Start Here: Important Links and Info About Hormonal Therapy
For some extensive information, see the main Breastcancer.org site's section on Hormonal Therapy, including detailed information on: What Is Hormonal Therapy? Is Hormonal Therapy Right for You? Types of Hormonal Therapy Treatment: Aromatase Inhibitors Arimidex: Benefits, Side Effects and More Aromasin: Benefits, Side…
Discontinuing Anastrozole
Hi All - In 2024 I had diagnosis of Stage 2A ductal carcinoma ER/HR+ HER2 -. BRCA 2 positive. 3cm tumor no metastasis to lymph nodes. I took an aggressive stance on surgeries, opting for a double mastectomy with nipple removal (January 2024) and then removed my ovaries and fallopian tubes in September 2024. I started AI…
Risk of discontinuing tamoxifen
I have read several reports from others that noted that their medical oncologist gave them a percentage benefit from tamoxifen (or AI’s). When I asked my MO she would not provide me with this type of information. Can anyone tell me where this type of information would come from? I want to be prepared for my next…
Looking for others with low risk, less than 2cm, IDC stage 1 grade 1HR+ HER2- on endocrine therapy
Are you like me? What endocrine therapy did you follow or are you following? Pre- or perimenopausal, stage 1, grade 1, low risk, node-negative, no genetic risk, screen detected ladies, let's hear from you! What were you prescribed and how have you changed it up over your therapy? What has worked for you? I've seen four…
Did women who had an easy menopause and periods, have an easy time with IA?
I'm supposed to start Letrozole. I just got over chemo and RT and just waiting to get back on my feet before starting this poison. Trying to talk myself into it. I can't seem to get straight answers that satisfy me. Get tired of the Standard of Care or One Size Fits All. Why isn't a hormone test done at the beginning and…
Osteoporosis and Tamoxifen
I am wondering if there is anyone out there who has been taking Tamoxifen and has been diagnosed with Osteoporosis. I am 48 and just had a DEXA scan, and it confirms Osteoporosis. :( My oncologist said that typically it shouldn't cause issues in pre-menopausal women, but there are some paradoxical instances where it does!…
Hi, I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). I have not been officially diagnosed but I most likely have HR+ breast cancer. I also have a serious history of depression. Tamoxifen interacts with my medications. I understand that ovarian function needs to be suppressed in pre-menopausal women which is why aromatase…
Aromatase Inhibitors and GERD?
Hello friends, Has anyone dealt with reflux or GERD while taking AI’s? If so, have you used medication to deal with it and what was the result? (I’m on my second AI, so that’s 2 1/2 years with severe reflux. Working with a gastroenterologist now to manage the reflux and try to stay on Exemestane for a few more years.)…
Breast Cancer Index - Mixed Results
Hello all - Wondering if any of you can share any of your experiences regarding your BCI and what your oncologists have advised based on your results. I am nearing my 5 year mark next year for endocrine therapy and recently found out that my oncologist had run the Breast Cancer Index test on my original tumor. I am…
For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing
I found a couple of older threads about Arimidex, but they covered a large time span with a gazillion posts, so I thought I would start a new thread for Arimidex/Anastrozole users. I am starting on Anastrozole today. Plan is to take it for 5 years, possibly longer. I already have osteopenia and osteoarthritis (limited to…
Side effects?? Need advice!
Cancer Tratment for 5 years on Stradexa
Thank you for sharing this page. I find it most interesting and informative. I am 76 years old. I do have Charcot Marie Tooth Muscular Distrophy. Had Mastectomy. Very active and healthy in every other way. I am trying to maintain that. But the side effects, and the little devels are creeping in. The predicted and expected…
Postmenopausal bleeding after stopping tamoxifen
I was diagnosed at age 47 and was on tamoxifen for just over 3 years, which I recently stopped. Was perimenopausal upon starting it and stayed that way for over a year. I'm 51 now and have not had a period for 25 months. Well, 3 days ago, I started what looks and is acting like a period. Was heavy for 2 days and is now…
Tamoxifen withdrawal symptoms
I`m 38 years old and I have been on Tamoxifen for 5 years.Now has been a week without it and I`m not feeling too good.Does anyone know about withdrawal symptoms?
First Time Taking Low Dose Tamoxifen - Side Effects
I started 5mg of Tamoxifen today and within a few hours had several side effects: dry mouth, headache, light headedness, nausea, bad tinnitus, and feeling cold. It seemed pretty quick. Has anyone else developed side effects so quickly? Thank you!
