Bottle o Tamoxifen
Hi Ladies, I have been out of town ... and am playing catch-up on my favorite topics as well. I am interested in knowing why we are required to keep seeing the surgeon every 3 months for 2 years and then every 6 months... I agree that I will continue to see my onc doctor as scheduled. I really like my surgeon and he was laying out the timeframe of my visits. Is it OK to let him know I will continue to see my onc and not him? My onc has been the coordinator of all the different appts I need. She set me up with a dermatologist and set up an iron infusion. She also wants me to see a GI doctor because of my anemia. She is very assertive and I think she covers all the basis. I really do not see the reason for continuing with the surgeon now.
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CS, thanks. Are you saying, unless I get tested for metabolizing Tamox, I'll really not know if its doing me any good ? Is this a simple blood test or what? . ....I dont know if they even do that test in NZ.
Ive only got one drain this time and I have to say that regarding things like mobility it has been an absolute doddle compared to 1st Mast with LNs. The thing I fear worst is an infection and Im doing my darndest to do EVERYTHING in my power to avoid that. Im being super paranoid about cleanliness etc etc. Anyway, I had 2 drains the 1st time and the 1st drain they removed I didnt feel a thing, but Whoa! the 2nd one y-i-i-i-i-i-i-kes! ANywayz I'll certainly be prepped for when they do.
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Musical, No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that any given side effect isn't correlated with tamox effect. Don't mix metabolism into that particular statement.
I don't have time to go into the metab stuff right now so I'll just throw the grenade out about it: some people (docs/reseaerchers/patients) believe that breakdown to endoxifen is critical for tamox efficacy, and some believe that the data doesn't support that conclusion. So some docs do the Cyp2D6 test (the believers) and some don't (the nonbelievers, or for patients where you'd still only take tamox instead of do something else regardless of how extensively you metabolize tamox). If it makes you feel any better, I haven't been tested for Cyp2D6 either, even though I could probably demand my onc do it. Well, actually, he might not do it as he really feels the data are too mixed AND I'm a case where I wouldn't want to do anything different anyway. I could order the test myself but don't plan to. Gotta go -
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As far as doctor visits go, I had 2 this week. I saw my onco again and my BS again. My onco said I can try to adjust my Tamox and take it just once a day in the morning if I want to so maybe I can sleep a bit better at night. He said some people get nauseaus from it though. I thought I might try it Saturday when I'm home, just in case. I see him again in October. He seems to be setting up a mamo appt for me and scheduling me for PT as well. My BS said I need to talk to PS (who I see again the 22nd) about scar massage and clear it with him before I go to PT. So that's how my coordination of care is going.
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what is PT?
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bcamnb - PT is physical therapy.
bcincolorado - I take tamox 1x/day in the a.m. I do sometimes have some nausea, but it's very mild and in my twisted mind keeps me from eating too much! :-) I've heard others say they take it with food and don't have any trouble, so you might try that if you do get some nausea. I also have just finished PT for scar massage and it made a big difference. I'm hoping my PS is pleased with the progress when I see her next week. She wanted me to do it before TE placement (I didn't do immediate recon). I can't remember where you are in your "journey", but if you've had any recon I'd be curious to hear what the PT entails since it seems to me that it would be a whole different ball of wax if there was something in there.
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Hey CS, I hope you dont think I was calling into question anything you were saying, for I wasnt. I was really trying to just understand more what you meant in that previous post. This stuff can be overwhelming to learn all at once. Anyway IF and then after that, when you have the time or inclination, I certainly would be interested to hear you elaborate on this.
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thanks, Tory. That's what I thought, being an old PT myself - but this is the first time I| have heard massage discussed (maybe there is another thread \i should investigate). I didn't think bcincolorado had a macs, so am confused. Does it work for scars following lumpectomies as well?
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I would imagine that it helps with any scar tissue, but that's something each individual should check with their doc about. Before my PS said to do it, a friend of mine who's a former massage therapist told me I should be massaging it, without even seeing mine. There's definitely a difference in the shape of my scar and more importantly how it feels underneath. My PT told me the skin should move like any other skin on your body and mine really wasn't in the beginning. Not only that but I had scar tissue formed on my ribs from where the drainage tube was and then down and towards the middle and my range of motion really increased once that was freed up. I found myself wishing someone had told me to massage other scars on my body! I think there's a point where there's no longer much benefit, but I forget when the PT said that was. 6 months or a year, maybe.
