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WHAT did YOUR lump FEEL like?



  • Attitude_Girl
    Attitude_Girl Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2009

    Found it myself. It's a smoothe, mobile oblong about 1 to 2 cm long. No family history of BC although Aunt died of Ovarian Cancer.

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254
    edited July 2009


    I saw my lump before I felt I guess I found it in the mirror. It was 3.2 cm, felt odd shaped...on the ultrasound it looked like an upside down battle ship. It had  like fingers. It was very hard they had a hard time getting a biopsy and it moved freely and it hurt real bad. I thought I must have hit it or something. All my doctors say whether or not it can move or if it hurts or not,  does not tell a doctor if it's cancer. I have lobular and the odd shape is normal for that. Mine did not show on the mammogram but did show on the ultrasound. Lobular often does not show on mams and even some ductal evades it also. I have 2 great aunts who had the same type as me and one aunt who had ductal. I hope all goes well with you. Hugs, Mazy

  • justelle
    justelle Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2009

    I found the lump on my own. It originally felt small and moveable maybe pea size, it has since become hard. larger and oblong I'd say the length of my fingertip. It does move when pressed on. My Aunt on my fathers side had BC. I am still waiting to find out. Best wishes to all.

  • katsOK
    katsOK Member Posts: 23
    edited July 2009

    I had a IDC and it was found on mammogram or really on ultrasound.  The doctor said she was suspicious of the area (dense breast tissue) so did the ultrasound after watching the area for at least a year!!  I would not have known it was there if I had not know it was there.... and that was after four cores taken from it and it was swollen.  The shape was like an arrowhead and not moveable and hard.  Went in the direction that a muscle might go and in location where a muscle might be.  The surgeon said she did not think she would have found it if she had not know where to look.  It was 2.5 cm and at first they thought it might be 4 cm.  It was in the lower outside quadrant of the right breast.  You had to push hard to feel; it much harder than I thought you had to push to examine you.  It makes me doubt my ability to find anything in the other breast or other areas of the right breast.  I am hoping for good exams from the doctors to help me in the future.  

  • kim1969
    kim1969 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2009

    1. Found the lump myself.  Since I am pregnant, everyone told me that it was certain to be just a clogged milk duct and it would be fine because the breast do crazy things while pregnant.

    2. Measures about 3 cm at about 12 o'clock right under the skin.  Hard as a rock and doesn't move.

    3.  2 of my mother's sisters (maternal aunts) had bc - both survivors.  One had a reoccurance but both are fine.

  • juanita63
    juanita63 Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2009

    i found my lump on my own. was bigger than my thumb. thankfully though it was scar tissue that my body had built up around my <1cm tumor. no breast cancer in the family.

  • Katalin
    Katalin Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2009

    1. Did you find your lump on your own or did a mammogram pick it up?  I had lumpy breasts, and was followed by a breast surgeon.  Even after diagnosis, I could not feel my 2.5 cm. lump.  My GP told me to stop trying to feel for it.  Good advice.

    2. Please describe to me what exactly your lump felt like to you or your doctor.  N/A

    3. Is there a family history?  My aunt & my mother both had breast cancer, but both post-menopausally.  Mine was pre-menopausal.  Waiting on BRAC testing, but pretty much rule out genetics on this one...

  • AnneN
    AnneN Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2009

    I both did and didn't find my lump. I found a lump in 2006; mammogram was inconclusive; follow-up ultrasound seemed to show it was a benign cyst.

    A lot was going on in my life, I was busy, so I quit thinking about it. In 2009 my primary care doctor reviewed my chart and reminded me that I was way overdue for a mammogram since I hadn't had one since that 2006 mammogram. "You're right," I said, and scheduled one right away. At the time I had no symptoms at all.

    But the pressure from the mammogram surfaced the tumor, and three days after the mammogram the breast was painful and red. Then I could feel the lump. Mammogram report came back "additional imaging needed." Then an MRI found a 6.7 cm tumor. I was referred to an oncologist who promptly ordered a PET/CT scan that showed it had already spread to my bones and possibly my lungs (lung spots are too tiny to tell if they're cancer).

    My oncologist thinks they should have biopsied the lump I found back in 2006. She says any time there's a lump the mammogram technician can feel, "they should stick a needle in it." She said "Sometimes the imaging is wrong."

    Please get a biopsy. My therapy is going well, but I sure wish we'd caught this in 2006. 

