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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • veeder14
    veeder14 Member Posts: 274
    edited March 2018

    Hi DownNotOut,

    I had a relative who took Tamoxifen for 3 months and was terribly depressed the whole time and became suicidal, so the medication was stopped. After a couple of weeks she was back to her old self. So I guess depression and self harm are side effects.

  • Rhyfelwr
    Rhyfelwr Member Posts: 52
    edited March 2018

    I don't know about T causing depression. I do know that the SE's are making me more depressed!

  • Ghionik
    Ghionik Member Posts: 39
    edited March 2018

    Lack of good sleep from hot flashes every night would cause anyone depression!

  • vampeyes
    vampeyes Member Posts: 525
    edited March 2018

    Hey Everyone, has anyone experienced a "lump in the throat" feeling since starting tamoxifen? This started about a week ago and it's quite uncomfortable.


  • ThreeC
    ThreeC Member Posts: 70
    edited March 2018

    I have similar muscle spasms in my toes, shoulder and feet. I have defiencies periodically in calcium, vitamin D & magnesium. I chew a couple of TUMs and if the cramps stop, I know my calcium is off. If that doesn't work I take extra magnesium. With my toes, I grab them and force them back to normal position. All are very painful. My hot flashes have eased off a bit, but my left ovary is trying to get my attention.I had a physical with my gynecologist and he has ordered an internal pelvic U/S as I have a history of ovarian cysts.

    The fatigue can be overwhelming. I forgot to take my Tamoxifen Sunday night. I woke up Monday to the most beautiful morning. I decided to clean our porch. I got the hose, outdoor bleach, the hose, etc. and started cleaning off the floors, outdoor furniture, grill. I hadn't felt up to that chore in a year. It was wonderful.... all the pollen was gone. Just about 15 minutes before I was done, my DH came out and told me to stop. He said I looked like I was going to fall over. He was right, but it was wonderful feeling I could do a normal chore. I don't know if missing a pill gave me the energy or it was a fluke. Today, I could barely walk around the grocery store. Someone at the cancer Center told me the SE's of radiation were predictable and almost scheduled, where the side effects of hormone treatments were constantly changing and you never knew when they would start up. For me that has been true.

    The scariest side effect has been dizziness. My MO told me to drink as much fluids as possible because it was a SE and I needed more fluids. Thanks to all for sharing.... it makes it easier knowing we're not alone in these SEs.

  • Rhyfelwr
    Rhyfelwr Member Posts: 52
    edited March 2018

    Interesting notion of stealth SEs jumping out and catching you. There is such a collection of SEs to pick from! Mine have been pretty constant, but I am at the beginning of this, just 6 weeks in.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650
    edited March 2018

    There is NOTHING wrong with you. And have you heard of lightly salted chips...mmmmm yummy. Hang in Girl.

  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406
    edited March 2018

    The one SE of T that I wouldn’t mind having is stopping my period. Nope. More regular now than I ever was, but still having them. I’m 6 months in. If it was gonna stop them I think it would by now. They are lighter at least.

    Sleep has not been my friend for the past 6 months and I attribute that to the great T. I used to sleep so well. Now I wake up every few hours. I miss getting real rest. I know the sleep pattern is why I stay so tired. I’ve tried melatonin as well as a few otc seep aids. Still wake up every few hours. I am hoping that after my exchange surgery tomorrow that the sleep I get from being under anesthesia lets me feel better rested.

  • sm627
    sm627 Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2018

    Hi Tarenee,

    I totally understand what you mean about your periods being more regular then ever mine have been like that too since starting Tamoxifen.

    Sending you good thoughts and a smooth recovery with your exchange surgery today. Enjoy the good sleep too.Please let us know how you are doing.



  • pi-xi
    pi-xi Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2018

    I too have "enjoyed" the most regular periods I have had since the teens. One positive there.

  • Lewhy
    Lewhy Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2018

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has had this SE from Tamoxifen. I have a headache on the back of my head on the right side at the back of my skull. I had it the first couple of weeks after I started and then it went away, but now it's back. Between that and the night sweats and lack of sleep, it's making me crazy! Sorry for all of you having to still deal with your periods, ugh.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615
    edited March 2018

    I would be very interested to know how some of us still get our period on tamox and others of us (me) have an abrupt and sudden end.

    It would be easy to think that I was getting close to being menopausal and my periods were going to end anyway. But I had never had so much as a single hot flash, at 53, and no missed periods and no light periods. No. My periods were life controlling, soul destroying beasts that made me cower in my house for 6 days a month because nothing on the planet could deal with the carnage. They ruled my life! And then ...boop! ... gone.

