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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • gaia0132
    gaia0132 Member Posts: 308
    edited August 2015

    I am feeling a little relieved to read these recent posts sharing the Tamox experience- everyone is so different- but some others I read were horrifying!

    I will start Monday 8/31 which gives me a 2 week head start before I start Herceptin

    Praying I'm in the minimal/no SE camp- just turned 50 and am stage IV out of the gate so I hope I can get some break!

    Thanks ladies

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974
    edited August 2015

    I am almost 3 years on Tamoxifen. I've had SEs for sure but nothing I can't manage one way or the other. For my muscle/joint pain which is my worst SE, I exercise, swim, practice yoga, take Turmeric, ginger and magnesium and manage to keep my pain level around 1 or 2 just depending on the day. I hate to think 7 more years but then again, it is doable for me. I think the surgeries were much worse. I did have problems with nausea and dizziness for the last year and a half and at one point truly thought I might not make the full 10 years, but then I decided I needed to do something ( as opposed to most of my docs who just said "Welcome to menopause!" and found that I had a low grade chronic sinus infection. I didn't have the usual symptoms of allergies like sneezing, runny eyes, etc just nausea and dizziness. Once I did a course of antibiotics (specifically Clindamycin after having no relief with Ceflex) I feel awesome! Like the old me. I still have some issues. I am in menopause now since my Jan hysterectomy and experience all that menopause has to offer like hot flashes, and yes, very mild and intermittent nausea, buzzing in my head sometimes, weight issues, mental fog, etc. All symptoms of menopause and Tamoxifen. But I figure if I can fight through BC I can fight through my SEs from Tamoxifen. I know some experience way worse issues than me but I do think it's worth seeing if you experience any at all. You never know if you'll be one of the lucky ones who said through it. My BS said I should try to avoid the AIs as long as I can exactly because I am doing pretty well on the Tamoxifen. He said overall the AI SEs are worse.

  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Member Posts: 662
    edited August 2015

    I would like an update from Professor 50 also. I started Tamoxifen around the beginning of the year (2015) and bragged about how I was having no s/e's with it, then at the 6 month mark, the pain started and gradually has gotten worse. I didn't relate it to T until about 2 months ago. My bones, joints, muscles, head absolutely ache off and on all day with "zingers of pain" that make me cringe. I've never been a sissy and hate the thought of addiction but my doctor gave me Gabapentin and I am steadily upping the dose and buying every little supplement that anyone recommends (been on magnesium with my calcium for years) now have added turmeric, glucosamine and will get ginger. I've had some results - sleeping better than I have for a long time (I take 3 Gabapentin before bed, along with 10 mg melatonin). My onco glossed over the possible s/e's saying that everyone is different and I know she's right but DANG!!!!

  • Professor50
    Professor50 Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2015

    Tomorrow is my first day back. I am planning to do 1/2 a pill in the morning and 1/2 in the evening to sort of ease into it. :) I didn't have many physical SEs the first time out so hopefully it will be like that this time. I did sleep really well on tamoxifen so I'm hopeful about that! fingers crossed. ((Yes I can actually cross them now, one month post-AI!))

  • Ridley
    Ridley Member Posts: 95
    edited September 2015

    Prof 50 -- I switched to taking tamox 10 mg in the morning and 10 at night -- ran it by my onc and he is fine with it. I think it helped me a bit. I hope it does you too.

    Blownaway -- sorry to hear you are experiencing so much pain. Tamox seems to be sneaky regarding when the SEs show up -- I seemed to do pretty well until about 6 months in as well (except for my hair thinning which could have been from surgery as well), but then it hit me -- mostly mood impact. I hope they start to let up.

  • FastWalker
    FastWalker Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2015

    Hi all,

    I just took my first Tamoxifen pill about 20 minutes ago. I have been dreading this moment for so long. I got myself so worked up that I was shaking when I took it. I tend not to do well with medications (even over-the-counter). I will most likely be on it for 10 years - so it better be kind to me.

    When is the best time to take it? Morning or evening?

  • Professor50
    Professor50 Member Posts: 86
    edited September 2015

    Hey All, Hanging in there/ so far so good. First, yes, according to my MO, it used to be the norm to do 10mg in the morning and 10mg at night. They changed it to 20mg all at once, only because people were forgetting to take the second dose. There is no difference, in terms of effectiveness. I think that whatever allows a person to benefit from this drug is good.