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Morning Gals! So fun to wake up & find all you here every morning! I just love I am talking to all of my friends! Musical....thanks! It's fun to see what you write, & the "terms" you use...Ha!
And you women are right....about the side effects! Some have them & some don't...But it doesn't have anything to do with you metabolizing the Tamoxifen. That's what they tell me. But I'm getting the blood test on the 15th, to see. I wish all of the medical fields would just get together & have one set opinion as to WHAT is working & what isn't! Like I mean can I be sure any of these pills are helping me NOT get cancer again? Is there some sort of test to show this? I was told by my Oncologist that "no" there isn't a test to tell if we still have cancer cells in us. I get blood-tests from her, & they show "tumor markers" but I don't understand this. ANYwaaaaay...
And who was it that said they are still seeing their BS?....I don't see mine any more! She cut the strings, Ha! That was after 3 months...but the Radiologist, yes....Now every 6 months...also the Oncologist...But I'm asking if BOTH are needed....when I go back in November!
I hear you talking about "PT" or massage therapy....I just slather on some cream & move my hand & fingers around that whole area...I was trying to make the "seroma" smaller, but I also had a mammogram in the mean time, & I'm telling you, that "smashing" really helped! It flattened that little sucker almost to oblivion! It's still there a little, but I'm trying to finish the job...
And CS ...yes, I AM post-menopausal...I am Sooooooo over it that I almost forgot what it is, Ha, ha! I never knew when I did it, because I was taking the "pill" & hormones for so many years, that it must have come & gone, with nary a single side effect! When I asked if I should STILL take estrogen, be-ins I was about 100....(I mean 55) she said, well just stop & we'll see! And I never noticed a difference....That is unless you figure cancer into the equasion....Just don't know if that was why I got it. I don't think anyone knows! But the BS & the Radiologist both said I would follow-up with Tamoxifen...don't know why...But maybe they thought I was probably close to 30? (just kidding!) I also asked for it, because my friend took Tamoxifen for 5 years, & she is 11 years out....And she had a mastectomy! I know that was all they had years ago, & they DID a lot of Mastectomy's but I just felt safe taking the T pill. I mean until they brought up that Femara would be better......And maybe I will have to start that one, but I want to wait until I get that test....
bcamnb .....Yes, I had a lumpectomy...& 3 from the MammoSite Device, & the other 2 from the nodes & the tumor removal....But that's why I do masage....It looks fine, from my point of view, but I don't go lookin' for anything funny there either....unless I have to.
Who was it that said they had constipation?......I only PRAYED that would happen to me, ha! I mean the opposite can drive you nuts! I ask.....Do you take Melatonin? I don't know if it would cause THAT one, because it definately caused MY problem! But no problems any more!
So I will just dream.....happily ever after..... So my dream was my Girl-friend brought over a little miniature donkey, to put out in my yard, & she was holding this cat in a box on a blanket, & had brought me 2 little pet rats, that my dog was trying to play with, & ALSO a medium sized dog with a rubber muzzle on him ?????? And this was all for my Birthday! These were all gifts to me! I mentioned about the donkey, that "I don't think the city will allow me to keep him"....And I was trying to keep my Husband from letting the rats out the door...."to let them go free".....Damn, I was sooooooooo glad to wake up & know it didn't happen! Man, it STILL seems real! I went outside this morning to see if that donkey was still there! (no I didn't) Ha!
Okay....that's all....I think! xoxoxoxoxo Jeannette
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Chevyboy - funny dream! I get kooky ones all the time but I did before tamox too so I don't attribute it to tamox. It's actually fun and interesting - that our minds can do such wierd stuff when we're not "in control" is pretty cool if you ask me! Unless they get violent...but I taught myself to wake up a long time ago when that happened, and its not often.
Musical, no problem, I wasn't hearing your post as questioning me in a bad way, just that you were trying to understand what I was saying. And I was posting just trying to clarify, not to berate or anything. I was in a hurry and my writing can come off as curt in that instance, so be assured I wasn't meaning to be! I just re-read my summary and really, that's the gist of the matter - some people feel the science says the Cyp2D6 test tells you something on which you can act upon for treatment, others don't feel the science is there yet. The best summary I've read of the state of the matter can be found here: They summarize various studies of cyp2d6 and BC recurrance, some of which show that tamox-taking women with two cyp2d6 wild type alleles (so-called "high" metabolizers) have fewest recurrances, but also some that show that those who had no wild type alleles (so-called poor metabolizers) have the fewest recurrances.