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392
    edited July 2009
    Found mine myself. Up high, twelve noon, and it was oblong in shape didn't move and was tender to the touch. I thought it was a swollen gland because I had recently had strep throat. What makes me angry is that my local ACS doesn't make those little plastic signs that you can put in your shower to remind you to do self exams. The woman I spoke with said they no longer "encouraged" self exam because so many women were doing that INSTEAD of getting a mamogram. So a few ruined it for the rest. I am teaching my daughter to do self exams. If anyone knows where to get these little signs, please PM me. 
    Off my soap box. TY for listening.
  • rockysmom
    rockysmom Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2009

    Found mine on my own. I was a couple months late in scheduling my mamo, so thought I'd better do a self check. Dr didn't see it on mamo, but showed on ultrasound

    Mine felt like a lima bean, yep, exactly like a lima bean- shape, size, firmness

    My Mother had BC and did pass away from BC mets. Other than that, no family history.

  • terrij152
    terrij152 Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2009

    My mom and sister were diagnosed with BC last year, a month apart from each other.  I found a lump 2.5 cm right after the holidays.  I've had several lumps before that were benign.  This one felt the same to me, moved around a lot.  When I had my mammogram and they were putting the marker over the lump, the lump kept slipping out from under the marker when they would compress the plates.  The tech and radiologist both said this was a good sign, yet after my biopsy a month later it came up positive for cancer, ugh!

    I tested negative for the BRCA genetic mutation.  Before my mom and sister were diagnosed last year we have no family history of breast cancer, go figure.

  • texasrose
    texasrose Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2009

    I found my lump myself. I woke up one morning and my breast hurt. I felt the lump the minute I put my hand on it and like others have said, I knew in my heart it was BC the minute I felt it.

    It felt hard, large, painful and tender and didn't move. It ended up being 2.5 cm.

    Two maternal aunts have had BC, one of them twice. Both were diagnosed early stage and are NED now. My mom had colon cancer, also diagnosed early and 5 years NED. No other cancer in my immediate family.  

  • meme31
    meme31 Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2011


  • Angelice
    Angelice Member Posts: 1,116
    edited August 2011

    I also found my lump having bruised feeling , bc 5.4cm tn no bc in immediate family

  • lisee63
    lisee63 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2012

    I found a lump in my breast, after I had a dull throbbing pain. It feels about the size of a grape, located 12 oclock in my left breast. My doctor felt gritty lymph nodes under my arm. My doctor started me on an antibiotic, ultrasound and mammogram scheduled later this week. Pain remains, kinda worried.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited May 2012

    My lump could not be felt. I have NO familiy history of BC. My GYN dr. could not feel my lump.

    At this point, I have had a  BS , RO and MO feel for it.  It was not palpable - it was deep in the chest wall.  My mammo got it.

    Good luck to you!

  • lisee63
    lisee63 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2012

    After antibiotic treatment, pain and lump remain.  Going for mammo and ultrasound today.

  • xoxchickxox
    xoxchickxox Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2013

    not diagnosed just worried, small unmovable hard lump about the size of rice grain, centre of my right breast just below nipple. have had weird discharge as well. nh of bc other then my grandmother as far as i know. getting my ultrasound done today. hope they can tell me what it is even if it is nothing to be worried about :( 

  • candi07
    candi07 Member Posts: 77
    edited July 2013

    I found my lump myself, it was hard and unmovable, the shape felt like a jellybean. Cousin is the only other known family member with bc.

  • PaulAndSandy
    PaulAndSandy Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2013

    My mom's BC produced no palpable lump, was 2cm in size and wasn't picked up on the first mammo. She described a pricky feeling, almost like a needle, on the side of her breast near her arm pit. It wasn't until the second mommo where they were specifically looking for it in that area that they found it. The second cancer which occurred in the other breast had no pain, discomfort or feel to it as it presented as micro-calcifications.

    I think this really proves why regular mammos from a reputable doctor or clinic is so important. You won't always feel or see a lump.

  • MyLittleTrout
    MyLittleTrout Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2014

    The NP discovered mine last week at my annual Ob/Gyn visit. I would never have noticed it because it's pretty deep and close to my arm pit. It feels oblong, rubbery, somewhat moveable but attached somehow. Mammo and U/S both negative except for benign scattered fibroglandular densities. I'm seeing a BS on March 17th. 55 yo; one older sister had BC at 47.