    Second, I am getting ready to switch to taking it all at dinner time. I seem to recall the last time I did tamoxifen the nicest SE was suddenly sleeping really well through the night. It seems like that worked when I took it at dinner so I am making that switch today. (I am not sleeping well at all these days: I am very much back to normal which is not fun).

    Good luck everyone!

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited September 2015

    Fastwalker, I take my pill mid-day. I experimented when initially starting the Tamo to determine what time of day worked for me individually. I started taking it in the evening but it wreaked havoc on my sleeping and hit me hard about mid-morning in terms of some SEs I was experiencing early on. Taking it in the morning caused nausea. Mid-day works best for me.

  • FastWalker
    FastWalker Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2015

    ladyb1234: Thanks for the advice! I hear that it takes some tinkering to get the best time of day down. . . I am already prone to insomnia so don't want to make that worse. . . About what time mid-day?

  • Shimmymoo
    Shimmymoo Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2015


    I'm starting tamo this weekend. Anyone have any suggestions about when to take it? Morning? Before bed? With food? Without? Just wondering what works for everyone!

    Oops! I just realized the thread above this discussing time of day! Sorry! If anyone has strong feelings one way or another your response would be appreciated!

    What supplements do you suggest to help with se?

    Many thanks!!

  • gemini4
    gemini4 Member Posts: 320
    edited September 2015

    Fastwalker and Shimmymoo, I personally have not noticed any difference in taking it in morning vs evening or with/without food. I feel no immediate side effects, only the broad sweeping effect of hot flashes, weight gain, and some joint stiffness (which are all symptoms of menopause and therefore might not be from Tamoxifen).

  • ALittleBitBritish
    ALittleBitBritish Member Posts: 415
    edited September 2015

    take mine at night, have it on the nightstand and take it with a cup of hot tea - once SEs wore off I have no issues with it

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited September 2015

    Fastwalker, I take the tamoxifen between 12-1 and with food. I am one of the individuals that has and still has a lot of SEs with Tamoxifen so had to experiment with the different times of day and with/without food. Lunch time with food has minimized some of the SEs like hotflashes, nausea, insominia and brain fogginess. Hoping you have no SEs and tolerate Tamoxifen well.

  • willowreed84
    willowreed84 Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2015

    I take my tamox with dinner.  I got a little dizzy the first 2 weeks when I started out taking them in the morning so I switched to evenings when I could stay home afterwards.  The dizziness passed after 2 weeks but I stayed on the evening plan.  I generally take meds with food because I get sick with an empty stomach full of meds.:) 

  • live_deliciously
    live_deliciously Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2015

    ive just been on tomoxifen for two weeks now. Right now I'm taking at breakfast and am considering to take at dinner going forward. So far only side effects is some dizziness a few days but I notice it depends on how much breakfast and liquid I have before I take it. Having a little constipation and a little vaginal discharge. Nothing major so far.

    Does anyone know if tomoxifen doesn't work on the tumor would you still the side effects? Is this any indicator?

  • slothabouttown
    slothabouttown Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2015


    I've read that some studies say hot flashes from tamoxifen can indicate its effectiveness.

    Lots of hot flashes = its working

    Not a lot of hot flashes = not working

    This freaked me out a little because I have experienced a decrease in hot flashes with tamoxifen compared to chemo. I have a couple at night and maybe one or two a day which seems really mild to me. But, I've found just as much info out there saying absence of hot flashes on tamoxifen are not an indicator of effectiveness. When I find that conflicting info I always choose to believe the data that errs in my favor and keeps me from obsessive worry.

  • Professor50
    Professor50 Member Posts: 86
    edited September 2015

    Actually, I think that there was a rather modest study indicating that side effects were associated with it actually working and no side effects indicating that it was not working. HOWEVER, later, better powered studies (those with large samples) showed that this was actually not the case. It seems that the side effects are independent of effectiveness.

    I am hoping that this time out the side effects are more manageable so I can stay on the drug longer.