    The other thing that is really starting to worry me is my hair falling out. Not thinning, leaving. I used to have massively thick hair. Ridiculous. The other day I noticed something weird as I looked in the mirror, what is that, what is going on with my hair? And I realized there was light coming through it from behind. Light NEVER used to be able to pass through my hair. Now it shines right through the few strands that I have left. The tub drain, the bathroom floor and counter, all my clothes and most of our food is covered with my hair. I stand as far back from the stove as possible since I never stop shedding and try not to get any hair in the spaghetti. We are pretty causal about it, just pick it out and keep eating.

    And all this on HALF a pill a day. What would happen to me if I took a full dose? I bet I'd explode.

  • shelabela
    shelabela Member Posts: 327
    edited March 2018

    Runor, sorry to hear your hair problem, do you take biotin? I take a daily 1000 tab. Might help.

    Lewhy, i have a headache daily. My MO is aware and told me to give it a few more months, if it gets worse she will address it. What ever the heck that means.

    About the period thing. I am 44 and haven't had a period since feb 2017. When i started chemo. In Jan i had blood work and was told i am in menopause. The blood levels were comparable to a 65 or older. Wow ok. Don't miss it that's for sure.

    I started talking Effexor for my hot flashes and night sweats. Seems to be helping some. I slept so good last couple nights. Yay no more cranky shellie!!! Lol

    Hope you all have an amazing day

  • GoKale4320
    GoKale4320 Member Posts: 580
    edited March 2018

    Runor - I have been taking evening primrose oil for the last 10 months or so. It helps with my hormones, skin and hair. In that time, my hair recovered from chemo (I cold capped so I still had quite a bit but it was SO thin and a few bald areas) and now I have more hair than I have ever had before chemo. Not sure how it will react with Tamoxifen, though. I am not on T but I still think about it bc my MO brings it up at every appt. I take some other supplements to help make up for it. Just posting here today in case Evening Primrose Oil might help you with your hair. I take 1000mg 3 times a day.

    Someone mentioned Biotin - that also is supposed to be helpful. I have not tried this.

    The other thing I did in the weeks after chemo was I used a little Jamaican Black Castor Oil on my scalp, eye brows and eyelashes for hair regrowth. I am pretty sure that helped, too.

    Hoping you find a remedy for your hair.

  • AdAstra
    AdAstra Member Posts: 51
    edited March 2018

    Shelabela, we’re the same age and I’ve been kicked into early menopause, too. I was complaining about body aches and pains to a co-worker who says she experiences the same things. The difference? I’m 44 and on tamoxifen; she’s 68. It dives me crazy that I feel so old and achy. I just survived breast cancer and want to be enjoying my life, instead I gently put my weight on my feet in the morning when I get out of bedbecause I know the joints are going to scream.

  • Rhyfelwr
    Rhyfelwr Member Posts: 52
    edited March 2018

    Does anyone here have more issues with yeast infections? Just curious. I don't know if atrophy issues contribute to that, either.

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2018

    Runor, at my house when someone complains about a hair in the food I reply with: shhhhh, everyone will want one! (Thank my Scottish grandma for that). Anyway, yeah, no periods shortly before diagnosis and definitely none since, good riddance I say! The hair episode started for me last year...(3 years in to tamox) and like you mine was so thick the army used it as nuclear bomb blocking shield. It’s like my scalp decided to go on Atkins. My NP, and my Onc point their fingers at tamox. I do too, matter o’ fact I GIVE IT the finger! I’m not holding my breath for a change when I finish up, but a nice regrowth ofshiny, silky, shampoo commercial like mane is much anticipated. Yeah, that’s what I’ll with me and my denial here!


  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 413
    edited March 2018


    I have been diagnosed with alopecia areata...fancy term for my two bald spots! Taking steroid shots every six weeks in the scalp and a topical steroid 2x per day. Using cosmetics to cover the spots. They say that my follicles are still functional but need a jumpstart. Biotin etc has no real effect for alopecia areata because it is an autoimmune condition. In regular people.. not on meds... it is us thought to be stress related but it is an underreported SE of tamoxifen. Hoping it will grow back this year sometime. The rest of my hair is strong. I just have these theories bald spots!

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2018

    Scrafgal - I tried biotin and found that increasing the dosage to 5000 per day instead of the 1000 (approved by onc) made my nails stronger, and hair a tad better after a few months. I went as far as 10,000 for a while (max onc approved) but noticed nails and hair getting I googled ‘too much biotin’ and you guessed loss as a side effect of overdosage. Great that’s all I needed! Once I got to the 5-6000 range i saw improvement. What dosage are you taking

  • redemptivesufferer
    redemptivesufferer Member Posts: 85
    edited March 2018

    I've been on Tamoxifen for 13 months. Thankfully, I haven't had the hot flashes or weight gain that many women report, but I do feel a pressure in my veins, especially in my hands (I'm also experiencing thinning skin and hair). It's to the point that I'm not sure that I want to continue taking it. It's something I plan to bring to the attention of my oncologist - though I may quit before my next appt. Anyone else experience the sensation of pressure in their veins? Thank you ~ Kim

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615
    edited March 2018

    Egads, I am all about the denial, far be it from me to burst your bubble.