(Warning...I'm going to go science-geeky on you now...) I've been thinking about this a lot and my thinking is that it's just really complicated - there are multiple metabolites of tamoxifen, and tamox, the metabolites, and the body's natural estrogen compounds are all competing for the estrogen receptor. Each of these has a different "affinity" for the receptor, meaning they bind with a different strength (thereby possibly muscling out other compounds). And, whenever one of them binds a receptor, it tells the cell to do something different, and directs the fate of the ER within that cell differently. Plus, each receptor type is present in the BC cells in different levels from woman to woman (and from cell to cell within one woman). And finally, the tamox & tamox metabolites and natural estrogen are present in different concentrations which also affects their competition for the ER. And the conc of tamox metabolites is dependent on one's levels of active Cyp2D6 and Cyp3A4 and other metabolic enzymes. So, in my mind, its not surprising that the research studies aren't all consistently showing that ones Cyp2D6 type alone determines whether tamox is effective for women. There are so many variables interacting that it's not necessarily reasonable to expect just one of them to completely determine/predict efficacy. Its possible it might, but it won't be surprising to me if it doesn't turn out that way. But that's just my thinking....enough geekiness...time to go view vacation photos and let my brain cool off.
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Day Three on Tamox has started like the others--just fine. Those of you with SE's--did they kick in right away?
So after reading all your many helpful posts I began a proactive plan to see if I can work with this little bugger. I take it in the morning on a full stomach, but have an anti-nausea rx sitting in the cupboard in case nausea begins...I take calcium, magnesium etc. I eat a banana a day and drink a glass of tonic water before bed (with a little juice mixed in, it's not bad). I exercise more than I used to--don't we all?
Probably the most proactive thing I'm doing--and this is SO out of character for me--is that on Day Two I had my first meeting with an acupuncturist who I plan to see regularly (or, as much as I can afford to..).Figured with all that extra estrogen dive bombing around in my system I might as well get it flowing right. You all have reported such good effects with acupuncture that I thought I'd get that relationship started right now, at least for a bit, before the big aches and pains emerge.
I don't expect to be spared all SE's (and will probably worry about efficacy if I am!) but it feels good to just try to do stuff to deal with it rather than wait for misery. Anyway, thanks for all your good ideas here, and I'm sure I'll need more--or have some to offer up if they come my way! (:
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Has anyone experienced weight gain? Between all the surgeries and chemo over the last year, I was up about ten pounds (have gotten that number down to six, but it has been extremely difficult). Not sure if it's Tamox (have been on approximately one year) or the "chemopause"/lack of estrogen, both, or none of the above. Will see onco next week, but was curious if others had had similar experiences. I've always had to watch my weight, but have not historically had to work so hard at it!
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Hi everyone,
I'm the tamoxtrain as well, not the funnest train ride. Has anyone else experienced being just plain ole exhausted? I am having a hard time even getting up in the morning? Also, looking for a good antidepressent to (attempt) to take away those dark days (I guess we all have them) I heard Celexa was good, anyone else know of any other that has worked for them?
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Hi CS...and thanks again, for your explanation! I had seen that same article, plus a few others...& I can understand why the Docs don't all agree on the Cyp2d6 test! It sounds like to me, even though it might show up, after the blood test, that I am a poor metabolizer, that it might still be helping me! And besides, I think that test is relatively new? I mean Tamoxifen came out way before the test..... I think.......And on this forum, I read where SOMEtimes, it doesn't matter what we do or take, we might get it again anyway. I just don't want to believe this, but I have read that it can happen. I also just printed off the last part of your post, to read it again when this little pea-brain is in absorption mode! I also never got moody or depressed....And Lord knows, I have reason to be.....but I think that my brain is sharper now than it ever was! I mean I can remember things better, & I am actually happier within So maybe it is from the Tamoxifen! I'd like to think so anyway!
And Kate! Weight gain? Your darn tootin' weight gain! Dang! I don't eat half as much, but I just can't LOSE the weight! We go for walks every morning, & we just walked around the whole Mile Hi Farmers Market....I must have walked MILES...and in this heat? I'm afraid to get the scales down.....I hid it a few months ago!
Ansar....I didn't notice side-effects for awhile I don't think....And I still don't have many! Sometimes when something goes wacky, we always blame it on the T pill, but when I did that, I found out it was the Melatonin, that caused my problem, which made me take Imodium AD, but when I finally figured it all out, I quit the Melatonin, & that made the ImodiumAD unnecessary! And I never got a sick stomach...I take mine before breakfast, with a lo-dose aspirin, and a couple chips with hummus!