    Among the things I am doing is compromising a bit more than I was willing to do before. I am trying to be more flexible. Yes, I may be slower, mentally and physically. But I CAN deal with that. I do not have to be super human, even though it felt nice to be that way! I can give myself more time with tasks; I can jot things down and keep my calendar more written down and less in my head. I can bear down and remind myself that when I have trouble remembering a word, that is a small price to pay for not having a recurrence. I can let people see that I am a fallible human being. Because that has always been true even if I didn't want to admit it. Or it didn't feel so obvious. :)

    Every time I find myself searching for a word that just won't come, I promise to conjure in my mind's eye the image of my son, 11 years old and adorable. I can hesitate during lecture (and over-prepare instead of winging things so much) so that that little boy will have his mom around. I am a proud and stubborn person who did not want to change anything about myself because of cancer. Now I feel more like, maybe, I can be even prouder of myself if I let myself be changed. Such a struggle...

  • FastWalker
    FastWalker Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2015

    gemini4: Thanks for the reply. Sorry you are getting some symptoms. Do you think walking would help a little with the joint pain? The reason why I ask is because I have had back problems and walking seems to help me.

    ALittleBitBritish: Glad your side effects have worn off!

    ladyb1234: Sorry you have had a tough time on Tamoxifen. I am already getting symptoms. (Didn't think it was possible so soon . . .) It is making me nauseous, tired, light headed -- and I am getting a feverish warm feeling. (Not quite a "hot flash" yet - but I feel uncomfortably warm.) I have been taking it with food, as I find most pills are easier on a full stomach.

    willowreed84: I am getting dizzy too - like when I get up from a chair. Glad your dizziness has subsided! I am also thirsty as heck and can't seem to drink enough water. (But at least that is easily remedied, right?!) I can't even take vitamins on an empty stomach - so I fully concur. :)

    live_deliciously: Drink plenty of water. (I started tamoxifen on Friday and getting dizzy too.)

    slothabouttown: Originally they believed that more symptoms = more effective. Now, they are saying the original conclusion was wrong. So, hopefully, nothing to worry about. :)

    Professor50: Glad you are learning to not be as hard on yourself. It's definitely a difficult thing to learn - I can totally relate. When I was in my early 30s, I herniated 6 disks. It was life altering to say the least. At first, I was SO angry and frustrated that I could no longer do certain things. I discovered (with time) how to do some things differently -- and what activities I needed to forgo. I had to learn to be easier and more patient with myself - no easy task for a perfectionist. In time, you will learn too.

  • bbwithbc45
    bbwithbc45 Member Posts: 367
    edited September 2015

    I used to take my Tamoxifen mid afternoon for the first month, but then I switched to evening, and I take it with dinner. I don't know if I noticed much difference. I decided to take it with dinner, because I have to take baby aspirin with my Tamoxifen and it's easier on my stomach if I take it with food.

    I do get hot flashes and am not a fan of them. I am gaining some weigt too and not happy about it.

  • BreatheDeep
    BreatheDeep Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2015

    Hi Cmo65 , have you decided whether to take Tamoxifen or not yet? I've had my bottle a month and the radiation Dr. said I don't have any more time to hold off so I need to decide. I am still completely on the fence on this, I still can't decide whether the 5-6% chance it will give me of not having a recurrence are worth everything it will do to my body, whether I have SE's or not ;-(

  • gemini4
    gemini4 Member Posts: 320
    edited September 2015

    FastWalker -- yes, exercise definitely helps with my joint stiffness. Swimming or water aerobics has offered me the most relief, but any movement is good.

  • Sjacobs146
    Sjacobs146 Member Posts: 155
    edited September 2015

    regarding dizziness... I had it when I first started the tamoxifen, but I assumed it was related to my high blood pressure. I was fine when in an upright position, but laying down was a problem. It eventually went away on its own, so now I'm thinking it was the tamoxifen, and I adjusted to it

  • Astarte
    Astarte Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2015

    Yes, I will. I just have to pick up my tamoxifen from the pharmacy. I really hope it doesn't make me pack on the pounds. :/

  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239
    edited September 2015

    hi ladies has anyone ever had se from taxi fen with stomach aches and pain, feeling nauseas? I have tried taking it 3different times in past few years, I just can't tolerate it. I'm not sure if giving it a few weeks is best? I hate feeling this way, my stomach is gurgle with load noises, I feel pressure in pelvis. When I'm on the arimidex I feel great..

