Bottle o Tamoxifen
Some of the older studies say it's not but all of my docs are totally ok with it. They said newer studies say it actually prompts Tamoxifen to work even harder.
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I just started tamoxifen a few days ago. If you're premenopausal there isn't extra risk of endometrial cancer, only if you're postmenopausal, so that's a relief for some of us.
Those of you without side effects, what brand are you taking? I've had a dry mouth and some nausea though it's hard to say for sure if it's the tamoxifen since I've been on it just a few days. I'm taking the Teva brand.
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I started on Tamoxifen just over a month ago and have not experienced any SEs (some days, hot flashes are a little more intense, but bearable - not sure if Tamox. is to blame for that). I'm taking Actavis brand.
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oceangirl65--Interesting....all of my docs forewarned me before starting Tamoxifen the watch for any changes in my period. I was premenopausal when I started and they said Tamoxifen could increase my risk of endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer by as much as 50%! After a year on it, I finally convinced my gyn to do a baseline TVUS. That was when we found out the Tamoxifen was already causing ovarian cysts, fibroids, thickened endometrial lining and an enlarged uterus. After 8 months of watchful waiting with no improvement, I had a total hysterectomy with ovary removal in Jan. My BS, MO and gyn all just shook their heads and said totally normal for some on Tamoxifen. Now I'm postmenopausal, fighting hot flashes and delighted to not have to worry about reproductive cancers!! Wish all these docs would get on the same page!!
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Any suggestions to relieve occasional night time leg cramps?
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faith, I (and others ere) have found relief with magnesium for nighttime leg cramps. Specifically, I take mine in a powdered drink form called Natural Calm (available at Vitacost and Amazon). I take it at bed time and get a good sleep with it, and usually an effortless BM the next morning. Win-win! ;-)
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Thanks Gemini; I think my Vit D and calcium have magnesium in it also.
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To stop nighttime leg cramps, place an unwrapped bar of soap under the bedsheet near the foot of the bed. Don't know why this works but it does. Google it if you dont believe me lol! (I used Dial soap.)
I put my three types of arthritis in remission back in 2010 by eating gin-soaked raisins, also known as drunken raisins. Recently someone told me they get the same relief with golden raisins with no gin. When tamox caused my joints to start hurting and selling, i started eating 9 golden raisins every morning, and the swelling and pain went away within a couple days.
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good to know!:)
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hello ladies,
I am from the August chemo group, may I join in here?I started my Tamoxifin journey today. So,far so good, haha.
My onc said since I experienced no chemopause, that perhaps it is more likely that I will not experience hot flashes on it. Found that interesting. And I hope it true. I experienced minor hot flashes prior to partial hyst in 2010, and none since then. No uterus, no flashes? Still have the ovaries and cervix. Sorry if too graphic!
Really dreading SEs but you all know what I mean.
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Good afternoon,
I too am starting tamoxifen today, finished my radiation last Tuesday. So will find new home here
I am starting out positive and thinking no SEs. Not sure if taking morning or evening makes av difference-going to start tonight.
MO told me to start taking my multivitam again as well as D, Calcium and a baby aspirin daily. Had baseline bloodwork done Friday and then a follow-up test in four weeks. He indicated this would be pretty regular as well as OB consults. I turned 47 last Weds., am still premenopausal.
Anyone's MO suggest taking anything else
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Bippy, I have no uterus but still have my ovaries and tubes, and I have been having hot flashes that aren't too bad or too often. I'm 50 and premenopausal. I actually like being hot at times because my worst SE from tamox is an unbearable chill that seeps in if I'm not moving around constantly. I heard that it takes 3 months for tamox to build up fully in your system. I'm halfway thru my 3rd bottle so I guess I will see if more SEs occur.
Mm68, a lot of women on here take their tamox at bedtime. I do too...I can't remember why though...maybe so it doesn't cause nausea during the day?
My MO told me to take everything yours told you to take except for the aspirin.
Good luck to both you ladies in your tamox journey!
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Hello ladies,
I started taking Tamoxifen in January. I take it early morning because for me it caused insomnia when I took it later. I take Vit. D and aspirin 81mg every other day. Best wishes to all you ladies!
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Thanks for the replies regarding my question on the best time to take Tamo. I decided to start with taking Tamo In the evening and see how it goes.
Lala, I had considered taking turmeric but heard it interfers withthe binding effects of Tamoxifen and should be avoided. I will ask my MO again.
Got the lab work done for the ovary functioning test. Should met with MO within the next week to discuss OS.
Two days down of a 10 year journey. 😱
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re: time taking tamo -- I started off taking it the morning. My SEs came on gradually -- hot flashes, night flashes, low mood. I added Effexor which has helped. I've had to stop taking tamo a few times now for surgery (I've been told to stop 2 weeks before because of the increased risk of clotting that tamo creates, although that doesn't seem to be standard advice). Anyhow, after one surgery, I started to take my tamo twice a day vs. once a day (just happened that the pharmacy was out of 20 mg pills and gave me 10 mg pills to hold me over). I checked it out with my MO and did some research -- its OK to take it either way. I found the side effects for me have decreased taking it this way, and since I have other meds/supplements to take at night anyway, it hasn't impacted my compliance with taking it.