Also....I think I am older than most of you....maybe that's why I am spared too many side-effects, Ha! Talk to you gal-friends later! xoxoxoxoxo
Don't walk behind me, I may not want to lead. Just walk beside me & be my friend.
Diagnosis: 10/26/2009, ILC, 1cm, Stage I, Grade 2, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-0 -
Hey ladies! Good evening to yu'all. Not sure what your time is over there! Well Chevy youre not so bad at producing some funnies either : ). Hehehe Im not exactly the worlds most eloquent and smartest in what I write, but if I can give a girl a good honest smile at the end of it, then that makes me happy and it makes my day. Had to laugh at your pea brain in absorption mode.... now why does that sound familiar??? . Boy, talk about momentary lapses of reason sometimes. .... and I hear you. Sometimes its just NICE to be able to read hard print away from poots. Me??? Im busy trying to fight a paper war as it is and then what do I do? go and buy a flippin printer ... Gee wizz I dont half make it easy for myself eh?
Now seriously, considering the downstairs dept. I dunno which would be worse, but trust me ya dont want constipation .... Argggh as with everything to do with all this, its usually between a rock and a hard place. Fortunately Tamox is fine with me in this way.
As for weight gain, Im reticent to blame Tamox. as I was a bit over weight from the get go. I lost about 8 Kilos (..... hang on....let me get my little calculator out and see what that translates to in pounds....ummmm thats 17.63698lbs. ) That was from Surgery to somewhere during Chemo. I gained it back again and woke up to that fact about 3 months (???) ago when I decided to go on a diet. That co-incided with a timeframe when I was ready to come here and learn stuff that I was unable to take in last year. That included finding ways to be more pro-active in a common sense way without going overboard. One of those things was I increased my walking distance almost 3 fold. Becasue of neuropathy and burning feet I have to walk early in the morning when theyre completely rested and most likely to be at their coolest. Well since I started on my common sense approach diet, Ive lost 7 KGs!!!! In the last 2 weeks Ive not walked as Im still sporting my "appendage"....yeah that drain, that I keep forgetting is there and numerous times in the day I drag it around until I realize ... Uh-Oh YOU AGAIN!!! . Soon as I get rid of that I should be good to go again. Anyway my team will be pleased with me as Im only 2 KG away from what they said my target weight to lose should be by the end of the year. I'm feeling pretty stoked about that. So this should be an encouragement to Ladies who are trying to lose weight on Tamox. I know we are all different and there are soooo many variables but every time we hear something good it can at least help. I think its great to not only post our bad issues but our good ones as well.
CS, thanks soooo much for your post. I do appreciate your abilities and strengths in research etc, and everyone gets tired. I was VERY tired too and having difficulty bringing your words together so I could understand. As we all know, you get stirrers and troublemakers who are unreasonably confrontational, and sometimes it can be difficult to know whos who in cyberland until someone has been around a while.. Im not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer in things medical but I do have a desire to learn. . Ha, that is, as long as the ol noggin can take it in.
So, CS, keep that brain cook'n along coz the results make for good reading.
Cheers Ladies
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Well I didn't think to take two pills this morning so maybe I'll try tomorrow. Less appetite would be good, that is for sure!
I'm still waiting to hear on my PT appointment so I'll report in after I go to the first one. For those who don't know, I had a lump, then a re-excission, and then uni-mx. I had a TE placed and now had exchange surgery. I had 4 surgeries since Sept (not counting biopsy). Lots of scar tissue.
Last night I had the box fan cranked up on high and cieling fan on high. DH asked if the train was going to the north pole since it got cold in the room since we had a front move in the last few days. It did help me at least get up only twice though.
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Hi,I have just started tamoxifen(1 month) after taking femara for 34 months.My feet swell everyday especially if I sit a long time at the computer.Do any of you have this to occur.?Is this a se of tamoxifen? Do I need to contact my doctor about it? It started about time I started tamoxifen,but also started staying on computer more everyday?