After first shot of Lupron
Hi I am new to this forum. My oncologist recommended a course for Lupron shoot every 3 months for 5 years as I am premenopausal. Then add Tamoxifen for 5 years after my radiation, which is schedule to start next week. The Lupron shoot was done in the middle of my cycle so I had my period at the regular time. But instead of…
Has anyone here declined aromatase inhibitors?
I am 70 and recently had a lumpectomy for stage 1 invasive ductal carcinoma, 7mm. No lymph nodes involved. My oncologist prescribed anastrozole but I refuse to take it. I've done my homework and it's a quality of life issue for me. I already have mild arthritis, osteoporosis and thinning hair. I don't need more of that and…
hello! I’m supposed to start anastrazole but I suffered a fall and broke my tailbone. I’m wondering if anastrazole will slow the healing time for the fracture? Has anyone experienced that or heard of that? Also, I just got hot flashes and night sweats and chemo induced foot neuropathy under some control and I’m honestly so…
Break from Letrozole for 2 1/2 months
I will be going back on letrazole after a break after 2 1/2 months due to sudden onset of constant palpitations and one short episode of a/fib. I had to get a cardiac work up and getting that done has taken time. Getting in to see a cardiologist, wearing a zio patch for two weeks, waiting for the results and then scheduled…
Breast cancer and possible lung issues?
Hello. I just finished chemo, surgery and radiation for triple pos breast cancer that was also in a lymph node. I had a complete response to the chemo and was cleared in mid October, sentinel node negative. I recently had a ct scan of my back after a hard fall down some stairs resulting in a broken tailbone. The scan also…
Fulvestrant and ribociclib with Turkey Tail Extract - can anyone help?
Hi to all, I am writing on behalf of my mother who is currently undergoing treatment for her metastatic breast cancer. The tumour travelled to her spine and to liver. She had to undergo extensive spinal surgery a few weeks ago which she is currently recovering from. She has now began her treatment with fulvestrant and has…
Tamoxifen side effects
Am taking Tamoxifen for the last 3yrs now started experiencing Vaginal discharge, dryness and itching etc.
Hi! I have a question about how anastrazole works. I am taking lupron for ovarian suppression and anastrazole because I'm premenopausal. When my estradiol was checked before starting anastrazole, it was 11. When it was checked yesterday, after being on anastrazole for 3 months, it was 19. I'm confused as to why it would be…
Letrozole and Tendonitis?
Hello all! I am coming up on 6 years of AIs with Letrozole being the most recent one. I had been on Arimidex but developed trigger thumb and fatigue over time so I switched to Letrozole. I have been okay for the most part but I now have tenosynovitis in my left wrist which won't go away and a new tendon issue on the top of…
Herceptin alone or (Herceptin + Perjeta) together
Hi I am a 54-year-old female, and I was diagnosed with HER2-positive breast cancer last April. I completed 8 cycles of TCHP (Taxotere (docetaxel), Paraplatin (carboplatin), Herceptin (trastuzumab), and Perjeta (pertuzumab)] treatment and then underwent surgery to remove the cancer along with 5 lymph nodes. I am scheduled…
Letrozole effectiveness long term
I just posted on another thread that, after 14 years since initial diagnosis, I now have a single suspicious supraclavicular lymph node diagnosed on annual ultrasound. I have been taking Letrozole daily since 2011 up until about a month or two ago. I just became lazy taking several meds. I am wondering if this new finding…
Hormone therapy resistant
Hi! I was diagnosed with bc at 62, had a lumpectomy and radiation and am now 63. Currently I'm having a hard time moving forward with hormone therapy. My MO is prescribing Anastrozole for five years but I am worried about the many side effects, especially weak bones I had a bone density test six months ago and I have some…
Zometa side effects
I will be having my first infusion of Zometa this week. Has anyone had any side effects from Zometa? I hope to be able to travel a few days after and to go to work the next day and wonder if this is a reasonable plan.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and breast cancer
I am really scared that hormone therapy will make my heart condition worse. But if I don't take it the cancer might come back.
"Roll Call" for those who've stopped Hormonal Therapy early - short post to share status?
If you quit or reduced hormone therapy and don't mind sharing future status at least once a year, could you share concisely current cancer status (no evidence of disease, metastisis, new breast cancer) or other health facts? This will give an easy to follow thread of results of quitting. It is such a gut wrenching decision…
Zoladex injection
Hello. I had a breast cancer surgery in last April in South Korea. Since then, I had been continuing medical treatments, including radiation and take a Tamoxifen everyday. Also, I had a Zoladex Injection every 3 months. I came back to the USA and I need to continue the Zoladex injection here. So, I tried to make an…