You might want to try taking it this way and see if it works for you if you are experiencing side effects that re hard to deal with.
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ladyb1234--Let me know what your MO says about the turmeric. Mine thought it was ok. It was suggested by my holistic breast doc to combat Tamoxifen joint pain but I ran it by MO first of course. He said studies are all over the place about it just like they are about soy. My dad's best friend is a very well known MO in another state (which is why he's not my MO!) and he thinks small amounts of soy are fine. My MO told me he didn't even want me near it! So different day we'll get to the bottom of these things. In the meantime, there is enough evidence out there that says it actually improves the efficacy of Tamoxifen and all I really care about is that it helps me sleep at night! But again, please let me know what he says. I like to be well armed with as much information as possible.
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So true each MO is different. I'm vegetarian so I specifically asked about soy. I eat soy enhanced cereal etc. MO said it's okay as an added protein in foods but no soy powder on a regular basis. Luckily, I can tolerate protein isolate powder for my fruit smoothies. I've been drinking them for dinner because the HFs are terrible if I have a full meal in the evening. Have to save that for lunch instead.
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all good info.
I guess I'll be ok till June for hot flashes then. I am taking it whole in the am for now.
Doing vitamin D also. Started pilates and walking, already feel stronger in the core. I am so weak, it is embarrassing. Have to use tubing to do any of the lifts! Oh well, gotta start where we are, right?
I am eating better also, it will be interesting to see what SEs this brings.
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Well I picked up my very own bottle 'o Tamoxifen today. 20 mg, Mylan is the manufacturer. My MO said that she only has a handful of women in her practice that have any side effects. Hopefully I won't have any issues with it.
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Hey Bippy, welcome! I am also taking Vitamin D and B6/B12.
Lalan, will do. I meet with a holistic doctor to discuss other supplements. I am a vegetarian and was told to stay away from soy.
Ridley,thanks for the tip on splitting the dose.
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can someone explain taking the aspirin to me? Why
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Lonnie - My MO said to take a "baby" aspirin - 81. One of the side effects is blood cots and this will help with that. I did some searching on Internet as well and studies confirmed; however, they recommended no more than 5 a week. I will take M-F until I follow-up with him at my 4 week follow-up visit.
Have a wonderful Easter all!
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MO upped my Gabapentin today,so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I finally sleep through the night tonight. I got a hint toward my new lack of intolerance to heat today. Out at the Zoo this afternoon in HotLanta (it was freezing here a couple of days ago). It seems that on these meds. Tamox & Lupron, my body cannot control temp anymore. I'm either burning up or freezing most of the time and I have no tolerance for the hot sun. Umbrellas for me at the beach and pool this summer.
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Lonnie--I am also taking a baby aspirin with my Tamoxifen at my MO's urging. He told me to take it daily but pretty quickly I started getting unexplained bruising. He told me to cut back to twice a week and no more bruising! He assured me that twice a week works as well as daily for what I need it to prevent blood clots from Tamoxifen.
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Mm68 andLaLa,
Thanks. I start 5/1. I will look into it
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Hello everyone. I have just recently filled my second bottle of Tamoxifen, which has switched from Watson to Mylan. My first month was pretty smooth, with only a couple of headaches. I am now having restless nights, which I am not sure if this is coincidental or directly correlates to the new RX. Any insight on how to cope with this insomnia is greatly appreciated. Thank you
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Annie-I have Mylan and have not experienced sleeping issues. I take mine in the morning with my first cup of coffee.
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Magicalbean- I have been taking it at night, as I take thyroid meds in the morning. The dr didn't say they couldn't be taken together, so maybe I will at least take the Tamoxifen earlier. Thanks!
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I'm starting tomorrow and my MO hasn't said anything about aspirin (or any other supplements, for that matter). I'll ask him about it when I go in for my next Herceptin infusion in a couple of weeks.
Anyone see any difference taking in morning vs. evening?
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Hi All,
So here's a new one. I had a mastectomy and reconstruction last year and I have been on tamoxifen for a while now. I haven't really had any issues with it up until this weekend.
Friday night I went over to a friends house and she served citrus salad with grapefruit in it. Yesterday (Saturday) my memory of that evening was fuzzy, today it's even MORE fuzzy and my memory of yesterday is fuzzy. I also don't seem to remember WHEN i had my mastectomy or WHEN i had reconstruction, just that I did.
Do you think it's possible that grapefruit interacted with the drug that much? I don't drink and I am not taking anything other than tamoxifen and I have never had a problem like this before. Also, I'm only 30, so while I am getting older, i wouldn't classify myself as getting old. I seem to also be having trouble discerning dream memories from real memories (not sure if that makes sense). Has anyone had anything like this? It's very disconcerting.