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ansar - i've had relatively little in terms of side effects and what I had didn't kick in for a few weeks. I think it's pretty common for them to come on gradually. Oftentimes they fade away gradually too, which is the good part!
bcincolo - i bet now that you've been on tamox for a while you won't even notice the diff taking your total dose at one time rather than one in am and one in pm. your steady state level is so much higher than the little blip above it that the daily dose will give you is my thinking. just don't take your evening dose once you've started your full dose in the am (see below for what NOT to do!)
musical and bcincol - thanks for good LOLs!! Literally did just laugh out loud at both your posts. So nice to be able to come on here and find people with good senses of humor even if we've all been through more than ought to be allowed.
chasinghope - exhaustion...I have to say there are times I feel exhausted, more than pre-BC, but it started after my first surgery (MX), faded with time, and then got worse with 2nd surgery (exchange) and is now fading out, so I'm chalking it up to surgery/anesthesia rather than tamoxifen. But this one's a tough one to pin on any one thing given all the crap we go through. If 6 months from now I keep getting really exhausted sometimes then I will start accusing the tamox for sure. Of course then there's perimenopause, and just plain age......
chevy - tx for clarifying about the tamox vs AI. Good luck on the metabolizing thing...hopefully you're a full metabolizer (however important that is or isn't!!!) so they can't try to switch you if you don't want.
Wierdest thing...I looked at the calendar the other day when I got a new bottle of tamox from mailorder and it seems like Im going to have to start the new bottle mid-month. Didn't seem right, since I started Dec 1. All my bottles have been 30 or 90 pills. No not all months have 30 days, but still, I'm going to be about 15 days off!! Meaning, I'm ~15 pills short. Now, I counted the last and this bottle of 90 that I got just out of being anal, and I think I counted some of the earlier bottles. So, have I been taking tamox 2x on a bunch of days and not realizing it? Have I managed to lose some pills? I have a great system with my husband where he takes out my tamox bottle & vitamins, and I put them away when I've taken them. Seemed so foolproof!! Well I suppose taking too much is better than not taking it. Every time I see my onc he asks "how many pills have you missed" and I dutifully say "NONE!" (which has been true). Now I'll have to admit I've double-dosed???!!! Maybe I just won't mention that........
Hope everyone's having a good weekend - its glorious here!
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Hey CS, I know I was supposed to have a packet (we have packets not bottles) of 90 and the flippin chemist only gave me 89 :-//// GO figure. Cant they count or something.
Ladies, do any of you forget/wonder whether youve taken your meds? Dunno if this is chemo brain or what but sometimes I'm literally stumped as to whether Ive just taken 2 pills when I shouldve taken one, or whether Ive taken it at all. The only fool proof method Ive come up with is make sure the meds are counted before you start, and note the day and time you started. If ever in doubt, just have a count up. My Hubby puts the day (eg Mo -Tu - We - Th etc) over each tablet in the card. He also brings it to me so fortunately there doesnt look like theres been any mishaps with Tamox so far.Bit hard to do this though if theyre in a bottle. I also have a little med diary where I keep a brief note of things.
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Hi tamoxitrain friends!
I haven't posted here in a little while but I have been reading and enjoying a few laughs along the way. Back a few months ago when my Onc switched me to 2x/day tamoxifen, I went out and bought one of those pill dose things, very inexpenxive. I fill it up once a week. It has a row for morning and a row for evening. That way, I never have any doubt if I've taken my meds or not. I didn't want to have to need it, but I'm glad now that I got it. Just a suggestion. Have a great day!
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CS7777--Thanks for that history--not that I WANT side effects, mind you, would just love some proof that it's working....had coffee this morning with a Doc friend who really encouraged me to not dwell on the efficacy of Tamox but focus on the positive stats and just be glad,at this point, that they came up with the stuff. Fair enough. And I had to laugh about the confusing dosages---pharmacists OFTEN undercount, CS7777, I bet that's what happened to you. Meanwhile, on day FOUR of my five-year journey I spent half an hour wondering whether or not I took the darn thing. Finally counted out the 90 pills and there it was, still in the bottle.
Time to buy one of those pill casements and fill it each week with my Tamox and my supplements. Only solution for Miss Off-the-charts ADD over here....I am exhausted today. Just wiped. Could be an SE.
Could be life!
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Hi All,
I have a pill box - in fact two: one morning and evening. Reminds me of my 90+-year-old-mum, but never mind - it works! In the morning one, I have calcium, glucosamine, low-dose aspirin, omega 3, multi-vit and in the evening one (which I use at supper), another calcium, 2000 vit D and my 30 mg T. Works for me. No having to remember or worry about doubling up.
