meetup on the losses people feel after being diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Living with metastatic breast cancer can bring many losses: not being…
Talking to Children About Metastatic Breast Cancer
Talking to Children About Metastatic Breast Cancer Sep 8, 2023 Kelly Grosklags, a licensed clinical social worker and grief counselor, helps Community Director Melissa Jenkins moderate a special Virtual Community Meetup on talking to children about metastatic breast cancer. Finding the words to talk to children about…
How long have you been Stage IV?
We have a thread of what age you were diagnosed at Stage IV, so how about "How long have you lived with Stage IV". Also please state if you were Stage IV from the get go. I'm asking for this information in hoping to have MANY more years than the 2-3 I was given and to give hope to those newly diagnosed with Stage IV. 1…
Use of Signatera testing in stable disease
I just had my latest scans, and I am still stable with my current treatment plan- Lynparza, Lupron, Xgeva. In fact, the scan said "no evidence of metastatic disease in the abdomen"- I had tumors in the liver we were monitoring. I ask my MO if there was any way to monitor molecular progression- progression before it is…
good morning wondering how many people lost there hair on enhertu ?
Abemaciclib Verzenio for Stage IV
Luckylegs and friends on Abemaciclib - I am bumping the Verzenio discussion in the hopes that more people have started abemaciclib. We need to get a community going. I have not started abemaciclib but it is on my short list. Like many I am very interested in how people do on this treatment do, both as a monotherapy and in…
Triple Negative Stage IV
This is a way for us to find each other, please add your post so everyone can be found. We can discuss on this thread (hope this works out!)
Anyone starting brand drug, Enhertu?
I have had growth of tumors while on current treatment. My onc and I have decided to try new treatment, Enhertu (FDA approved 12/20/19)! Wondering if anyone else out there is trying or was in trial? Julie
I am currently on Herceptin and Perjeta with Zometa every three weeks. Would love to hear from others who have been on this targeted therapy and how well the treatments have been working for you..
Faslodex Girls Thread
Tips for taking Faslodex without pain: ABSOLUTE MUSTS: * Warm up the syringes. At least room temperature. Armpits work well, as does belly skin. * Take the weight off the leg on the side of the shot. Relax that cheek/leg as much as possible. * Inject SLOWLY! It should take at least 30 seconds to empty each syringe. General…
Are you currently (or have you been) in a Clinical Trial?
I am about to start a clinical trial and am wondering about the experiences of others. I'm feeling a little rocky and at sea, because I've been in the care of a wonderful oncologist for the past three years, and I knew without a doubt that his prime objective was the same as mine - to keep me stable and maintain a good…
Elacestrant (ORSERDU)
Starting this topic to share info about the new medication elacestrant. Elacestrant (ORSERDU) was recently FDA approved for ER+/HER2- MBC for patients with the ESR1 mutation. Just before it was FDA approved, I was able to obtain the drug through an expanded access program (thanks to WeninWI for the info!). The expanded…
Ibrance (Palbociclib)
A bottle of Ibrance came in the mail today. I will start taking it tonight with Femara. Hoping that others starting on this drug will join me here to talk about side effects and how to avoid or treat them. So far, I've been warned about low white counts. I run very low as it is, probably because of my extensive bone mets.…
This sucks - Osteonecrosis of the jaw
After 10 months of bisphosonates I have been been diagnosed with ONJ. 3 weeks of mega antibiotics, everything else except letrozole stopped until this is resolved. A bottle of liquid morphine to add to my collection. (Resisting because it feels too ‘cancery’, if you get my drift.) And more ‘activity’ detected in my bones…
Kisqali/ribociclib, Faslodex/fluvestrant & Xgeva combo - Anyone?
I've been on this combo since Nov 2019. Since all treatment combos seem to offer their own side effects and challenges, I'd like to hear from others taking these drugs. Especially your experiences, duration of success and how you deal with the fatigue, itchiness, etc that goes along with this treatment.
Ribociclib/Kisqali with Letrozole - Any one on this combo?