  • pipers_dream
    pipers_dream Member Posts: 187
    edited March 2014

    No lump here--just a thickening close to the surface.  I can see a problem in the mirror when I lift up my arm and it has what's called architectural distortion.  Mammo didn't pick it up, nor did U/S, but the bx dx'ed it, so yes, I found it myself.  I did know that it was cancer before I got the dx--I think you do just know. 

     Now I am 3-1/2 mo post dx and still no surgery (my choice as I wanted to work with the holistic MD first to see if we can save the greater part of my breasts) and it hasn't grown at all that I can tell from feeling it.  What I can see now though is that there is a very discernible lump though you still can't feel it.  I think that is due to my 20 lb weight loss though. It's large around, but has very little depth.  I call it the octopus.  

  • beacon800
    beacon800 Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2014

    Piper, did you lose 20 pounds in 3.5 months?

  • Bad_At_Usernames
    Bad_At_Usernames Member Posts: 241
    edited March 2014

    1. I found it while getting ready for bed. I wasn't old enough for mammograms.

    2. It felt like a hard, moveable ball under the skin. I wasn't that concerned due to my age (28), but I was concerned enough to get it checked out. The first doc said it felt like a cyst, but referred me for an ultrasound (bless her). The B/S who diagnosed me said it didn't feel good.

    3. Post-menopausal BC on both sides (including my mom, who was dx three weeks after) but no one understands why it hit me so early. I blame heating meals in plastic.

  • msphil
    msphil Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2014

    hello sweetie, I found my lump in the shower, the lump felt hard and round, and there is no history of breast cancer in my family, I am the first, I make sure to get my sisters, three of them, and my nieces. I found the lump and diagnosed while making wedding plans. My now husband stood by me and help me thru, family support very important, and keep HOPE, and Positive thinking( I said each day"  this cancer has to leave my body, and will leave my body". Hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! msphil.(idc, stage2, 0/3 nodes, L mast, chemo and rads and 5 yrs on tamoxifen) now a 20 yr SURVIVOR (Praise GOD). HOPE HOPE

  • sweetjam
    sweetjam Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014

    1. Did you find your lump on your own or did a mammogram pick it up?

    I had a baseline mammogram at 35.  I had 15 clean mammograms including in March of 2013.  Discovered mine in the shower.  Even marked it is undetectable on the mammogram. 

    2. Please describe to me what exactly your lump felt like to you or your doctor.

    Felt like a small, hard marble.  I think that is how the primary care doc knew it wasn't a cyst.

    3. Is there a family history?

    Aunt on mother's side diagnosed at 68 lived to 94, cousin on mothers side diagnosed at 41 and dead at 48.

    They thought strongly I would test + for BRCA because my father died at 64 of esophageal cancer and his mother in her 60's of ovarian cancer.  I came up negative.

  • vbishop
    vbishop Member Posts: 332
    edited March 2014


  • Member Posts: 1,435
    edited March 2014

    This thread was started in 2007.  

    gscott was last seen on the board in April of 2011.  She fortunately had only benign lesions - no breast cancer.

    I'm not sure why this thread has been brought up again.  It's seems to find it's way back to the active list every year.  The one thing that we know about breast cancer is that it's not a 'one-size-fits-all' disease.  Some women present with a lump, other's don't.  A marble-like lump in one woman might turn out to be breast cancer, and in another woman it might turn out to be something completely benign and harmless. 

    We can't try to figure out what might be going on with us based on what happened to someone else.  That's the one thing we know for certain about breast cancer!

  • lv2crft
    lv2crft Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2014

    1. Did you find your lump on your own or did a mammogram pick it up?  I found it first, then mammo confirmed---the lump also spread and fathered another lump in armpit. :(

    2. Please describe to me what exactly your lump felt like to you or your doctor.  It felt like a firmly implanted grape.  Ultrasound showed irregular edges, so even before the biopsy, I knew I was positive (side thought:  why do they call something negative "positive" {scratching head} Loopy).  Got the diagnosis on Wednesday.

    3. Is there a family history?  Mother had exact same (albeit non-metastasized) diagnosis (IDC) almost 18 months ago, and had the breast removed, but she was well into her 86th year, whereas I'm only 58! :(  Nobody else had breast cancer, tho a maternal aunt died of uterine cancer in '75, and another maternal great aunt had some sort of terminal cancer, either upstairs or downstairs---or both.

    EDIT:  OOOOOPS!  "This thread was started in 2007.  gscott was last seen on the board in April of 2011."  I didn't realized that.  Sorry.

  • didi768
    didi768 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2017

    Realize this is super old but what do they mean by immovable? Don't they all move in the breast??