Gorgeous day here - blue skies, warm, slight breeze - sending it off to be shared with you ;-)
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My method of keeping track of which medications and supplements I've taken each day:
I have a shallow box (similar to something a dress shirt would come in) on top of my dresser, with all of my bottles in it. I start each day with all of the bottles clustered together at one end of the box. After I take the Tamoxifen pill, I put the bottle on the other side of the box - the "done" side, because I only take one Tamoxifen pill a day. When I take a dose of a supplement that I take more than once per day, I put that bottle in the middle of the box, to remind myself to take more later...and then after I've taken all of it for the day, I put the bottle on the "done" side of the box. So as the day goes on, and I keep taking all the supplements, all the bottles eventually end up at the "done" side... and they're all in a cluster again, ready for the morning.
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You Ladies make me laugh. Sounds like one way or another we've all "been there done that". Some good ideas too about pill organization. Dont know about you guys but I make sure I keep mine out of the light and in a place where they dont get too warm. I try to avoid having them in my purse in the car when its hot. Some drugs have how to store them, and I think its pretty important to heed the advice to make sure they keep well. I have my Tamox down in a dark cool cupboard.
Just another aspect of being pro-active and getting the best out of our meds.
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CS: Glad I cheered you up a bit! In our house, living with a diabetic transplant patient, we learned a long time ago that sometimes you just have to laugh......if not you might just cry. Laugh lines are better than sad ones on the face too . My grandma always told me if it isn't one thing it is six, so if I only have to deal with one, I should count myself one of the "luck" ones. How true that is but how easy to forget sometimes.
Well I didn't make it trying to adjust my meds, I guess habit made me forget over the weekend (or senility!). It sounds like it might not have made a difference though from what you said.I might just stick with the schedule of 7 and 7 since that is when DH has his meds.
The way I know if I took my meds is that I put the bottle of Tamox by my alarm clock (for morning dose). After I take it in the morning I move it to the other side of the vanity and that will tell me I still need my evening dose. Since that is the only "pill" I take each day it works ok. I take vitamins each day but prefer chewables. I leave them on the counter at night until I take them and then they go up in the cupboard for the day and come out again at night.
For DH (who is on 7 pills and 2 kinds of insulin) we got two different sizes of weekly pill containers. He sets them up once a week with all his meds for the week. We put whichever he is due to take on top for easy reference, but since they are marked and different sizes, it is easy. Insulin is at pill times so that isn't too hard to remember at all. At least for me.
He says I have to beat this cancer or he'll be dead in a week since he won't remember.....assisted living it might end up being for one of us as we get older. We tell our kids they'd better be ready for us to move in!
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Hi Tamoxitrainers,
Haven't written for an age either but totally relate to these pill boxes !!! LOL
I use 2 but would love to have one that had A.M. AND P.M. in one unit.
HANNAHBEARSMOM ~~ Where did you get the combo A.M. and P.M. pill box ?
And CS ~~ Have you heard of the bar soap for foot and legs cramps? I was getting severe arch cramps and since the soap.....about 6 weeks ago....I've had 3 small ones.
Don't know if anyone else has that problem. But it's worth a try. Some say use Ivory but I just used whatever I had...Caress I think.
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Hi Bonnie,
Nice to see you back! missed some of the 'oldies' on this thread. BTW I think you can get the combo boxes in WalMart - or Dollar stores....I think I need to do that to give my DH back his, as I think HE is forgetting HIS pills LOL (mind you they are only Vitamins.....)
Have a great week everyone
Cheers from the sunny sunshine coast of Canada,
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Bonnie: I got it at Walmart. Good to see you posting here again.
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Hi Ladies - this is my first time posting to this particular thread. I have been on Tamoxifen for 2 years. I had an ultrasound on 6/28/10 that show thickening of the lining (s/e of Tamox) as well as some fluid in the endometrial canal and fluid in the cul-de-sac of the left ovary. The lining went from 8mm to 12mm in 1 year. Any way, I am having a biopsy next Thursday, 7/22/10. I am not that worried since Tamoxifen does cause thickening of the lining of your uterus. I am just curious what some of you other ladies have experienced. Have you had to have biopsies after being on Tamoxifen? Have all of you had B9 results or has anyone had it come back as not B9. I met with my oncologist today and she said she is 99.9% sure it is nothing. I am 43 years old. I have not had my period since April 4th 2010. Basically I have only had my period 9 times in the past 25 mos. since I did my chemo treatments. All the 9 periods I had were heavy with clots.
Any way, just hoping some of you have your stories to share with me. I don't want to worry to much about the biopsy and the results.