    Thanks everyone for biotin and castor oil and other tips. And evening primrose. I am bad at taking supplements of any kind but now I have some suggestions when things get worse and yes, everyone DOES want a hair in their food.

    Redemptive, if you are feeling so bad you're thinking of going off tamox, I wouldn't wait for my next scheduled appt with the onc, but make one and go in early and tell him how miserable you are feeling. Maybe there's a simple fix (she says jokingly). But who knows? Maybe there is? I hope so.

  • Chiarara
    Chiarara Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2018

    Sleep- I have found a regime that works, and now get proper sleep every night. My problem was never getting to sleep, but I would wake up a lot, and have a lot of very shallow, restless sleep. This was going to be a dealbreaker for me, as it would affect my work if I was chronically sleep deprived.

    Regime details as follows:

    -take T in the morning

    -get 30 mins exercise (fast walking, jogging, weights, swimming) during the day- this makes a big difference to sleep quality, I find.

    -take 250 mg calcium and 100 mg magnesium with evening meal

    -have small snack (plain yogurt and hi fibre cereal) about 1 hour before bed (around 9pm), with sedative herb tea with some honey in it

    One other SE I’ve noticed, after about3 months on T- easier bruising. Apparently T affects how your blood platelets act. This is part of how it works, as the changes T causes make it harder for cancer cells to develop their own blood supply. So, whenever I see a new bruise, I think ‘good to see it’s working!’. However, doctor advised if you get a lot of bruises, get your platelet count checked!

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited April 2018

    Chiarara: Can you tell me what kind of tea you use?

  • humblepeace
    humblepeace Member Posts: 89
    edited April 2018

    Hi All,

    Did anyone hear that chamomile tea interacts with tamoxifen? Just curious. I believe I read it on one of the forums on this site.

  • Dlpaquette
    Dlpaquette Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2018

    I have been on Tamoxifen for 6 weeks, I am wondering if it is normal to have a follow up with your RO to discuss side effects? Mine habe me the script and made a a appointment to see the NP in 4 months. I just figured they would want took discuss it sooner but I guess not. So far the side effects are not fun but I feel I can suck it up. Between the severe muscle spasms, the joint pain that has significantly increased the pain in previous sore joints and causes even the healthy joints to hurt like my even elbow. Add the constipation that has never been a problem a I eat tons of salad, dry mouth and the miserable freezing but the second you try up warm up you go into a raging hot flash, I hate that lately the only choices are being extremely hot or being cold to the bones there is no warm.Add the lack of sleep and life is a picnic:( I am worried about how the exhaustion from radiation combined with the exhaustion from tamoxifen will leave me... I am working 40 hours a week the between travel to and from and the actual radiation I am on the go for 10 hours straight only to come home and make supper do laundry etc, I don't think I am going to be able to do it all if the radiation increases the exhaustion... right now I hit a brick wall at 2 to 3 pm and struggle to stay awake.

  • vampeyes
    vampeyes Member Posts: 525
    edited April 2018

    So why is it the longer we are on it the more side effects pop up? I am exactly 1 month today and within the last week the hot flashes have started, the bone chilling cold and the wonderful insomnia. I am soooo tired, miserable and frustrated. I miss my life before Cancer, I miss having energy. Funny thing is before I found the lump I thought I was tired, but with everything I did it was understandable, now I can't even vacuum my house without needing a break.

    Sorry for the rant, I am just so tired of being tired and feeling so lazy.

    Side note for the hot flashes, I keep a damp facecloth in the fridge and when the hot flash stirkes I put it on my neck to help cool me down.

  • shelabela
    shelabela Member Posts: 327
    edited April 2018

    dlp, i requested an appointment with my MO. They had me scheduled to come back at 3 months. Don't be afraid to call and tell them you want to see your MO. They work for you.

    I am tired all the time also. Hate it. I used to have so much energy. It is coming back slowly. But in the meantime I'm cranky. Lol

  • TWills
    TWills Member Posts: 509
    edited April 2018

    Love the washcloth in the fridge idea!

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Member Posts: 474
    edited April 2018

    This little gadget is a life saver when the hot flashes hit.....can hold the phone in your lap in a restaurant and direct the air up toward your face.image

  • sm627
    sm627 Member Posts: 142
    edited April 2018


    That looks amazing where did you find the lovely cell phone fan? I must get one for my co-worker she has horrible hot flashes.

    Hope you are staying nice and cool.

