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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited July 2009

    Love the pics!  Looks like you had fun!

  • LeggyJ
    LeggyJ Member Posts: 195
    edited July 2009

    Oh you girls, had fun with the girls!!!!  Wolfie's jealous, he doesn't even have balls.  Heheeeee....

  • Mary22
    Mary22 Member Posts: 428
    edited July 2009

    Yes we had a great time. It is nice to talk with someone who understands everything. We could sit and talk for hours, even about non-cancer stuff.

    Well I have to get up early so I will sign off for now.

    OH BTW I checked out hystersisters, and

  • Susie09
    Susie09 Member Posts: 225
    edited October 2009

    I am so afraid of tamox.  Isn't anyone else?  Even my oncologist isn't pushing it since the % of it helping me isn't much.  I have heard of so many that have such a hard time.  I don't want a recurrence, but, isn't there anyone else that hasn't taken it or is postponing it?  I am exhausted from rads yet.

    Thanks!  Susie

  • HelenaJ
    HelenaJ Member Posts: 304
    edited July 2009

    ha ha ha - love the photos and great to see you Mary and one of you Rachel without having to squint to see you!!  xx

  • PrincessKauai59
    PrincessKauai59 Member Posts: 20
    edited July 2009

    you two look SO young!

    Rachel, I had a lot of hormone exposure for IVF too.  I still prefer to have my beautiful son in this world, so wouldn't change anything in hindsight.  For other women, they maybe should look at the risk more and try to quantify it.  

    I've been on tamoxifen for about a week now.  Think I'm starting to get used to it.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490
    edited July 2009

    Hi cuties!

    How fun that Mary and Rachel got together!  so cool!!  Thanks for sharing the pics.  Didn't either of you lose your hair or did you do chemo?  And geez, my teeny uniboob is jealous!  heehee!!

    Was folding laundry out of the dryer last night and forgot how that triggers a hot flash for me!  gosh I was sweating like a piggie!! 

  • murphmort
    murphmort Member Posts: 76
    edited July 2009

    Great pixs, Rachel!! LOL!

    I have my medical oncologist appt on Thursday and will need my prescription refilled ... an entire year has gone by on the medicine.  Lots of hot flashes and night sweats, but I keep popping the pill every night, for me it provides some piece of mind. 

    Another women in my town was just diagnosed and she's under 50 years old - has her first chemo today.  She has a great support group and lots of family close by.  I keep hearing of more and more women under 50 that are dx'd.  It's starting to really piss me off. 

    I guess I'll have to pick up folic acid to help offset the negatives of drinking my Michelob Ultra.  I'm also going to ask my onc what she thinks, is there a recommended # of beers that I can or should have per weekend? 

    Munchy - good luck with the test results. Smile

    Have a good night everyone.   

  • HelenaJ
    HelenaJ Member Posts: 304
    edited July 2009

    Murphmort - don't ask your Onc about the drinking unless you REALLY want to know the answer is all I can say!!!!!

    Yeah to all you ladies - Princess a week and Murphmort one year - how great is that to be up to years not months!!!!

    Off to work today - sunny and beautiful blue sky - going to be a great day.  Have a great sleep everyone.

  • PattiB
    PattiB Member Posts: 107
    edited July 2009

    Hi all - very interesting reading.  I finished rads today, so tomorrow I will take my 1st Tamox pill.  Going to the beach for a couple days.  Hoping for no SE's to ask about.

  • awb
    awb Member Posts: 213
    edited July 2009

    Trish--I was  almost 48 when I had my hyst/ooph surgery. When done abdominally, it's major surgery and the recovery is about 6 weeks, but I stayed out of work for 8 weeks since I do a lot of lifting (I'm a PT). I was quite weak and shaky for the first 2 weeks; no driving and limited climbing the stairs to once a day. I was feeling a lot better by 4 weeks; tried to walk a bit more each day to increase my endurance, but I was still easily tired out. A good idea is to drink a lot of fluids and take colace and senekot to prevent constipation from the pain meds.


  • Rachel_BC
    Rachel_BC Member Posts: 679
    edited July 2009

    Princess, I am so with you on that.  If I had any idea i would get breast cancer, I would not have tried IVF, I would have  gone straight to egg donor, and I had to use a surrogate anyway because as my RE said my uterus looks like a "lunar landscape", he wouldn't try to implant anything there.  Every single day (and more than once a day sometimes) I thank G-d that it was me and not my son. I am so grateful for that boy, all I wanted before and after BC is to be able to spend time with him, and now I can and do.  Yep, I wouldn't change a thing because I have this miracle boy.

    Leggy- ROFL poor wolfie!!!!