  • FastWalker
    FastWalker Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2015

    BBwithBC45 : I wouldn't be happy with hot flashes or weight gain either. :( I am thinking of taking baby aspirin since I have varicose veins, which raises my risk of blood clots. I will ask my PCP next month when I go for my annual physical. (My MO was non-committal - basically said it wouldn't hurt.)

    BreatheDeep: You could try Tamoxifen and if the side effects are intolerable, you can always stop. Did you do chemo? Some kind of systemic protection is important - that's why I ultimately decided to take Tamoxifen. (I didn't want to take it either, but didn't do chemo.)

    gemini4: So glad you found something that helps your pain! I LOVE aqua/water aerobics! Those classes really helped me to rehab after herniating spinal disks. What's great too is that it exercises the entire body - and it's fun. :)

    Sjacobs146: Glad your dizziness subsided. Mine happens when I get up from the chair or I bend over and straighten back up. Hopefully, mine will pass too.

    Astarte: I read Tamoxifen can give you either weight gain or weight loss. Let's hope we are in the weight loss category!

    B123: I sometimes feel nauseous. Taking it with food helps. Good luck!

  • Professor50
    Professor50 Member Posts: 86
    edited September 2015

    I don't want to be a downer but I have never heard of anyone losing weight on tamoxifen. I know it is in the prescribing information but someone here mentioned that a doctor at a crowded conference reported how a speaker said,"who has had a patient lose weight on a tamoxifen?" and only 1 doc raised his/her hand. Yes I am bitter :). I gained over 20 lbs on tamoxifen and have struggled ever since to get these extra pounds off. Working out insanely and counting calories. So far to little effect. ARGH!!! Sticking with it in any case. Last weekend I went out and bought some new clothes. I couldn't keep hating myself every time I look in my closet.

  • FastWalker
    FastWalker Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2015

    Professor50: I second your ARGHHHH! (Thanks for the warning though . . .)

  • bbwithbc45
    bbwithbc45 Member Posts: 367
    edited September 2015

    FastWalker, I'm at risk for blood clot too; I have a history of DVT. I started bruising easily and have bleeding with each bowel movement, so at my today's visit with the MO's office they told me to stop aspirin. I was not comfortable with this - I'd rather bruise than get a blood clot or a stroke, so we settled at taking the aspirin every other day.

  • FastWalker
    FastWalker Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2015

    BBwithBC45 I'm with you - a blood clot, stroke, etc., scares the stuffing out of me. I also have migraines with auras, which further increases my risk of a blood clot. I read this on regarding migraines:

    "i am 53 and had breast cancer with a lumpectomy and radiation to follow. i was put on tamoxifen also. i had a history of migraines, not very severe though. i was on tamoxifen for 6 months. my migraines increased daily and i had a stroke. 3 days later i had massive dvt blood clots in both legs and was in the hospital for 6 weeks. i was taken off the tamoxifen immediately when i had the stroke and clots as this is a side effect. my blood dr also did some genetic factors on the blood and found out i had the gene-variant prothombin or factor 8 which means i am predisposed to clotting. i would have never known this if this test was not done. the tamoxifen tipped it off. i should have never been on the tamoxifen. i am on coumadin for the last 9 months now.. i never regain full strength in my legs. i have to wear jobst stocking for the compression. the clots were so massive and deep into the veins that i had valve damage to my leg veins. they put an iv cava filter into my groin area which remains as to catch any clots from going to my lungs. so far so good since i have been off the tamoxifen. i kept telling my oncologist while i was on tamoxifen that head felt like it was going to explode. there are many class action suits going on with tamoxifen. did you read the usa paper dated july 27,28,29? there are articles concerning this dangerous drug. my girlfriend was on tamoxifen for 1 year and had clots in her arms. she was taken off of it also."

    Makes you feel like you are darned if you do and darned if you don't, doesn't it?! Do you think fish oil would be of any benefit to you? It is a natural blood thinner. (Ginger, turmeric, garlic, and vitamin E are also natural blood thinners, but I wonder how potent they may be . . . )

  • bbwithbc45
    bbwithbc45 Member Posts: 367
    edited September 2015

    Oh boy, now you are really scaring me FastWalker. I get infrequent migraines with auras, too. If they get more frequent, I'll have a talk with the MO.

    I'll have to ask him about fish oil too.