I am starting this new forum for all those who are on this newly approved drug combo. I started on Kisqali/Letrozole combo 6 weeks ago and so far it has been tolerable. Letrozole gives me joint pain and low back pain. My oncologist has asked me to take this on alternate days. Would love to hear from others about their…
Zoom Meet-up for Those With MBC: Place to keep chatting
This is a space held for our Zoom Meetup members to gather in between meetings for updates and support. Join our Virtual Meet-ups! For those with a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer (MBC; also called stage IV) Register: Mondays at 2:00 PM EST, Tuesdays at 1:00 PM EST, and Wednesdays at 4:00 PM EST Young (45 and under)…
Information on GATA 3+ Cancer
Hello Friends, Thank you for accepting me in the group. I am ER+, HER2+ and GATA3 +. I was recently diagnosed (December 12, 2022) with Stage 4 Breast cancer with metastasis to Bones, lymph nodes and spleen. My chemotherapy regimen includes Trastuzumab(once every 3 weeks), Paclitaxel (every week) and Zoledronic acid (every…
All about Xeloda
I will complete my first cycle of Xeloda today (2 weeks on; one week off). I have already noticed some signs of HFS on my feet. Sometimes they are red and feel hot. I've had some minor skin peeling, but not any blistering. The heels are the worst (the most sensitive) and it is uncomfortable to walk. I hope I get to see the…
The party’s over…
13 years was a good run but all good things must come to an end. Will be heading to see my mo in about an hour to review latest PET scan, which was not posted in the patient portal ☹️. Yes, I have been having pain/soreness in my back and the CT I had during my kidney stone episode showed a healing fractured rib as well as…
CTs to Determine Circulatory Mets with Negative Nodes (warning - this is long!)
Warning - this is a book - LOL! I have just joined this group and really enjoying everyone's input on various topics, and sharing their journeys. I'm an mBC newbie, initially diagnosed in 2018 (post-meno) with Stage 1A HR+ HER2- IDC. I chose lumpectomy and radiation and started anastrozole after radiation (my OncoTyping…
De Novo Stage IV
I'm wondering if there is a topic just for de novo Stage IV. I'd like to know how people found out. Did you have symptoms that led you to the doctor for an answer? Was it found out of the blue when you had another issue and how was it found? Are there others like me who have never shown it in your breast but only where it…
Does anyone else still have their primary tumor?
I still have my primary tumor because surgery was not recommended at the time of my diagnosis. I have no desire for surgery but am getting interested in cryoablation. Just curious if anyone else has their tumor and what they are thinking. My tumor is deep in my chest wall and doesn't bother me at all.
How are people with liver mets doing?
I continue to be very scared once I found my liver mets progressed after having to go off doxil. I am hoping to find some support in alleviating my deep seated fears by hearing other stories of people living and dealing with liver mets. My onc says I have such a petite frame (105) that an enlarged liver will definitely…
A place to talk death and dying issues
This post is for those of us with concerns and issues about death and dying to talk about them. IF YOU CANNOT HANDLE IT, THAN GO TO A DIFFERENT POST PLEASE. We do not need people telling us to live life or to hear that other people have lived a long time, we have concerns. We are living life and would like for our…
Anyone in this situation??
Cancer research
Good evening, everyone. I’m trying to keep this post focused on research and away from politics. Any one else concerned about the pause in cancer research? I’m doing ok now (knock on wood) but I’m concerned that the next great thing isn’t going to be available when we need it. Anyone feeling the same?
Bone Mets Thread
I've started this thread after suggestions that it would be useful. Mod Note: We have removed the original link as it is no longer viable. At one of our member's' recommendation we are offering this link as a resource for you. https://youtu.be/YpFfLrITfEI
If you are not Stage IV but have questions, you may post here
This thread is for those people who are not stage IV but are having concerns or questions regarding stage IV.
How do you lift your spirits, even briefly...
…when you receive troubling news about your tx, health, etc.? How do you comfort yourself and make yourself feel safe in spite of troubling labs, scans, etc.? I ask because it seems lately my check ups have been disappointing and although I try not to have any expectations about any of the tx I'm getting, I have to have…
Anyone 5+ years with liver mets and ER+ Her2-?
I just have to ask. If you had liver mets at diagnosis of mbc, and you are ER positive and Her2 negative, and have reached five years already, please raise your hand. Most of the 5+ years women I see here on BCO are either Her2+ (the Her2 drugs are quite successful), or they started with, and may still have, only bone…
Should Doctors Regularly Screen for Breast Cancer Brain Metastases?
Should Doctors Regularly Screen for Breast Cancer Brain Metastases? Mar 5, 2025 Research suggests current screening guidelines for brain mets need updating. Read more…