    Couple funnies about me and Mary's meeting... like having our graphic conversation about oomphs and hysterectomies and  all kinds of stuff like that in the middle of the Wegman's cafe, showing each other our boob scars in the car parking lot at the dealership where my car was being repaired, and maybe the coolest part... when we asked a woman passing by to take the picture, she was so cool.  She knew how to take pictures really well (she asked if I could force the flash, that impressed me!) and then when I explained how we knew each other and asked her to take the funny boob shot, of course she had a friend or a sister who had been through this and was so nice and helpful, it was just great.

    Mary, I didn't get to check out FORCE and the other sites, but I did look up the PARP drugs.  There are trials but the kind of interesting thing is that PARP is for the triple negs.  The beginning of what I am reading is that usually the BRCA gene problem is in the triple negs, so its really a problem.  There's nothing to say that it wont help hormone positive BRCA patients, but like with all these drugs, they start with the people who don't have a "standard of care".  Here's one article I found about it, its really, really new: 

    I don't know if the Triple Neg girls have seen this? 

    I also found that Sloan Kettering facility I passed on the way (Exit 33 in NJ on I-78): 

    might be nice for Second Opinion?  Lehigh Valley is excellent too, and you have been there, but I don't know that they specialize in cancer.  Maybe?  Maybe go to both for 2nd and 3rd opinion and also clinical trials?  

    Kfinnegan- Mary and I were both lucky.  I got a 17 on Oncotype, Mary had DCIS and no Oncotype testing.  18 is the cut off for Oncotype "low" score.  As an aside, there's a thread here called "Anyone starting tamoxifen with no chemo?" It started in August 08 and by May 09 it was finished.  I think that's a really good sign.   

    Murphmort- YAY YAY YAY on the year passing!!! YAY YAY YAY!  And I agree with you, Too many YOUNG women getting this. Pisses me off too.

    Helena- too true on the drinking.  Man I hardly ever drink but now I am thinking (even though my ONC said it was OK) that even my rare drink is verboten.  I gotta re-read that news about the folic acid.

    PattiB, I have been meaning to say, I grew up right around KoP, the reunion was for GA, my pal is in Lansdale, my cousin in Lafayette Hill... if you ever want to get together lemme know... Congrats on finishing RADS!!!!! Watch out for the fatigue and keep your creams and stuff handy.  Sometimes the SEs hit you weeks and months after RADS.  I hope not!

    Anne, that makes sense about the constipation prevention, those frikin painkillers are as we say... the "cork". HA! 

  • YearoftheHat
    YearoftheHat Member Posts: 66
    edited July 2009

    Hi ladies.  Thanks everyone for all the info.  Rachel your post about BRCA etc. is just amazing.

    I'll say too that I give you a ton of credit for getting through your illness and taking on child rearing without Hugh Jackman.  You are one super strong individual!  There's that 80s pop song that says, "I got a man"  "How long you had that problem?"  

    In my simple mind I just want to be 23 forever and I want my body to be in tact.  I went through chemo pause or am going through chemo pause.  I eagerly anticipate every little twinge hoping it's my period.  Maybe not having children is making it harder for me to let go.  I imagine that's it but the truth is that I want the cramps and the moods and all of it.  I am always in mild disbelief when women say they don't want their periods anymore.  I guess I'm a wacko.

    Anyway my sister is having a major manic episode and I have decided not to be involved.  She's doing this vague pain syptom routine that I've seen many times where she goes around to doctors everywhere collecting pain pils.  Someone actually gave her OxyContin. 

    We can confront people but we can't control them.  I did my minor confrontation thing (I'm tired) and I'm trying not to let is consume me.  I wish I could help her but I can't.  So it's back to taking care of me.

    I rode my elliptical like it was Hugh Jackman and broke a respectable sweat.  I probably over ate today but I'm done until tomorrow.  

    I'm going to take all my meds an watch South Park.    



  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited July 2009

    Hugs to you, Year.  So sorry to hear about your sister.  It must be difficult to watch.  You've confronted her, and when she's ready, she will stop.  Take care of yourself.  More hugs for you, I think you need them tonight.

    Hope you are getting some good South Park laughs.  Always cheers me up!

  • YearoftheHat
    YearoftheHat Member Posts: 66
    edited July 2009

    Thanks Makraz.  I think I am fishing for hugs.  How did I miss those pictures?!  I just noticed them.  Rachel, you're so funny!  Great pictures! 

  • LeggyJ
    LeggyJ Member Posts: 195
    edited July 2009

    "The cork"  too funny, thanks Rachel! 

  • vivvygirl
    vivvygirl Member Posts: 171
    edited July 2009


    Big hug heading your way!!!

  • Mary22
    Mary22 Member Posts: 428
    edited July 2009

    Let's see, I had a great day!!!!! I took my MIL to the doctor, which means hubby had the kids all day!!!!!!! (See facebook commen) I had the house to my self. Hubby took my son to speech and then took all three kids to lunch and then to Sears to look a fridges. My spare in the garage died and with a family of 5 that drinks milk like we have a cow in the backyard we really need that extra fridge. He was exhausted when he got home. I work at the school so I am off all summer and thinks I have it easy, well he found out!!!!!

    OK so back on topic,YOTH, I think we would all like our bodies to stay 23 forever. I have been joking with my hubby that I could get a complete hyster, double mast w/reconstuction using excess belly fat, hence a tummy tuck, then I would have my pre baby body back and he will not have to trade me in for two 21 yr olds in Sept when I turn 42. LOL!!!! Good for you for not letting your sister's drama become yours. It is too exhausting. Hope you have a good night.

    Rachel, I think the PR +, may be a false +, since I had an IUD that had Progesterone in it, b/c I am ER-.. I am not basing that on anything scientific, except for the observation I have made, most are both ER+/PR+, I have not seen any others that are only PR+.????? Not Sure!!!!

    Have a great night ladies!!!!

  • PrincessKauai59
    PrincessKauai59 Member Posts: 20
    edited July 2009

    It's hard (for me) to get through all the posts, something about someone lucky here raising a child with Hugh Jackman?!  He's so beautiful.   Kiss

    anyway, I only remember to take this tamoxifen when I come here to check the boards, so thank you all once again (cause it won't do me any good if I don't take it).  Love & Light Cool

  • HelenaJ
    HelenaJ Member Posts: 304
    edited July 2009

    YOTH - caught a hug here (((hugs))) - families can really do your head in sometimes - I'm sorry about your sister but you must look after yourself, well done.

    Mary nice that your hubby gets to see what happens in the real world!!!

    Patti - like I tell everyone - the first one is the hardest pill to swallow.  I'm up to 4.5 months and doing fine.  Going to the beach is great to keep your mind off it.  Enjoy the sunshine for me - bl*#dy cold here in Oz and I'm not complaining believe me but I don't get ANY hot flashes to keep me warm.

    Princess you can blame me for the Hugh Jackman fever - rogue Aussie - what about his shirtless body in the film Australia (bad film - great bod!!).  And yes his wife is quite a lot older than him but she has got balls, sense of humour, great actor and the heart of a lion.  He is lucky.

    Rachel - what an amazing story about your miracle boy - what a time you have had hey.

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited July 2009

    Who is Hugh Jackman?

  • HelenaJ
    HelenaJ Member Posts: 304
    edited July 2009

    Renee - where have you been - he is an Australian actor who I believe went quite well over in America with the "Boy from Oz" musical and is also Wolverine in the Xmen movies ... and he hosted the Oscars last year but don't let that turn you off him.  He is the Australian Brad Pitt (prefer Brad myself though).  You need to read the posts going back to see why Hugh has become a fixture here....LOL.

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited July 2009

    He's a hottie!!!  Googled him.  Apparently I need to watch more TV and pay attention to what you guys are saying.

  • ktym
    ktym Member Posts: 673
    edited July 2009

    Renee, I'm with you--had to google him.  I know what it is, I usually get updated on this stuff when I read the magazines when I get my hair cut.  So, with chemo etc,  haven't been in and am totally out of the loop.  Nails aren't growing well enough yet to make manicure an excuse to go in.  Just terrible. 

    Year--cyber hugs to you today 

  • Mary22
    Mary22 Member Posts: 428
    edited July 2009

    Yes Hugh is a hottie and so is Brad Pitt, but I really think Matt Damon is a hottie. I really enjoyed the Bourne series of movies, esp the first one where he has an amazing sex scene, that was totally hot!!!!!

    I hope everyone has a great day, it looks like it will be another warm sunny day in the Poconos!!!!

    BTW, I just took pill #125!!!!!

  • Rachel_BC
    Rachel_BC Member Posts: 679
    edited July 2009

    Hugh Jackman.... I'm just sayin...


  • PrincessKauai59
    PrincessKauai59 Member Posts: 20
    edited July 2009

    I love this! Wonder what he'd think of being part of our support group here, because he's made my tamoxifen day #8 great!  My post chemo hair is not quite as long as his yet, but it's about the same color. 

    Love & Light Ladies Cool

  • Susie09
    Susie09 Member Posts: 225
    edited July 2009

    He was in the movie Australia!

  • Mary22
    Mary22 Member Posts: 428
    edited July 2009

    Nice Pics Rachel!!!!!Kiss

    I am waiting for Friday, I see the specialist about  ooph/hyster. I am leaning toward complete, depending on when I can have surgery done.

    It is not a very nice day here, it is rainy with a chance of thunderstorms. As long as teh rains holds out I will try to keep the kids outside. Went to library and park yesterday, the kids had a great time. Stuck home today, new fridge coming sometime!!

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited July 2009

    Thanks Rachel, I needed that!